I am speaking from a personal level. I could care less what American History says about how I should think or how to put a label on someone. American history also says that columbus discovered America.Only if you failed American History.
We have words in the English language that entirely designate how much or little "whiteness" is in someone, therefore determining any rights that person might or might not have. The words "mulatto", "quadroon", and "octoroon" all exist because the amount of "whiteness" was directly related to that person's social standing. The first word was initially used as a name for any person whose parents were of different races, later being used almost entirely for those who had one black and white parent. The other two words solely designate how much black is in someone. The "one drop" rule, mostly used and acknowledged in the Jim Crow South, simply stated that a person with even "one drop" of black blood must be considered black. This is an American phenomenon and is why so many famous Americans of mixed-heritage are historically known as being black.
We've been playing "Tag, you're black" since this country's first inception.
While a certain segment of the population may like to think that the last vestiges of racism ended with the Civil Rights Act and Loving v. Viriginia (1967), the reality is that it's absurd to think only two generations will erase problems which have traditionally been in our culture. So, when you say,
It shows a poor grasp of reality in this country. You won't get pulled over for daring to drive while being a "sorta pinkish tan." You won't be singled out and denied the right to vote because a criminal in another state has a name that is kind of similar to yours. For example:
You also won't see voting booths systematically removed from areas where the majority of people look like you, only to be given as a surplus in areas where people look entirely unlike you - and that's assuming the voting machine doesn't just change your vote from the black guy to the white guy. Then we should also consider that many states still have some vestiges of Jim Crow laws in affect, specifically targeting anyone who has ever been convicted of a felony, long after all other rights have been restored. What makes this especially egregious, is that black people are usually the ones singled out and given harsher sentences than whites, assuming the white person is even arrested in the first place. Google the difference between those arrested for cocaine possession versus those arrested for crack possession as an example of this. In terms of non-violent drug offenders, more white people may use drugs yet more blacks are arrested. So, not only are blacks more likely to be arrested than whites for doing the same crime, they're more likely to get harsher sentences, and then they are usually prevented from voting upon their release.
These conditions play entirely upon white fears. You can bet the conservative politicians and pundits know this when they say, "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" while Photo-shopping images of him to make him look like an African tribal witch doctor. It's why a black man born to a white American woman - in the state of Hawaii - is supposed to be ineligible to become president because his father was African, whereas a white man born to a white American woman in Canada is the favorite of the "Birther" movement, in spite of the fact his father wasn't American and he wasn't even born on American soil. It's why 34% of conservative Republicans insist that Obama is a Muslim, even though Obama attends a Christian church every week and had been ridiculed by these same groups for seeing a "radical black preacher" when he was younger. Reagan, on the other hand, was considered to be a "good Christian" even though he hated church and almost never attended, certainly not making any professions about his faith. Conservatives give Reagan Christian creds for virtually everything he did, even when he was doing some of the least Christian acts. We could argue that Obama has done far more "Christian" works for the nation, including giving healthcare coverage to the poorest, sickest and most disenfranchised among us, yet absolutely everything he does is considered suspect.
So, please explain to me how color doesn't matter.