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The Official Paracast Political Thread!

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Semantics my ass (see below)

Equus Ignorantia.png

I get it.

It would be far too psychological painful for you to even entertain the idea that your Darwinian Dogma is flawed, so you resort to childishness.

Point me to a thread (or make one) where a sensible discussion on the issue can be had and I will contribute.

Don't fill up this one with childish pictures just because you're out of your depth.
You've fallen for all the false or exaggerated rumors the opposition has devised. The spin machine has won you over.

Its a he said/she said standoff Gene, because I can easily say the same thing about you.

As far as I'm aware, there are no allegations that Trump has had anyone murdered.

Truthfully now, does it bother your conscience that you may be supporting someone who has murdered multiple people?
Evidence or lack thereof is not he said/she said. If there was real evidence they'd have been tried long ago. The media does not love Hillary.

By screwing people out of their rightful earnings, Trump has destroyed people's working lives. Small businesses have died because of him. Look at all the lawsuits.
Speaking of spin, Trump saying that Bill Clinton was much worse to infer that his actions weren’t too terribly offensive just goes to show you how low he will stoop.

BTW, where’s Pence in the middle of this fiasco? Why hasn’t he come to the defense of his fallen comrade?

Could he be off planning his escape?

BTW again, sorry about the non sequitur. You snooze you lose.
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Evidence or lack thereof is not he said/she said. If there was real evidence they'd have been tried long ago. The media does not love Hillary.

The Clintons are deep state insiders, intimately connected to the Bush crime family.

You're an intelligent guy so I don't believe your not familiar with how corrupt the Bushes are.

The Bushes are on record as describing Bill Clinton as their 'son'. George W. has described him as 'my brother from another mother,' or words to that effect.

They holiday together. George H.W Bush has stated he will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

Deny this connection all you want, but it is a matter of public record. And when you appreciate how deep-state connected the Bushes are, its obvious why the Clintons are 'above the law'.

Do you honestly think anyone else would have avoided jail for treason if they were passing classified emails through a private server in their basement? Comey's ludicrous spluttering defenses for there being no illegality are patently absurd. And surprise, surprise, he has deep ties to the Clintons.

At the risk of getting banned from your forum, you're in a state of massive cognitive dissonance and denial, sir.

By screwing people out of their rightful earnings, Trump has destroyed people's working lives. Small businesses have died because of him. Look at all the lawsuits.


'Small businesses have died' v 'people have been murdered/countries have devolved into bloodshed and anarchy.'

Hmm. Who to vote for....?
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Anyone else getting a little anxious that we're on the brink of a full-scale nuclear war?
The Clintons are deep state insiders, intimately connected to the Bush crime family.

You're an intelligent guy so I don't believe your not familiar with how corrupt the Bushes are.

The Bushes are on record as describing Bill Clinton as their 'son'. George W. has described him as 'my brother from another mother,' or words to that effect.

They holiday together. George H.W Bush has stated he will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

Deny this connection all you want, but it is a matter of public record. And when you appreciate how deep-state connected the Bushes are, its obvious why the Clintons are 'above the law'.

Do you honestly think anyone else would have avoided jail for treason if they were passing classified emails through a private server in their basement? Comey's ludicrous spluttering defenses for there being no illegality are patently absurd. And surprise, surprise, he has deep ties to the Clintons.

At the risk of getting banned from your forum, you're in a state of massive cognitive dissonance and denial, sir.


'Small businesses have died' v 'people have been murdered/countries have devolved into bloodshed and anarchy.'

Hmm. Who to vote for....?
Only three emails were marked classified. And incorrectly. That's what the FBI found. That's a big reason there was no prosecution. And she is not being compared to any other cabinet secretary. Powell used AOL for heavens sake.

The murder stuff is filled with partisan spin.
Only three emails were marked classified. And incorrectly. That's what the FBI found. That's a big reason there was no prosecution. And she is not being compared to any other cabinet secretary. Powell used AOL for heavens sake.

All sensitive information was deemed classified.

And Powell only used an AOL email address. Clinton had a private server that all of her communications passed through. Big difference.

The murder stuff is filled with partisan spin.

Of course. Keep deluding yourself and dismissing important issues with glib one-liners.

More comfortable than actually investigating the reality of 'that murder stuff' and bothering your conscience with facts.
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You have fallen for the Republican spin on the email server.

Some email was later classified, but not when it was sent. This is widely reported. But many things that are classified are done for obscure reasons. If in doubt, classify is not unusual in the government.

Something that IS considered classified should have an email header marked accordingly. That's why it is all reduced to three messages marked classified. But not correctly.

Remember, the FBI head is a Republican who used to work for the 2nd Bush administration. His conclusions were ill-thought because he knows nothing about email, and in a vacuum without comparison to any other cabinet secretary. I know something about email, since I've managed email servers for years.

So Clinton had her email account on private servers running Exchange and BlackBerry Messenger, both of which can be secure with a reasonable setup.

Powell had his private email sent via AOL, which was hardly secure in the early 2000s. He saved none of it. Made no effort to comply with requirements that he deliver hard copies. That sounds far worse to me.

The issue of murders is clothed in the usual brand of anti-Clinton spin from the right wing over there years. Don't forget that when they had a special prosecutor investigate Bill Clinton in the 1990s, with all the alleged scandals, all they could prove was his affair with Lewinsky. And in that he did the same thing some of his accusers were doing, and the same thing that other Presidents have done.

Nobody assumes the Clintons are perfect, but the extremism about her is way over the top. If they committed murder, there are loads of prosecutors who hate them who'd be delighted to make names for themselves to take down the family. Where are they?
..murder. .I can't believe that I read that..but I Google it and..most of it comes from ultra right wing groups. And may I add that most of the killings were originally credited to BILL.. bill and Hillary Clinton survived deep investigation. I honestly don't see how cover up could weather such.
I heard Trumps comments I am like my wife repulsed by them. Any one who still stands with Trump is as bad as Trump. And so I must vote for Hillary Clinton. If she did store classified information on an unsecured server then that would be discovered. As far as I am concerned the election ended yesterday.

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
Long and short of Clinton's email is that, when she became Secretary of State, she may have had a list of 1,000 serious issues that needed to be handled. Email was issue 1,001. From her statements, it's clear she didn't think it through very clearly, and she's not technically adept. She simply wanted to have one device (one at a time) to manage personal and business email, and thus chose to use a private address for everything rather than have two devices. The government-issued BlackBerrys were only set for one email account. The rest of the tasks were farmed out to others to handle for better or worse. Colin Powell wrote that the State Department servers were a disaster. As with most agencies, it was underfunded, and everyone overworked. It only seems that, in recent years, have resources been devoted to cybersecurity for example.

And what about those 22 million lost emails during the second Bush administration? They went through private (Republican Party) servers. Did they contain classified information? Were they marked classified? Who takes the hit? Nobody of course, because the Democrats who hated Bush were never as ruthless as the Republicans who hated Hillary.
Lol the GOP abandoning and condemning Trump in droves. It's over for this fake ass scam artist. People talking about the supposed Clinton body count need a reality check. Kenneth Starr investigated most, if not all of those accusations against the Clintons, none if it stood up, the best he could come up with was Monica Lewinsky.

Have fun watching your candidate further screw himself out of the presidency, as if he really had a chance to begin with, with that big orange mouth of his.

The GOP’s brutal responses to the new Trump video, broken down
Typical behavior among colleges when athletes engage in unacceptable and/or illegal behavior.

None of it reflects on his ability as a prosecutor, particularly a special prosector in the Clinton investigation. It's apples and oranges.

And be so kind as to watch your language, which is why most of it was removed. If you wish to disagree, do it agreeably.
Anyone else getting a little anxious that we're on the brink of a full-scale nuclear war?

Not really a nuclear war, although, it’s been suggested that North Korea is on the brink of having created a nuclear device capable of being delivered some distance.

Your thought leads me to a question and that question is; why would Russian operatives want to hack the DNC in order to throw the election in Trump’s direction. Is it so when Vladimir visits the US he would receive discounts while walking the links @ Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles? I don’t think so.

It becomes quite clear the real reason is to undermine and exploit the US and its allies, at home and abroad.

If your candidate were elected, the chances of some type of major conflict erupting on a global scale would increase dramatically. Your candidate has zero experience in such matters and is actually a liability to the United States and its allies.

Putin knows this and desperately wants to assist in your candidate's winning.
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Get your head out of your [removed due to its offensive nature]:

June 2, 2016

Baylor chancellor Ken Starr resigns amid rape-coverup horror | New York Post

:confused:"But...but...but...he denies any knowledge!" :confused:

I suggest you remove your head piece from your own posterior sir, that happened in 2016 and has not a single thing to do with the Clinton investigation. Ken Starr wanted to nail the Clintons with a vengeance, the best he could do was a White House BJ.

Not only that but just because say a criminal lawyer engages in improprieties years later that have no bearing on his criminal cases, does not mean said criminals that he defended or prosecuted will receive new trials.

The Clinton body count crap is the worst type of tenuously connected conspiracy nonsense I've ever looked into. If that's the best you've got, you've got nothing. With your buddy Trump imploding, I think you better get ready for 4 years of Clinton.
The list of Republicans continuing to abandon Crooked Donald the dummy just grows and grows. There are actually more tapes coming as well of conversations Donny had on the Howard Stern show where he continuously denigrates women and makes creepy comments about his own daughter, I'll add that link to this post. Say bye bye to the white house you orange buffoon:

Here is the list of Republicans who are not supporting Trump

And here's the link to the further misogony and downright creepiness of Crooked Donny:

More Trump tapes surface with crude sex remarks
Turn out the lights the party's over. . At long last..the end of the trump clown car

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
I suggest you remove your head piece from your own posterior sir, that happened in 2016 and has not a single thing to do with the Clinton investigation. Ken Starr wanted to nail the Clintons with a vengeance, the best he could do was a White House BJ.

Not only that but just because say a criminal lawyer engages in improprieties years later that have no bearing on his criminal cases, does not mean said criminals that he defended or prosecuted will receive new trials.

The Clinton body count crap is the worst type of tenuously connected conspiracy nonsense I've ever looked into. If that's the best you've got, you've got nothing. With your buddy Trump imploding, I think you better get ready for 4 years of Clinton.


Back to sleep.
Not really a nuclear war, although, it’s been suggested that North Korea is on the brink of having created a nuclear device capable of being delivered some distance.

Your thought leads me to a question and that question is; why would Russian operatives want to hack the DNC in order to throw the election in Trump’s direction. Is it so when Vladimir visits the US he would receive discounts while walking the links @ Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles? I don’t think so.

Or it could be that you're just unquestioningly swallowing the official narrative spoonfed to you by the US corporate media. When is the last time you listened to an interview with Putin? I understand that most Americans struggle to name a country starting with 'U' let alone reading subtitles, but if you made the effort you might realize the Russians aren't the Boogeymen that the US media has suddenly been ordered to brainwash the American public into believing they are again.

Check out Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley's recent speech threatening to 'kick Russia's ass'. The guy is insane and looks like Frankenstein's monster.
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