The Clintons are deep state insiders, intimately connected to the Bush crime family.
You're an intelligent guy so I don't believe your not familiar with how corrupt the Bushes are.
The Bushes are on record as describing Bill Clinton as their 'son'. George W. has described him as 'my brother from another mother,' or words to that effect.
They holiday together. George H.W Bush has stated he will be voting for Hillary Clinton.
Deny this connection all you want, but it is a matter of public record. And when you appreciate how deep-state connected the Bushes are, its obvious why the Clintons are 'above the law'.
Do you honestly think anyone else would have avoided jail for treason if they were passing classified emails through a private server in their basement? Comey's ludicrous spluttering defenses for there being no illegality are patently absurd. And surprise, surprise, he has deep ties to the Clintons.
At the risk of getting banned from your forum, you're in a state of massive cognitive dissonance and denial, sir.
'Small businesses have died' v 'people have been murdered/countries have devolved into bloodshed and anarchy.'
Hmm. Who to vote for....?