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The Official Paracast Political Thread!

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Is this “tabloid trash’ or “glib humor”? Just a simple yes or no ...
No. Assuming this is true, it just demonstrates Trump's "snake in a suit" behavior. Imagine what it must be like to be under his thumb all the time, and yet there are people who would actually vote for him :confused: ? Unbelievable.
I foresee a television reality series entitled:

Satin’s Apprentice
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I have read the tealeaves and have formed a prediction.

Donald Trump will be forced to drop out the election when the woman he groped, (Nancy O’ Dell), comes forward and speaks.

However, none of this should come as a huge surprise, as was somewhat predicted in post # 21.

Unfortunately, having added creamer to the tea I was unable to foresee Pence’s running mate.
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His ego will not allow him to resign. He probably hopes it'll blow over because it erupted on a Friday night dump.
His ego will not allow him to resign. He probably hopes it'll blow over because it erupted on a Friday night dump.
Grab your popcorn because this is going to be really good.

As if it weren't already ...
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"Crooked" Hillary my ass, let's take a look at what Crooked Donny has been up to via his "charitable foundation" that isn't even properly licensed to accept donations. Besides building statues of himself, having paintings made of himself and buying sports memorabilia, it seems that ole Crooked Donny has been up to some more rather shady dealings involving his foundation.

The hypocrisy of this toolbox is never ending....

Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
I have kept out of this. I can no longer do so. As a woman, as a mother of 5 ,who we trust the future with. Donald Trump is not fit to be president. I urge all to vote for Hillary Clinton. And if you cant then write in mickey mouse for all I care! Now if you will excuse me I got to go beat some sense into my idiotic husband who is to wrapped up in his "unsecured server" to see the forest from the trees. Trump is a PIG! a shameless PIG who hates women and views them only as sex objects.

Trump is an evil man... the time is now dump trump!
Couldn't agree more Rikki, Trump is a misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, racist scumbag. Period. It continually boggles my mind that there are intelligent people out there waiting to vote for this hypocritical idiot.

Even his much vaunted business acumen is rather unimpressive when you dig deeper into it. Republicans complain about subsidizing poor Americans on welfare, but I guess it's A-Ok to subsidize some rich wacko to the tune of almost a billion dollars that he lost through playing fast and loose with his own business dealings. Thus enabling him not to pay income tax for who knows how long since the coward is the first presidential candidate in recent history to refuse to release his tax returns, even after the shit fit he threw about Obama not releasing something as trivial as his birth certificate, as if nobody looked into that before he opened his orange skinned loud mouth. Like I said, the hypocrisy never ends.

The disrespect he shows for women of all kinds just speaks to his character. The only solace I can take is that he's currently getting destroyed in the polls and it doesn't seem like his latest scandals are going to do anything to improve his numbers. Good. Down with racist hypocrites like Donald Trump. Hopefully when November rolls around, Americans will tell him to take his hair piece and hit the friggin bricks.

any questions? don't waste your vote! VOTE HILLARY FOR THE FUTURE! now to attend to my silly husband!
Consider that the orange hair and face are the least offensive things about him.

He’s not going to last, as there are other women out there who will come forward. He knows this now.
The negative press the man has received in the last ten hours has been nothing short of amazing with his constituents fleeing.
Hopefully this Sunday Hillary Clinton is going to tee up and drive that idiot all the way to Mir-a-Largo.

He’s toast.., it just that simple.

Edit: then again (walking it back) I could be so very incorrect, as the slippery eel has yet to lose the core support necessary to tip the scale. Additionally, his lukewarm apology seemed to bare your thoughts as to his stubborn resolve. With 31 days left & counting, hope springs eternal.
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I have kept out of this. I can no longer do so ...
Hey speak your mind. I'm certainly no fan of Trump. He epitomizes everything I dislike about self-serving greedhead corporate culture. But I imagine that the video also has taken some things out of context, because if it's political, it's going to have some element of propaganda, and nobody who touches power comes away clean, so to think Hillary is an exception wouldn't be wise either. But she's the only logical alternative. Hmm, isn't that convenient? Maybe that's the real plan all along ... lol.
This now gives Trump license to take the gloves off and go full out attack mode on Hillary's multiple scandals and cases of corruption.

It will be very interesting to see how many times the clearly Clinton-biased moderators cut him off on Sunday night when he starts to mention the multiple women Bill Clinton has raped, the drug-running out of Mena, Arkansas when Governor, the murder of children (one stabbed in the back) who stumbled on a drug drop and whose bodies were placed on train tracks to be run over, their autopsies covered up by a completely inept and corrupt coroner Clinton put in place and defended. He should mention the Clinton Body Count, the witnesses who have testified to the cocaine-fuelled orgies Bill had as Governor, the rape victims Hillary threatened in order to silence them, the massive scale embezzlement in Arkansas and through the Clinton Foundation, especially with the Haiti relief fund, Benghazi, 30,000 classified emails run off a private server that Clinton had scrubbed...Bill saying "Hillary has eaten more p*ssy than I have"...I could go on forever.

Of course, Hillary Clinton supporters don't give a f*ck about any of these things, because Hillary Clinton has a vagina and the entire corporate media machine is behind her and vacuous Hollywood celebrities endorse her and we need more transgendered toilets and illegal immigration is wonderful and that's all that matters.
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You've fallen for all the false or exaggerated rumors the opposition has devised. The spin machine has won you over.
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