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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Three

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I'd have to watch it again for that. If I have time over the next days I'll do that.
Thank you for offering to do this. I sincerely look forward to your analysis.
I think the Russians could very well have been doing it - Putin is the master of KGB dirty tricks [...]
The main theme of the video RT report you posted is that the October report was completely false where it asserts the Russians were doing it, and that the report itself is a misdirection and psyop for political and manipulative purposes. Also, the older guy you respect, Chris Hedges, said Assange is a truth teller, so he's not buying the Russians had anything to do with Wikileaks.

Did you seriously consider the reasoning I gave why Assange is telling the truth? Where is this flawed in your opinion? Here it is again: Assange had no reason to lie, as he never started the issue about who was the source. It's the Clinton campaign that did that. Only, after about two months after the election did Assange reveal that his source(s) were not directly or indirectly from the Russians. So, it's really laughable to suggest Assange had some agenda that would cause him to lie about this. If he did have an agenda, then he would have clearly influenced the election by revealing that information exactly when the Clinton campaign began lying about this Russian hacking issue. How stupid to think otherwise.

If that doesn't convince you, then you need to watch this video too:

McAfee argues that the report is a “fallacy,” explaining that hackers can fake their location, their language, and any markers that could lead back to them. Any hacker who had the skills to hack into the DNC would also be able to hide their tracks, he said

“If I was the Chinese and I wanted to make it look like the Russians did it, I would use Russian language within the code, I would use Russian techniques of breaking into the organization,” McAfee said, adding that, in the end, “there simply is no way to assign a source for any attack.”

If you don't know who McAfee is... for decades he has been an expert in computer anti-virus software and therefore hacking too, and that is a fact. He's made millions creating that kind of software, and Gene is no expert compared to what McAfee knows, especially, when Gene is asserting that Assange is lying. Here is further proof with two McAfee videos below:

Start at the 5:30 mark to save time:

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So, it's really laughable to suggest [...] How stupid to think otherwise.
I lose interest in dialog when such characterizations start to pepper the pot. Counter-productive imo. Uninviting.
If you don't know who McAfee is...
I know of him. Have seen these clips - and his opinion in the matter holds great weight. The web being woven is complex.

I disagree with your timeline regarding Assange - and his motivations. The bias against Hillary Clinton runs deep.
I love the liberal bedwetting here. Very entertaining. Hillary LOST. She is a loser! Get over it.

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I love the liberal bedwetting here. Very entertaining. Hillary LOST. She is a loser! Get over it.
They even tried to golden shower Trump with CNN's "fake news". What's hilarious, speaking of "fake news" and bed-wetting, is what all those celebrities are doing with their moving plans to Canada?

Here's a fantastic Fake News site designated by the MSM and Hillary as the Alt Right and those that hate Trump to further "their cause"... LOL :D

16 Celebrities Who Will Leave the U.S. if Trump Wins

One more day to go and Obama is history!
CNN did no such thing. This is an example of the lies Trump and his handlers continue to send. You seem to be quite adept at repeating Fox News and/or alt-right talking points with precision.

But not facts.

The "golden shower" stuff was actually featured in an SNL skit.
CNN did no such thing. This is an example of the lies Trump and his handlers continue to send. You seem to be quite adept at repeating Fox News and/or alt-right talking points with precision.

But not facts.

The "golden shower" stuff was actually featured in an SNL skit.
CNN is the fruitcake of "fake news". Absolutely, idiots! And, I know how the MSM operates Gene. I didn't post that CNN started it, but CNN did the MSM fake news job of hyping it.

The real story:


A new NBC News report contradicts reporting from CNN about a 35-page dossier about Donald Trump’s alleged ties to Russia that was then posted online by Buzzfeed.

A senior U.S. intelligence official told NBC News that Trump was not briefed on the two-page summary, which directly contradicts CNN’s report, and the addendum was prepared for the briefing only to provide an example of unvetted “disinformation.”

The official, who had knowledge of the preparation for the meeting with Trump, said the two-page summary of the unsubstantiated material was intended to illustrate for the president-elect the difference between raw intelligence and analyzed intelligence.

CNN reported Tuesday that multiple U.S. officials said both Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the two-page summary of findings gathered by a former British intelligence operative, who alleged that Russia had gained compromising information on the president-elect.
CNN never released the text of that report. What they reported was correct.

Trump received the two-page addendum, but it was questionable whether he was briefed verbally on it. The rest was fake news from Trump and his surrogates. End of story.
CNN never released the text of that report. What they reported was correct.

Trump received the two-page addendum, but it was questionable whether he was briefed verbally on it. The rest was fake news from Trump and his surrogates. End of story.
The point I'm making is that the MSM doesn't care about "truth" by hyping narratives for ratings to trash Trump using Buzz Feed to report on. I never said CNN released any text. CNN gives Buzz Feed air time with wild headlines and talk talk talk hype hype hype about "the story". It's click bait (watch bait) to trash Trump.

But, seriously, I was initially joking about the "golden showers" and the MSM media hysteria that is hyping narratives whether truthful or not designed to trash Trump with "fake news" and create ratings over these kinds of controversies. For example, in that same post I was mainly joking about all the celebrities [not] leaving the USA after promising to do so.

Your entitled to your opinion, and you could provide links to cite your sources as I do.

Here's some CNN reporting about the aftermath over the whole Buzz Feed story, but, seriously, this is not why I was joking over -just- the golden showers. See my initial joke post about the golden showers that was really mainly taking aim at celebrities moving from the USA if Trump becomes President. It's not a serious "hard news" post. Let's laugh and smile a little bit too, it's possible.

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The original CNN story was based on a Washington Post report:

Intelligence chiefs briefed Trump and Obama on unconfirmed claims Russia has compromising information on president-elect

The mainstream media are at fault in one key way. For months they took Trump as a novelty and gave him the equivalent of one or two billion dollars of free press without criticism.

But the interview with Buzzfeed doesn't actually reveal the document. It's about process rather than content. You are free to agree or disagree with their choices, but neither choice represents fake news.
The mainstream media are at fault in one key way. For months they took Trump as a novelty and gave him the equivalent of one or two billion dollars of free press without criticism.
Besides your assertion that Assange is lying about his verified sources over the 2016 Wikileaks this post of yours is what completely discredits you in my eyes. This is pure "fake news" passed around by the MSM you foolishly buy into.

When you suggest: "without criticism" you reveal how totally misinformed you are. Madness! Trump won through Social Media genius, and with the help of Fox News and Drudge Report that BLOW AWAY all other cable and national news organizations in the ratings. It's only going to become far more devastating to CNN, MSNBC, and all other national news organizations vs Drudge Report, Breitbart, and Fox News (by far highest rated news) and, especially, all the other Social Media that has driven a stake into their despicable CNN et al vampiric hearts.

Trump is at War with the MSM and the MIC. The two most powerful and influential wealthy groups in America. I sincerely expect assassination attempts inspired by the fringe of the Deep State and DNC inspired fringe elements.
As I said, Trump had an uncritical media allowing him to repeat all his BS without questioning. Only in the latter weeks in the campaign did the mainstream media — absent Trump sycophants Fox News and others — begin to fact check.

Trump had a far worse record of factual accuracy than the other candidates. He still does.

Just consider where he made a statement on the Howard Stern show essentially supporting the Iraq War before it occurred. He denied saying that, even though the recording was played over and over and over again. How can you believe someone who lives in such denial?

You are so busy about repeating Fox News talking points that you can't see the forest from the trees.
Your entitled to your opinion, and you could provide links to cite your sources as I do.

Linked podcasts, videos, and soundbites are widely available, and have been widely available for several decades via the internet, to 'support' any and all points of view, all ideologies, existing in contemporary American culture. Relying on, restricting oneself to, any ideologically compartmented selection of this stuff for an understanding of current events cannot produce a comprehensive understanding of the complex reality in which we live domestically and globally. Yes, we're all entitled to our "opinion," as you say above, but what good are opinions if they are not founded in deeper and broader knowledge of the interactions of social, economic, and political situations and powers shaping the world today? What's the point, what's the use, of exchanging propaganda clips?

I have to add that over the last thirty years in the US it has been the radical right that distorted and polluted political discourse on the airwaves and on the internet, the reason why so many people in this country do not understand where their own interests lay and what they need to do to get their basic needs met in this corporate-controlled economy. Thus the increasing dismay of a great many middle class and lower middle class Americans, now underemployed if not unemployed, who chose to vote for the unknown quantity of Donald Trump in the vain and ungrounded hope that he would provide relief for them in their present circumstances. We will all learn a great deal in the coming 2-4 years about the structure and nature of our current economy. I have to agree that the mainstream media, with several notable exceptions, also failed the American public in not clarifying the real nature and inevitable human effects of this corporate-controlled economy. I think we're all likely to understand this economy better by the time the mid-term elections take place.
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But the interview with Buzzfeed doesn't actually reveal the document. It's about process rather than content. You are free to agree or disagree with their choices, but neither choice represents fake news.
Why do you keep focusing on "the document" as if that matters about the fake news. CNN and MSM is fake news by hyping the Buzz Feed story over and over from beginning to end for days on end just by the air time alone!

Look Gene, if I want I can pull down all kinds of CNN videos to post here and prove my point, but I'm not interested to waste my time doing it.

One fantastic reason Fox News keeps getting the highest ratings is because they give far more news and air time to the FBI investigations and Wikileaks and many other FOIA releases that helped to destroy the Clinton campaign. CNN, MSNBC, and all others were PROVEN by Fox News to be FAKE NEWS when they tracked how little air time was given to any reporting about the FBI, Wikileaks, and many other FOIA and other news related stories vs what Fox reported. Truly Gene, it is unbelievable the incredible bias the MSM was/is by devoting so little time to those stories. It's seriously like only seconds to 1-2 minutes over days and weeks vs many many hours given by Fox over the same stories. That's Fake News by not giving fair air time to these subjects, but Trump's genius is his ability to bypass their fake news with Twitter and other Social Media.

It's going to be a shit-storm of fighting back and forth.

Gene, did you watch that video that Tyger posted? You should watch it and comment about what you think. I'm interested. Here it is:

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Why do you keep focusing on "the document" as if that matters about the fake news. CNN and MSM is fake news by hyping the Buzz Feed story over and over from beginning to end for days on end just by the air time alone!

Look Gene, if I want I can pull down all kinds of CNN videos to post here and prove my point, but I'm not interested to waste my time doing it.

One fantastic reason Fox News keeps getting the highest ratings is because they give far more news and air time to the FBI investigations and Wikileaks and many other FOIA releases that helped to destroy the Clinton campaign. CNN, MSNBC, and all others were PROVEN by Fox News to be FAKE NEWS when they tracked how little air time was given to any reporting about the FBI, Wikileaks, and many other FOIA and other news related stories vs what Fox reported. Truly Gene, it is unbelievable the incredible bias the MSM was/is by devoting so little time to those stories. It's seriously like only seconds to 1-2 minutes over days and weeks vs many many hours given by Fox over the same stories. That's Fake News by not giving fair air time to these subjects, but Trump's genius is his ability to bypass their fake news with Twitter and other Social Media.

It's going to be a shit storm of fighting back and forth.

Gene, did you watch that video that Tyger posted? You should watch it and comment about what you think. I'm interested. Here it is:

On Contact: Real purpose of intel report on Russian hacking with Abby Martin & Ben Norton

Ministry of Truth.

Fox News is a laughing stock worldwide.

And so is your president.

And you think they're fantastic.
Why do you keep focusing on "the document" as if that matters about the fake news. CNN and MSM is fake news by hyping the Buzz Feed story over and over from beginning to end for days on end just by the air time alone!

Look Gene, if I want I can pull down all kinds of CNN videos to post here and prove my point, but I'm not interested to waste my time doing it.

One fantastic reason Fox News keeps getting the highest ratings is because they give far more news and air time to the FBI investigations and Wikileaks and many other FOIA releases that helped to destroy the Clinton campaign. CNN, MSNBC, and all others were PROVEN by Fox News to be FAKE NEWS when they tracked how little air time was given to any reporting about the FBI, Wikileaks, and many other FOIA and other news related stories vs what Fox reported. Truly Gene, it is unbelievable the incredible bias the MSM was/is by devoting so little time to those stories. It's seriously like only seconds to 1-2 minutes over days and weeks vs many many hours given by Fox over the same stories. That's Fake News by not giving fair air time to these subjects, but Trump's genius is his ability to bypass their fake news with Twitter and other Social Media.

It's going to be a shit storm of fighting back and forth.

Gene, did you watch that video that Tyger posted? You should watch it and comment about what you think. I'm interested. Here it is:

On Contact: Real purpose of intel report on Russian hacking with Abby Martin & Ben Norton
You have it all wrong. Repeating a true story is not fake news. Fake news is inventing something that's false and presenting it as a real story. You have to stop repeating Fox News talking points. You almost sound brainwashed.
Ministry of Truth.

Fox News is a laughing stock worldwide.

And so is your president.

And you think they're fantastic.
I did not vote for Trump, and I did not vote for Hillary. Also, I don't trust Trump, but he is disrupting both the Republican and Democrat parties. There will be change IF "they" don't kill him first. I never watched Fox News until June 2016, but even that was very limited by watching youtube clips until the election. I haven't watched any Fox News show since November. I prefer other multiple news sources, especially youtube and C-SPAN, and I do check Drudge Report every week or so.
You have to stop repeating Fox News talking points. You almost sound brainwashed.
See above Gene. I really don't source or watch much Fox news.

I hardly consider Fox news to be the Ministry of Truth, but Fox reported good information about the Hillary campaign that was essentially never aired on any other MSM organization. It is a fact that Fox News is consistently getting the highest ratings vs any other MSM News organization.
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I did not vote for Trump, and I did not vote for Hillary. Also, I don't trust Trump, but he is disrupting both the Republican and Democrat parties. There will be change IF "they" don't kill him first. I never watched Fox News until June 2016, but even that was very limited by watching youtube clips until the election. I haven't watched any Fox News show since November. I prefer other multiple news sources, especially youtube and C-SPAN, and I do check Drudge Report every week or so.

See above Gene. I really don't source or watch much Fox news.

I hardly consider Fox news to be the Ministry of Truth, but Fox reported good information about the Hillary campaign that was essentially never aired on any other MSM organization. It is a fact that Fox News is consistently getting the highest ratings vs any other MSM News organization.
I don't believe you, because you echo the Fox News mantra over and over again.
You have it all wrong. Repeating a true story is not fake news. Fake news is inventing something that's false and presenting it as a real story.
That sounds real logical, but it's not "the truth" about fake news. Hillary herself started this misdirection and red herring in Las Vegas, when she named the "alt right". These are part of her made-up terms she used to smear new and powerful online media players like BreitBart and Drudge. It's all an attempt to discredit new media that is neutralizing Hillary and the DNC. And, because the old LSM/MSM lame-stream media is dying, they are only too happy to comply with Hillary's game plans. They love her vs Trump.

Fake news are Hillary's "monkey see monkey do" in the MSM throwing turds at their new competition that is laying waste to their MSM fake news agendas. It's exactly like the Russians are coming! People see straight through this, and we know full well the LSM/MSM produces tons and tons of fake news and we're not buying it anymore.

People know there's plenty of click bait and watch bait to be had from both sides, but it's none other than Hillary and her MSM/LSM minions propagating this BS.
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