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Jon Ronson
Ronson's book,The Men Who Stare at Goats, claims that U.S. armed forces are heavily engaged in paranormal research and training. Unfortunately, the excerpt links on his site no longer seem to be working, but the review links are still up.

Jon Ronson is a fine writer, a courageous researcher, and his book is terrific - funny, witty and disturbing. He would make a great Paracast guest. I'd put him at the top of the list.

And why not Steven Novella? Who's afraid of the big, bad skeptic? He's also Yale faculty, and I think you'd find much to agree on, as well as some sharp points of contention.
Please invite Randal Nickerson and Dominique Callimanopulos to The Paracast (maybe with Will Bueche to talk about Mack and the state of his Institute). It would be most interesting to know how the film is progressing and how the preview below went. Gene and David have the right style to make this an awesome show.

Boston Event June 12, 2009: Filmmaker Randy Nickerson Previews Encounter in Ruwa: The Ariel School Sighting Documentary Film

In 1994, Pulitzer-prize winning Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John E. Mack went to Zimbabwe, Africa to investigate an unusual occurrence. One morning in September 60 children at a small private school outside the capital of Harare reported seeing oval shaped objects hover over their playground at recess and strange beings make their way across their schoolyard.

Encounter in Ruwa: The Ariel School Sighting is the story of Dr. Mack’s research and the journey a young film maker took up 14 years later—retracing Dr. Mack’s footsteps and research and ultimately uncovering evidence of a much more widespread incident.

We invite you to a presentation and screening of some of the first and latest footage shot about this record of “extraordinary experience”.

Dr. Mack put his reputation on the line when he publicly explored the UFO and alien abduction phenomenon in the 1990’s. Almost 5 years after Dr. Mack’s death, and 17 years after he began his research, what do we make of this phenomenon?

Encounter in Ruwa is one of the most dramatic examples of the phenomenon, reported by some of the most credible witnesses. Come keep us company for an evening of heady exploration, fascinating unseen film footage, and a first hand account of this absorbing case by Randy Nickerson, who retraced Dr. Mack’s footsteps. Dominique Callimanopulos, who traveled with Dr. Mack to Africa in 1994, will also be present.

Date: Friday, June 12, 2009
Place: 38 Cameron Avenue, Cambridge, MA
Time: 7-9pm
RSVP: [email protected]
Donations are appreciated and will contribute to the completion of this film.

Encounter in Ruwa
I think Nickerson would be an excellent guest, I met and had dinner with him and some other lovely folks recently, and asked him to come on the show. Now that he's through the Boston screening, I'll touch base with him and ask him again. Good call, he's got some fascinating personal experiences, and I found him to be quite credible and sincere.

I apologize if I've already mentioned it here, but Tracy R. Twyman would make for a good show.
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I apologize if I've already mentioned it here, but Tracy R. Twyman would make for a good show.
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She was on Binnall a few weeks ago. You heard it yet? I keep meaning to get around to listening to it.

It's like 3hrs too.
She was on Binnall a few weeks ago. You heard it yet? I keep meaning to get around to listening to it.

It's like 3hrs too.
Yeah, I checked it out. It was a good episode. They cover a pretty broad range of topics.
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Andrew Pike, an astrophysisist in the UK, who has had five ufo sightings of his own, has been associated with scientific analysis of the RFI from its beginnings. He also wrote a book on RFI that is technical in nature.
I think Bob Emenegger has an interesting story to tell. His 1974 documentary, UFOs: Past, Present and Future, had a lot of U.S. military involvement during production, including a commitment (withdrawn at the end of production) to hand over footage of saucers landing at a military base. This would have been disclosure, and I often wondered why, provided his story is accurate, the government backed out of disclosure at the end of the project.
I'm not sure if many people have heard of her...Cynthia Hind. She was pretty much the only serious UFO and paranormal investigator in Africa for many years. All her research is available online in pdf booklets at ufoafrinews.com. She was in the thick of things with the Ariel School UFO encounter in '92. There's a good documentary she filmed there...
She also researched the alleged UFO recovery at Karala and decided it was a hoax by a similar guy to Doty.

There's a guy, Gunter Hofer, that worked with her and now runs the website. He's based in England now. He could have a lot of interesting stories. Either way, Cynthia Hind is a legend in my book and we never seem to hear much out of Africa.
I don't know if anyone has suggested her before but how about Dr. Joye Pugh? I personally believe that her ideas are complete crap and her "evidence" is even worse. She has never been called on her crap evidence on her appearences on C2C (no surprise there) or any other show she has been on.

Honestly I would just like to hear her actually have to defend her belief that Prince William of England is the clone of christ and that he was cloned from blood taken from the shroud of turin. Her main evidence for her anti-christ theory is at the following link dr. joye pugh research The fact that she finds this to be such concrete evidence proves she has a screw or two loose.
One of the best documented -- and perhaps least publicized -- cases in UFO history is the case from Trumbull County, Ohio on the evening of December 14, 1994. The initial UFO was sighted around midnight in Liberty Township, a relatively wealthy suburb just north of Youngstown. Numerous citizen calls went into the 911 dispatch center, all of which were recorded and subsequently publicly released (now on the internet). Liberty Township police officer Toby Meloro had his cruiser shut down, followed by a light shining down on him, when he unwittingly drove underneath the craft in response to the calls (all the police dialogue is likewise captured on the 911 tapes). The 911 dispatcher was Roy Anne Rudolph, and the researcher who broke the case is Kenny Young from Cincinnati.

A total of 15 officers, from four or five different police jurisdictions, saw the craft. One officer from Brookfield Township climbed a water tower and saw that in fact they were dealing with three separate craft. Prior to this the craft were hovering a mere 50 feet or so off the ground, all in residential neighborhoods.

The incident was profiled on "Unsolved Mysteries" years ago and can be found on YouTube in three parts, entitled "UFO in Trumbull County Ohio 1994".

If you can find the guests, this would be an excellent show featuring front line witnesses, which could be supplemented with the actual 911 recordings. Art Bell did a show on this back in the 1990's, and the Paracast listeners may likewise find it fascinating.

Tom from Ohio
Kenny Young passed away about 5 years ago- though I agree that that might be an interesting case to revisit. I think this is another interesting case he looked into:
Kentucky UFO Sightings and Screaming Sounds Linked
Essentially, a college professor and his two sons witnessed a ufo. Later in the evening the two sons went outside and heard a woman screaming. "Help me, Oh God, Help me" The fire department and rescue squad were called and tried to find the woman.
I've mentioned this before but I wonder if Kelly Cahill would be willing to go public with her story one last time. She did a speaking and interview tour some time ago and wrote a book, Encounter. But then she appears to have dropped out of public view. I consider her story to be one of the most convincing abduction cases on record, right up there with Allagash, the Hills, Pascagoula, etc. But her case isn't quite as well known as those others. Although I've never been able to read her book, it's nearly impossible to find, I've read in other accounts that she has had other experiences beyond the one she is primarily known for. So perhaps quite a bit more has happened. Like I said, I haven't known of her to do any interviews in a while but because a podcast is nothing but a long phone call who knows? Maybe she could be contacted through Bill Chalker.

Btw, the next two shows look great. Can't do better than Ted Phillips and Phil Imbrogno back to back.

---------- Post added at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

Speaking of great abduction cases from a while ago I'd also love to hear from the Allagash four again. As with Kelly Cahill I have no idea if these guys are interested in talking about it anymore. But many people currently interested in this subject have never gotten to hear from these people except in material complied quite some time ago.

---------- Post added 07-28-2010 at 12:08 AM ---------- Previous post was 07-27-2010 at 10:48 PM ----------

Speaking of how rare that book is, Encounter by Kelly Cahill, I just did an online search on a site that searches through the databases of many of the public libraries in my area. Nothing. Seems like I'm never going to be able to read it. :(
On the recent episode with David Hatcher Childress he mentioned Chris Dunn, the author of "Giza Power Plant" book. I'd really like to hear Chris on the show and let him present his thoughts about the Egyptian Pyramids purpose. Just search "Giza Power plant" on Youtube to get a picture of what kind of ideas he has.
As unlikely as it would be I would love to hear Stanton Friedman. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist at GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas working in such highly advanced, classified, eventually cancelled programs as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and various compact nuclear powerplants for space and terrestrial applications. He became interested in UFOs in 1958, and since 1967 has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in 50 U.S. states, 9 Canadian provinces and 16 other countries in addition to various nuclear consulting efforts. He has published more than 90 UFO papers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident. TOP SECRET/MAJIC, his controversial book about the Majestic 12 group, established in 1947 to deal with alien technology, was published in 1996 and went through 6 printings. An expanded new edition was published in 2005. Stan was presented with a Lifetime UFO Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in 2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. He is co-author with Kathleen Marden (Betty Hill’s niece) of a book in 2007: Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. His views and incite into the UFO filed would be very interesting to hear on the paracast.

Another person that would be interesting to hear but unlikely to get a hold of and even if you could would most likely say no to an interview would be Bob Lazar. Bob Lazar claims to have worked from 1988 until 1989 as a physicist at an area called S-4, located near Groom Lake, Nevada, next to Area 51. According to Lazar, S-4 served as a hidden military location for the study and possible back engineering of flying saucers . Lazar says he saw nine different discs there and provides details on their mode of propulsion. His critics have asserted that "Lazar's credibility crumbled" after "schools he was supposed to have attended had no record of him, while others in the scientific community had no memory of ever meeting him".<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"></sup>