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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Three

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This is confusing since we don't use this system here.

Then there was the coordinated efforts of the White House, other prominent democrats and the mainstream media to turn the Electoral College against Trump, because Russia. Ironically, that effort too resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump as only 2 electors refused to vote for him while 5 electors abandoned Hillary. Anyone else noticing a theme here?

FBI Warrant For Clinton Emails Released As Democrats Slam Decision: "I Am Appalled" | Zero Hedge

Can the electoral college representatives just change their minds and make an executive decision even in the face of the voters will ?
Can the electoral college representatives just change their minds and make an executive decision even in the face of the voters will ?
Yes, but party officials in some states where the laws prohibit faithless electors can replace the offenders. But there are enough states to allow for executive decisions.
This is a good run-down - even David Stockman is predicting a 'fiscal blood bath' starting in March 2017 -

Reagan's Budget Director [David Stockman] Predicts The Coming Crash!
TEXT: "Published on Dec 7, 2016: Thom talks about recent comments from David Stockman, the Chairman of The Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan, about the economic signs pointing to another economic crash and the fact that Donald Trump will not have the tools to resolve that crisis."
To Hell With Godwin's Law... We're There!
TEXT: "Published on Dec 20, 2016: Thom talks about Donald Trump's incoming administration and how it compares with the actions and statements with those of Adolf Hitler."
We are observing a fascistic revolution/take-over of the US Governemnt. Trump was not legitmately elected. We've got a situation. There is a 'dangerous faction' taking over the White House.

Thomas Jefferson Would Be Appalled... (w/Guest: Dan Sisson)
TEXT: "Published on Dec 20, 2016: Thom speaks with Dan Sisson, co-author of "The American Revolution of 1800", about how the current political environment compares to the days of our founding fathers and why we should be concerned about the dangerous faction taking over the White House."
There is something odd taking place.

Why Do We Need A Foreign Boogeyman?

TEXT: "Published on Dec 15, 2016: Thom talks about conflicting reports surrounding the allegations of Russia hacking the election and asks why we're ignoring the domestic election rigging like voter supression and questionable FBI reports."
From a poster on one of the above video's: "The electoral college vote is disturbing. A day before that vote, there were electors intending to vote agaist trump. The day of the vote, they suddenly caved and followed party lines.

"Over the past months I have been openly critical of Trump. The viciousness of the attacks against me have been astonishing. Everything from various and disgusting sexual violence and plain old beat downs to general mayhem against 'libtards'. I doubt that I am alone.

"There is no question in my mind these same tactics and actual threats by various state governments were used against the Hamilton Electors. In the past you [Thom Hartmann] have drawn parallels to Hitler and his rise. I believe we stand at the beginning of the Fourth Reich."
Those bloody ET's from Vega.
Its all their fault.

Yes, but party officials in some states where the laws prohibit faithless electors can replace the offenders. But there are enough states to allow for executive decisions.

I'm assuming my link is correct and that 5 college voters switched to Trump. Why would they do that. ?

Are they worried the new administration will hold their vote for Hillary against them and stifle federal funding etc. ?
I would suggest that US citizens stay informed. What is coming down the pike is not good. :mad:

On Contact: A New McCarthyism with Ellen Schrecker
TEXT: "Published on Dec 24, 2016: On this week’s episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges explores the rise of a new McCarthyism with Professor Ellen Schrecker, author of “Many are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America”. They examine the role of President Elect Donald Trump and the impact the suppression of dissent has had on higher education. RT Correspondent Anya Parampil looks at a few recent examples of targets of this new McCarthyism."
This is a general political thread, not so? I was thinking some history might be advantageous to understanding Trump and our current world.

The Rise of America's Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles Part 1
LINK: The Rise of America's Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles | Democracy Now!
TEXT: "October 13, 2015: It’s been more than 50 years since Allen Dulles resigned as director of the CIA, but his legacy lives on. Between 1953 and 1961, under his watch, the CIAoverthrew the governments of Iran and Guatemala, invaded Cuba, and was tied to the killing of Patrice Lumumba, Congo’s first democratically elected leader. We speak with David Talbot, author of "The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government," about how Dulles’ time at the CIA helped shape the current national security state."

The Rise of America's Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles Part 2
LINK: The Rise of America's Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles Pt. 2 | Democracy Now!
TEXT: "October 14, 2015: Extended web-only interview with David Talbot, author of "The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government," about how Dulles’ time at the CIA helped shape the current national security state. Talbot discusses Dulles’ close ties to The New York Times, the CIA-backed coups in Iran and Guatemala, the assassination of John F. Kennedy and more."

There are two parts to this - both parts easily found on YouTube. Here is Part 2 - addressing why (in Palast's view) Hillary did not push for the re-count in Michigan. I think it's clear from the numbers that Hillary did indeed win the election - both the popular vote, and if one winnows out the voter suppression, the Electoral College. This is the only place where I have heard the reason articulated why she (and Gore, for that matter) did not challenge the 'results' and was not willing to show up in Michigan for the re-count. EDIT: Not saying this is accurate but an interesting scenario. What do others think?

Greg Palast on Why Clinton Didn’t Push for Michigan Recount - Part 2 of 2
TEXT: "Published on Dec 20, 2016: Greg Palast tells Paul Jay that there are 75,000 uncounted Clinton votes, but she won't push for a recount because the elite will defend the fake monstrosity called the US electoral system even when their personal interests are at stake."
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You would have another Civil War in the USA if that actually got off the ground.
Are you serious? That if Trump/the GOP did not get his/it's way there would have been fighting in the streets? You truly believe this? And then with the same breath the Dems are accused of being whiners about the loss? Compute this for me, please. :rolleyes:

Had the vote flipping occurred it would have been legal - in the same way that Trump supporters declare the Electoral College results are 'legal' and are fine with the Electoral College results because it went their candidate's way.

That the vote flipping did not take place is odd. Odder still is the silence from all those who spoke out. What happened?
Its a simple loss to a 'conservative-biased' electoral college system.

Last missing piece of this mess is a 3AM 'Trumpy tweet' that nukes the planet off its orbit.
Yeah..., you’re probably right, although, in knowing Trump he’ll likely start out with accidentally nuking Washington DC, then work his way toward California. With any luck at all, the enemies won’t even have to launch a single nuke.

I suppose it’s all just part of Putin’s master plan...

Washington Post raises 'darker suspicions' about Trump's Russia stance
"I only know I could never 'throw roses to Hitler,' " she wrote. "And I certainly could never sing for him."

Soprano quits Mormon Tabernacle Choir, won't sing at inauguration

Obviously, this conscientious objector doesn’t necessarily feel like spending all of eternity alongside Trump in hell.
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Yes too many extreme lefties still winging about the US election outcome they lost simple.
You are misinterpreting the election results - he did not win the popular vote because far more than 'extreme lefties' voted against him - such as Republicans, such as middle-of-the -roaders. Many more voters just did not vote at all. Categorizing all critique of the outcome of the election - and the continuing and increasing unrest with Trump (along a wide base) - and any critique of Trump himself, as 'leftie' - is missing a lot. It's not that simplistic (this/that, left/right, black/white).

Trump's transition has a disapproval rating of a whopping 48%. (Approval is at 48%). This compares to a 75% approval rating for Obama and the last three president-elects garnering at least 65% favoribility or above.

LINK: Poll: Trump’s transition has lowest approval rating in decades

LINK: Trump's Transition Approval Lower Than Predecessors'

On November 7th - the day of the election - his unfavorability rating was 56.9% (favorability 39.4%). Consider that.
Current (as of 12/27/16) unfavorability rating is 48.4% (favorability 42.7%). See live graph tracking in link -
LINK: Donald Trump Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

The point of all the above statistics is that Trump is in his position without the confidence of the majority of the population - who are definitely not all 'extreme lefties'. Just pointing that out. Dismissing critique is a dismissal of the majority.
Since so many Americans didn't vote, Trump actually got a margin of about a quarter of the eligible voters. That's a pathetic situation. He won by slim margins in three states that gave him the electoral votes he needs.

Curious — since he won, some of his most vociferous supporters have disappeared from this forum after resorting to attacking people. Maybe they came to realize that they were depending on a healthy diet of fake news to justify their support.
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