Skilled Investigator
No need to focus on anyone or anything else but Wikileaks and some FOIA lawsuit releases. Wikileaks exposed the DNC corruption against Sanders, and the illegal dirty tricks aimed at Trump rallies and supporters were also confirmed by undercover video. This criminal and unethical insanity goes straight into the White House and CNN/MSM, etc.@11thDimensionAlien Your views on Hillary are unusual. Never heard such. I don't know where to begin so won't.
Hillary was exposed to be a pathological liar about her private email server by many of the Wikileaks and sworn testimony in Congressional hearings, and I think what she did to Libya, Egypt, and Syria, aka "code worded" the Arab Spring, w/Obama's knowledge, of course, are War Crimes. All this is exposed by Wikileaks and many other legitimate sources that required Lawsuits through FOIA to get to the truth.
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