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The Paracast — A New Look?

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Here goes a long post!
I made the designs based on a videogame from the 90's called "Zombies ate my neighbors", i really liked it because it had a lot of references to the 60-50's horror movies. I added some variations, I hope you like it!
It took me quite a while because I lost all the data and had to redo all from scratch :/ ( and Im mediocre using flash :eek: )

Adding the every variation to the tshirts would've occupied half the site I think, but you get the idea :cool:
I want the Paracast+ agaaaaaaain!!!
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I made the designs based on a videogame from the 90's called "Zombies ate my neighbors", i really liked it because it had a lot of references to the 60-50's horror movies.

What a brilliant game, I still play it occasionally, (I have a SNES emulator on my PC) I spent many, many hours playing that game with my best friend when it came out. The thing I like best is the music.

Very nice Design of the Logo for the T-shirts.

There is a computer games thread (quite old now) you might like to add to:

Video Games


Do We Have Any Gamers Up In Here?

Best wishes.
Thanks Han!
Yeah I thought that that design would be more attractive and familiar to people that played the game, mybe I should have added a small ".com"