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The Clueless One Your No Better Than Greer. And you just care about selling your MOVIE.

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The Clueless One Your No Better Than Greer. And you just care about selling your MOVI

S'okay. On the one hand, I'm fair game for scrutiny/criticism. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people on here who hold back because I'm friends with the hosts and even though they can't for the life of them figure out why, they respectfully hold back. Maybe I'm wrong but I can't shake the red-headed stepchild feeling. :)

On the other hand, this guy is a Greertard and everyone saw through him before I even saw the thread so there's not much I need to say, really.
The Clueless One Your No Better Than Greer. And you just care about selling your MOVI

I am a female and I just went limp.
The Clueless One Your No Better Than Greer. And you just care about selling your MOVI

I am a female and I just went limp.

Liar. Prove it! You're just like greer. Making claims and no evidence. No, you're worse. You're like Jeremy.

BTW. Where' Lava go? No one join his click, so he go to ats? Nooooooooooooooo.!!! I miiss Lava. Who will prove to David we never went to the moon now.... /cry...............................
The Clueless One Your No Better Than Greer. And you just care about selling your MOVI

I am going to have Silvia Brown nightmares tonight THANKS packrat.
The Clueless One Your No Better Than Greer. And you just care about selling your MOVI

S'okay. On the one hand, I'm fair game for scrutiny/criticism. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people on here who hold back because I'm friends with the hosts and even though they can't for the life of them figure out why, they respectfully hold back. Maybe I'm wrong but I can't shake the red-headed stepchild feeling. :)

On the other hand, this guy is a Greertard and everyone saw through him before I even saw the thread so there's not much I need to say, really.

Jeremy - Many people like my self have had some high strangeness in their lives. We gather at this place to listen and discuss our experiences without fear of ridicule. Yet there are people like Greer, Hoagland and Morton that pray on peoples need for answers. This is a field where you can throw out the most ridiculous theories, make some noise about it and all of a sudden your a legitimate researcher without having to provide any proof. You are not one of those people, you don't pretend to have all the answers, just more questions. Just like the rest of us.

I truly believe people who follow these clowns have never had any experiences, but yearn so badly to have one that they will follow the piper into the river. Greer probably whips these guys up into a frenzy at his "camps" and they go away thinking something has happened, when actually its was just a star blinking through the atmosphere.