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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Three

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Can it be proved the Russians hacked the election?
As far as Wikileaks info goes the answer is already given by Assange. See the youtube video I posted of his interview in this thread.

Gene thinks Assange is a liar, but I absolutely believe Assange is telling the truth. It's not the Russians directly or indirectly. Of course, only Julian Assange is in a position to know and Gene certainly is not able to know the truth. Wikileaks has never been proven wrong!

All these Russian hacking allegations and ideas first got started directly and initially from the Clinton campaign while she was under heavy fire over the FBI email investigation. Seriously. All this is classic misdirection to try and take the main story off her FBI email scandal and blame it onto the Russians and even Trump for doing it. Typical MO of the Clinton's and her misdirection campaign. The MSM were slaves to Clinton winning, so that dominates all MSM news except for Drudge and Fox.

Wikileaks proves Podesta took ten of thousands of stock shares in a Russian company he helped, and Clinton while SoS helped the Russians gain a large share of Uranium interests in USA holdings for a Canadian interest she helped. Do you think someone in the Clinton Foundation, maybe Bill, got money from the Canadian interest??? Perhaps huge sums for a speech and/or donations?

What??? Yeah baby, the Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! Hillarious! sick/sic and disgusting!
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Like i said everyone does it, its part of the game. Its likely to be a factor that intensify's as the world goes global.
Democracy should be strong enough to handle the small factor that this represents. If not its too fragile to survive as a system of political management.
Democracy has pros and cons, this is one of the cons.

Is it enough to throw the baby out with the bathwater ? Time will tell i guess.

Regional and or colonial governors is a good example. Once was, the time and distance between the locations being governed and the central Govt authority was so great (max speed of a horseback courier or boat) That appointing someone you could trust would extend your authority was necessary.
But with modern communications this is an anachronism. Just so the ability for a foreign power to meddle in internal affairs in pretty much real time over great distance is now a reality too. I think its something we have to accept and factor in to the modern political landscape.
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I really wonder what Trump supporters are making of all this - the video starts with Medicare being privatized, [...]
Do you seriously not know about this? You don't bother to listen to Trump directly too? He has stated multiple times that he has no intentions of touching Social Security or Medicare. You do know Ivanka has proposed paid maternity leave that Trump daddy supports too. Something the Dems or Repubs never pushed through.

There is a lot of hysteria and fear mongering going on in this thread about the Russians and retirement benefits.

You had better focus on reforming the corrupt and pathetic DNC and its identity and racist politics that have promoted all this MSM hatred directed at Trump and spilling into the streets with BLM and other hate groups directed at the police and hate the white man (symbolized by Trump). All this has done is inspire murderous snipers with mostly black on white violence and killings breaking out in riots nationwide.

Do you understand that millions of dollars are being spent from the DNC side of politics to support these kinds of protests that have too often turned murderous with violent rioting? There will be serious repercussions for the DNC, and if Trump is assassinated you can thank the DNC and MSM hatred for that violent outcome that will ultimately destroy the DNC and seriously strengthen the Police State that Bush and Obama already have in place.
You had better focus on reforming the corrupt and pathetic DNC and its identity and racist politics that have promoted all this MSM hatred directed at Trump and spilling into the streets with BLM and other hate groups directed at the police and hate the white man (symbolized by Trump). All this has done is inspire murderous snipers with mostly black on white violence and killings breaking out in riots nationwide.

Do you understand that millions of dollars are being spent from the DNC side of politics to support these kinds of protests that have too often turned murderous with violent rioting? There will be serious repercussions for the DNC, and if Trump is assassinated you can thank the DNC and MSM hatred for that violent outcome that will ultimately destroy the DNC and seriously strengthen the Police State that Bush and Obama already have in place.

You live in a world I don't recognize. Do you know about Project Veritas?

Busted! The Tables Get Turned On James O'Keefe.
TEXT: "Published on Jan 17, 2017: Big Picture Interview - Ryan Clayton, Activist-Americans Take Action. The tables get turned on James O’Keefe’s Undercover Operation & O’Keefe gets stung."
I still hope Tyger will go on record here as to whether she believes Assange is telling the truth or not about the Russians and the Wikileaks sources.
It's a toss-up. Assange's motives regarding Clinton are suspect. A little too emotional and pointed for my taste.
Do you seriously not know about this? You don't bother to listen to Trump directly too? He has stated multiple times that he has no intentions of touching Social Security or Medicare. You do know Ivanka has proposed paid maternity leave that Trump daddy supports too. Something the Dems or Repubs never pushed through.
Trump's track record with truth and consistency is not good. It's clear you trust him.
You had better focus on reforming the corrupt and pathetic DNC and its identity
Why? The DNC does not concern me. Seems to be a big concern of yours, though.
and racist politics that have promoted all this MSM hatred directed at Trump and spilling into the streets with BLM and other hate groups directed at the police and hate the white man (symbolized by Trump).
Just is not happening.
All this has done is inspire murderous snipers with mostly black on white violence and killings breaking out in riots nationwide.
Isn't happening. Nothing of the kind 'nationwide' is taking place.

BTW it's more white violence on black that is the real issue.
Trump's track record with truth and consistency is not good. It's clear you trust him.
You should read the entirety of all my posts to this thread more carefully, and then you would already know I did not vote for Trump and also have stated I do not trust Trump. But, I was betting you knew more about what Trump and Ivanka have said about Medicare and Social Security too, rather than push the idea he's going after retirement benefits such as Medicare.

You do seriously realize you are doing way too much fear mongering about the Russian hacking allegations. This is wild MSM mania first inspired by Hillary's campaign. See my previous post about what her campaign was doing with this misdirection effort to change the subject off her FBI email investigation. Also, this was done to obfuscate and hide the Russian connections Hillary and Podesta have profited from, and the disgusting self-enrichment of vast wealth they received over these Russian connections and favors.
Just is not happening.

Isn't happening. Nothing of the kind 'nationwide' is taking place.

BTW it's more white violence on black that is the real issue.
Plenty of BLM and Trump rioting violence has rotated around the country, so that it has been nationwide in the spread of this kind of DNC inspired violent protests both before and after the election. This has been happening since the summer of 2016 nationwide but not all at once. And two instances of black on white snipers, black men, that directed their fire at police and others murdering several people each time with the Dallas incident happening at the end of a BLM protest.

And, black on black violence is the real crime issue for black people, so I strongly disagree with your last assertion that white on black violence is the real issue. You're way off base and can be proven wrong by crime experts.
You have to wonder if the U.S. Congress is sane when you read this:


From the Times article:

"Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, said on Wednesday that she agreed with Mr. Trump that Congress should repeal the health law and adopt a replacement plan at about the same time.

“But I don’t see any possibility of our being able to come up with a comprehensive reform bill that would replace Obamacare by the end of this month,” she said. “I just don’t see that as being feasible.”
(Ms. Collins also supported pushing back the deadline to come up with repeal legislation.)"

She's right; it's not feasible, and therefore it won't happen in weeks or even in a few months. The best reporting on Congressional processes and procedures in general -- and in particular on the complexities of revising the existing health care law -- is consistently provided by Lawrence O'Donnell, on MSNBC at 10 pm weeknights, and by the experts on that law that he brings in to discuss it. Weeks ago he and several of these experts predicted that a replacement bill will take a great deal longer to produce than Mitch McConnell et al are promising.

What has the Republican leadership been doing all these years when they could have been preparing a replacement bill? They've been making idle and empty claims that they'll repeal Obama's healthcare law as soon as they have the power to do so. Now they've propagandized themselves into a corner from which they cannot act by fiat to make their constituency happy. It was a stupid promise to make and they deserve the blowback they'll be receiving.
And from a newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News:

Trump’s pick for HHS head could face insider trading investigation | New York Post

This sounds to me as if he really didn't have his staff check these people before they were named. Indeed, some of his appointees are actually opposed to the operations of the departments they are expected to run. That's also pathetic!

Many of them are. It can only have happened because Trump's advisors are as naieve as he is about the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to manage the departments of the federal government coherently and successfully. His 'advisors' seem to me to be a bunch of lightweights who operate on ideology they share with Trump. They've produced a dog's dinner of a Cabinet to advise Trump, than whom no president of this country has ever been more in need of sound and informed advice.
You had better focus on reforming the corrupt and pathetic DNC and its identity and racist politics that have promoted all this MSM hatred directed at Trump and spilling into the streets with BLM and other hate groups directed at the police and hate the white man (symbolized by Trump). All this has done is inspire murderous snipers with mostly black on white violence and killings breaking out in riots nationwide.
You're just trolling.

This is a repetition of the standard nonsense mantra from Fox News that it's all the fault of African Americans and the DNC.
Says a right-wing newsletter.

Did it forget that the Republicans met when Obama was inaugurated and vowed to obstruct him?
The game is rigged anyway - I mean nobody without serious financial backing could even get a mention on TV so for me, the only fair way to campaign for President would be to prove a minimum number of people might vote for you and then you qualify for an election grant that comes from the government and is the only money any candidate can use for campaigning. That way nobody can be 'bought' or even have the faintest whiff of being in debt due to interest groups 'gifting' money to campaigns.
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