It's also important to realize that not only could it be something else entirely, it has to be something else entirely. Past lives can be completely ruled out by sheer logic. Believers tend to shrug this off as irrelevant, but it's not. It's not like trying to prove that the feelings we have for our loved ones are real. It's a different kind of problem altogether that can be worked out logically and objectively.
It IS like trying to prove that the feelings we have for another person are real. They are intangible, escaping the calipers and beakers we seek to quantify everything with. That is how they are similar. Making a blanket statement to support your opinion that "past lives can be completely ruled out by sheer logic" is like me saying "I can scientifically prove that orange is better than blue" - yeah, I could write you a few walls of text and justifications, but it would be just that. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's not possible. ET's are allegedly visiting our planet, but our scientists say that it's not possible to travel the distances proposed.
Are out of body experiences all lies and made up stories? And NDE's? Are people like Dr Michael Newton just complete frauds? (psychologist who shut down his practice after stumbling onto past lives during a hypnotherapy session, then spent 30 years on it before writing a couple books on his findings) Was the retirement pay for being a doctor so bad that he had to make up enough fake case stories to fill a few books? It is possible I suppose, look at all the shit Whitley Strieber farts out of his lie-hole. Books are a bad example though - you can find a plethora of books to support either side of the argument. It's all just a matter of opinion in the end and which set of books you accept as symptoms of proof.
The logical reasoning for saying that past lives can be ruled out is based on the premise contained in the subject itself. Specifically, the phrase "past lives" implicitly states that a living subject ( person ) in the present is the same person as some deceased person in the past. To reinforce this further, reincarnation believers typically use the same or similar terminology e.g. "past lives, The Boy Who Lived Before, past life regression ... etc." all of which suggest that the subject in the now ( let's call him Bob ) is the same person as some deceased person in the past ( let's call her Alice ). This can be stated as a purely logical expression using equal to ( = ) and not equal to ( ? ) symbols. So assuming that reincarnation, past lives and the like as defined above is true then it follows that...
If you are of the opinion that we are nothing more than our physical parts, then yes, I can see why it would sound silly to think that Alice would be Bob. The molecules that comprised Alice's body are rotting in the ground and being used by other living organisms now. The crux is whether or not you believe that we are a consciousness occupying a body or we are just a body and nothing else. If the latter is the case, we're pretty much at a standstill here and there's no point to continue.
Rather than re-write the sentiment, I'll paste what I said on this topic elsewhere: "If you lose a limb, your main body is still "you". You can lose or replace just about any part of the body and still live, still be "you". Heart, kidneys, limbs, even portions of your brain can get blown out and you'll still be "alive". So what physical piece of your body is "you"? I don't think you can live without a brain stem, so does that mean that you are simply a brain stem with a big mostly-water meatbag of organs and skin attached to it? Probably not. Rather, I ask myself, who/what is the thing that is observing all this from behind my eyeballs? What is the voice talking in my head when I read a book? Who is it that is listening to that voice?"
Why do most people accept the fact that a consciousness (your consciousness) can inhabit a body once, but doing so multiple times is impossible? I think it makes perfect sense that we are generally blocked from seeing everything from our past lives. What if you were aware that 4 lives ago the consciousness that is now your brother killed you in an argument? Think of all the beef you generate just 1 time around. Who knows if it's true, but we're all just supposedly actors on a stage, filling different roles to learn different lessons. Karma isn't a penal code - it's the way an individual gets another chance to do the correct thing. I guess by having shittiness, you get an appreciation for awesomeness. Like the disclaimer said though, who knows if it's true.
This line of thought combined with my own experiences have formed my opinions on the matter. I could be wrong. You could be wrong too. Guess we'll know when we get there

Hopefully "there" will have a nice little pub we can get a pint or two at to discuss.
Have you ever tried a few regressions with a good practitioner? I used to be a straight up staunch Dawkins-esque atheist. Then I had some weird experiences and started exploring, experimenting - trying the things I was hearing about. When I do, I suspend my disbelief temporarily (there's all the time in the world afterwards to critique it, no need to be scared), follow the instructions with corresponding intention, surrender, and go with the flow. If it's crap, you can see it's crap afterwards. I suggest ya try it before ya knock it. To me you sound like someone saying how Arizona is a terrible place to visit that has never been there

Get out of your over-thinking over-analyzing brain a little - you're too smart for your own good sometimes mate