Paranormal Adept
It’s been rumored that arguing with stupidity is similar to teaching a pig how to sing, as it’s simply a waste of time & it annoys the pig.Stupid is as stupid does.
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It’s been rumored that arguing with stupidity is similar to teaching a pig how to sing, as it’s simply a waste of time & it annoys the pig.Stupid is as stupid does.
I understand that people were tricked into Brexit for the exact reasons you mention.
Britain was supposed to get a better deal! look at the value of sterling now.
Not only did we kick the politicians in the bum, we kicked ourselves in the head............
Where have you gone mr cameron, our lonely nation turns its eyes to you.
or as Frank Sinatra might have sung:
trump and farage, go together like a horse and carriage, ask the local gentry they will tell you its element ary, trump and farage........
If it makes me a lefty liberal so be it, but I for one am sick of people misusing and misrepresenting my flag.
I consider farage a traitor.
This wasn’t even a Stanford study.
Stanford Study Proves Election Fraud through Exit Poll Discrepancies
“WHAT'S FALSE: The paper was not a "Stanford Study," and its authors acknowledged their claims and research methodology had not been subject to any form of peer review or academic scrutiny.”
And these quotes below:
Clinton Iowa Caucus EXPOSED! Caught Committing VOTER FRAUD (Video)
“Hillary Clinton’s campaign appears to have committed voter fraud in Polk County last night, during the Democrat Iowa Caucus.”
“Socialist candidate Bernie Sanders’ supporters are claiming that the county caucus chair Drew Gentsch in the video (below), along with precinct captain Elizabeth Buck, did not really count Clinton supporters. Instead, they were busy misleading the caucus-goers at precinct #43."
“This is a very serious, criminal accusation. As a Reddit user explained”
If this is so earth shattering, then where’s the big news of an indictment?
I could go on; however, there is very little chance of voter fraud as the truth is below. That is, unless National Public Radio is also part of a vast conspiracy.
Why Worries About Paperless Voting Loom Larger This Year
Actually you have a point, nobody mentions what Rumsfeld said the day before 9/11. Not Bush, not his successors on the job, and certainly not the current administration. They are all hiding something there.
Jeff feel free to believe any wacky theory you want, but it isn't the unvarnished truth, not close.
One thing that is true is that changes need to be made. But Trump hasn't a clue about anything but getting his name on it. No major party is capable of presenting the candidate who will signify change "you can believe it," nor will any of those so-called third-party candidates.
Things are definitely not so good for lots of people. My financial situation tanked beginning with the Bush recession and never recovered. I am not the only one suffering. But Trump can't such problems; he hasn't a clue how anything works.
1. So how do we find a non-violent way of fixing what's broken?
So how do we find a non-violent way of fixing what's broken?
Here we have S.R.L. going at it. So what do we get? A lazily copy and pasted quote of "information" from the comments section of the pages that I linked to, that's what!
It was most CERTAINLY a Stanford University study or WTF ever. Here's the PDF. Geijsel_CortesBarragan_2016_A_Dishonest_Election.pdf
The rest is MORE copy and past. Imagine that!
If you are going to comment at least give me something of substance to go at. Sheesh!
There are many thoughtful responses to the study & most are critical.
Apparently, the study has yet to be peer reviewed.
Potential Election Fraud Study - 2016 w/update
Here’s just one example …
Steven D--
I did read the report. I also had a look at the authors' tabulated data. I use statistics in my work from time to time, so I think I'm not commenting out of ignorance. Here are a few thoughts about what I read:
1--The authors assume that exit polls are a reliable point of reference to which published results may be compared. Is that assumption correct?
2--The authors list 24 states in their sample set. Just wondering about the rest. Are those all caucus states? Were the data unavailable? An explanation would have been nice.
3--The authors separate their data into two subsets: those with a paper trail (14) and those without (10). Neither sample set is large.
4--Of the 10 listed states without a paper trail, 8 are in the South, and Clinton had huge majorities in all of them. She had huge majorities even in the exit polls. It would be interesting to hear a hypothesis for why these states would have been inclined to vote fraud on behalf of Clinton.
5--The authors appear to have committed a very basic error: they did not report results for the aggregated data (that is, all 24 states) and then compare those results to what they found for the two subsets. What they might try to do, say, is to look at the distributions of what I will call delta (equal to Clinton reported percentage minus Clinton exit poll percentage) for the two subsets and compare those to the aggregate. Doing this sort of test is, in my opinion, essential. The authors did not do it, or at least did not report on it.
Also, this is worth considering:
A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
Gene & other Hillary backers. Are you genuinely happy the way Obama has handled the last 8 years? Because that is exactly the way Hillary will run us (into the ground) if she wins. Trump is a better gamble on positive change.Jeff feel free to believe any wacky theory you want, but it isn't the unvarnished truth, not close.
One thing that is true is that changes need to be made. But Trump hasn't a clue about anything but getting his name on it. No major party is capable of presenting the candidate who will signify change "you can believe it," nor will any of those so-called third-party candidates.
Things are definitely not so good for lots of people. My financial situation tanked beginning with the Bush recession and never recovered. I am not the only one suffering. But Trump can't such problems; he hasn't a clue how anything works.
So how do we find a non-violent way of fixing what's broken?
Come on S.R.L.! You're not even admitting that the information that you copied and pasted in the first place was unequivocally dead wrong. There is no justification for using data from someone else when you're participating on a forum like this. Especially when that data is not actually data at all. Rather what you're quoting (1-5) here consists of questions, suppositions, and conjecture that doesn't even begin to overturn what is clearly an evident case for fraud. Where is the facepalm emoticon when you really need it, eh?Fraud is fraud and the DNC committed it! The ONLY reason why there wasn't an indictment is the precise same reason Hillaryous is not sitting in jail this very moment. The woman is a criminal and a mobster and that's at the very least. The organization that she is a front for owns what is a thoroughly CORRUPT DOJ and it's sickening!!! Don't be a chump, vote Trump!
Obama has done the best he could bucking a head-wind - Congressional/Republican obstructionism.Gene & other Hillary backers. Are you genuinely happy the way Obama has handled the last 8 years? Because that is exactly the way Hillary will run us (into the ground) if she wins. Trump is a better gamble on positive change.
Vote out the bad seeds in the Congress. That's where the dry rot is. Voting for Trump will do nothing as long as the Congress remains unchanged.Start by doing anything possible to get the Oligarchy out of office. Vote for Trump!
"Clit"ton saved the country money cause he cut our military to unsafe levels, then after 9/11 we had to re-build our military which costed us way more (debt) than had Cliton left good enuf alone. President George "W" Bush has my respect for doing an excellent job. i am taken back by your response as i have not heard any positive comments regarding Obama (I live in the mid-west). Good to hear, however it is clear our values are vastly different (prostitution/adultary etc) thus it is hard to swallow. (i.e. like the stain on Monica's dress)Are you genuinely happy with the way "W" ran the economy into the ground, destroyed the efforts of President Bill Clinton to balance the budget, and put two wars on the country's credit card, which created the situation that destabilized the Middle East?
Ask the millions of people who lost jobs due to W's incompetence, or the thousands of soldiers who died or were permanently injured due to his unnecessary wars about what an excellent job is.
As to actions between consenting adults, I have other priorities. It's not that Trump is innocent of such behavior.