Facts and logic will not do the job.
From my perspective, I fail to fully understand the appeal of a character like Trump. Is it brainwashing? ... or the appeal of potential fast-food build-a-wall/ban-muslims/kill-NAFTA/destroy-NATO raw-emotion based solutions that fermented in the minds of a base stimulated by FOX or INFOWARS?.
If I was to propose a hypothesis I'd say someone like Trump gets in mainly because of
fear, racism, recent financial trauma (2008 crash), demographic changes, fake external threats and conspiracies amplified by the likes of Alex Jones... and fear of the real transition to China as the first economic power of the planet (expected 2029).
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So, it's all emotion similar in many ways to what happened in Germany in the 1930's. A populist demagogue with the help of a shady opportunistic entourage dug into the worst aspects of human nature and created the third Reich. What's different this time around is the power of the internet and powerful media constantly debunking Trump lies and highlighting the obscenities. Unfortunately the emotional element has trumped rationality for the last 18 months.