I have the exact same sentiment, basic universal health care should be the cornerstone of any society.
Its the decent, compassionate thing to do.
We all get thrust into this world the same way, fortune smiles on some and not on others.
But we all wind up old and decrepit, accidents happen. We will all need medical assistance at some point in our lives, some more than others
Getting that care should not depend on the size of our bank balances.
Are we animals that leave our sick and weak to die where they fall in life, or are we sentients who can see that there by the grace of fortune that could be us, if not today then almost certainly eventually.
As someone who lives under such a compassionate umbrella i can attest to a sense of imeasurable security and stress free existance.
Unless youve lived with this, you have no idea what a huge weight off the mind it is to know you can get the help you need if you need it.
My sister in law had a heart lung transplant this week, which came as a shock to us all. It cost her and us nothing.
The only thing you need to have such surgery here, is the need itself to have such surgery.
Money cant buy the massive intrinsic value inherant in such a situation.
Basic universal health care is the very first check box on the list of what makes a society "exceptional"
Lets look at some of the data
Racism Not Hardwired, Scientists Say: Scientific American
Looking at the big picture the US along with the rest of the world has made excellent progress, and continues to do so.
It will take hundreds of years more, but i hold the firm opinion we will get there one day, that our social evolution will overcome any unconcious evolutionary and or social conditioning.
For me the logic is unassailable.
No one asks for the skin they get born into, and from 2 inches behind our eyes we all feel the same
A post biological society wont even understand what the fuss was all about.
Sentience transcends such silly labels