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Steven Greer

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At first, when I heard about Greer, after stumbling upon a google video of his, I was of the impression that he was like Stanton Friedman; that he was objective and looking at this from a scientific standpoint. I saw him bring witnesses to testify, and heard nothing about his own meditating channeling ufo's stuff.

So I went to his website, thinking 'wow, this guys got something here! He might just get congress to listen!'

but unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, he has posted the beginning of his book for free on his website, and the whole first half was....

....well that was the end of my faith in the man. Maybe he's being truthful, but after sniffing around for more info on him, it just got worse.
You might have to open up your parameters of what you THINK ufo contact would be like. I don't care if it doesn't fit into a neat little package, when it happens to you NOTHING will prepare you for it, so I suggest you try not to judge and just get on with your investigations.

Greer has done a lot bringing the ufo subject to the forefront in the media and bringing attention to it. He is just another human, fallible or infallible in the face of an an ENORMOUSLY IMPORTANT subject.
Scully said:
You might have to open up your parameters of what you THINK ufo contact would be like. I don't care if it doesn't fit into a neat little package, when it happens to you NOTHING will prepare you for it, so I suggest you try not to judge and just get on with your investigations.

Greer has done a lot bringing the ufo subject to the forefront in the media and bringing attention to it. He is just another human, fallible or infallible in the face of an an ENORMOUSLY IMPORTANT subject.

A lot of that attention is negative however and to turn a blind eye and not hold him accountable for claims he makes time and time again is worse than being judgmental.

Interesting how people who "judge" Greer get judged for it. I see this from time to time.

Too bad Steven Bassett doesn't head CSETI.

Unfortunate Edgar Mitchel left, due to Greer's ways.

It's one thing to make mistakes, but Greer may very well be a liar.

Summary and related links of some of Greer's "mistakes"




For someone heading something called "The Disclosure Project", he sure likes to withold evidence, sources, and video.
I wasn't replying to you LeClair, but to the other poster. You appear to have absolute hatred for Greer and grandstand your position here any time you can. I have seen and read those links before, and can see the writer and accumulator of that website sees himself as THE ANSWER to all things ufological. Forgive me if I don't bow down to his opinions (or yours).
I suggested to the person above that he just continue his investigations without making pre-emptive suppositions on how it all works.

And I'm not about to get into a line by line, point by point re-iteration of his scathingly hateful posts directed at Dr. Greer. Been there, done that.
None of you here, pushing your negative belief systems..... have probably ever been on the inside of some of the Disclosure Project witnesses or know Dr. Greer very well. I have defended him here before.

I suggest you both continue your investigations without this blind hatred and judgement. I might further add that aligning yourself to skeptical negativity MIGHT have you miss some of the more subtle beauties in this field that are only apparent to those who maintain and open and unbiased mind.
Scully said:
None of you here, pushing your negative belief systems..... have probably ever been on the inside of some of the Disclosure Project witnesses or know Dr. Greer very well.

None of us could afford to at the rates he charges.

We have open minds, Scully. Present us with evidence and we'll evaluate it. That's what "open minded" means, not dismissing things out of hand. It does NOT mean blindly accepting someone else's viewpoint simply beacuse it sounds appealing.

Bias is a different matter, it's impssible to ignore. I have mine, you have yours. You can't get rid of bias, you can only change it but change requires reason and so far Greer has given me none. Keep the groovy love scene back in the far out 60s where it belongs, man.
I agree and disagree with you scully. You're right, I DON'T know how this works, and I DON'T know whether what Greer says is how it all really happens. but I have read thousands of different ideas and different perceptions and different people's experiences, and how do I know his is right when many of them condradict the others?

I assure you, my mind is very much open, but I'm not going to gulp down something after a small amount of research just because it sounds good or is plausible.

I very much appreciate SOME of his work, particularly the disclosure project. I do not appreciate sticking mysticism into the mix to have something more to put into a book, and keeping information from people when your entire ufological career is about disclosure. You should try to get the UFO's recognized BEFORE you go telling everyone about your weird experiences, regardless of whether you believe them to be true, because inevitably it will get the field laughed at and shrugged off yet again. Afterwords is the time for that stuff, when people might actually be ready to accept it, if its real at all. Sometimes you need an actual strategy.
This is for CaptG:
You said: "so far Greer has given me none", and I'd have to say to you....haven't you been been paying attention at ALL??
givinguptheghost said:
I agree and disagree with you scully. You're right, I DON'T know how this works,....how do I know his is right when many of them condradict the others?

You have a very good point, and thanks for voicing that opinion. Because someone not directly affected by a ufo experience, basically has to accept that on faith.

I do not appreciate sticking mysticism into the mix to have something more to put into a book, and keeping information from people when your entire ufological career is about disclosure.

This is also a very good point.
But the person on the other end only has their own thoughts and beliefs on which to base his own assumptions, therefore what you want to see or expect, is based upon another person's assumptions of their own experience, on which the whole ufological experience is based. Disclosure is the compilation of others thoughts, beliefs and experiences. We're back to the beginning....which came first, the chicken or the egg?

You should try to get the UFO's recognized BEFORE you go telling everyone about your weird experiences, regardless of whether you believe them to be true, because inevitably it will get the field laughed at and shrugged off yet again. Afterwords is the time for that stuff, when people might actually be ready to accept it, if its real at all. Sometimes you need an actual strategy.

You just answered your own question. It HAS become the strategy in his case. And if I engineered a position and had to present it as a whole pie for the public to consume so they had to believe me, I'd have to include the banal and the exotic, the inevitable mysticism that the THE EXPERIENCE
Scully said:
This is for CaptG:
You said: "so far Greer has given me none", and I'd have to say to you....haven't you been been paying attention at ALL??

Have you? Greer's mystical slant is no different than the contactee movement stuff, no different than Mr. Blow-my-own-Horn and his gang, it's touchy-feely nonsense. The more I learn the less impressed I am and I'm thoroughly depressed when I read statements like this:

Scully said:
Disclosure is the compilation of others thoughts, beliefs and experiences.


Disclosure is the presentation of evidence, be it in the form of witness testimony, video or audio recordings or physical documentation, with corresponding accounts of other witnesses, documents and/or recordings that coroborate it.
While reading Capn's latest reply I noticed Scully's definition (or description if you rather) of disclosure as well as Capn's. Just wanted to throw this out for whatever it's worth.

From the front page of the Disclosure Project site:
Sirius Disclosure |

"The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret. "

Notice, "fully disclose the facts". I'll let you all decide if that means "beliefs" or not.

I won't go into the non profit aspect....
I can see your point of view, and I can see mine.
After being in the ufo field for 30 years, talking to both civilian and military witnesses, I can say you HAVE been given a great deal of information already from the Disclosure Project and many other writers. If Steven still is withholding information, maybe he has no framework in which to put it, or anything to back it up. Those cases exist. It's called high strangeness.

But that's not good enough for you. You want to see "the proof". And I have said elsewhere here the government is NOT going to hand you that proof, not only to avoid panic from the crybabies who NOW want to know WHAT they're going to do about it, but because they have no framework to put it in.

Everything here on earth that comes from on high.........from organizations or clubs, or banks, or governments, etc....has STRUCTURE, and a stated group of rules. It has FORM. It has FUNCTION. So the masses can understand it, follow it, etc. So now you guys are knocking me for my mention of a belief structure (to some extent) that HAS to surround the subject. Look at all the bizarre and wonderful things that have purportedly happened in the past....it's in our Bible and there is a religion structured around it.

I said, and I re-iterate:
"But the person on the other end only has their own thoughts and beliefs on which to base his own assumptions, therefore what you want to see or expect, is based upon another person's assumptions of their own experience, on which the whole ufological experience is based. Disclosure is the compilation of others thoughts, beliefs and experiences. We're back to the beginning....which came first, the chicken or the egg?":confused:
Scully said:
But that's not good enough for you. You want to see "the proof". And I have said elsewhere here the government is NOT going to hand you that proof, not only to avoid panic from the crybabies who NOW want to know WHAT they're going to do about it, but because they have no framework to put it in.

Government? This is about Greer. If GREER has the proof then GREER should DISCLOSE it or bring forth the people who can. Enough with the carrot on a string crap.

Scully said:
Look at all the bizarre and wonderful things that have purportedly happened in the past....it's in our Bible and there is a religion structured around it.

Yes and if we had found a copy of Moby Dick in those caves instead of the dead sea scrolls, it'd be structured around white whales and kids would listen to heavy metal and call out "hail Ahab!" Bizarre yes, wonderful sure, a reason to abandon rational thought and reasonable expectations, NO.

I'm frankly a little fed up with this I-know-something-you-don't-know attitude of yours, Scully. If you've got something to say, SAY IT.
CapnG said:
a reason to abandon rational thought and reasonable expectations? NO.
I'm frankly a little fed up with this I-know-something-you-don't-know attitude of yours, Scully. If you've got something to say, SAY IT.

You are certainly the one to talk.
Of all the posters here, you are the one bellowing the loudest against Greer.
Very confrontational.

As if he holds this secret just to make you mad.
Frankly, I've explained myself elsewhere here before, but you cannot follow my thought processes and I won't be drawn in by your "rational thought and reasonable expectations" presentations. Personally, you should take that up with Greer or your government.
Good luck. :cool:
Scully said:
You are certainly the one to talk.
Of all the posters here, you are the one bellowing the loudest against Greer.
Very confrontational.

Naturally, I have a very low tolerance for time wasters. To say I don't suffer fools lightly would be a considerable understatement.

Scully said:
Personally, you should take that up with Greer or your government.
Good luck. :cool:

I'm taking it up with YOU because a) Greer is unreachable and b) your defense of him is apparently based on personal knowledge which (surprise, surprise!) you're unwilling to share but feel is worth lording over the rest of us, assuring us that we'd "understand" if we simply changed our "negative belief systems".

Bullcrap. What's next, gonna sprinkle us with pixie dust and tell us to think happy thoughts?
I like to share my thoughts on Steven Greer, and I speak from a general impression.
I think this is an honest person who puts a lot of effort into getting the government into revealing what it knows or get it into action to find out who is controlling this information.
For the critical part on his calling the aliens ect(also with a lot of other personalities), it reminds me to a Keel book it seems that the phenomenal itself (and/our that secret government) is responsible for feeding these ideas to these persons to neutralise the risk they pose for public opinion. Our to state it different these people tell the truth but this truth is fed by the phenomena which makes sure these events and/our information damage their credibility.
Like to hear/read anyone's thoughts on that...
Ps Really enjoy listening to the paracast, very stimulating.
What's so hard to believe about him simply being a kook?

What do you think of his claim he can levitate?

One thing Greer has proven over and over again, is he can make wild claims without backing them up.
It may be easy to critique some of Dr. Greer's methods, but he seems to have a certain tenacity as regards matters UFO.
There was a flash of brilliance which culminated in the Disclosure Project.
Those were proud times for we who continue to care.
That Greers Cseti does not recieve the monetary handouts Fraudster Seth Shostak of SETI does is lamentable.
Did I just call SETI a fraud? You bet your sweet bippy I did.
Shostak let it slip several years ago that if SETI ever DID recieve a signal meeting it's snake oil specifications, the public would not be informed.
That's right.
How many hours of computer time has SETI stolen from YOU? When I quit letting one of my machines serve as a full time numbers cruncher dedicated to processing SETI's raw data they were into me for tens of thousands of hours.
Made any contributions to SETI?
Well, unless you are good old Uncle Sugartits, you were defrauded.
Seti always promised that we'd know.
All we ever got so far was the WOW signal, and a bunch of hooey.
Aricebo, while being a "sure enough VLA", isn't really much of a bargain...I mean considering that we peons won't be told of any worthwhile information until our nanny state decides we just might be able to keep from soiling our underoos should we be told of repeating signals, and wonder of wonders, one period specific transmission has been happening for years, always within a defineable timetable, but SETI couldn't be bothered to tune back in to listen for it during many cycles.
Golly Batman, we've been Zonked!
But Wait!
If Batman were getting Zonked or Zowied on say the Lemuria network, we'd have missed almost the whole series.
You can bet the Venutians watched every episode of "The Life of Riley", and you don't think they failed to "Harken back to the days of Yesteryear" with the "Lone Ranger" do you? I'll bet'cha "My Favorite Martian" sparked a UFO flap on Saturn, and "I love Lucy" has probably popularised Conga drums throughout countless galaxies...I'll bet eight armed Arcturian Kids are the envy of all the more mundane two and three armed performers of Babbaloo.
I won't even go into how many civilizations are waiting for the "Star Trek's" Enterprise to enter a parsect near them, shucks (Andy Griffith) they may have search parties out looking on their side of the wormhole.
And still SETI, that most unfaithfull of servants holds out it's silver cup..."Won't You Please Help?". Fraud, pure and simple.
I can see how Dr. Greer might feel a little "english" on his spin can be forgiven.
Ok, pocket protectors in place?
Set Phasers on humiliate, since you can bet those pinchers of purloined purses over at The SETI League should arrive any time to announce that we are a crazy paranormal cult.
Nobody likes admitting they've been had.
Look at the bright side, we can offer them immunity if they'll testify on Shostak and the rest of those funds hijackers.
Wonder how much poo has been flung DR. Greer's way by Shostak?
Just what I've heard is actionable.
Hey Seth....bite me tenderly biatch, I may decide to refer you to a LOCAL grand jury, because you are running a constructive fraud.
Disrupters engaged, and we're bringing her around, threat level arsebiter.
Maybe we can get a nerd jihad to start saying really stupid things.
I have a LOT of criticism for Greer, his methods and beliefs are over zealous. But considering his position and if he has really talked to all the people he say's he's talked to in the shadow government it's hard to blame the man for sounding loony. Near anyone would sound loony if they were in his spot.. Who else in the UFO field has made every attempt imaginable to come into direct contact with individuals in shadow government?
Who? I haven't come across anyone else who's attempted anything of the sort.

I certainly don't think he's a fraud. He strikes me as quite honest, though dismayed and possibly delusional. He has a narrow tight view of the universe. People have to understand that many if not most children who have had such a profound NDEs at a young age (like Greer).. It effects you for life.

You know gods, you know the astral realms, you know knowledge from other worlds. It effects every aspect of your life. He can meditate and reach unity mind within a few short minutes. Most people on Earth will never experience this even once in life yet alone be able to do it on command.

It's mind numbing to hear about this sort of thing without knowing it for yourself. But it's the truth. Rather people with abilities like this are a delusion or not, doesn't matter to what I'm saying. They believe it.

For someone like Greer, disclosure has already happened; their disclosure. He clearly doesn't care about photographs. To him it would be an insult to these aliens he's had contact with to ask them to pose for photos. He doesn't care about getting proof from them, he sees it in the hands of men. This is how it's always been.

The many enlightened races aren't going to come down and say: "Take me to your leader!" We don't have a leader. There are many governments, go to one and you alienate the rest. It would be moronic for them to give us technology beyond our years of societal evolution. It would be moronic for them to suddendly announce themselves over every TV on the planet.

Would inteligent beings that have been around for millions of years spread their beliefs and presence like Christians of the crusades?

Or would they lean back like Buddhist masters and allow people to make up their own minds (except when you confront them directly in earnest to learn)?

I think Greer is correct to a degree in his approach, that's to approach all advanced races in peace. Under any circumstance how is approaching them with fear or predjudice going to be a good thing? They could obviously crush us like flies.. The way I see it (for the majority) the only beings that would survive long enough for interstellar travel would be enlightened beings who naturally wouldn't give a crap about forcing their beliefs on others and beings like the grays which are said to be lacking in emotions and very robot like. Personally from all that I've read IMO interstellar travel and dimensional travel are intertwined; you can't have reasonable interstellar travel without shifing out of this universe. So interdimentional versus alien?
Same thing.. doesn't matter.. Either way there's going to be universe shifiting, either way they are inteligent and NOT US and that's what defines alien..

Another point I'd like to make..
I find it strange how many people think that making money off of books, cds and dvds is some overtly suspicious thing. Disclosureproject.org is non profit and watched heavily. Greer has pointed out many times that any money he earns is for the site, for general costs, organizing lectures, getting information to senators and primarily energy access systems. He has said many times that now their focus is disclosure by taking the race to free energy into civilian hands.
This looks like a dead-thread, but I just listened to the Paracast interview in the car this morning, and wanted to make one additional comment:

Towards the end of the interview, Gene and David asked Dr. Greer about his CSETI get-togethers. Dr. Greer was shocked, stunned, and actually seemed a little angry, that someone would question his motives, or that someone would allege that he might be in it for profit. He actually responded by asking, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Who asked that question!?...Who would ask such a questions!?" And then he went into a heated rant about how UFO researchers don't really make any real money off of their research...The only people who profit are those that produce disinformation, fear-mongerers, and bogus story-tellers.

Frankly, I'm a little insulted by his response.

The facts, Dr. Greer, are this: You are selling a book; You are selling memberships, books, videos, lectures, workshops, and weeklong expeditions at CSETI.ORG. In each interview I've heard, you haven't hesitated to market those products, and remind everyone of where and when we can obtain your materials.

It doesn't really matter whether or not you are making a six figure salary off of any of this...It doesn't matter that it doesn't come near to your prior income as an ER physician. That only matters if I'm your accountant.

Gene and David asked Dr. Greer a fair, legitimate question, and I think personally, he responded with an unreasonable degree of anger and animosity. I think his response demonstrated some degree of ignorance about the rest of us. I think that Dr. Greer does not fully grasp and respect the insight of the question posed.

This just adds to growing concerns about Dr. Greers credibility. The 2001 disclosure project was amazing: Independent testimony from solid, irrefutable witnesses, as to the ET reality. I'm not satisfied that we got a straight answer when David and Gene asked him, "What happened?"

My observation is that Dr. Greer is his own, worst enemy, and I wonder how participants might feel now, six years later. A lot of people seemed to have put their reputations, careers, and perhaps much more on the line, for Dr. Greer and his 2001 effort. I wonder how they feel now, about the idea of flashlights and meditation, as the "next step" in disclosure for Dr. Greer.

I find all of this very sad, actually. The paranormal field never seems to get a break.
Dr. Greer is indeed his own worst enemy. I am not sure that many people in the real world are willing to listen to what he has to say. He spends way too much time and energy spouting conspiracy and government cover up this really turns most people off. Instead of listening to the information and research (which he has a some very creditable information and researchers that he has brought together) people are thinking this man is just crazy - and I don't even want to get started with this CSETI junk. For all the good work he may have put together over the years - it really means nothing if the public thinks you're a crackpot and delusional. They just ignore anything you have to offer after that.

At this point I think he needs to turn his research and materials over to some more creditable researchers in the field and take a good long break. Maybe even make some amends publicly to improve his tarnished image or just retire all together.