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Stalking the Herd-March 30, 2014

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this is the origal story from local news before CNN got it. I yet to find links to the raw pics you may have to find the family the took the footage to get the raw pics...

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Chris take a look at this in this deer are clearly interacting with an unknown object I want to get the acual video so you can take a good look..
REALLY interesting! Let's dig up the original footage and have a good look. If this case is from Mississippi, it should be noted that MS is completely devoid of livestock (wildlife?) reports in all the data bases I used for STH. Hmm, good find! Let's take a look at the raw images...
unfortunately I cant find any more data than the news stories looks like the only way to see the raw footage is to contact the family in question.
Chris! I did some legwork! the phone number of the station involved is area code 228 896 1313
I called them up and spoke to don colepepper the guy who sent out the reporter! Mr Colepeppers direct number is 228 896 2563.
I feel it is best you contact him directly so I am not working as a middle man! I hope this helps you and he sounded skeptical But once you give him your cradentals I am sure you can open a door or two.
Bob Watson
Maybe. .if you get the raw footage it may be helpful. You have contacts just in case you want to pursue this case.

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Chris, I don't know what your on about saying nobody gives a shit - I thought it was an absolutely brilliant episode on a great topic and it has me itching to buy STH even more. Whose been a-naysaying?

I'd love for David to return also as it's plainly obvious he has so much more to say and it's heartbreaking to know his reluctance to do shows in general when there are so many fraudsters and B.S artists that will do hospital/college/high school radio and each and every podcast out there to spread their muck around, while a genuine bona-fide researcher with credibility, such as David, for whatever reason, decides to do little or no radio. It's-a-not-a-fair-ah!
the only problem I have with the lens flare idea is this image..

note the light and the deer interacting with the light.. here is the image of the object departing


Like I said sorry to hijack the thread but I do believe this warents more study by Chris.
To the Paracast Community from David Perkins

Many thanks for your kind words and positive feedback on the recent show I did with Christopher O'Brien (3-30-14). Chris and Gene are terrific hosts.
Paracast is a class act!

I hope that by now, most of you have obtained a copy of Chris' latest book Stalking the Herd. Not only is it THE definitive work on the cattle mutilation
phenomenon, but it is certain to alter the landscape of so-called paranormal research for years to come. Also, go back and read (or re-read) Chris' first
four books. They set the stage perfectly for his current monumental effort. The great achievement of STH is that it consolidates all the major data bases
and puts them in context under one roof for the first time ever. I'm reminded of the ancient parable of the six blind men who are asked to determine what
an elephant looks like. Each man is only allowed to touch one part of the animal's body. Naturally each man's description of the elephant varied wildly
depending on which part they touched. As Wikipedia succinctly puts it: "The parable implies that one's subjective experience can be true, but that such
experience is inherently limited by its failure to account for other truths or a totality of truth." In most things, the totality of truth is better than "truthiness".
Chris' book allows us to see the mutilation beast and its many facets in its entirety rather than in disparate bits and pieces. Seeing the sheer breadth, depth
and duration of the mutilation phenomenon in this way was rather shocking, even to me.

Wade Ridsdale and others mentioned our discussion of memes on the show. I suggest that you read my foreword to Chris' book Secrets of the Mysterious
Valley (1997) for the history of the UFO/mute meme. In his recent books, Chris has used memetics to analyze how reports of unusual phenomena are
generated and then disseminated into the culture. There are several good books on memes, but my favorite is Susan Blackmore's The Meme Machine (1999).
A highly regarded psychologist, Dr. Blackmore had previously been interested in the paranormal. Something changed and Blackmore destroyed her paranormal files in a dramatic act of self-inflicted Inquisition. Maybe that's what earned her CSICOP's Distinguished Skeptic's Award. Strange indeed. Nevertheless, her book clearly
lays out meme basics in a way that makes the concept easily adaptable to paranormal research.

As for me being a "full-blown Fortean"? Yeah sure, why not? I do have one beef with Forteans. They are very good at amassing mountains of data on anomalous
phenomena, but too often it seems like just weirdness for weirdness sake. Rarely do they even try to theorize about where it all comes from and what it all means.
Charles Fort himself seldom attempted to draw conclusions about the meaning of all the amazingly bizarre stuff he unearthed. His often-quoted "I think we're all property" statement is usually deployed by the ET Hypothesis contingent as evidence that we are "owned" by extraterrestrials. Whether Fort had reason to believe this in 1919, I don't know. Knowing how much he liked to knock pompous humans down a notch, it seems more likely that this was Fort's attempt at humor.

It seems that Fort was mostly interested in gleefully sticking his finger in the eye of the scientific establishment of his time. He liked to rant about "the monks of science"
who dwelled in their "smuggeries". In Lo! (1931) a perhaps more seasoned Fort says: "This is the fallacy of all sciences: scientists are scientific. They are inorganically
scientific. Some day there may be organic science, or the interpretation of all phenomenal things in terms of an organism that comprises all." For years I've been
trying to figure out what on earth Fort was talking about.

In his (very creative) post, Jeff Davis astutely observes that the mutes might be "the most tangible evidence of the paranormal ever studied." Animal mutilation
research is a veritable "embarrassment of riches" as the late Dr. Hynek used to say about ufology. I've often thought of the mutilations as a sort of paranormal
Rosetta Stone. If we can decode the language of the mutes, we'll have the key to unlocking the secrets of their "attendant phenomena". These phenomena include virtually every major unknown in the paranormal universe. A modest goal, but we'll never know until we try will we?

I also appreciated the imagery of Burnt State's comment: "There appears to be of a clearing in the paranormal woods that has been hacked back by these two."
It does feel like the publication of Chris' book has given us a little room to maneuver. Hopefully we won't have to spend so much time and energy refuting the skeptics' arguments that the mutes are merely the product of misidentified scavenger action and mass delusion. We are looking forward to the next book project where we plan to get down and dirty with a detailed examination of the evidence and the pros and cons of the theories in play. Who knows? If the creek don't rise and with a combination of hard work and blind luck, we might stumble on (dare I say the term) The Answer. Hope springs eternal...

Again, many thanks to you all !

David Perkins

I've often thought of the mutilations as a sort of paranormal Rosetta Stone. If we can decode the language of the mutes, we'll have the key to unlocking the secrets of their "attendant phenomena". These phenomena include virtually every major unknown in the paranormal universe. A modest goal, but we'll never know until we try will we?
Thanks for stopping by!

So, I gather that you guys concluded that mysterious things are going on, and that it's systematic ('the language of the mutes' is a 'key').

Furthermore, since you write 'paranormal phenomena', I gather that you feel that things are going on which are not caused by mysterious human behavior, but by actual paranormal (or alien) forces. (I wasn't quite sure from the Paracast interview tbh.)

Can you give any examples of cases which you guys see as truly paranormal in nature?
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In his (very creative) post, Jeff Davis astutely observes that the mutes might be "the most tangible evidence of the paranormal ever studied." Animal mutilation
research is a veritable "embarrassment of riches" as the late Dr. Hynek used to say about ufology. I've often thought of the mutilations as a sort of paranormal
Rosetta Stone. If we can decode the language of the mutes, we'll have the key to unlocking the secrets of their "attendant phenomena". These phenomena include virtually every major unknown in the paranormal universe. A modest goal, but we'll never know until we try will we?

I also appreciated the imagery of Burnt State's comment: "There appears to be of a clearing in the paranormal woods that has been hacked back by these two."
It does feel like the publication of Chris' book has given us a little room to maneuver. Hopefully we won't have to spend so much time and energy refuting the skeptics' arguments that the mutes are merely the product of misidentified scavenger action and mass delusion. We are looking forward to the next book project where we plan to get down and dirty with a detailed examination of the evidence and the pros and cons of the theories in play. Who knows? If the creek don't rise and with a combination of hard work and blind luck, we might stumble on (dare I say the term) The Answer. Hope springs eternal...

Again, many thanks to you all !

David Perkins

It really is a remarkably "eye opening" book with regard to the paranormal big picture. Prior to reading this book, I honestly, truth be told, had not come to the perspective or speculative conclusion that the cattle mutilation phenomenon was one of paranormal proportions. That is due precisely IMO to the most critical aspect of this incredibly comprehensive volume on the subject, and I just wanted to honestly thank you personally for revealing what it is that makes this book so undeniably view altering. At least it has been for me. This single design component *is* the books unbiased presentation of cases that fully support multiple hypothetical perspectives concerning the actuation and responsibilities contained by and within the phenomenon. This alone, occurring just as you stated David, as being that which is contained and presented "under one roof", is what gives the phenomenon it's seriously underlined paranormal edge. Again, what is mind blowing as revealed in this book is that we are allowed constant material evidence in direct support of such a paranormal orientation, while decisively understanding, or possibly more so accurately described as being that which gives way to, by means of the vast and considerable amount of information contained, the quality of investigative acceptance.

I wish I could describe in words how important this is with respect to what is a serious study of the paranormal. For years, and years, and a few more years, scientists and scoffers have been stating "where's the material evidence?". "If only we had a piece of one of those UFOs, those damn debunkers and skeptics would let us get on with this party." Well, here you have it boys, all the materials you can muster with respect to this little thing we call the paranormal and it's interactions with us, the animal human. Now tell me men, now that you have all this material to work with, precisely how much good has it REALLY done you? The bottom line here is that the paranormal does not exist within the confines of what we call material reality. It goes and comes from it at will, or it has nothing whatsoever to do with an independent volition, human or otherwise, and would seem to represent a phenomenal natural collective bi-product of our species cognitive relationship to and with consciousness.
Great show David. I hope you become a regular guest.

Given that the evidence of drugs, paint, radar chaff, gas-masks, and so forth have been linked to cattle mutes, isn't the most likely conclusion one that fingers a group of humans, most likely a well-funded and highly motivated group or agency within some governmental institution? Although no one has ever been "caught" could it be that perhaps they have been from time to time and through their government connections paid off or otherwise covered up those discoveries? People pay people off, they intimidate and coerce, they camouflage their illegal activities.

The paranormal angle seems to be the least likely cause in light of the evidence unless we have some paranormal cause producing "counter-evidence" as a screen, which just seems an incredible stretch.
David and Chris.:
Truly a breath of fresh air. To find serious inquiry into this mystery is refreshing. All to offen we have the like of Blake Cousins and Rick Dyer making mockery of the events i for one am glad someone is seeking the truth no matter where the truth leads to. .

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Good to hear from all of you! First a "housekeeping" issue. It's not accurate to say "you guys concluded" this or that. Christopher O'Brien and I are not a monolithic
entity. We are each working with our own sets of personal experiences, interpretations, biases and expectations. Although we agree on many aspects of the animal
mutilation phenomenon, we do have significant differences of opinion on other aspects. That's a good thing. A certain dynamic tension is healthy for any form of
productive inquiry. From my point of view, we sharpen each other's thinking about the many murky areas of the mute mystery. The views I express here are strictly
my own. OK that said...

An understandable question that runs through your commentaries is : What evidence would qualify the mutilations as paranormal events as opposed to the work of
clandestine human perpetrators? A detailed answer to that question is beyond the scope of this post, but may I suggest that you read Hunt for the Skinwalker (2005)
by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp. The book details the 8-year investigation of a Utah ranch by a world-class scientific team from the National Institute for
Discovery Science (NIDS). In addition to the cattle mutilations and disappearances at the ranch, the book covers over 100 high strange events such as; a variety of
UFO-type craft, intense poltergeist activity, entities of various stripes (including dog-faced humanoids who smoke cigarettes), Bigfoot-type creatures and other cryptids,
big cats and giant wolves who are shot at point-blank range with no apparent harm, and large holes that open up in the sky which disgorge both craft and creatures.
If these events can't be categorized as "paranormal" then I don't know what can. If this were the only case study of its kind, we could then file it under "Anomalous
Anomalies" or "Crazy Ass Aberrant Outliers" and forget about it. Maybe everyone out in the Uintah Basin is just nuts? Maybe it's bad water or psychedelic ergot in their bread?

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on one's point of view, the Skinwalker story is more the rule than the exception. The book also chronicles very similar case
histories in Dulce New Mexico and Elbert County, Colorado. Mystery Stalks the Prairie (1976) by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton, describing mutes and
"paranormal" events at and around Malmstrom AFB in Montana, eerily parallels the three case studies detailed in Skinwalker. NIDS also did a thorough scientific report on the mid-1970s weirdness outbreaks in Montana. To one degree or another, I've been involved in investigating all four of these "hot spots" and I've found the aforementioned reporting to be accurate to my knowledge.

Forum member trainedobserver comments that "evidence" such as gas masks, radar chaff, etc. found at mute sites indicates that the mutilations are the work of a
a "well-funded group of humans". Chris points out that such evidence is extremely rare and might possibly be the work of human agencies attempting to mislead
investigators and/or shape public perceptions of the events for reasons unknown. Indeed this is one possible scenario. Chris has also said that there may be
multiple perpetrators with multiple agendas behind the mutilations. I tend to see the mutes as "whole cloth" - one "force" with one basic agenda. Of course the jury is still out on this question.

As for trainedobserver's comment that it is "an incredible stretch" to think that some paranormal cause could produce "counter-evidence as a screen", hey the
entire mutilation phenomenon is a stretch! Maybe that's even the point of it - to challenge us and stretch our thinking abilities. There seems to be a bit of a logic breakdown here. If the paranormal source could produce the evidence in the first place, why couldn't it also produce the screen? We don't even know what the paranormal is, much less what it is capable of.

Whatever/whoever is behind the mutes appears to be quite sophisticated in the "arts" of stealth, deception and manipulation. Whenever one theory gets too "hot"
it seems that evidence is injected into the mix which starts everyone running in another direction: UFOs, helicopters, satanic cult sites, US Government-issue
paraphernalia, etc. The theories thus cancel each other out in the ensuing doubt and confusion and the public can casually dismiss the phenomenon as
irrelevant nonsense. Meanwhile the mutes stay slightly below the radar of the national and international media. I've has several national media outlets tell me
that they were afraid to touch the topic for fear of "getting egg on their face". Is this apparently masterful manipulation of events by "the mutilators" by design, or is it simply a cascade of coincidences?

As the years roll by and the number of mute cases continues to mount, I've found it increasingly difficult to view the mutilations as anything other than
a "paranormal" phenomenon. In case you're wondering, the evidence suggests to me that UFOs are fundamentally paranormal in nature. So... the list of usual
suspects is quite short. What human agency has the resources, expertise and technological capability to act with virtual impunity world-wide for at least 47 years?
What? No human fallibility? Never a mistake? A breakdown? An informant? Really? Frankly I would prefer that the answer was some human agency. Then at least we would have a decent shot at figuring it out eventually. But I don't suppose "the phenomenon" gives a flying cow flop what any of us would prefer, now does it?
It is what it is ... so let's deal with it.

I think Jeff Davis is on the right track in his conjecture that the paranormal is "a by-product of... consciousness." As the NIDS scientists tentatively conclude in the
last chapter of Skinwalker, science is being "forced" to "re-evaluate the fundamental nature of reality itself." Whether that re-evaluation is being unconsciously
instigated by ourselves through so-called paranormal phenomena, or whether it is generated by some intelligence which is truly "other" is, to me,
the real question.

Part of the reason I jumped on Chris' s work is that I was... and still are...intrigued by the idea that a closed system is responsible for much that we consider paranormal in nature, but have you ever came across anything that would make you think that such high strangeness events could be a byproduct of exotic technology or propulsion system that is introduced into our reality by an off planet entity ?