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The Billy Meier Case Switzerland

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Thanks for the forum link Mike. Holy schiznat! The BM "case" is a obvious, painfully so, fraud. I always knew Horn was full of stuff, but I didn't realize how mentally disturbed he appears to be.

Wow! Reading just those few pages of interactions is stunning.

P.S. Nice Mechs :)
Well maybe I am wrong but it looks like the fellow left. Always the same.. they come on the fourmsdo personal attacks and leave. No proof nothing to defend your position just gab and go....
I dont know why people get drawn into these troll attacks. its obviously some psycho who got banned or dissed previously and is taking it personally.

What you people should do is look at his M.O. The one good thing he gave you is a clue to what he likes to do; e.g. read your threads personally, individually and include personal references to wind you all up. He then likes to copy people's semantics or written style to make people think he is a puppet account to somebody else on the site, I mean he spelled it out for you guys too because he is dumb, narcissistic and ego driven due to a lack of social skills, personality and weak character frailties;
Well you could compare writing styles.
Oh wait that would case you to have to you that gray matter of yours.
Can someone say aneurysm. hahahaha...

It is not Horn's style to change his name just so he can take shots at the "special" children.
Hell, I don't even know the guy personally nor do I know Meier.


Who was that guy that guy that got found out for puppet accounts based on some mod's primitive pulp mag semantic detective skills? Well its not him, but this troll is trying to make you think its him because he doesn't like people on this site showing how clever they are, he will do this again and make you think he is some one else. He does however keep bringing up certain dead threads and writes in certain topics he is personally connected to. Either way this dude has low self esteem issues and is weak willed therefore the giving into hate and the tearing shit down is the easy option he has chosen, mainly due to the fact he has not come to terms with personal insecurity, failings and can not move on, he keeps coming back so its safe to assume he sees The Paracast and people on it as part of his problem in representation or based on a personal incident. He lacks progression and a developed mindset, there is some intelligence here but it deluded and stuck in the past. Now that I've shaken the tree lets see what bananas fall out.
The mier case is one I have a strong opinion on. This guy knows my post.he jumped me on it. Calling me phil prompted my response.
to: vesvehighfolk aka Bob

Excellent question.

using your own prosses please provide proof that the Mier photograhs are real.

I do not have my "own" process but you can learn about the process of photo analysis and see it it meets the scientific requirements.

Please copy and paste into Google the following it lasts about two hours:
Principles of Image Analysis & Computer based Testing of Unknown Images

This goes into detail about what was and is with respect to film based photo analysis.

Please if you will, take notes about the process and if you have reservations bring it back here to discuss.

Note: In the age of digital photography the methodology may have changed this just means that any new photographs that are not of the silver emulsion age will most undoubtedly not be applicable for this process. This pertains to model maker Mech-Worrior Mike.

As for the rest of your "friends" here so far you are the only one of them to present a decent response along with some genuine honesty that is:
The mier case is one I have a strong opinion on.

Opinion being the opportunistic word here.
It's very telling that our friend here hasn't addressed a single issue that has been brought up, typical Meier-ite hand waving and distraction. Yeah, go look at a two hour presentation on photographic analysis, but ignore the fact that authentication is virtually impossible without original negatives, which they don't have anymore. The most important case in the history of mankind, but we just keep losing the evidence. Must be those dastardly men in black again!

Time to start up the Missionary Tour Bus and move it on down the road. Maybe someone at your next stop on the tour will give a shit, though I highly doubt it.
As a model maker myself i can recognise a model when i see one

But these pics are the real smoking gun, that proves the one armed bandit is a fraud


The brass bits are identical to the brass pegs used to hold up shelves in some modular bookcases

Heres one here, and what do you know its identical to the brass features in the pic above


And look one has even fallen off in this pic


Close up


Case closed.
ok I will now use a prossess called observation. note the last two pics yeah the ones that CLEARLY show a pin fallen off the model! now I will ask you to look at the same pic and explain what you see...if you don't see a plastic pin on the model you need glasses... now you may be a troll but I have shown the pic in question is fake now your turn prove to me that what I see is not correct. show me a mier pic of a real honest to god beamship with the data to prove it. tag your it your turn....PS even my 5 year old son thinks its a model!
ok here is a second challenge is this a real pic? NOPE! its a model! add a little photoshop and BANG the Titanic at night! so please spare me...post up a real pic with data...


  • night.jpg
    35.8 KB · Views: 5
Bob didnt have to herd anyone up.

You are about to find out the hard way this place has a pretty firm consensus on the one armed bandit.

In a word


By all means check out the interviews with Horn

June 27, 2006 — Michael Horn | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio

July 11, 2006 — Michael Horn | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio

And be sure to read this one

Michael Horn & The Billy Meier Contacts | Page 19 | The Paracast Community Forums

Thanks for the links.

I read the threads on the other page and as well as listened to both pod-casts.
Before I offer what I see as apparent about this information would you happen to have
DB's Photoshop link to the analysis that was done?

and here we see a fake WORLDS BETTER than ANYTHING mier did so please put up your pics and data I await!


We'll I guess I only let myself down. When did the first photoshop hit the stores was in back before 1981?
In fact I remember sometime ago watching DB on a youtube sitting on stage with two other guys reminiscing about the first photoshop showing its some what Tandy UI.
I thought since you did your homework on the Meier case that you would know that photoshop wasn't available to Meier.
The pictures we are talking about are not digital.
Yes, I agree some pretty rad stuff can be accomplished using photoshop but I digress.

My point is this the Meier photos were put through a process which is described in the first return of the google search I sent you.
If you are not going to do your homework then why respond?

If you don't have time I understand but don't go and just grab some arbitrary nonsense that was created using photoshop or blender like software.

Here is the jist of the what I sent you.

u = unknown
k = known



Get it?
Argument Ad Nausem.

Simply repeating yourself over and over and over and over again until people stop responding does not equal a persuasive argument.

You're Horn, aren't you? If not, why such dedication to this "case"? Why are you so committed to defending this "case"? If we don't agree with you, and your just a average Joe, why expend so much energy arguing in circles?

You're Horn using a sock puppet, aren't you?
With Meier, you can argue the toss over 70's phots all you like and I don't buy plenty of it, perhaps once, Meier saw a UFO and decided to make hoaxes etc but all you need to debunk this silly cult is
That is the problem you are mistaken not only with your arm chair research but in your whole approach.


I have a picture of my car
I hand you this picture of my car

You say, I can prove that your car doesn't exists.
Then you proceed to make a model that looks like my car
You place the model car in a scene
Next you take a snap shot of the model that looks like my car
You return to me with your picture of the model car

And say:
there, you see, your car doesn't exists because I can reproduce the picture, you gave me, of it!

Do you not see a problem with this line of thinking?
This is what you present over and over again.

Appeal to authority, ad hominem, conjecture, intellectual dishonesty, laziness, bias, lying etc. is this truly what you think being a Truth seeker is or for that matter being skeptical is?

You don't have to respond.

I note he did not adress the pic with the missing pin. There is no doubt. Unless he adresses the pic with the missing pin or post a pic with data I shall not respond to him.
It is plain to see that the loose pin is why the wedding cake saucer landed! you cannot travel the universe with a loose pin. duh.
That is the problem you are mistaken not only with your arm chair research but in your whole approach.


I have a picture of my car
I hand you this picture of my car

You say, I can prove that your car doesn't exists.
Then you proceed to make a model that looks like my car
You place the model car in a scene
Next you take a snap shot of the model that looks like my car
You return to me with your picture of the model car

And say:
there, you see, your car doesn't exists because I can reproduce the picture, you gave me, of it!

Do you not see a problem with this line of thinking?
This is what you present over and over again.

Appeal to authority, ad hominem, conjecture, intellectual dishonesty, laziness, bias, lying etc. is this truly what you think being a Truth seeker is or for that matter being skeptical is?

You don't have to respond.


Mr. Mallow, your argument is a a "False Analogy".
To compare a picture of your car with BM's saucer photos are apples and oranges.
Cars are common place, their existence can't be rationally questioned.
BM's photos can't be compared to your car photo.

In any event, BM has so many strikes against him I can't take him seriously anymore. That pic of the fallen pin is hysterical. If you have something new about BM that hasn't already been discredited, then by all means please post it.
The point of stating that a model can be made is that the Meier supporters contend Meier could not have made these hoaxes. But there is a great video on youtube where a guy using only one arm shows from start to finish making a beamship model and photographing it to replicate very closely the Meier photos.
This of course does not prove the photos were faked but it does show that it can be done, even by a one armed man, which is often the argument of the Meier supporters.
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