The Clueless One Your No Better Than Greer. And you just care about selling your MOVI
I was wondering how a guy like Vaeni who runs "The Culture of Contact"
You mean "owns" the Culture of Contact.
I was wondering how a guy like Vaeni who does his own, diplomacy to the alien format that sucks
Your statement is one of a personal nature. How are you to say that anyone, let alone a majority agrees with you so how can 'you' say it sucks?
I was wondering how a guy like Vaeni is qualified to input weak annoying complaints about another person "Greer" who does the same thing.
Again, those are of a personal nature because I happen to think that Jeremy is not annoying. If anything he's quite humorous because he tends to use a lot of sarcasm and condescending tones. Comedians do the same thing when they joke about the 'joke of the decade', which is all Jeremy was doing.
Jeremy your movie your promoting "I know why the aliens don't land".
I know that Jeremy corrected you here, but what he failed to mention is that if you were so incorrect in that information above, that only tells me that you really don't know Jeremy very well, let alone Culture of Contact so how can you even begin to comment. The answers are.
1.) You are a Greer follower.
2.) You were foolish enough to invest in Greer's plot. If so,
2a) You believe that Greer is doing this for the good of man and not for personal monetary gain.
3.) Should we be sensing a degree of jealousy here?
Do you have any collaborated proof that you know why aliens don't land here?
Scientifically speaking, Jeremy could never produce any kind of truth because only he is the observer in his own experiences. The only thing he can do is to share with you what it was that he observed. From that, you can only consider it a possibility anyway or rather theoretical because you never observed such. Nobody can produce such for that matter except in words but you already knew that so why did you ask such a ridiculous question?
Are you in a position to lash out your personal mental issues
What proof do you have that Jeremy has personal mental issues? You must have the proof in order to make such a statement so produce it because shy of that, that quote is most certainly considered defamation of character.
Are you in a position to lash out your personal mental issues on Greer
The "on Greer" part throws me here. Maybe you'll need to reiterate using a different question since it has not yet been proven that Jeremy has personal mental issues.
Are you in a position to lash out your personal mental issues on Greer because you dont have anything better to do?
I'm sure this is factual, which is that Jeremy has too much on his plate these days and consequently much better things to do so again your sentence does not make a lot of sense. Then again, re-read 1.), 2.), 2a.) and 3.) above, since they may pertain once more.
I think Greer made a fool of Vaeni
I was present and accounted for and I can tell you for an absolute fact that Greer made of fool of himself and not the other way around. Jeremy sees through Greer's latest antics as do the masses so why not you. I'll just bet that you fall for Nigerian 419's. When I get Orion or Disclosure email, you know what I do with it? I send it to 'spam'. It wasn't always that way, which is why I'm still on his mailing list. Actually, I unsubscribed but for some reason they're not taking care of their 'unsubscribers'. That speaks volumes to me, how about you? To me it sounds like a desperation move.
I think Greer made a fool of Vaeni and I think everybody else does too.
I would love to know someday who 'everybody else' is. I'll give you a couple of years to respond to that one.
Compare your ego to the size of the universe
This one is a classic, especially since my forté is psychology, which is why I can read you like an unopened book.
First of all you are exaggerating as to the size of Jeremy's ego, that's a gimme. Secondly, you are obviously very jealous of his accomplishments. You dislike the fact that he gains attention. Lastly, our egos have everything to do with how we feel about ourselves (inside). All of the things that people don't see in us be it our happiness or the pain we wear. Someone shy of a good sized ego walks around with low self-esteem and a feeling of low self-worth. Jeremy does not fall into either of those two categories. Quite the contrary actually since he's been found to admit to his failings. One who can do so, obviously recognizes them and that is the beginnings of change in oneself. Consequently, Jeremy has a normal sized ego and is working it for the betterment of himself, which is a good thing, not a bad thing whatsoever.
Face it whining and moaning about Greer get people like me to laugh in your face each time you get upset of your egos not living up to your expectations
This sentence makes little sense but I think I know what you meant to say. I think it would be easier for me to tell you a little something about you simply based on your own words. Would you really like to know about you?
You're angry because you have a fixed belief about Greer and it's steadfast. There's no changing that because you refuse to look at it. If you did so and eventually came to the realization (like the majority of us have) that Greer was full of beeswax, you wouldn't feel that anger. If you've invested money with Greer, you would be extremely angry to hear comments such as Jeremy's so is that why you're angry?
(and there are a lot of people like me)
Statements such as these are provable so prove it.
To laugh in your face each time you get upset of your egos not living up to your expectations
Again, prove it. I'm afraid however that you wouldn't find the numbers you're looking for.
I enjoyed the Paracast until Vaeni had the idea of coming on hoping to burn Greer.
Johnny threw sand in my face so I'm taking my toys and I'm going home. The Paracast has nothing to do with what comes out of The Clueless One's mouth but you find it necessary to say, "I enjoyed the Paracast until". Don't you find it odd to say such a thing? Why put it on the Paracast? Oh, I know the answer but you need to figure it out. Here's a handy tool
Sadly it ended up making Vaeni look bad.
According to this thread, pretty much only in your eyes.
I find you Ritzmann to many claims of your own experiences that are a result of your inflated ego, yet you have nothing at all the prove anything.
And they will never be able to prove anything to you. Nor will I and I'm a contactee. I always tell everyone that there is no way you could ever honestly believe any of my experiences because you're not me (not to mention that they are extremely difficult to define) and I'm sure Jeff and Jeremy both know this as well. At least they've got one another to talk to since there are similar circumstances. Then again, you probably wouldn't even understand what I just said. They would.
You make this seem like high school all over again.
And you make this all seem like elementary school.
My dream someday is that ET knocks on mans door and you eat crow. A lot of crow.
Lastly and more importantly, Jeremy is simply trying to help people to make important decisions in not sending their hard earned money over to Greer's camp. That's a real good thing too because I have a very close and personal friend who did so and he's tremendously upset with himself. He's also extremely embarrassed. So much so that he won't even return my emails now because he just can't face me. Steven Greer did that!