wait a few more months. obama is not our saviour. he is a judas goat.rememember Obama has 76% approval rating
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wait a few more months. obama is not our saviour. he is a judas goat.rememember Obama has 76% approval rating
I look at it this way.
What better person to put the blame on, when it comes to an Epic Failure of the American Economy?
We watched an unprecedented shift and redistribution of wealth from the United States, to The Middle East, over the last 8 years. The thing that is most interesting, is WHO was enriched on the backs of the American People.
Right now, they're trying to ram through legislation that will take the firearms away from MILLIONS of people who are just your regular run of the mill sportsmen, or hunters. All because there is a concerted effort to remove that threat to government.
turning us into the beginning stages of the third Reich.
Serious question: Do you honestly believe that the people who have access to unmanned drones, over-the-horizon mortars, non-lethal microwave weapons and satellites that can read a newspaper from space actually care if John Q. Public has a pop gun in his dresser drawer? And that's just the stuff we know about, not taking into account whatever the hell they're rolling out of places like Area 51 (aliens or not) RIGHT NOW.
You want to fight for your rights, that's fine I get that. But you do yourselves a disservice by assuming your enemy will be kind enough to present you with a target.
Technically fourth or (given the Bush family history) a continuation of the third. Take your pick.
There will always be a need for boots on the ground. There will always be a need for people to assert dominance, and you simply cannot do that from above. There will ALWAYS be targets of opportunity, and they ALWAYS have to show themselves sometime.
just off the top of my head, Germany was not so powerful just before it became "evil", or more accurately, ruled by an evil man and his choir...
Their money was so worthless, they would take wheelbarrows of notes to the store just to buy a loaf of bread; often, when they arrived, their currency had devalued so much, the money they had wheelded down there, was no longer enough to pay for that loaf.
Germany was on its knees, broke, starving, and unable to see any hope for a future for their children.
Hitler began orating, drawing crowds, fixing blame on a particular group of people in their society, at first, alluding to an anonymous group, then as he was given more credibility, and more loyal followers, he began to be more specific. He pointed his finger here, there, and most specifically, towards the Jews. The rest of the non-Aryan types were not exempt, as witness what was done to Poland.
Before WWII, he had most of the people in Germany, if not accepting, then allowing through fear of retribution, his statements that all the country's ills could be cured, if they would just clean up their bloodlines.
THAT is why that evil man was able to take so much power; he found somebody in the minority to blame for all the ills befallen their country and they looked upon him like a saviour, blindly following him towards prosperity and the almighty buck, until he had them by the throat. At that point, even though they recognized what he had done and was doing, they could not openly fight back.
That is what I remember from school.
What I get from that now that I am older, is that worshipping security, money, possessions, only makes you vulnerable to doing whatever is expedient to protect retention of same.
Giving the masses something to blame their woes on is an ongoing tactic. Substitute terrorists for Jews, and the panic and fear created after the destruction of the World Trade Center is rather similar, would you agree?
I think the Chinese government sucks just as bad as the U.S. government...they just don't bother with prettying up the picture so much. Wouldn't surprise me a bit to find out both teams are in bed at the top.Title: Chinese gear up to buy U.S. homes
The applicants include real estate professionals who want to investigate in the U.S. real estate market, and parents who want to buy houses for their children studying or to study in the United States.
I think the Chinese government sucks just as bad as the U.S. government...they just don't bother with prettying up the picture so much. Wouldn't surprise me a bit to find out both teams are in bed at the top.
As far as having Chinese neighbors goes though, I say bring'em on. I've had Vietnamese, Korean, and Chinese friends, and they were all very good folks.
thanks Tommy, for the 5-minute history lesson
Giving the masses something to blame their woes on is an ongoing tactic. Substitute terrorists for Jews, and the panic and fear created after the destruction of the World Trade Center is rather similar, would you agree?
We have a population that is being herded into doing just about anything to protect itself from the terrorist threat, we are talked into seeing them around every corner, giving up rights and freedoms in order to allow the government to protect us.
Any one who disagrees with such, 'sound, logical, prudent' precautions taken by our governments, is made out to be an idiot, communist, whatever the insult of the month happens to be.
What sounds logical today in reaction to terrorist threats, will be proven in hindsight to be an ongoing series of mistakes.
Tommy is just a "crazy conspiracy theorist" who clearly doesn't know what he is talking about. Don't listen to him. He is just a nutter. People like him should be taken to jail or some camps. Terrorists IMO. Un-American traitors.
*this post MAY contain heavy sarsacm or you may be a stupid fool if you cannot read between the lines*