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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Five

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No, he was criticized relentlessly.

Now we see a sycophant President kowtowing towards the head of Russia. How can you not be embarrassed for this country?

I am HIGHLY EMBARRASSED by this country - when I see people like Hillary, Loretta Lynch, Comey & most recently Peter Strzok get away with murder and not only get away with murder - shameful Democrats (who have balls of steel by the way) stand up and applaud the guy and say things like he is a hero & deserves the Purple Heart. That's why the U.S. is the laughing stock of the world. Every immigrant thug, thief & criminal knows that once they are in this country - that our government will kiss their ass & reward them with benefits, school, housing & literally let them get away with murder like the dirt stick that murdered Kate Steinle. They know their own people/government wont tolerate their actions but they flood over to the U.S. because they know they'll get away with it & then have fools like Dem's that will fight for them to stay. That's what embarrasses me. We live in such a backwards society you get the store manager of a Sporting Goods store in Florida chase down a thug that stole a gun. But because this manager tackled him - the employee lost his job & now listed his house for sale because without his job - no mortgage payment can be made. 20+ years ago - he would have been herald as a hero & congratulated & probably given some sort of bonus. But the twisted left made it in this country that because a white manager tackled a black thug - somehow the thug is the victim & the manager is the perp. We all know damned well that if it were a black (or other minority) manager that tackled a white thief stealing a handgun - that main stream media would have this managers face plastered all over their front page saying what a hero he is & probably would give him a promotion and bonus. And then there would be some twisted story about the gun problem in America & how a white thug was trying to obtain one. They found ammunition in the thugs backpack so this manager probably prevented a murder or mass murder. But instead of being the hero, he somehow now is the a-hole and has no job. Countries read backwards stories like this that make no sense & mock us. Left wing thinking is a sickness & I feel bad for most of them.

A Florida sporting goods manager says he tackled a man trying to steal a gun. Now he's been fired. - CNN
NY Times Opinion Tom Friedman: "Everything that happened in Helsinki today only reinforces that [...] we are in trouble and we have some big decisions to make [It] was an historic moment in the entire history of the United States. There is overwhelming evidence that our president, for the first time in our history, is deliberately or through gross negligence or because of his own twisted personality, engaged in treasonous behavior — behavior that violates his oath of office to 'preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.' Trump vacated that oath today, and Republicans can no longer run and hide from that fact. Every single Republican lawmaker will be — and should be — asked on the election trail: Are you with Trump and Putin or are you with the C.I.A., F.B.I. and N.S.A.?"

Increasingly it is looking like Putin is Trump's 'handler' - as it is called in the world of espionage. All evidence points to Trump being co-opted by the Russians from as far back as 1987. Trump's failure to condemn the Russian attacks is a betrayal of his oath of office.

From Trump's own party -

"This is bizarre and flat-out wrong…. When the President plays these moral equivalence games, he gives Putin a propaganda win he desperately needs.”
- Republican Sen. Ben Sasse

"I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression. This is shameful."
- Republican Sen. Jeff Flake

"I am deeply troubled by President Trump's defense of Putin against the intelligence agencies of the U.S. & his suggestion of moral equivalence between the U.S. and Russia.”
- Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (House Armed Services Committee)

"I was very disappointed and saddened with the equivalency that he gave between [the US intelligence agencies] and what Putin was saying… [The President] made us look like a pushover”
- Republican Sen. Bob Corker

"There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy here and around the world… That is not just the finding of the American intelligence community but also the House Committee on Intelligence.”
- Republican Rep. Paul Ryan (House Speaker)

“No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant.”
- Republican Sen. John McCain

"I've seen the Russian intelligence manipulate many people in my career, and I never would have thought the US President would be one of them.”
- Republican Rep. Will Hurd (former undercover CIA officer)

"Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Our nation's top intelligence agencies all agree on that point.”
- Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch

"I strongly disagree w/ statement that Russia did not meddle in 2016 election. With all I have seen on House Intel Comm & additional indictments of 12 Russian officers last week, it is clear Russia's intentions. President Trump missed opportunity to hold Putin publicly accountable.”
- Republican Rep. Frank LoBiondo (Chair, House CIA subcommittee)

"I've said a number of times and I say it again, the Russians are not our friends and I entirely believe the assessment of our intelligence community.”
- Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell (Majority Leader)

“Donald Trump’s news conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous.”
- Former C.I.A. Director John O. Brennan
I am HIGHLY EMBARRASSED by this country - when I see people like Hillary, Loretta Lynch, Comey & most recently Peter Strzok get away with murder and not only get away with murder - shameful Democrats (who have balls of steel by the way) stand up and applaud the guy and say things like he is a hero & deserves the Purple Heart.
Peter Strzok could have ended Trump's campaign with one leak in September/October when the FBI knew about the Russian collusion. Strzok didn't. He 'saved' your man (one could say). No leak. He followed the rules even though personally he disliked Trump and was hoping he didn't win. It was Comey (Trump's man) who didn't follow the rules and called a press conference about a non-issue that impacted the election in favor of Trump. Through it all Strzok remained silent as he was suppose to. What in all that is 'shameful'?

Strzok was the agent who took down Russian agents in the 00's. What in that is 'shameful'?
That's why the U.S. is the laughing stock of the world.
We are a laughing stock because of Trump. You are not paying attention.
Every immigrant thug, thief & criminal knows that once they are in this country - that our government will kiss their ass & reward them with benefits, school, housing & literally let them get away with murder like the dirt stick that murdered Kate Steinle. They know their own people/government wont tolerate their actions but they flood over to the U.S. because they know they'll get away with it & then have fools like Dem's that will fight for them to stay. That's what embarrasses me.

You are stating false 'facts'. It's not happening. The US population is 325 million. Of that number 13% are foreign born, and only 3% of that represents illegals, who cannot access any of what you say. Most of that 3% are doing jobs Americans refuse to do, mainly farm labor. You are being led to believe that in a nation of 325 million a mere handful are causing problems. They aren't, and those that do we are more than capable of handling. There is no 'emergency' around immigration into this country.
We live in such a backwards society you get the store manager of a Sporting Goods store in Florida chase down a thug that stole a gun. But because this manager tackled him - the employee lost his job & now listed his house for sale because without his job - no mortgage payment can be made. 20+ years ago - he would have been herald as a hero & congratulated & probably given some sort of bonus.
Given what you describe it's a backwards society that has a citizen doing the job of the police. No citizen should be having to run down criminals. It is a backwards society that has citizens engaging in vigilantism. It is a backwards society that allows vigilantism.

However, the store has clear policies that the store manager failed to adhere to. That's why he was fired. Given that he was first suspended and fired after an investigation suggests that what showed up on the store's security camera did not vindicate the action taken. We only have hearsay that the man was trying to steal the gun. It's possible the store camera showed another scenario. But that's irrelevant - the policy was that no employee can lay a hand on a customer. The store cannot afford to continue with an employee who demonstrates vigilante behavior. It's not safe for others, either other employees, or customers. You may not like that but it's the way it is in an advanced society.
But the twisted left made it in this country that because a white manager tackled a black thug - somehow the thug is the victim & the manager is the perp. We all know damned well that if it were a black (or other minority) manager that tackled a white thief stealing a handgun - that main stream media would have this managers face plastered all over their front page saying what a hero he is & probably would give him a promotion and bonus. And then there would be some twisted story about the gun problem in America & how a white thug was trying to obtain one. They found ammunition in the thugs backpack so this manager probably prevented a murder or mass murder. But instead of being the hero, he somehow now is the a-hole and has no job. Countries read backwards stories like this that make no sense & mock us. Left wing thinking is a sickness & I feel bad for most of them.
Ah, so this is a race issue for you. Understood.
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Trump the traitor
Trump the traitor - The Boston Globe

"At this point [it] seems patently obvious that the president of the United States is an agent of the Russian government. After Monday’s disgraceful and appalling joint press conference with Putin and Trump, any remaining doubts about this issue need to be put aside."

Text for those who cannot access the article -

In Helsinki, at a summit that never should have taken place, President Trump sided with an authoritarian dictator, and against his own intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice on the question of whether Russia interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

Last week Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, announced criminal indictments against 12 members of the Russia Military Intelligence agency, or GRU. The indictment, prepared by special counsel Robert Mueller, laid out in extraordinary detail the extent to which Russian hackers sought to infiltrate the computer networks of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff in order to sway the election to Trump. This came on the heels of an indictment from last February in which Mueller’s office laid out evidence of Russian efforts on social media to denigrate Hillary Clinton, stoke racial and political divisions, and target voters in key swing states. All of this is consistent with the unanimous view of America’s intelligence agencies — one backed up just last week by Trump’s own Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats — that Russia was not only responsible for the 2016 hacking, but is plotting to do it again in 2018 and 2020.

Yet, on Monday Trump dismissed it all. The president was asked if he believed US intelligence agencies or the former KGB agent, unrepentant liar, and murderer standing next to him. “He just said it’s not Russia,” Trump said in reference to Putin. “I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Then Trump launched into an incoherent rant in which he blamed the Democratic Party for the hack and asked repeatedly about the “DNC server,” which is a fevered argument of election-hacking truthers.

Perhaps more astonishing was Trump’s answer when asked if he stood by his tweet that placed the blame for the drop-off in US-Russia relations on American “foolishness” and the Mueller investigation. According to Trump, “I hold both countries responsible. I think the United States has been foolish. I think we have all been foolish. We should have had this dialogue a long time ago, a long time, frankly, before I got to office. I think we’re all to blame. I think that the United States now has stepped forward along with Russia.”

Notice what is missing from this answer: criticism of Russia or Putin. There’s no mention of Putin’s seizure of Crimea and support for insurgents in Ukraine. No mention of Russian involvement in shooting down a Malaysian Airline plane four years ago this week. No mention of the poisoning of Russian opponents of Putin in London. And, of course, no mention of Russian cyberattacks.

So much about the Trump/Putin relationship is disturbing, but the president’s pathological refusal to ever say a bad word about Russia or Putin is perhaps the most disquieting facet. The why is less important than the practical impact — which is that Trump seems more interested in safeguarding the reputation of Russia than he is in safeguarding US national security interests. These are not the normal actions of a president loyal to the Constitution he swore to uphold. They are more consistent with someone who has actively betrayed his country and continues to do so.

How else can one describe what’s happening right now? At the NATO summit last week, the president bashed America’s key European allies and even referred to the European Union as a “foe.” Last month, he pushed for Russia to be included in the G-8, all the while publicly attacking America’s G-7 allies. These mimic the foreign policy objectives of Putin.

Trump has repeatedly called the Russia investigation a witch hunt. He refuses to acknowledge Russia’s role in the election hacking and has done nothing to protect America’s democratic institutions against future attacks.

This is as grave a political crisis as any we’ve seen in our lifetimes — a US president more loyal to his own ego and to a foreign rival of the United States than to the country he leads. Trump is a clear and present danger to US national security. Every American needs to demand that Congress do something, anything, to end this madness. This can’t go on.
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The lizard’s brain continues to rise..., or, shall I write; the corpse flower continues to bloom. Either way, the utter cowardice of Trump, the not-so-magnificent buffoon will drag the faithful 41 percenters along with the US, down into the toilet & out to sea.

Simply stunning, that Trump sides with the KGB, and dismisses the CIA, as this failed leader just kicked his own country square in the yam bag.

Good go n’ Donny ….
... That's what embarrasses me. We live in such a backwards society you get the store manager of a Sporting Goods store in Florida chase down a thug that stole a gun. But because this manager tackled him - the employee lost his job ... A Florida sporting goods manager says he tackled a man trying to steal a gun. Now he's been fired. - CNN
This story illustrates exactly why corporate snakes in suits with their own little fiefdoms, private jets, and huge egos shouldn't become political leaders. But I guess if you're for a corporate plutocracy running the country, then join the Trump fanboy club. He made "You're Fired" the catch phrase for a TV game show :rolleyes: . It was sick but people ate it up anyway. It illustrates to me how messed up that system is, and it really surprises me how many people are either completely blind to it, or too frightened by it to do anything about it.
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Beyond Trump: President Pence and his evangelical supreme court ?

Mid-term elections could be the last hope to avoid twilight's last gleaming of democratic processes in the USA. James Comey just fired a warning shot.

Former FBI Director James Comey urges voters to support Democrats in fall

Comey says on Twitter that the "Republican Congress has proven incapable of fulfilling the Founders' design that 'Ambition must ... counteract ambition.'" That refers to the need for Congress to provide checks and balances to presidential power.
Comey writes: "All who believe in this country's values must vote for Democrats this fall. ... History has its eyes on us."
I like how lately the mentally impaired libs are throwing the word "treason" around. They also have balls of steel. What about Bowe Berghdahl & Chelsea Manning? They are somehow herald as heros & can even run for office....even though they should both have been lined up in front of a firing squad & have the trigger pulled. These are the same Dems that think dirtbag, should be in prison with the rest of the crooked Clinton Cartel, Peter Strzok is some kind of hero. Mind boggling. This is the biggest hissy fit all over Crooked Hillary not getting elected. This is mind boggling - but keep it up - because the libs are just ensuring Trump get's another 4 years......so strap your helmet on.
I like how lately the mentally impaired libs are throwing the word "treason" around. They also have balls of steel. What about Bowe Berghdahl & Chelsea Manning? They are somehow herald as heros & can even run for office....even though they should both have been lined up in front of a firing squad & have the trigger pulled. These are the same Dems that think dirtbag, should be in prison with the rest of the crooked Clinton Cartel, Peter Strzok is some kind of hero. Mind boggling. This is the biggest hissy fit all over Crooked Hillary not getting elected. This is mind boggling - but keep it up - because the libs are just ensuring Trump get's another 4 years......so strap your helmet on.
Creepy.., your writing continues to display prior administrations, where others steered the course of events @ home & abroad.

Do you even know the definition of treason, and the circumstances surrounding its implementation?

After the shtick hits the fan, I predict you’ll go Elvis, or perhaps seek out Ted Nugent and Ann Coulter, as they’ll undoubtingly protect you from all forms of common decency.
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Creepy.., your writing continues to display prior administrations, where others steered the course of events @ home & abroad.

Do you even know the definition of treason, and the circumstances surrounding its implementation?

After the shtick hits the fan, I predict you’ll go Elvis, or perhaps seek out Ted Nugent and Ann Coulter, as they’ll undoubtingly protect you from all forms of common decency.

Thanks for the laugh :) I needed it ROFLMAO
NY Times Opinion Tom Friedman: "Everything that happened in Helsinki today only reinforces that [...] we are in trouble and we have some big decisions to make [It] was an historic moment in the entire history of the United States. There is overwhelming evidence that our president, for the first time in our history, is deliberately or through gross negligence or because of his own twisted personality, engaged in treasonous behavior — behavior that violates his oath of office to 'preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.' Trump vacated that oath today, and Republicans can no longer run and hide from that fact. Every single Republican lawmaker will be — and should be — asked on the election trail: Are you with Trump and Putin or are you with the C.I.A., F.B.I. and N.S.A.?"

Increasingly it is looking like Putin is Trump's 'handler' - as it is called in the world of espionage. All evidence points to Trump being co-opted by the Russians from as far back as 1987. Trump's failure to condemn the Russian attacks is a betrayal of his oath of office.

From Trump's own party -

"This is bizarre and flat-out wrong…. When the President plays these moral equivalence games, he gives Putin a propaganda win he desperately needs.”
- Republican Sen. Ben Sasse

"I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression. This is shameful."
- Republican Sen. Jeff Flake

"I am deeply troubled by President Trump's defense of Putin against the intelligence agencies of the U.S. & his suggestion of moral equivalence between the U.S. and Russia.”
- Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (House Armed Services Committee)

"I was very disappointed and saddened with the equivalency that he gave between [the US intelligence agencies] and what Putin was saying… [The President] made us look like a pushover”
- Republican Sen. Bob Corker

"There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy here and around the world… That is not just the finding of the American intelligence community but also the House Committee on Intelligence.”
- Republican Rep. Paul Ryan (House Speaker)

“No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant.”
- Republican Sen. John McCain

"I've seen the Russian intelligence manipulate many people in my career, and I never would have thought the US President would be one of them.”
- Republican Rep. Will Hurd (former undercover CIA officer)

"Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Our nation's top intelligence agencies all agree on that point.”
- Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch

"I strongly disagree w/ statement that Russia did not meddle in 2016 election. With all I have seen on House Intel Comm & additional indictments of 12 Russian officers last week, it is clear Russia's intentions. President Trump missed opportunity to hold Putin publicly accountable.”
- Republican Rep. Frank LoBiondo (Chair, House CIA subcommittee)

"I've said a number of times and I say it again, the Russians are not our friends and I entirely believe the assessment of our intelligence community.”
- Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell (Majority Leader)

“Donald Trump’s news conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous.”
- Former C.I.A. Director John O. Brennan
You really need to read this article on Trump’s treason