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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Three

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Why is no-one in the UK or U.S even mentioning that you can bet your last dollar we (the NSA and GCHQ et al) will be doing plenty online shenanigans against Russia - Spying, the 'legal' kind and illegal kind, never stops and especially against the few other names in your own 'weight' category.
We do it to them, they do it to us ad infinitum and the very fact that intelligence can be gleaned from the online world absolutely guarantees that we are 'collecting' it on Russia and many others.

Nobody in office would ever deny that these days, post-Snowden and revelations like The German Chancellor's personal cellphone being tapped...we seem on good terms with Germany, much better terms than Russia right now so if we would do that to an ally......
What is interesting is that regardless if it's true - and it likely is - the real reason Trump is the President-Elect is because of Crosscheck and Voter Suppression and Gerrymandering - all Republican shenanigans. Make no mistake, Hillary won the election hands down - even with the protest vote or non-vote. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" It's not Putin - it's the GOP - and a seriously ignorant sliver of the electorate. The rest is smoke'n'mirrors (imo).
How Many Voters Were Suppressed?
TEXT: "Published on Jan 9, 2017: How Many Voters Were Suppressed?"
Politics is tool which poor or wealthy has used since time of the bible or human evolution. Everybody has good and bad no one is left of the shelf during emotions of life. One certainty born to die and some live longer than others. Power of politics has home in the lobbyist of war or peace whatever happens in this year it will effect all of us.
Why is no-one in the UK or U.S even mentioning that you can bet your last dollar we (the NSA and GCHQ et al) will be doing plenty online shenanigans against Russia - Spying, the 'legal' kind and illegal kind, never stops and especially against the few other names in your own 'weight' category.
We do it to them, they do it to us ad infinitum and the very fact that intelligence can be gleaned from the online world absolutely guarantees that we are 'collecting' it on Russia and many others.

Yes, I have no doubt. But what would seem unhinged and disturbing would be if Putin was vehemently denying that was the case, he was attacking the Russian intelligence agencies for saying so, and Putin believed what he was saying.
Most of the conversation is around: how do we get rid of him. Legally. Craziness all 'round. None of the current 'scandal' should be a surprise given the known character of the man. There have been endless chances to change the outcome of this election - legally - none were taken. Massive pantomime in play - all to keep Hillary away from the presidency - because, after all, she is 'so bad', 'nasty', 'dishonest'. :rolleyes:

Robert Reich:
"Trump is not even in office yet he has already broken the record for being the least popular president-elect in history. Trump’s job approval rating has dropped to 37% over the past month. Most Americans (51 percent) view him unfavorably, according to the newly-released Quinnipiac Poll.

"Respondents also have highly unfavorable views of Trump’s personal traits: 53 percent say he's dishonest, 52 percent say he doesn't care about average Americans, 62 percent say he's not level-headed.

"It's too early for this to have direct political consequences, of course, but I predict that if his approval rating sinks much below this on the way to the 2018 midterms, congressional Republicans will impeach him. There will be sufficient grounds, and they won’t want this albatross around their necks."
Having worked, often full time, for months to elect Obama in 2008 I feel he is ultimately a failed President in Middle East policies, and his support of BLM is a disaster! We've been manipulated by the MSM for so many decades of "fake news" that it has finally imploded in its own lies and deception exposing just how incompetent the DNC leadership is with its racist identity politics and disastrous corrupt leadership of Obama and Hillary as SoS.

Wikileaks is the proof "baby", and it ain't the boogyman Ruskies we have to blame.

Hillary's long medical history of blood clotting and fainting and falling beginning in the late 90's and culminating at the 911 NYC Memorial Ceremony in complete meltdown total collapse having to be dragged and lifted into the van without any motor-control like a limp rag doll, ***and*** the fact she was caught on video in an obvious head nodding seizure during a campaign stop proved Hillary to be physically unfit to endure the rigors of being President. She obviously suffered long term neurological brain damage from a brain affected blood clot causing her to resign as SoS in 2012.

Furthermore, Hillary willfully tried to hide her email records from being captured by FOIA, so the American people could not learn what her communications were as SoS. SAP Top Secret information was sent and received on her private server multiple times, so there were clear violations of National Security Laws that could be prosecuted. But, it's obvious, people like Hillary are above the law for such obvious inexcusable violations.

Like pyromaniacs Hillary and Obama lit Libya on fire and destabilized the whole region including Egypt and Syria, the so called "code named" Arab Spring, in attempts to do more subversive regime change and topple those existing longstanding governments. These are War Crimes. It's criminal and evil.

The fact Hillary blames the Russians for her total and complete incompetence with Obama in Middle East failed policies and for her lost election shows what despicable liars these people are.

Wikileaks proves the truth about Hillary's campaign and the pure lies of the MSM trying to make us believe the Ruskies did it.

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Something odd is afoot methinks. The RT Network is on 'Scheduled Maintemance GMT 9:00 pm - 7:00 a.m.'

It's been like this for hours.

All I could find on-line was this report -
C-SPAN is investigating why its feed mysteriously broadcast Russian state television
C-SPAN is investigating why its feed mysteriously broadcast Russian state television
TEXT: "C-SPAN said Thursday it is investigating why its online feed began broadcasting Russia Today, the Russian state-sponsored English news network.

"C-SPAN said that while it suspected the mistake was internal, it was examining the issue. 'This afternoon the online feed for C-SPAN was briefly interrupted by RT programming. We are currently investigating and troubleshooting this occurrence. As RT is one of the networks we regularly monitor, we are operating under the assumption that it was an internal routing issue,' the network said in an email.

Russia Today denied that it cut into the broadcast, citing C-SPAN's own statement. 'RT in no way has cut into that broadcast; C-SPAN says (statement on Twitter) that it is an internal routing issue. Hope this clears things up,' Anna Belkina told Business Insider in a statement.

Both statements came after the clip went viral online, stoking snark and speculation from online commenters, who noted RT's positive coverage of President-elect Donald Trump and the incoming president's positive statements about Russian President Vladimir Putin."
This is beyond strange. Is it possible that RT's ability to broadcast has been usurped? If so we are looking at the muzzling of one of the premier outlets of objective commentary on US politics. The statement that RT had 'positive coverage' of Trump's statements about Putin does not bear out in my experience. In fact, the 'talking heads' RT has on it's roster are blistering when it comes to Trump. And now RT is not broadcasting.......what? :confused:
The tragedy unfolding is too grim to bear. I can only say that - if it weren't for the fact that Hillary actually did win the election - the US electorate have only themsleves to blame for the whirlwind about to be unleashed against them: they may not have voted for Trump, but they voted the Republicans in across years. Until we have this.....

Senate Takes Major Step Toward Repealing Health Care Law
TEXT: WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans took their first major step toward repealing the Affordable Care Act on Thursday, approving a budget blueprint that would allow them to gut the health care lawwithout the threat of a Democratic filibuster.

The vote was 51 to 48. During the roll call, Democrats staged a highly unusual protest on the Senate floor to express their dismay and anger at the prospect that millions of Americans could lose health insurancecoverage.

One by one, Democrats rose to voice their objections. Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington said that Republicans were “stealing health care from Americans.” Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon said he was voting no “because health care should not just be for the healthy and wealthy.”

The presiding officer, Senator Cory Gardner, Republican of Colorado, repeatedly banged his gavel and said the Democrats were out of order because “debate is not allowed during a vote.”

See the footage here -

Senate Democrats put up a fight on Obamacare vote
LINK: Senate Democrats put up a fight on Obamacare vote
TEXT: "Rachel Maddow shares video of a late-night voting session in the Senate in which Senate Democrats don't let their Republican colleagues pass an Obamacare repeal vote without a fight."
What now your saying RT US Propaganda tool instead of Russia propaganda machine?
RT does not require their 'talking heads' to adhere to any editorial line - ask Thom Hartmann, ask Larry King, ask Ed Schultz, ask Mike Papantonio, et al. That is all I'm familar with. In fact, Thom Hartmann has said that MSNBC would have required him to tow a 'politically correct' line - whereas RT guaranteed no interference in Hartmann's editorial viewpoint.

The result is that there is pretty freewheeling critique of everything and anyone - even Putin - on RT. Certainly with the 'talking heads'. There has been an on-going smear directed against the RT Network across several years. It's possible the Network's news reports are biased - I don't know since I don't watch them - just the 'talking heads'.
Give you that Democrats shot themselves in the foot over the years due to (what friends in the US say who vote democrat first time Obama won US Presidency ) border control, illegal migration, Obama care (Medicare ) home grown /terrorism and debts. Also seeing the nations divided through the years. Secondly, RT machine is a media political tool
What Is Russia Today?
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Give you that Democrats shot themselves in the foot over the years due to (what friends in the US say who vote democrat first time Obama won US Presidency ) border control, illegal migration, Obama care (Medicare ) home grown /terrorism and debts.
Don't know who your friends are, of course, but illegal migration (and border control) is not a problem for those of us who live amongst it (just in the imaginations stirred up by politicians with false 'facts') - and Obamacare was a Republican Plan, not a Democratic one. Not sure why you are equating Medicare with Obamacare. 'Home grown terrorism' is hardly a Democratic issue - and debts we can safely lay at the feet of every Republican adminstration that racked up the bills every time.

Our problem has been the loss of a free press. No minor matter.
Also seeing the nations divided through the years.
Unclear what you are saying - 'nations' or 'nation'?
Secondly, RT machine is a media political tool
What Is Russia Today?
As I said, the 'talking heads' are pretty free-wheeling - anyone and everyone gets a jab from them. No 'party-line' evident in my experience, except the view of the 'talking head'.
US Nation dived due riots over political issues rightly or wrongly, US not the only nations going through the same events France, Germany , Australia, New Zealand next election and no state has had so called free press in one way or another even Russia. Every media outlet small or big answers to someone under media guidelines within the rule of law. Of course it depends who controls it as well. On lighter note
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Trump is going to help expose the vaccine scam. This is great news.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can only say that - if it weren't for the fact that Hillary actually did win the election [...]
What is the evidence for this?

I supported Gore and he foolishly lost Florida, because he didn't believe he could win IF all the votes were counted there.

As long as we don't have a paper audit trail for each and every vote, then the system is entirely corruptible by election electronic fraud (not limited to only voter fraud). Just watch Hacking Democracy... can be seen on youtube or downloaded off the net or Amazon, etc.

Watch Bev Harris videos on youtube and find her recent audio interviews.
Gore lost Florida because the Florida election official, under the direction of Jeb Bush, removed thousands of people from the voting rolls because the names matched people with felony convictions from other states. Even if a fraction of these voters were left on the rolls, the outcome, and the state of the world, would be very different today.

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, lost in the electoral college as you know. Did the Russians hack the machines? Did Hillary lose by failing to campaign in the states where she lost by narrow margins? Did the curious statements from the FBI Director in the final days of the campaign discourage her supporters from voting, or tilt the votes in favor of Trump? Any of these could have changed the outcome. All of them could have changed it big time.
Gore lost Florida because the Florida election official, under the direction of Jeb Bush, removed thousands of people from the voting rolls because the names matched people with felony convictions from other states. Even if a fraction of these voters were left on the rolls, the outcome, and the state of the world, would be very different today.
You're confusing a state's rights issue to give a false impression as to why Gore lost FL. The fact is Gene... Gore lost FL, because he and his attorneys decided to only recount counties that he thought would win him the election. Had Gore instead decided to request early on to count the entire state, then Gore ultimately would have won FL. This is history now, and that is the factual account of the final analysis about FL that a vote recount of the entire state would have been surprisingly in Gore's favor. That is the strategic error the DNC attorneys and Gore made, and it's on their heads as to why Gore ultimately lost. The Republicans would have been all for recounting the entire state, since it was everyone's belief on both sides a final recount of the entire state would be in their win column.

I was a Gore supporter and followed this whole debacle for months closely before and after the election including reading the actual text of the Supreme Court's decision.

For gosh sakes, Gore should have won his own home state of Tennessee, and he would have been President.
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