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The Anonymous war on Scientology

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I am interested in you story. The recruiting mehtod, what type of people are targeted and what type of manipulation is used and so forth plus whatever you think is pertinent.
I used to be in charge of recruiting people (mostly as just to get interested in scn and do courses/get counselling, reffered to as 'Public' vs getting people on Staff).

Back when I was on (years ago now). Various methods are employed. The most popular way was to have people who were already in and liking scn to bring their friends/family in.

But I worked in getting 'raw' (brand new, in other words) people into it. I would literally stand on a street corner near the Organization (called:'Org' for short. scn uses A LOT of acronyms, so beware!). And hand out to people walking by, some sort of a promo pamphlet or little 'ticket'. The most popular one was to convince them to walk with you into the 'Org' to take a free personality test. It is a 200 question test, takes about an hour or more to do. Then they sit in front of an 'Evaluator' (also done by me most times) and you tell them their results based on their answers. The aim was to get the person to tell you their 'ruin' (or what was the thing in life that was really bothering them). Getting them upset/sad/crying was optimum for us.

Then once they were 'interested' you told them the cost and got them 'on service' that way (or in counselling.called 'auditing'). I ran most all functions involved in getting someone on course or in their auditing. Then when they were done, they would come back to me (since I was their previous 'Reg') and I'd try to get them to continue on more courses and/or auditing. So the cycle would continue....till the person continued doing ALL the courses/auditing (they were in a specific order. It is called 'The Bridge') till they were Operating Thetan or 'OT' for short. (pronounced Thay-ten in the USA. Europeans pronounce it Thee-ten). This cost $300,000.00 by the time they were done.

So there you go, in a nutshell.

MANY people from ALL walks of life are targeted for this cult. Anyone from College Professors, Doctors, Lawyers, down to the poorest person. It appealed to anyone interested in 'how the mind worked' and 'how to get rid of one's problems, etc.'. The most easily targeted people were ones who were in the most vulnerable part of their lives: Depressed people of all ages, those in (or just came out of) painful divorces, anyone with heavy losses, whether thru death or abondonment, etc. You get the idea.

Btw: MOST staff/public people genuinely care for the person they are trying to help. They honestly think that scn is 'good' and really will 'help' the person, etc.

Hope I've answered some of your questions.

One of my goals is to speak loudly and truthfully about the subtle brainwashing tactics of this group!

Thanks, it is always good to know these things. Not that I am in any danger of joining a cult or anything. I can't even sit though a harmless group meditation without feeling the need to run.
I am against all religion but there is just something about scientology that really grinds my gears. And it does seem that ever since Tom Cruise declared himself one his career has gone in the shitter. The last remotely good film he did was Minority Report and that was what 2002, 2003 and he has made loads of films since then. I don't mean to start a celeb war on the forums but the other day I found out that John Travolta was a practicing Scientod himself. It seems to be the religion of celebrities. Well there's my rant on scientology.
Scientology doesn't annoy me more than most other religions. They seem every bit as kooky. A good percent of them at least.

I rarely hear about a scientologist bombing places or stoning people etc. Actually, I may have never heard of it. I'm a Kelly Preston fan though, and like the late Chef/Issac Hayes from South Park, so I'm may be a little biased. I think the Catholic church needs bashed more than Scientology imo. I live in the bible belt, so maybe I notice Christian kookiness more than Scientology?

As for it being a cult, no more than other brain washing religions. But I may be ignorant about methods used.
truthisoutthere: Yeah there are a lot of scn celebs. Like how you said: 'Ever since TC declared himself...' LOL! I wish he WOULD 'declare' himself! (In scn, 'declared as a suppressive person'..'sp' for short or simply 'declared' is a bad word/action to them..it is their word for 'excommunicate' as it were).

Anyway: Many celebs are: Jason Beghe, WAS one and is NOW an outspoken critic:)
out of interest Bixyboo, if oct 14th were to unfold as blossom goodchild reckons , what do you think $cientologys take would be on that, as i understand it the aliens are the bad guys according to elron.
Not sure who this 'blossom goodchild' is, or what's being proposed on oct 14th (assuming it's another protest?) I DO know that there will be Protests on Oct 11th and Oct 18th, tho. And I can tell you what scn thinks of all that.

They are VERY 'full of themselves'.

They think all this 'suppression on their lines' is a GOOD THING, actually.

Because it's putting the word scientology out in the media/airwaves, (no matter that it's in negative lights) and that MORE people will take an actual interest in scn than NOT.

'Course they hate anon and are spreading lies about them.

Never mind that anon isn't necessarily trying to completely eradicate scn per say. (course that's fine by me, if it is!) They're pointing out the dangerous practices/policies. The treatment and enslavement of children. The fact that they're calling their business a 'church'. Etc. Etc. Stuff like that.

scn's really feel they are 'doing the right thing' and 'truly' helping people...(and remember most individual scn's REALLY DO feel/think/want this) They have nooooo idea about DM and upper management and how they're lining DM's pockets, and how the ot levels are bs. If you told them that, they'd literally ignore you as a 'pathetic suppressive person' kinda thing. The brainwashing process is verrrrry subtle and insidious and takes deep roots in scn's. Sad. Stockholm Syndrome of the spiritual kind.

It's like many fundie religions. They think they got the corner on salvation. You know how that goes.


out of interest Bixyboo, if oct 14th were to unfold as blossom goodchild reckons , what do you think $cientologys take would be on that, as i understand it the aliens are the bad guys according to elron.
sorry mate i should have been more specific,

blossom goodchild is a kook who has started saying that aliens are going to plonk a ship of great size in our atmosphere on oct 14th, and leave it there for all to see for 3 days.

the ship is supposedly from the GFOL or Galactic Federation of Light, manned by ET's

i dont doubt for a minute the 14th will roll by and nothing will happen, but just assuming it did i wondered what $cientologys cultural response would be to ET's.
Oh, lol. I had no idea of any of this...lol. That's gonna be a hoot, huh?

I've no idea what scn's will think of that.....since I'm no longer in (but I do have friends that are and who don't know that I am out)...I've heard no mention of any such event or opinions of it.

The whole time I was in (for 14 yrs. And I didn't get quite up to 'clear' but that was my next step, to see if I may've already been clear, long story)....I never heard mention of UFO's/Alien's, in the way of them dealing with us, showing themselves to us, stuff like that.

I DO know that he wrote a lot of stuff on supposed societies on other planets and how there were various races of aliens, stuff like that.

Also a tidbit for ya:..Whenever someone asked where lronblubbard was-after his death I mean-because he, himself wrote that he had to 'drop his body' (scn word for dead), so he could go on to clear target two' and 'clear that one' (meaning he's busy bringing scn to another planet). That he couldn't 'do further research' in 'this body' :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, I do remember reading in one of his lectures that 21 yrs after his death, he's supposed to NOW BE HERE....in another 21 yr old body and ready to take over his role as leader of scn!!! Gasp! *cue dramatic music here*

I think I'm gonna be sick, now. lol.
If I'm not boring anyone here, I'd like to show you exactly what $cn's think of another who has left $cn. This person that the letter was written to, was in for 25 yrs, made it to almost the top of the 'bridge' (think ot vii..there are eight released at this time).. has done MANY, MANY good deeds in this world both in $cn and out of it, etc....I have added in some definitions. Ask if you have any other questions.

Anyway, THIS is what a supposed GOOD FRIEND (till the person left) NOW thinks of this other person (and any/all such people who leave $cn, btw):


[Name Deleted], you are a big [insult deleted]. You always were up yourself and I often
wondered over the years if you were an SP (Suppressive Person) because of all the shit and sadness surrounding your family and friends. The hallmarks of an SP. You had
them. You used to walk around as though you were something.

But you know what [name deleted] - NO PRODUCTS.

That's you.

No products.

The only reason you ever got any products was because of the good people who
came into your life.

Well its all "down" from here [name deleted] for you. You are sunk.

Like Judas Iscariot and all the other great wankers of history. You have
joined their ranks. Forever!!

You are an SP.

What did you do today to help another being?


Cos that's you all over. Your modus operandi is to destroy.

And I actually know all about you. And [name deleted], one day, everyone will know.

Nothing surer.



So then, the wife of the person the above letter was written to, writes that nut back to 'correct' a few of his/her claims. And THIS is what she gets back from him/her:

I do know you. Very very well.

The difference between you and me is that I have got the balls to confront and handle whatever comes up as a barrier or an upset to the direction I am going, and the ones I love are going.

And you and your pathetic SP husband and your little gang of whinging weak as piss dickheads, don't.

[name deleted] you thought that going free was something you just pay for, switch on, then sit back and relax.

Well it's not.

It's something you have to fight for.

Every day.

Not only for yourself but for everybody else out there who doesn't even know they have lived before, or that they have a reactive mind, or what happens when you die.

Anybody on this planet who wants to build a better world, has to fight against the "visciousness of groups and the idiot nature of collective think". In every group there are people who try to stop things with their insane viewpoints, there suppression of good people. 20% of people after all are antisocial like you. They cause all the dev-t, (short for developed traffic, $cn word for 'bother' or 'interruption') all the out tech, (their word for when their own 'tech' isn't used right). all the "problems" that you had.

You think you had problems!

Even LRH had problems.

But it is a specially selected group that makes it to OT. And you didn't because YOU are weak and selfish. And you have a husband who is an SP and made sure through every action, every word, that you didn't.

WAKE UP [Name Deleted].

The enemy is within the group. LRH even says that. And we have to root them out and keep going.

But you didn't.

You just gave up.

And then became the enemy.

Lightning burned down the house! I am not even slightly surprised.

But that's only the beginning for you and your family. You have tried to cause harm to the only way out for the entire planet.

That is a serious business for you as a being. I would not like to be you for the next few months. Per the laws of karma. You are doomed. Ask any Hindu, Buddhist or Shintoist.

And one day, you are going to have to confront what you did.

What are you going to do to help mankind. Sell hotdogs one Saturday morning to raise money for Cancer research? Go door knocking for old clothes that can be recycled for the poor. That will create a big impact. Just like you thought donating money was enough. Well actually you two did nothing compared to what was needed and you know it. You never got off you butt and actually helped to the level that was needed. AND THAT'S WHY YOU ARE SO ANGRY AT US. Because we have what it takes. The stamina, the balls, the intelligence - TO KEEP GOING.

You and your husband and your idiot friends - like [name deleted] - whose only claim to fame is some long forgotten PR campaign that went wrong and she never got over it!!! - you guys are like mosquitoes running alongside a battle ship.

You got onto the internet and fell for it hook line and sinker.

You got sucked into the quick sand.

Because you are weak as piss and this is your swan song.

Poking fun and trying to annoy a bunch of heroes.

Go fly a kite [name deleted] . You are not an OT's arsehole. You are nothing.


See what I mean?

Now these responses to my friend's letter was given to me with permission to show as an example of what $cn's are like. PROOF they LIE about their disconnection policies regarding family/friends, etc.. PROOF that when they claim 'religious tolerance' IT IS ALL A LIE.

See how full of themselves they are? If anyone wants more, lemme know.

Otherwise, sorry if I've rambled.

indeed thanks for your insights, i once had a copy of dianetics foisted on me by an enthusiastic $cientologist , i have to admit i didnt get very far, within a few pages my BS meter went off and i just couldnt take any more of Lafayette's drivel.

more recently this anonymous this came to my attention on YTube, so ive learned a little more, specifically of concern to me is the impression i get that hubbard considered aliens or some of them "enemys" in some intergalactic war, and then there is this xemu /xenu guy again an evil alien.....

i was always a little disapointed that in adding yet another religion/cult to the pile this one had xenophobic themes

for me the final clue to the conclusion poor Lafayette was barking mad were reading his "gorilla goals"


thats some serious drivel
Just learned of this and it happened a couple days ago! Proof that inhumuane treatment of staff/so members is STILL happening....I've inserted some definitions in [brackets] at appropriate places.

(Warning it IS very tragic...and almost unbelievably so. If you don't want to read it, skip to the bottom where I have my comments/explanations about it).

Hi everybody. I'm really shocked! On Thuesday my father called and told me that my brother Uwe Stuckenbrock (46years old) died last night. The least 5 (?) years he suffered at Multiple Sclerosis and was living in the RPF [Rehabilitation Project Force. It is like a 'punishment camp' for supposedly 'bad' SO members...and btw: they also put you in there if you get sick or ill with any disease or condition. They view you as 'downstat']. PAC since 2001 and before in the RPF in Happy Valley. What the RPF is and what living conditions he had I found out today on A series of missives about Scientology's Gulags while looking for more information about his death on the internet. I also learned, that his former wife Lurisse Stuckenbrock is still in a higher Position in the Scientology Organisation. Does anybody have more information for me? If it should come to light, that his bad life cicumstances in the RPF lead to his early death I consider legal steps against every possible responsible person. For example because of failure to give assistance.

I live in Germany and we had only telephonic contact with Uwe and the last Years he was not able to speak because of his serious Multiple Sclerosis. And the other people on the phone obviously were mostly telling us lies about his situation.
Does anybody know more about this terrible affair or if he had at least a few friends arround at his ceremony.

I planted a wooden cross for him and laid it down on our family grave here in Neu-Ulm and we all spoke a few prayers for Uwe.

Thanks for your help

To make this matter even WORSE: SEVERAL people have expressed deep concern over his brother's condition several years earlier all to deaf ears (within the organization, that is).

Here is that info:

"The RPF Insider"

RPF Insider#6

You see what happens when you start the program, you have to turn in
all your IDs; drivers' licence, passport, VISAs, credit cards, cash etc. My
credit cards are probably expired anyway and I can get new ones. I can
always figure out how to get some new valid ID. All RPFers' valuable
documents are kept in a file cabinet locked up so that you cannot take off
with your own documents. You are also not allowed to have more than $20 in
cash in your pocket, and if you manage to save up more, instead of spending
it in the canteen, you are supposed to turn it in for safe keeping. I guess
another freak-control-mechanism, making it really hard to blow. If the RPFer
is not from the US, a passport is obviously needed to get home, and it would
take some time and money to report it stolen and get a new one. I guess the
idea is that security will be able to find you "off guard," without any ID,
job, money, credit cards etc. I can imagine that it takes some guts to blow
not because you're fed up with the scene here but for the main reason that
you are hitting the streets with no money, no ID and no place to stay...

What I wanted to say with this letter is something that I have had a
lot of attention on for quite some time. Specifically there are two RPFers
at the time. The first RPFer is named Uwe Stuckenbrock. He arrived in the
RPF here in PAC around 2001, but I believe he was on the RPF in Happy Valley
before he came here. He is diagnosed with MS, Multiple Sclerosis, a disease
that from what I understand (from having looked it up in the encyclopedia)
there is no known cure for. Over the last 3 years, I have watched him
getting worse and worse, though it seems that he is getting some of
attention and care. When he arrived he had a hard time walking by himself,
and this has deteriorated to the point of needing full time around the clock
assistance. He always has one or two other RPFers caring for him, as at this
point he cannot even make it to the bathroom by himself. He cannot walk at
all now and he has to be taken around in a wheel chair. What I don't
understand is that although he is being treated with a lot of natural foods
and juices and vitamins and assists he's getting worse and worse. He does go
to the local hospital sometimes with two people escorting him. He's getting
checkups at LA County Hospital or somewhere, where the church is getting
free service on Medicare, because we RPFers simply don't have any money for
any medical bills. Not long ago, we had to prepare a separate room for him
on the 2nd floor in the West wing, next to the stairwell towards Catalina
Street. He had been in the hospital and in critical condition. When he came
back he needed a cleaner, more private environment to recover. We spent
several days gutting out a little closed off room (where the other guy was
living that I'm going to tell you about, Mike Eves). The space was filthy
and outrageously dusty, like it hadn't been cleaned for months. We repainted
the entire room, put up new curtains, put in a new carpet, new cabinets,
etc. Uwe was living in a little curtained off space in a room with about 50
other guys.(the room I told you about earlier, with the bunks crammed in and
up to the ceiling.) It was decided that Uwe's condition was more critical
than Mike's, so we were ordered to switch their places!! Mike was recovering
from a very critical operation for cancer, and HAD ONE LUNG REMOVED! Having
watched this scene going on for years, it is obvious to me that THESE TWO
GUYS WILL NEVER MAKE IT OUT OF THE RPF ALIVE! It's technically impossible,
as you have to "make someone else better" i.e. your twin, in order to
graduate. These guys don't even have twins and are just fighting to stay
alive. Come on! Uwe cannot even get up to go to the bathroom. What in hell
is he doing in the RPF?? He cannot be getting enough professional care and
attention and it's INHUMAN to watch what is going on. All the other RPFers
are probably also outraged, but are suppressing their own feelings, in the
hope of not missing their own chance to get out of here. I'm actually
wondering how long these guys will survive and why they are not granted some
forgiveness for whatever they were assigned to the RPF for. Human decency
would be to sign them in to a proper nursing home to recover or at least die
in peace. The one theory that I have is this: Uwe Stuckenbrock was the
International Security Chief at Hemet. O'boy! What would happen if he had
the opportunity to let the world know what is going on up there or the
security issues that exist all over the planet. I'm sure that he's kept in
the RPF so won't be able to leak any data out. When he arrived on the RPF he
was at the caselevel of OT III and from what I heard, don't know if this is
true, but his MS turned on while he was auditing on this level. So what has
been done over the last 3 years to "handle" this? He completed OT III, was
audited through OT IV and has been getting sessions on OT V for at least one
year - I guess in the hope that he'd be getting better, but he's NOT
IMPROVING! He is getting worse!

OK, the next guy, Mike Eves. He also came from INT. I believe that he
arrived around the end of 2001. At first he was auditing and had a twin and
was doing the official program. For some reason he got sick and it turned
out that he had lung cancer. It was so critical that it was thought to be
terminal, but through some miracle he managed to survive. He had an
operation and they took out one of his lungs and he spent the last 2 years
recovering from this tragedy. And get this: his wife Cherie Eves (also in
the RPF) was assigned to care for him and she did so excellently. She was
with him day and night for months and his son Paul Eves, (ALSO HERE IN THE
RPF and also from INT headquarters!!) was with him in the hospital. I
believe he was so critical that he might die so he was allowed to be
attended by his son and wife. Can you believe it, the entire family in the
RPF under these conditions? Cherie "graduated" not long ago and went back to
work at Bridge Publications. She is responsible for the printing and
publishing of new LRH books and volumes coming out. I just don't see that
they will EVER get back together as a family. Since Cherie is gone, Mike
looks very lonely and it must be hard to be in a room alone with nothing to
do. The RPF rules apply to him to; you cannot have any news papers, cannot
listen to any radio, no CD's or any music of any kind, much less any TV.
TOTALLY CUT OFF FROM THE ENTIRE WORLD. By the way, you cannot read any
novels either, only books written by LRH. He looks depressed and very
unhappy, and I wish I could do anything to cheer him up. I don't see any
hope of any future for him, as it is right now, he is also doomed to die in
the RPF, as nobody is "letting him off the hook." I have no clue what he was
doing at the INT headquarters, but obviously he is a danger and menace to
David M's regime, and is being disposed of like Uwe.

Please do something for these guys, before it's too late. I hate to see
their last document being published that "they served the Sea Organization
for xx amount of years and are granted a 21 year leave of absence before
they come back." This is a fact, this is what is written for anybody who
dies in the Sea Org and it closes their PC folder, it is the last document.
When you "come back" in the next body, you can "continue up the Bridge from
where you left off." This "honorable" document is always written by
Executive Director Int, Guillome Lesevre. I hate to see these guys dying
here in the RPF and I wish they could get proper, professional medical care
under no mental and physical stress.

On a similar issue, I wonder why older people are being put through the
same level of physical stress as the younger ones. The rule is in the RPF
that "you must always run." The former Captain of AOSH ANZO in Sydney is
here in the RPF, her name is Elaine Allen. She's about 60 years old and is
expected to work all the same hours. She has complained of aches and pains
in her hands from the hard physical work. The pain is so bad that she has a
hard time writing, typing and auditing which makes it even more difficult to
get through the RPF training program. Oh! by the way, another rule for
RPFers is that we cannot take any elevators. The showers are located on the
6th and 7th floor for the RPF in the big blue building. We take a shower
every day, and I don't want to calculate how many times I have run up and
down those stairs over the years... There are a few people that have bad
physical problems who get special permission by the RPF I/C to take the
elevator, but that's very few. Most of Elaine's family is in the Sea Org and
her son is working at OSA International in Hollywood. Another guy named
Henry Woodruff actually made it out of here alive earlier this year. He was
over 60, but very healthy and strong. However, what I didn't understand
about his situation was that he had to wait for OVER 6 MONTHS to be able to
leave. He had a "Committee of Evidence" that had to get approved before he
could leave, then he had to wait some more months for his $500 severance
pay. He was in the RPF's RPF for over 6 months, doing physical work in the
basement with the other guys for 10 hours a day - AT THE AGE OF 60!! I'm
sure he caught up with the "real world" when he was finally allowed to
leave. I don't know if he just got Fitness Boarded out or if he got SP

There are also a bunch of kids here that are under age. One that graduated
is Cameron Allsop. He was at the International Ranch for the kids, and when
he was about 14 or so, he fooled around with some girls or whatever and got
himself RPFed for out 2D.[for openly flirting or perhaps going so far as holding
a girl's hand. In the SO, you are NOT even allowed to holdl another's hand!]
(Pretty normal for a boy that age to be interested
in girls as I recall, but not in the sea org!!) When he arrived in the RPF
he could barely read, due to his very low education level. It took him about
4-5 years to get through the program and he finally graduated with his twin
Eric Smith. Eric is back at CC Int as a security guard and Cameron is
working at ASHO Day. They are both about 18 or 20 now. It's common that
teenagers in the Sea Org get curious about sex, and not being allowed to
explore mother nature, they "do it anyway" and find themselves on the RPF.
These Sea Org kids grow up seeing there parents once a day for an hour at
most and often barely ever see them at all. How do you start a relationship
or a marriage, not being allowed to explore and enjoy what has been "the
birds and the bees" on this planet since Man developed? There is a frantic
control of the "2nd Dynamic" which is called the "family or sex dynamic." If
you want to look it up somewhere else, LRH explains what the "8 Dynamics"
are. I've seen it's a common thing that young Sea Org members get married
just to be able to "stick to the rules and still experience sex." Then if it
doesn't work out, a divorce follows shortly after. There IS NO FAMILY LIFE
in the Sea Org and what is there is frantically controlled. I think the
above should give you an idea of what some members are going through. I hate
to admit to this, but I have spent many hours "recruiting Sea Org members"
over the years before I came to the RPF. Any recruiter will paint up a story
how good it is and "it will all work out once you are a dedicated Sea Org
Member." I guess these newsletters should not be mistaken for "Recruitment
letters"!! Or what do you say? Come and join me! The RPF is ONLY for Sea Org
members and it's FREE! All they want is your mind, your soul, your life and
your next billion years.

Sick, huh?

You see, his brother stayed in the RPF and in that condition, because he BELIEVED he BELONGED there...(as do most of them there, THAT is why even if a Raid happened, some or many won't even walk free). He also was waiting (gee, he was waiting for a loooong time, wasn't he? He'd been in the RPF for YEARS!) for some 'special auditing' that would 'help' his condition. Yeah, right.

Anonymous: KEEP PROTESTING!!!!
