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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Three

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Don't Trump supporters notice the way Trump refers to his election as a 'landslide' and a 'mandate' while in fact he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly three million votes? How does this stuff not sink in for the Trumpists? It's a case of being, or deciding to be, wilfully ignorant. Pitiable, and dangerous in a democracy.
A recent poll indicates that 52% of Republicans, and, I think, 37% of Independents, believe Trump won the popular vote. It's a rough place out there. That's why we are in a Post-Fact world.
A recent poll indicates that 52% of Republicans, and, I think, 37% of Independents, believe Trump won the popular vote. It's a rough place out there. That's why we are in a Post-Fact world.

Trump beat hillary. That's all that matters. Hopefully he bans the EPA and CDC.
Some good analysis: BTW I am speculating that Ivanka is present as a necessity. If it is true that Trump does not (cannot?) read, Ivanka is the necessary presence to interpret and keep on track the wandering mind of Trump. We should be grateful to her ability - and willingness - to be around. Maybe.

Is the New Retirement Crisis a Threat to Our Democracy?
TEXT: "Published on Dec 20, 2016: On tonight’s Big Picture, Thom speaks to Terry Tamminen, CEO of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, about Donald Trump’s cabinet’s views on climate change and whether there’s any “green hope” with the incoming administration. Later in the show, Thom discusses Trump’s rhetoric on Islamic terrorism and the impending repeal of North Carolina’s bathroom bill with Bryan Pruitt of RedState and Joe Dinkin of the Working Families Party."
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This article indicates that the blue collar whites who put Trump in the White House, who benefit most from Obamacare, didn't actually believe he'd make good on his promise to repeal the law.

Trump voters didn’t take him literally on Obamacare. Oops?

But this is also an indication of how a political party designed to benefit millionaires has fooled the middle class into supporting them and giving away their benefits.

In the 1950s, one person could support a family of four, buy a new car and a home, and have a decent retirement. Today that person has to work two jobs to barely keep up, or both parents (if there are two parents in the family) have to work. The rich get richer and all that. It all started with Ronald Reagan. Give the rich tax cuts to create more jobs. But that's businesses, not the executives, who pocketed the money or put it in tax shelters. Voodoo economics indeed!
The BBC is funded by license fees payed by UK citizens who own televisions not directly by the "state":

Television licensing in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia

The BBC has no advertisements (commercials)

RT is funded by the Russian government directly and has commercials.

And down here the ABC (the local BBC) is funded by the government directly and has no commercials.

Its considered left in its bias by many.

David Salter, former producer of the ABC's Media Watch, insists that Leftist bias must be expected from the ABC:
In the 1950s, one person could support a family of four, buy a new car and a home, and have a decent retirement. Today that person has to work two jobs to barely keep up, or both parents (if there are two parents in the family) have to work.

This could also be a predictable symptom of overpopulation. It might also explain the populist right movement and its anti immigration platform.
As population density increases, resources get thin on the ground including jobs. Society's start to become insular and take a look after me first pov.
In the U.S., Clinton led the popular vote by over 2%, which was in line with the polls. They differed in several states where polling was not as frequent, and where methodologies needed to be reexamined.
And this article makes that same point. But the fact remains Polls are unreliable as predictors.

So the last-minute polls were accurate in predicting Clinton’s vote but were off by 4% in the case of the Trump vote. What went wrong?

The failure of the last-minute polls in Britain to accurately call the general election of 2015 and again in the Brexit referendum in June 2016, provides some insights for the US presidential election. The 2015 failure prompted the British Polling Council to set up an inquiry into what went wrong. Four possible explanations outlined in their preliminary report, published in January 2016, of what went wrong in Britain may be relevant to the US presidential election: a late swing, sampling problems, herding behaviour and mis- or “over-reporting”.

4 possible reasons why most of the election polls were wrong
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