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The Anonymous war on Scientology

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thats what intrigues me about this phenomena scientology seems to me to be the softest of all the targets and a logical primary one

do a search on youtube for anonymous protest

what if, just what if it, does snowball and somesort of global neural nexus is able to use information and consensus to do away with something like scientology or any other religion for that matter

what an amazing peice if human history that would be

of course it may all just fizzle out
mike said:
thats what intrigues me about this phenomena scientology seems to me to be the softest of all the targets and a logical primary one

what if, just what if it, does snowball and somesort of global neural nexus is able to use information and consensus to do away with something like scientology or any other religion for that matter

what an amazing peice if human history that would be

of course it may all just fizzle out

This appears to be only a dream when again religious ideologies persist with murderous actions and hate-filled speech over a FUCKING CARTOON DRAWING AND JESUS-THEMED CHAPSTICK!!!:


Chapstick… http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7241296.stm

*edit was to fix broken link
Seth said:
Ridiculous that man is so entrenched in such bullshit! I think it is apparent they are all based on scams/misinterpretations/money/followers/pyramid-type-schemes/idol or human worship…need I go on? For us to really evolve we need to rid ourselves of this stupid ritual-based nonsense and for each of us to find an individual approach to spirituality. I wait for the day, though probably will never happen, when religious ideologies are defeated and man can live without lemmingly following a group or individual claiming to have answers.

[Stepping off of soap box for time being]
Im with ya brother!

Hmmmmm, Sethism.....I like it.

Ever think of trading that soap box for a pulpit? Just kiddin. I have no real beef with belief. It's the practice of evangelical idealism I can't stand.

In the immortal words of George Carlin
"So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” And anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker."
I heard one today that began with "greetings people of earth......."

youtube as a way to "contact" another species, now theres an idea
RonCollins said:
Ever think of trading that soap box for a pulpit? Just kiddin. I have no real beef with belief. It's the practice of evangelical idealism I can't stand.

That’s the paradox of it!!!!

As soon as someone figures out his or her “spirituality” s/he begins to preach it. You know the rest of the story: people like the message and begin to follow, emulating and worshiping the new found leader commences, the new leader is basically handed power and dominion over the masses in the name of “spirituality”.

Fast forward nearly 2,000 years and what you get is the present day version of religions and witless masses willing to do whatever in the name of Jesus, Buda, Shiva, Allah, etcetera. And for what reason I ask?…Because it is far easier to subscribe to someone else’s version of history and spirituality than actually do the hard work of personal investigation. That, and the “everyone else is doing it” mindset.

I have major issues with belief. Belief=trusting something to be true in spite of the lack of evidence. Simple as that; we are running campaigns, countries, and people’s lives on this premise. Yeah, I got big time issues with belief. Why do we not try logic?
Seth said:
Belief=trusting something to be true in spite of the lack of evidence.

(How lame is it that I quoted myself! :D)

Someone is wondering: "What about UFOs? Don't you believe in those."

I don't believe in shit. There is evidence of UFOs so therefore not in the realm of belief. They exist. There is no evidence of the modern versions of religious orders being what they say they are. In fact, there is evidence that they may all be reworkings of an egyptian/summerian source.

UFOs exist. The multiple versions and stories of god are made up.
Seth said:
You want to see something really scary?
Check out these stats showing # of followers *(http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By_Adherents.html):

1. Christianity: 2.1 billion
2. Islam: 1.5 billion
3. Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
4. Hinduism: 900 million

If those stats are true (which I doubt) then, as a race, we are in a very sorry state indeed. I'm cheering on group 3 - it's the only sensible way forward...
the maths are fascinating to me, and with them the implications
the scientologists seem almost tailor made for the situation

anonymous seems a one word description of hive mind/mentality and indeed when "they" expand on who "we" are the descriptions confirm it

as an internet phenomena i find it fascinating to watch as it unravels

i just hope "we do not forgive we no not forget" isnt a referance to the battle of LA.......

well i suppose it was inevitable someone would go down this path

(note there are some gore scenes with some poor bugger being nailed to some wood)

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/WhZ4_tXNXa0&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/WhZ4_tXNXa0&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

could the internet do it ? snuff out superstition i mean.
i was looking at some figures in a local weekend magazine the other day, internet access in households ten years ago 7% now 91 %

this one has some interesting images/ideas in it, watch out for oprah getting zapped.... rofl
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6JcLRgMKr7c&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6JcLRgMKr7c&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
You guys gotta check out this singer named Jonathan Coulton.


He does a song called Tom Cruise Crazy. It's fricking hilarious.
check out the latest manifestation of "Anonymous" in London

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/c4z2qIo8BPw&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/c4z2qIo8BPw&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

they even have a mobile billboard
I feel people need to FIGHT them as they are a dangerous and powerful CULT. This is not a religion, but rather a cult. No different then Billy Meirs or Jim Jones cult. We live in such a crazy, disorganized, and rather disgraceful world that something like this can opperate with little concern. It's also just yet another example how the media is compromised and controlled. RIP Peter Finch for trying to warn us through acting. More people need to take up this as a cause. I have NO respect for a scientologoist nor their CULT that was created by a pedophile who wrote sci-fi books.

The world needs help and FAST....
How did you get out and are you sure that you are completly out. I don't know that much about this cult.

At a science and consciousnes conference 2005 I think that was the year. I was approached by a woman that was about my mother's age who was overly friendly to me. I didn't think too much about it and since she lived in the same city as my parents and loved ot shop,I thought she might be someone that my mother might want to get to know. She gave me her card. She also talked about hwo much money she had and how successful she was.

She sat next to me during one of Steven Greer's presentations and chatted me up. I was not shy about my thoughts about Greer.Somehow I think that disapponted her. She told me how she used to be a member of scientology and how diffiicult it was to leave.

We talked off and on throughout the conference and I did not think anything was weird until I gave her a call before I was headed down to visit my family in Texas for Christmas.

She was again overly friendly and couldn't wait to see me. I am not sure if it was the same phone call or another one but she started to seduce me over the phone. I hung up and warned my parents that if she called not to talk to her. It was a little creepy, not so much getting seduced by an older woman ,which is creepy enough but realizing this could be some kind of recruiting technique..

A few days before I talked to her I saw a book with her picture on the back side of it right by my bed in a dream. The book looked like Dianetics but with her picture on it.

Oh yes, I am very definately OUT! I used to have to get 'new people' into it..tons of manipulation, abuse on every level. The pressure and stress of such a life was horrible. I was smart and got out. Many others I know stayed MUCH longer before leaving. (Some are still in!?).

It's mind-control to the nth degree, lemme tell ya.

I along with my husband had to escape in the middle of the night to leave it. (called 'blowing').

And that woman who 'chatted you up' did she tell you any details about how difficult it was for her leave? If she truly 'left' it, she wouldn't be trying to get you into it or anything.

If anyone wants more info: Ex Scientologist Message Board - Powered by vBulletin and http://www.xenu.net


How did you get out and are you sure that you are completly out. I don't know that much about this cult.

At a science and consciousnes conference 2005 I think that was the year. I was approached by a woman that was about my mother's age who was overly friendly to me. I didn't think too much about it and since she lived in the same city as my parents and loved ot shop,I thought she might be someone that my mother might want to get to know. She gave me her card. She also talked about hwo much money she had and how successful she was.

She sat next to me during one of Steven Greer's presentations and chatted me up. I was not shy about my thoughts about Greer.Somehow I think that disapponted her. She told me how she used to be a member of scientology and how diffiicult it was to leave.

We talked off and on throughout the conference and I did not think anything was weird until I gave her a call before I was headed down to visit my family in Texas for Christmas.

She was again overly friendly and couldn't wait to see me. I am not sure if it was the same phone call or another one but she started to seduce me over the phone. I hung up and warned my parents that if she called not to talk to her. It was a little creepy, not so much getting seduced by an older woman ,which is creepy enough but realizing this could be some kind of recruiting technique..

A few days before I talked to her I saw a book with her picture on the back side of it right by my bed in a dream. The book looked like Dianetics but with her picture on it.

Oh yes, I am very definately OUT! I used to have to get 'new people' into it..tons of manipulation, abuse on every level. The pressure and stress of such a life was horrible. I was smart and got out. Many others I know stayed MUCH longer before leaving. (Some are still in!?).

It's mind-control to the nth degree, lemme tell ya.

I along with my husband had to escape in the middle of the night to leave it. (called 'blowing').

And that woman who 'chatted you up' did she tell you any details about how difficult it was for her leave? If she truly 'left' it, she wouldn't be trying to get you into it or anything.

If anyone wants more info: Ex Scientologist Message Board - Powered by vBulletin and http://www.xenu.net


I bet you Tom Cruise become's the next leader of Crap.What to place A bet on him ..call this number' 087..8976543567898.:D
The women that was talking to me at the conference did say that she was harassed alot when she tried to leave. She did give me some details.

However after the creepy phone conversation I started thinking about the other things that were said by her throughout the conference. Looking back it did seem that she was saying things just to get a reaction (i.e. manipulaton) from me. So I wasn't sure if she was still in the cult.

What made you realize that you needed to leave this organization?
I was tired of literally slaving away for them. (I was staff, remember). And no matter WHAT we did, it was NEVER good enough. I worked almost 80 hrs a week for them for a few years straight, for an average of $70.00 per week, tops. My experiences are NOTHING next to many of those I know that worked for 20 and 30 yrs for them (those that joined the Sea Org, I was NOT Sea Org).

I have a long story about my experiences. If anyone wants to read it, lemme know.
