Curious pov. Trump has earned the distrust of wide swaths of the US population due to his own words (seriously denigrating to others and unsually sensitive to offense) and actions (questionable cabinet nominees just one example) yet you make this about Hillary? Strange.
I've already posted that I don't trust Trump many times, and many times I posted I did not vote for Trump. He has changed his tone dramatically with many of the issues he was criticized for during his early campaign days before the conventions. I mean, you can't really point out any major mistakes from the summer of 2016 going forward. That's when voters are going to start really paying attention to what Trump is saying and doing.
For example, he immediately dropped a major campaign theme that he was supporting the idea that Hillary should be investigated (again) over the FBI email investigation and possibly be prosecuted for it. Meaning, he was clearly suggesting he would support prosecution, but, wow, he changed his mind and said prosecution is not going to be something he would attempt to do. In fact, he seemed very kindly towards both Clintons after the election, and the WH transition meeting with the Obama's went far better than most people expected.
His first speech today after becoming President was/is excellent, so he's doing well with that aspect.
You do know that there are now world-wide demonstrations/marches in solidarity aganist Trump? This is beyond Hillary's 'operatives', if she has such. I do see the cant Gene is alluding to in your posts.
Considering Trump said many stupid things in the Republican debates and the massive LSM/MSM media focus on that once he became the nominee and the incredible attacks both Obamas and both Clintons did on Trump to demonize it's not surprising in the least there's already been lots of violent protests.
You need to point out where he really said stupid things after the convention that would cause the rioting and violent protests after the summer of 2016.
It just isn't so. The intensity with which you must present Trump as popular is unusual imo.
You'll have to quote me where I've suggested Trump is so popular??? He is certainly extremely popular vs what the people think of the MSM/LSM and the Congress. I know you know those numbers, don't you???
Do you agree with Trump's words and actions that will muzzle a free press? Intimidate those who disagree with him?
I believe it's Hillary's campaign that threatened media outlets like BreitBart demanding these need to go, and they used extremist demonization tactics to scratch evil wicked words taking aim as a firing squad. It's called guilt by association. It was a clear attack to demonize Bannon. It's soooo pathetically obvious!
The press is soooo unpopular Tyger, please check their ratings, so most people are not going to take much umbrage when Trump takes aim at CNN or the NYT or any other news organization or some specific reporter. Get real.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, with few irrational extremist exceptions, knows the MSM/LSM hates Trump and uses Fake News to attack and destroy him, and most people don't like the MSM/LSM anyway! Check the ratings Tyger.