Paranormal Adept
Yes. I linked to the show. Yes, that is the 'real fix' - that absolves them from tinkering with the vote count and potentially getting caught. However, I wouldn't write off a hand-count revealing some stuff. Already interesting 'admissions' have been forthcoming - clearly looking like preemptive diclosures to avoid getting caught red-handed. Why else is Trump so upset with the re-count? That's what I wonder.The real fix is voter suppression, where they pull stunts to keep minorities and lower income people from voting. That's the reason why some state voter ID laws have been overturned in the courts. But they didn't overturn enough, and it's quite possible that millions of voters were excluded, and by demographics, these are mostly the people who would have voted Democratic. Some of this happened in 2000 in Florida. Look it up (you heard this on Thom Hartmann's show, Tyger).
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