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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Three

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@11thDimensionAlien Your views on Hillary are unusual. Never heard such. I don't know where to begin so won't.
No need to focus on anyone or anything else but Wikileaks and some FOIA lawsuit releases. Wikileaks exposed the DNC corruption against Sanders, and the illegal dirty tricks aimed at Trump rallies and supporters were also confirmed by undercover video. This criminal and unethical insanity goes straight into the White House and CNN/MSM, etc.

Hillary was exposed to be a pathological liar about her private email server by many of the Wikileaks and sworn testimony in Congressional hearings, and I think what she did to Libya, Egypt, and Syria, aka "code worded" the Arab Spring, w/Obama's knowledge, of course, are War Crimes. All this is exposed by Wikileaks and many other legitimate sources that required Lawsuits through FOIA to get to the truth.
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Some very interesting commentary by Hedges....

[44] Chris Hedges & Writer for The Daily Show J.R. Havlan!
TEXT: "Published on Jan 13, 2017: Lee Camp kicks off the first Redacted Tonight VIP of 2017 with TWO interviews. Lee first talks with New York Times best-selling author Chris Hedges, host of On Contact and columnist for Truthdig. Hedges discusses how Deep State will play out in a Trump presidency. In the second half, Lee talks with JR Havlan, former writer for The Daily Show and his experiences covering political satire and its role in keeping the masses informed."
A series of events - summarized in this article (some of which I was not aware - especially the Israeli stuff) involving Trump and the US Intelligence agencies and Israel and Russia and Iran ....... I agree with the writer: "...there are other things happening which we are not seeing, and not seeing them makes all the rest seem out of joint."

Hall of Mirrors - TPM Blog Post JANUARY 13, 2017

Hall of Mirrors
TEXT Excerpted: "I truly don't know what to make of this. Everything we are hearing is disjointed, half-contradictory, actions are taken that have no clear rationale or explanation behind them. It is not just troubling. Much of it simply doesn't fit together. One global explanation is that you have an impetuous, feral incoming President, a host of awkward and not fully answered questions and an intelligence community which is trying to address those questions, to serve the current president but also prepare to serve the next one. And this all in a climate of a deeply polarized country. The other explanation - not necessarily contradicting this one at all - is that there are other things happening which we are not seeing, and not seeing them makes all the rest seem out of joint."
US needs to move on and Hillary can try again next time unless Mrs Obama tells her move on.
The US cannot 'move on' - the reality is looming and must be faced daily. We can never undo the fact that Trump is illegitimate: he was elected by 1/4 of the population, lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, 'won' the Electoral College because of serious voter suppression - in a society that has lost it's bearings on truth and facts. He does not have a mandate - and that is what Trump and Trump supporters need to accept: they are not the majority. However, that said, the majority have only themselves to blame for this genuine tragedy, for not only us, but for the world. (IMO).

What you need to move off of is bashing Hillary. Those like you in the US need to get focussed on what Trump is actually doing, and what this Republican Congress is planning for everyone's quality of life. If they do that maybe we put this nightmare to rest in four years - or sooner (with impeachment, conviction, and removal). Though then we will have Pence to deal with.

Hopefully in two years - with the mid-terms - we will get some of the nonesense reigned in. Hopefully.
How to know just how corrupt the Clintons were? Watch all the Billions pledged by foreign interests evaporate from their "non-profit" interests. It was/is a disgrace what the Clintons did with all the domestic and foreign self-enrichment they engaged in amassing an estimated 500 million in personal wealth since the 90's. Meanwhile, taxpayers paid for their security and retirement incomes costing additional tens of millions of taxpayer's money. By contrast, Trump has pledged to take one dollar per year while serving, and I doubt he will take any money or security services after office from taxpayers too!

At least all Republican Presidents never engaged in such extreme abuses of office after serving, much less, while serving as Hillary did amassing billion dollar pledges from foreign interests as SoS for personal gains and power through their "non-profits". It's a total disgrace!!!

At least President Carter is a great example of how to serve the people after leaving office. I'm not a Republican hack either, as I've never voted Republican. I should have voted for Reagan considering he ended the Cold War. Had Ross Perot become President instead of Clinton we would all be far better off today.

Trump seems very interested in reorganizing the military to save Trillions in taxpayer dollars. He is the only President that is challenging the insane expenses the American people have been screwed by the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) for decades. Our allies need to spend more of their own money for their defenses too, and Trump is the only President demanding what should have been done decades and Trillions of dollars ago!!!

If Trump can accomplish these MIC reforms, then he can save Trillions in taxpayer dollars. Peace with Russia is a great goal that Trump wants to achieve, and it's obvious Hillary could not possibly have been that kind of President.
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None of this is true. I cannot believe people continue to fall for all this unproven nonsense.

I'm no super fan of the Clintons, but here's the truth, which you can verify for yourself if you bothered:

The Clinton Foundation is a registered non-profit organization that has used something like 87% of its revenue for charitable purposes. It's a higher ratio than most such organizations. A small part in grants to other agencies, the rest through their own devices. The Clintons have released their own tax returns, so we know how much they earned, and it's not hundreds of millions per year. The foundation's finances are also online.

Donald Trump's tax returns are a secret. We don't know how much money he really earned, and what he owes and to whom.
What you need to move off of is bashing Hillary. Those like you in the US need to get focussed on what Trump is actually doing, and what this Republican Congress is planning for everyone's quality of life. If they do that maybe we put this nightmare to rest in four years - or sooner (with impeachment, conviction, and removal). Though then we will have Pence to deal with.

Only if Trump is removed from office will we have Pence to deal with in the balance of Trump's four-year term. I'm hoping that the balance of power will shift in the Senate in two years and that by the end of Trump/Pence's four years in office the Democrats will return to the executive branch as well. But if it's the Dems, they will have to change significantly to make the difference that is necessary. This article from The Nation gets to the change needed, without which this country will wither.

Why Millennials Aren’t Afraid of Socialism
None of this is true. I cannot believe people continue to fall for all this unproven nonsense.

I'm no super fan of the Clintons, but here's the truth, which you can verify for yourself if you bothered.


The Clintons have released their own tax returns, so we know how much they earned, and it's not hundreds of millions per year. The foundation's finances are also online.
If you bothered to read more carefully what I posted, then you would not imply I wrote that the Clintions were making hundreds of millions per year.
What I see is that you edited the post rather substantially, but you still claim that the Clintons are using their foundation to amass personal wealth, which isn't true.
I did not change the meaning or amounts about what you misread and implied I wrote to begin with, which I never wrote before or after the editing.

I just added my opinions about what Trump might do with the MIC and his other ideas. And, I wanted to make clear I've never voted Republican, so people don't confuse why I dislike Hillary so much.

Back in early June of 2016 I thought Trump was an idiot and a buffoon mainly because of listening to the MSM. I never watched Fox or checked the Drudge Report. What caught my interest was Brexit. I was really into the BBC by chance, and so I followed the UK's national debate over Brexit and followed the BBC and what happened there with extreme interest.

I don't trust the MSM anymore, way too much "fake news", and I began to watch Fox and read Drudge Report links AFTER watching the Congressional FBI hearings on C-SPAN about Hillary's email scandal. Hillary is one big reason our government is so corrupt, and, no, that is not because I'm brainwashed by Fox news or Drudge. Wikileaks and C-SPAN obliterated the Clintons and the DNC.

I don't trust Trump over many issues, and I did not vote for Trump. The DNC must reform and distance itself from all its minority identity politics that brings out such radical organized agendas that become far too explosive and violent and fringe irrelevancy like bathroom transgender debates. BLM is a perfect example with all the rioting, black sniper fire on police, etc.
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Lee Camp - Redacted Tonight - addresses the RTAmericaTV bashing that has been taking place - the accusations of 'Fake News'. Quite the reverse - RT (along with Progressive Radio/Television) is about the only place for 'real' news/analysis. :rolleyes:

NOTE: Lee Camp is a comedian-cum-commentator a la John Stewart.

[131] MSM Becomes Fake News, Arrested For Giving Away Food, School To Prison Pipeline
TEXT: "Published on Jan 13, 2017: DESCRIPTION - Is Redacted Tonight fake news? Lee Camp gets to the heart of it. Then covers the recent news that people are being arrested for giving away free food. Also, Reverend Billy is facing jail time for trying to attend Monsanto’s bash. Then Correspondent Natalie McGill exposes the 'School to Prison Pipeline.' Finally Redacted’s Naomi Karavani reveals what’s really behind the 'Right to Work' law that was passed in Kentucky and around the country. This and more on Redacted Tonight."
TPM EDBLOG: Trump's (and Putin's) Plan to Dissolve the EU and NATO.
LINK: Trump's (and Putin's) Plan to Dissolve the EU and NATO.
TEXT Excerpted: "Most people in this country, certainly most members of the political class and especially its expression in Washington, don't realize what Donald Trump is trying to do in Europe and Russia.

"Back in December I explained that Trump has a plan to break up the European Union. Trump and his key advisor Steve Bannon (former Breitbart chief) believe they can promise an advantageous trade agreement with the United Kingdom, thus strengthening the UK's position in its negotiations over exiting the EU. With such a deal in place with the UK, they believe they can slice apart the EU by offering the same model deal to individual EU states. Steve Bannon discussed all of this at length with Business Week's Josh Green and Josh and I discussed it in great detail in this episode of my podcast from mid-December.

"Now we have a rush of new evidence that Trump is moving ahead with these plans."
Personally, I despise the Democrats and the Republicans disgust me. I want Trump to win because of who all it will piss off. I'm already enjoying what it's doing to the Republican party establishment and their loyal pious followers; let the party burn. And I want to see the wanna be socialists of the Democrat party gnash their teeth and go ballistic. If Hillary wins, this country will continue to suck and get even worse. If Trump wins, we cannot predict exactly what will happen and I want to watch the abject paranoia that inspires in the extremes of left and right. There are a lot of loud mouth morons in America -- on BOTH sides -- and I long for a third way because this lib vs conservative crap is getting old and is seriously corrupted. All who are feeling pain and angst over Trump, on both sides, GOOD. More of it to you! Both the dedicated Libs and Conservatives have become the biggest a-holes in this country and the rest of us are tired of it. :)
I think this post above from another political thread pretty much sums up why Trump was elected. He's been plotting and thinking about becoming President since at least Ross Perot, and I think he brilliantly made his move to disrupt the Republican party at the best opportune moment in history for his best chance, checkmate move, and play to win. The DNC was exposed to be corrupt with its Super Delegates and Hillary Plants and its exterior finish of Crony Capitalism with Fascist undertones and Extremism of Identity Politics gone mad and racist and its top leadership of Obama/Hillary war gaming the Middle East for the Fascist MIC trillions being wasted.

No wonder the migration and refuge problem is so insane, and it is directly a main result of Obama and Hillary's policies and actions! It's a big part of why Brexit and EU politics are continuing to catch fire too.

Brexit was the Omen of Truth and a foretelling of Global political changes.
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Trump had little clue he'd really be elected. And your DNC comments are offensive and untrue. Clinton would have won the nomination without Super Delegates.
Trump had little clue he'd really be elected.
Seriously? Where is your proof for this? It is a fact he has seriously considered running for decades to be President, and, it's obvious, he's a winner!
And your DNC comments are offensive and untrue.
I agree my thinking about the DNC is offensive, but "untrue" is only because of your bias and opinion. No doubt others have similar bias and opinions in agreement with you too.
Clinton would have won the nomination without Super Delegates.
The DNC was/is fully corrupted by Hillary Plants and MSM/DNC Hillary Plants. Super Delegates and Hillary Plants proves how top down power brokers dominate the DNC vs the Republican Party having no Super Delegates. That's a main reason why Trump went Republican and won! LOL...
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