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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Three

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It's a toss-up. Assange's motives regarding Clinton are suspect. A little too emotional and pointed for my taste.
Truly, it's amazing you can post this with a straight face "sincerely" after I already posted this:

All these Russian hacking allegations and ideas first got started directly and initially from the Clinton campaign while she was under heavy fire over the FBI email investigation. Seriously. All this is classic misdirection to try and take the main story off her FBI email scandal and blame it onto the Russians and even Trump for doing it. Typical MO of the Clinton's and her misdirection campaign. The MSM were slaves to Clinton winning, so that dominates all MSM news except for Drudge and Fox.

Wikileaks proves Podesta took ten of thousands of stock shares in a Russian company he helped, and Clinton while SoS helped the Russians gain a large share of Uranium interests in USA holdings for a Canadian interest she helped. Do you think someone in the Clinton Foundation, maybe Bill, got money from the Canadian interest??? Perhaps huge sums for a speech and/or donations?

What??? Yeah baby, the Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! Hillarious! sick/sic and disgusting!
The Russian uranium issue has been explained and fact-checked. The State Department was one of several agencies involved, and did not control the final decision. This is one of those fake "Clinton Cash" aspersions shown to be false — just as most of your claims are false.

Taking clips and calling them lies is not proof either.
I'll take facts against your unsupported belief that Hillary is a "pathological liar." That is not demonstrated in the sources you mention.
Yes it is. I'm glad you mentioned PolitiFact from this post above, because in the first clip I provided today it has a "Pants on Fire" rating for Hillary's lies about her email scandal.
Your evidence is limited to calling people with whom you disagree liars. If that's what you believe, fine. But it's not something one can discuss with facts and figures.
Wrong! I've already said I have evidence from C-Span Congressional hearings under sworn testimony and Wikileaks and many other sources too. I don't have to post-up everything at once to satisfy your assertions that I'm not providing any sources that can prove what Hillary has repeatedly lied about.
These are user clips subject to interpretation and/or involving editing of C-SPAN content.
This is sworn testimony that anyone can watch with some knowledge of what is being talked about, and it allows each clip to speak for itself direct from sworn Congressional testimony. You're far too dismissive. Did you even watch all these clips before being so dismissive?

Answer this Gene. Did you watch all the sworn testimony these clips covered? Seriously, did you? I did. I'm not here to post as some "hack" for a Trump agenda or anyone's agenda. Instead of being dismissive of my good information provided in all those clips I suggest you take the time to watch and critique whatever you disagree with in the testimony.
Specifically in what respect?
You have to be spoon fed everything? Did you watch the clip I already referred to in that post?

I gave you a direct clip that gave Hillary Clinton a "Pants on Fire" rating from one of your "trusted sources" PolitiFact.

I'm curious.... answer this Gene... Did you watch all the sworn testimony these clips covered? Seriously, did you?
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OK, I found it. This was about Clinton's claim that the FBI said her responses about the email issue were truthful. Specifically she was referring to this FBI statement, "We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI."

Now PolitiFact claims that's not enough, but it's easy to see there's a gray area here. Saying someone didn't lie might imply they are being truthful, but there may be shades between lie and truth that need to be considered, such as being misleading for example, or she was simply mistaken. My interpretation here is that Clinton was making a reasoned interpretation of the FBI conclusion, and that PolitiFact was being too nuanced in putting a blanket label on it. Half-True might have made more sense.
The 'New McCarthyism' is upon us. :( Excellent analysis of what is going down - in part. Food for thought anyway. I personally believe the Russia stuff has many layers. But the going after RT is real and I do think we are seeing the begining of the shut-down of dissident reporting.

On Contact: Real purpose of intel report on Russian hacking with Abby Martin & Ben Norton
TEXT: "Published on Jan 15, 2017: On this week’s episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges is joined by journalists Abby Martin and Ben Norton to discuss the declassified U.S. intelligence report on Russia’s alleged “influence campaign” on the U.S. presidential election. They explore the allegations and why a large portion of the report is dedicated to RT America’s programming. RT correspondent Anya Parampil details the charges made in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence report."
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The Russian uranium issue has been explained and fact-checked.
Your sources are? Provide links please.

Also, the point of my post about the Russians enriching the Clintons and Podesta with financial wealth has nothing to do with what you're misdirecting the meaning and purpose of my post, which my purpose is to show the incredible deceptions and lies that originate from the Clinton campaign itself to take focus and attention off her FBI email investigation and Wikileaks by blaming the Russians. This is classic misdirection and was definitely the MO of the Clinton strategy that the MSM gladly propagated and obsessed over vs the Wikileaks revelations or the reopening of the FBI investigation, and other FOIA releases coming, etc.

Assange had no reason to lie, as he never started the issue about who was the source. It's the Clinton campaign that did that. Only, after about two months after the election did Assange reveal that his source(s) were not directly or indirectly from the Russians. So, it's really laughable to suggest Assange had some agenda that would cause him to lie about this. If he did have an agenda, then he would have clearly influenced the election by revealing that information exactly when the Clinton campaign began lying about this Russian hacking issue. How stupid to think otherwise.

It was the Clinton campaign that originated this idea, and it was clearly being done to distract attention away from what the FBI, Wikileaks, and many other FOIA releases that were coming out and revealing at that time. Now, it's just being used to delegitimize Trump as much as possible. It's pathetic and laughable! The MSM is definitely "fake news"...
What's laughable is your belief that Wikileaks revealed anything truly unsavory, other than some gossipy emails and alleged quotes from Clinton's speeches, which were also pretty consistent with her well-known public views.
But the real problem is that he (she?) keeps repeating essentially the same claims over and over again, and when you try to confront him on it, he just repeats the same nonsense. Or deflects. In at least one case, he altered a post after I responded to it in order to remove some of the questionable details.

This person is trolling. I'm about to give him a vacation if he doesn't stop.
In at least one case, he altered a post after I responded to it in order to remove some of the questionable details.
This assertion is entirely misleading. I do edit some of my posts to further expand or clarify my meaning, but I assure you I'm not alerting any posts as you allege here: Quoting you Gene "to remove some of the questionable details".

I know my intent and purpose, and you just are misinterpreting what I'm doing. Why don't you allow my post to be online for an hour or so before you comment on it. The reason being is I usually don't try to edit a post after an hour or two at most.

And, btw, I've already asked you more than once to quote my post, which you can easily do, and then everyone can see if I'm really altering my posts, as you allege: "to remove some of the questionable details".

You are mistaken on that idea for sure!
But the real problem is that he (she?) keeps repeating essentially the same claims over and over again, and when you try to confront him on it, he just repeats the same nonsense. Or deflects. In at least one case, he altered a post after I responded to it in order to remove some of the questionable details.
So you know what my experience has been on another thread, with another poster, our mutual 'friend'. :confused:
The 'New McCarthyism' is upon us. :( Excellent analysis of what is going down - in part. Food for thought anyway. I personally believe the Russia stuff has many layers.
Could you expand on those layers? I'm interested.

You seem to essentially agree with this presentation. True enough or not? My ideas parallel much of what is said too as far as this being a bogus report that the Russians were doing this. I'd say I agree with many of its conclusions too with some exceptions.

Do you disagree with some aspects of this, and, if so, could you point out what you find incorrect.

I'm sincerely interested, because we might be in agreement with 80-90% of this report.

Great find for some common ground.
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This is a repetition of the standard nonsense mantra from Fox News that it's all the fault of African Americans and the DNC.
I used BLM as an example of the fringe left groups that are getting millions of dollars in support to bankroll these protests. I've seen the expensive buses used to bring in from out of town these professionally organized groups to do these protests. This is not just a bunch of kids finding each other on social media creating these unpaid or spontaneous protests in their local areas. Many of these are organized and bankrolled combining out of state groups too.

The violence and rioting is real that rotated around nationwide over time. There is a lot of belief there will be a lot of protests to totally disrupt Trump's inauguration, but time will tell this Friday. There is no doubt there is far more violence that has been directed at Trump vs what did happen when Obama was elected. There were no major riots or street violence or sniper murderers like there was in 2016 over the effects related to BLM protests and election politics. That's fact Gene, and it has nothing to do with Fox news or trolling this thread. The entire MSM of which Fox is a part of has been obsessed with wall to wall coverage over these kinds of protests throughout 2016. It's the entire MSM that is trolling these issues and pushing these BLM and other fringe "hate the police" and hate Trump narratives. Not me trolling this thread.
Could you expand on those layers? I'm interested.
I think what we're looking at is really complicated. Who's the puppet master? Who's playing who? Hard to say.

I do accept that there are cabals but I am not inclined to see conspiracies as in one major conspiracy. I see events as being a playing out of base needs and venal motives - that from the outside look purposeful but really are just shared qualities. It all plays into each element hand-in-glove but not with conscious intention.

The above said, the way I see it is - Trump does not have a mandate. He was elected by less than 1/4 of the electorate. That's a fact. We all share in Trump's election - because 1/2 the electorate did not vote, and we were just not minding the store for the last several decades. We were not making our elected officials accountable. A powerful political/economic machine 'elected' Trump - he knew that when he openly talked about a rigged election. It had likely been explained to him - purely my hunch (though someone may have suggested it some where). The Republicans had the election 'in the bag' - whoever their nominee was, they were 'winning' - they had made sure of that since 2012 and Romney's unexpected loss to Obama. They had been plotting the election heist for years imo - no more relying solely on computer shenanigans that could be reversed by clever, presient hackers, etc.

I think we can say that the Republicans don't like Trump and were appalled with his behavior on the campaign trail as most people were. I definitely think Trump had no intention of becoming president. (He was having fun campaigning - you could see that he enjoyed being outrageous and commanding the crowd - but look at him now: he is not happy).

I also think that Trump is not in charge - and may very well be exited for a whole raft of reasons. The forces arrayed against him are considerable. It's a bizarre situation - very murky and layered. It's what confronts historians with every event - it's the nature of history - it's layered because there are conflicting motivations and powerful, conflicting interests - with a lot of unknowns. All those powerful interests are not all necessarily on the same team, either.

You seem to essentially agree with this presentation. True enough or not?
I am inclined to agree with the analysis of the RT report as bogus. I've been noticing a 'going after' RT that has puzzled me and here is the explanation of where that comes from. RT is an easy mark because it's Russian and the Russian government subsidizes it - but given what I see on the network it is far from a Russian rubber-stamp - plus they have hired on people whose integrity I respect. Like the three journalists state - RT is one of just a handful of sources for truthful, factual reporting.

There's something odd going on. I don't think Putin's our pal, but I also think that the West did not behave well towards the newly 'liberated' and struggling Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. Abby Martin speaks to that whole time in the 1990's. There is a plethora of rhetoric going forward - much of it true regarding Putin's motives, I think - but it all requires an exceptional mind to pick one's way through the threads.

I find the Hillary bashing in the clip tiresome. As intelligent as Abby Martin is she has a fierce dislike of Hillary and usually goes on and on about her 'criminality'. Abby Martin's intellect - as well as her biases - are always evident. Her passion is compelling but one must tread carefully imo.

The comments about dissident journalism going asunder are important, I think. They clearly are concerned and I think there is reason to be.
My ideas parallel much of what is said too as far as this being a bogus report that the Russians were doing this. I'd say I agree with many of its conclusions too with some exceptions.
I think the Russians could very well have been doing it - Putin is the master of KGB dirty tricks - but it didn't throw the election to Trump, I don't think. It might have helped to stiffen the biases of some, but nobody changed horses. The curiosity is that so much is being made of it - thus making the real news of the Republicans rigging the election in favor of their candidate completely getting washed out in the noise about Russia.

Do you disagree with some aspects of this, and, if so, could you point out what you find incorrect. I'm sincerely interested, because we might be in agreement with 80-90% of this report. Great find for some common ground.
I'd have to watch it again for that. If I have time over the next days I'll do that.
I used BLM as an example of the fringe left groups that are getting millions of dollars in support to bankroll these protests. I've seen the expensive buses used to bring in from out of town these professionally organized groups to do these protests. This is not just a bunch of kids finding each other on social media creating these unpaid or spontaneous protests in their local areas. Many of these are organized and bankrolled combining out of state groups too.
Could you supply back-up for these statements? Give the source of what you are claiming, please. Nothing I am familar with regarding BLM.
The violence and rioting is real that rotated around nationwide over time.
Did not see that. There were some rowdies in the northwest, I believe, right after the election. Keep in mind that Trump inserted a lot of violent rhetoric and sanctioned violence among his supporters during the campaign. He stirred the pot - and crazies come out under those conditions. I recall Trump supporters - even on these Paracast political threads - declaring there would be "civil war" - fighting in the streets - if Trump didn't win. That's pretty intense. The anti-Trump demonstrations were generally peaceful - except for some outliers, and who knows who the rowdies really were and what their motives.
There is a lot of belief there will be a lot of protests to totally disrupt Trump's inauguration, but time will tell this Friday.
Someone is trying to fan your fears and scare you - to set you up for accepting a curtailment of your civil liberties, methinks. You're being played. Most non-Trumpists want nothing to do with the inauguration.
There is no doubt there is far more violence that has been directed at Trump vs what did happen when Obama was elected.
This is wholly inaccurate. On this we will likely have to agree to diagree. What was directed at Obama was vicious. Ugly. Racist to the core. Bitter, bitter hatred. Trump is the object of derision and despair - not violence.
There were no major riots or street violence or sniper murderers like there was in 2016 over the effects related to BLM protests and election politics.
I think you have conflated two events: the election and the endless videos of police murdering black men, some as young as teenagers, children, sometimes in the back. It was a year when police brutality towards blacks was on full display in video after video. With police getting off scott-free and the videographers getting sent to jail. Craziness that erupted in 'retaliation'. Nothing to do with the election.
That's fact Gene, and it has nothing to do with Fox news or trolling this thread. The entire MSM of which Fox is a part of has been obsessed with wall to wall coverage over these kinds of protests throughout 2016. It's the entire MSM that is trolling these issues and pushing these BLM and other fringe "hate the police" and hate Trump narratives. Not me trolling this thread.
Can't speak to what you say as I do not watch Fox News - and what 'main stream media' I do watch does not appear to fixate in the way you say, except to report it and then move on. Very little in-depth reporting.
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