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The Paracast — Subscription Only?

If The Paracast Were Subscription Only, Would You Subscribe?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Free episodes:

My biggest concern is still my biggest concern: Many of our long-time listeners, who have invested up to a decade in our show, would leave us if we went all subscription. That weighs heavily on me.

As to the forums: We've always had an open forum, with minimal moderation. The political ranting will die down after Election Day.

Thanks for your comments.
I am going to express my honest and bitter opinion as a regular, average listener and not someone directly or indirectly involved with the subject of ufology.

I have a doctorate in mechanical engineering and I was always fascinated with the subject of alien life in the Universe as well as with all major scientific questions and unknowns. I consider this subject to be a field of scientific research and not an opportunity for new-age mental ill people to use for their delusions instead of seeking psychiatric therapy. As a result, I've been listening to Paracast ever since it started because it takes the subject seriously and tries to find good guests who do follow the scientific method in their attempt to resolve this mystery. But it is not the only podcast I listen because many other subjects interest me. Therefore, If I was to pay a subscription for every single podcast I listen then I would need to have two jobs to support my habit.

I am not willing to pay any subscription fee because, in my own personal opinion, the podcast platform is not and was never meant to be a business opportunity. Podcasts are a cheap and easy way for all kinds of people to express their opinions and talk about subjects of particular interest to them. This platform has grown and today there are some very high quality podcasts out there with very interesting discussions and important guests, all for free. Why would I pay for a podcast about a subject which is controversial and unfortunately pursued by all kinds of crazy people who know nothing about true research other than writing books mostly based on fiction in order to make some easy money, people who are mostly uneducated scam artists?

Paracast is indeed trying to do a serious job in this field but one cannot have a weekly podcast inviting the same 2 or 3 serious people who are actually doing real research and they do not suffer from hallucinations or delusions of personal high importance for the future of our planet and the universe. I pay 10 euros per month for Netflix and that gives me hours of programming available to me on a daily basis. So, in comparison, even a dollar for a weekly podcast on such a subject and guests one cannot really trust is too much in my opinion. Perhaps some people who are deeply involved in this field think it is impossible not to get their weekly dose of Paracast but I believe that they do not represent the vast majority of listeners who, apparently, did not even bother to vote, unless Paracast reaches less than 100 people in which case making money out of them is meaningless.

Also, I do not understand the rational behind someone doing a weekly podcast who expects to make a living out of it. For someone to make a living out of presenting information on a weekly basis in today's competitive and information overloaded world he must do high quality professional work based on his personal or a team's extensive research work. And this is not Paracast or any other podcast I am aware of for that matter. I have to say that I was surprised when I realised that the people who make Paracast want to make money out of this and made changes which resulted in a podcast of lower quality than the past and full of very silly advertisements which obviously target the less intelligent people out there I do not associate with typical Paracast listeners. I understand that the people behind Paracast may have financial difficulties and employment problems but a podcast is not the platform for someone to make a living and any attempt to do so will certainly fail. The subject of ufology is a passion for a few people and I think that this is how Paracast started. If for whatever reason it cannot continue as a passion and love for a strange subject because the producers have financial problems or other concerns then it should terminate. Asking for money or inserting humiliating for the listeners ads is not the solution, it is simply a slow depressing death of a once great podcast.

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You are definitely NOT this shows target audience. If you don't like it, take your stuck up butt elsewhere. I'll continue to enjoy the Paracast like I always have.
You are definitely NOT this shows target audience. If you don't like it, take your stuck up butt elsewhere. I'll continue to enjoy the Paracast like I always have.
Did Gene ask you to speak on behalf of the Paracast, or did you just take that role upon yourself?
I am going to express my honest and bitter opinion as a regular, average listener and not someone directly or indirectly involved with the subject of ufology.

I have a doctorate in mechanical engineering and I was always fascinated with the subject of alien life in the Universe as well as with all major scientific questions and unknowns. I consider this subject to be a field of scientific research and not an opportunity for new-age mental ill people to use for their delusions instead of seeking psychiatric therapy. As a result, I've been listening to Paracast ever since it started because it takes the subject seriously and tries to find good guests who do follow the scientific method in their attempt to resolve this mystery. But it is not the only podcast I listen because many other subjects interest me. Therefore, If I was to pay a subscription for every single podcast I listen then I would need to have two jobs to support my habit.

I am not willing to pay any subscription fee because, in my own personal opinion, the podcast platform is not and was never meant to be a business opportunity. Podcasts are a cheap and easy way for all kinds of people to express their opinions and talk about subjects of particular interest to them. This platform has grown and today there are some very high quality podcasts out there with very interesting discussions and important guests, all for free. Why would I pay for a podcast about a subject which is controversial and unfortunately pursued by all kinds of crazy people who know nothing about true research other than writing books mostly based on fiction in order to make some easy money, people who are mostly uneducated scam artists?

Paracast is indeed trying to do a serious job in this field but one cannot have a weekly podcast inviting the same 2 or 3 serious people who are actually doing real research and they do not suffer from hallucinations or delusions of personal high importance for the future of our planet and the universe. I pay 10 euros per month for Netflix and that gives me hours of programming available to me on a daily basis. So, in comparison, even a dollar for a weekly podcast on such a subject and guests one cannot really trust is too much in my opinion. Perhaps some people who are deeply involved in this field think it is impossible not to get their weekly dose of Paracast but I believe that they do not represent the vast majority of listeners who, apparently, did not even bother to vote, unless Paracast reaches less than 100 people in which case making money out of them is meaningless.

Also, I do not understand the rational behind someone doing a weekly podcast who expects to make a living out of it. For someone to make a living out of presenting information on a weekly basis in today's competitive and information overloaded world he must do high quality professional work based on his personal or a team's extensive research work. And this is not Paracast or any other podcast I am aware of for that matter. I have to say that I was surprised when I realised that the people who make Paracast want to make money out of this and made changes which resulted in a podcast of lower quality than the past and full of very silly advertisements which obviously target the less intelligent people out there I do not associate with typical Paracast listeners. I understand that the people behind Paracast may have financial difficulties and employment problems but a podcast is not the platform for someone to make a living and any attempt to do so will certainly fail. The subject of ufology is a passion for a few people and I think that this is how Paracast started. If for whatever reason it cannot continue as a passion and love for a strange subject because the producers have financial problems or other concerns then it should terminate. Asking for money or inserting humiliating for the listeners ads is not the solution, it is simply a slow depressing death of a once great podcast.

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There are numerous podcasts out there who are accessed only via a subscription. In fact, that is becoming relatively common nowadays except for very new start-ups or people pursuing the podcast purely as a labor of love or a hobby. Here are some successful examples:

1. MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE is a prime example of 2-3 guys making a living simply from doing their podcast. They do extensive research to prepare for each episode. Most of the time there is no guest. The show is a sort of audio paranormal newspaper. They provide free content and exceptional additional shows and extended shows by subscription. Although I no longer subscribe, if someone were to ask me for ONE SHOW to subscribe to, it would definitely be MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE.
2. MYSTERIOUS MATTERS is by subscription and claims to be an award winning podcast (there are awards for podcasts?).
3. VERITAS - gives half the episode free and then you pay for the rest
4. RED ICE - gives half the episode free and then you pay for the rest
5. JIM HAROLD - has made a success with subscriptions. I once subscribed and he has a TON of content for the subscriber in various categories.
6. DREAMLAND - gives half the episode free and then you pay for the rest
7. COAST TO COAST - Radio Broadcast with subscription to 4-5 years of archived shows. Around $6 a month.
8. PARATOPIA (which is probably a sore subject around here). That podcast ended only because the 2 hosts grew tired of it and felt they had nothing further to say. It began free but became subscription only with a by-episode purchase option. The 2 hosts still do an occasional episode available for purchase singularly.

Of course, there are still excellent free podcasts out there like OPEN MINDS and THE UNEXPLAINED by Howard Hughes. There are many others popping up. I agree that there still are a lot of free shows of very high quality on the internet. I can only surmise that such shows are hosted or managed by people with deep pockets so that an income from the podcast is not necessary. In Gene's case, I believe it is necessary, so going to a subscription only service makes sense.

My central point is that the internet is always in a state of flux. You can't make a proclamation about the true nature of podcasts and expect it to stick.

As for serious content, how can you keep a show going on "serious" content nowadays,. when even MUFON has given up on that viewpoint because it bores most people?

Big Secret: For the general public, UFOs and the paranormal are ENTERTAINMENT.

As you noted, how many guests can you find doing serious research except on cases that may be 50 or more years old. If I have to hear about Rendlesham and Roswell one more time, I may become violent like a Trump supporter.

I honestly don't know how a podcast can book a guest every week if the guest must be some sort of credentialed "serious" researcher. Where are you going to find them? As a marketing strategy, I just don't see how it can work. You want to know the biggest selling book on the paranormal and UFO's right now? David Wilcock's THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES.
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I won't comment on going to a total pay system or not. If you do go all pay, you are going to need to provide more content than you already do. Some chit-chat like the Paracast + won't cut it.

Also, I wouldn't hold much relevance to that poll. Less than one hundred people have responded. When people have to actually dip into their pockets and pull out some cash, that will be the deciding factor.

I would suggest you clean up your chat rooms if you make the move. That political chat is a total disaster. Too much ranting is going on. Just look at most news sites these days. They don't allow comments. Enough said. Personally, I would charge at least $120 a year for a subscription. There are way too many freeloaders and malcontents onboard.

Maybe that will clean up your website and make it presentable to the paying public.
Seriously? You think people would pay $120 for a yearly subscription? That is about twice as much as any other subscription service I am familiar with. Maybe Gene could create a new Secret Order like the Free Masons, e.g., Secret Order of the Paracastians. There could be secret rites and rituals, and levels to be attained by financial support and solidarity with the Order. There could be secret teachings based on the work of now dead ufologists and folklorists. Instead of a Free Mason apron, how about tee-shirts? Local chapters could be created that meet monthly in someone's basement to perform the rituals and engage in private chats where chants are said and everyone surrender's to a doctrinal purity test to keep the riff raff and malcontents (like me, I assume) out.

Hey! Gene should try to get the Paracast listed as a NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION.
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Now as to After The Paracast, it's not just chit-chat. It is extended interviews with guests that go beyond the regular show, sometimes different guests (such as Nick Pope a few months back). It varies from week to week. So this week we do over 40 minutes with Michael Esposito as he expands on his studies into ghosts and EVPs. We are also offering the full collection of audio clips he prepared for the regular episode, many that we didn't have time to put on the show, and we offer them exclusively for Paracast+ subscribers.

Paul Kimball has already begun to send me content for Paracast+. You'll see this stuff in short order. Thanks Paul.
Now as to After The Paracast, it's not just chit-chat. It is extended interviews with guests that go beyond the regular show, sometimes different guests (such as Nick Pope a few months back). It varies from week to week. So this week we do over 40 minutes with Michael Esposito as he expands on his studies into ghosts and EVPs. We are also offering the full collection of audio clips he prepared for the regular episode, many that we didn't have time to put on the show, and we offer them exclusively for Paracast+ subscribers.

Paul Kimball has already begun to send me content for Paracast+. You'll see this stuff in short order. Thanks Paul.
Sigh. Stop arguing with people. If people PERCEIVE ATP as chit chat, then it is!
We are slowly posting ad-free versions of the shows from spring of 2010 to 2014, when The Paracast+ began. Once that's done, this whole class of episodes will go behind the paywall.
There are numerous podcasts out there who are accessed only via a subscription. In fact, that is becoming relatively common nowadays except for very new start-ups or people pursuing the podcast purely as a labor of love or a hobby. Here are some successful examples:

1. MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE is a prime example of 2-3 guys making a living simply from doing their podcast. They do extensive research to prepare for each episode. Most of the time there is no guest. The show is a sort of audio paranormal newspaper. They provide free content and exceptional additional shows and extended shows by subscription. Although I no longer subscribe, if someone were to ask me for ONE SHOW to subscribe to, it would definitely be MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE.
2. MYSTERIOUS MATTERS is by subscription and claims to be an award winning podcast (there are awards for podcasts?).
3. VERITAS - gives half the episode free and then you pay for the rest
4. RED ICE - gives half the episode free and then you pay for the rest
5. JIM HAROLD - has made a success with subscriptions. I once subscribed and he has a TON of content for the subscriber in various categories.
6. DREAMLAND - gives half the episode free and then you pay for the rest
7. COAST TO COAST - Radio Broadcast with subscription to 4-5 years of archived shows. Around $6 a month.
8. PARATOPIA (which is probably a sore subject around here). That podcast ended only because the 2 hosts grew tired of it and felt they had nothing further to say. It began free but became subscription only with a by-episode purchase option. The 2 hosts still do an occasional episode available for purchase singularly.

Of course, there are still excellent free podcasts out there like OPEN MINDS and THE UNEXPLAINED by Howard Hughes. There are many others popping up. I agree that there still are a lot of free shows of very high quality on the internet. I can only surmise that such shows are hosted or managed by people with deep pockets so that an income from the podcast is not necessary. In Gene's case, I believe it is necessary, so going to a subscription only service makes sense.

My central point is that the internet is always in a state of flux. You can't make a proclamation about the true nature of podcasts and expect it to stick.

As for serious content, how can you keep a show going on "serious" content nowadays,. when even MUFON has given up on that viewpoint because it bores most people? As you noted, how many guests can you find doing serious research except on cases that may be 50 or more years old. If I have to hear about Rendlesham and Roswell one more time, I may become violent like a Trump supporter.

I honestly don't know how a podcast can book a guest every week if the guest must be some sort of credentialed "serious" researcher. Where are you going to find them? As a marketing strategy, I just don't see how it can work. You want to know the biggest selling book on the paranormal and UFO's right now? David Wilcock's THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES.
I also listen to the Mysterious Universe podcast and these guys are indeed doing a great job. I do not subscribe to their MU+ service because I don't need more than their free podcast. Still, this is a model that makes sense to me. You have a good free podcast and those who want more can pay for extra content. However, their free podcasts are of high quality and they are not overloaded with these ridiculous ads that Paracast has. Both presenters talk and discuss the news unlike Paracast where one presenter talks and the other one only interrupts the guest when it is time for the very long ads.

So, if someone wants to make money out of a podcast he should be prepared to do a lot of work and put a lot of effort to produce extra interesting content for those who want more while at the same time offer a good quality free podcast that respects the regular listener. Going subscription only is even more demanding in order to make the content you provide worth the subscription. My point is that a regular listener is never going to pay for a podcast, and he shouldn't. Those who are very much interested in a subject, perhaps because it is related to their job, will most likely pay for a subscription but for a controversial subject like ufology how many people are going to do that? And since they almost certainly listen to other similar podcasts and may already have subscriptions how many subscriptions can they afford to have? And what about podcasts of an entirely different subject?

What kind of demands are the paying subscribers going to impose in order to get what they pay for? Is Paracast going to be forced to have all the popular crazies as guests in order to preserve and expand its list of subscribers? Are the presenters happy to compromise their principles in order to sell a product and make money out of it? Also, how is this going to affect the free podcast, if there is still going to be a free one? Is it going to have even more stupid ads in order to force listeners to subscribe? One must also look at the facts in hand. Very few people even bothered to vote so one can estimate that about 50 people or less are eventually going to pay for a subscription. Are these people enough for the presenters to make a living out of their subscriptions? I don't think so. Are the presenters going to be happy to have so few listeners?

Therefore, I return back to my original conclusion: you either give an end to this podcast and keep your dignity or you get ready for a lot of work to produce something appealing to the ufology fanatics who are willing to pay in order to listen to the most outlandish crazy stories compromising your principles of dealing with the subject in a serious manner. Because the 50 thinking and serious listeners willing to pay are not going to be enough. So, if you cannot produce it for free and without the insulting to your listeners ads you'd better terminate it with grace and look for other ways to make money.

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Seriously? You think people would pay $120 for a yearly subscription? That is about twice as much as any other subscription service I am familiar with. Maybe Gene could create a new Secret Order like the Free Masons, e.g., Secret Order of the Paracastians. There could be secret rites and rituals, and levels to be attained by financial support and solidarity with the Order. There could be secret teachings based on the work of now dead ufologists and folklorists. Instead of a Free Mason apron, how about tee-shirts? Local chapters could be created that meet monthly in someone's basement to perform the rituals and engage in private chats where chants are said and everyone surrender's to a doctrinal purity test to keep the riff raff and malcontents (like me, I assume) out.

Hey! Gene should try to get the Paracast listed as a NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION.
No, I'm sure very few would pay $120 for the Paracast. My point was about cleaning out some of the tedious posters and the political ranters. They are only here because everything is free to them. I'm sure most of them won't be joining the paying public. It will make for a more pleasurable experience I'm sure.
Any suggestion that The Paracast changes its approach to guests is absurd. We are successful in terms of listeners because we take a different approach. The suggestion we terminate is non-operable.

We are considering improved options to generate cash flow, not sacrifice our integrity.
Any suggestion that The Paracast changes its approach to guests is absurd. We are successful in terms of listeners because we take a different approach. The suggestion we terminate is non-operable.

We are considering improved options to generate cash flow, not sacrifice our integrity.
Lol Gene you are one funny dude
If it went to subscription I wouldn't have any option but to get one somehow, as this is my number one favorite currently operating show across any medium.
Any idea on the odds of that/how much it'd be?
(Good grief I write strangely:confused:)
I also listen to the Mysterious Universe podcast and these guys are indeed doing a great job. I do not subscribe to their MU+ service because I don't need more than their free podcast. Still, this is a model that makes sense to me. You have a good free podcast and those who want more can pay for extra content. However, their free podcasts are of high quality and they are not overloaded with these ridiculous ads that Paracast has. Both presenters talk and discuss the news unlike Paracast where one presenter talks and the other one only interrupts the guest when it is time for the very long ads.

So, if someone wants to make money out of a podcast he should be prepared to do a lot of work and put a lot of effort to produce extra interesting content for those who want more while at the same time offer a good quality free podcast that respects the regular listener. Going subscription only is even more demanding in order to make the content you provide worth the subscription. My point is that a regular listener is never going to pay for a podcast, and he shouldn't. Those who are very much interested in a subject, perhaps because it is related to their job, will most likely pay for a subscription but for a controversial subject like ufology how many people are going to do that? And since they almost certainly listen to other similar podcasts and may already have subscriptions how many subscriptions can they afford to have? And what about podcasts of an entirely different subject?

What kind of demands are the paying subscribers going to impose in order to get what they pay for? Is Paracast going to be forced to have all the popular crazies as guests in order to preserve and expand its list of subscribers? Are the presenters happy to compromise their principles in order to sell a product and make money out of it? Also, how is this going to affect the free podcast, if there is still going to be a free one? Is it going to have even more stupid ads in order to force listeners to subscribe? One must also look at the facts in hand. Very few people even bothered to vote so one can estimate that about 50 people or less are eventually going to pay for a subscription. Are these people enough for the presenters to make a living out of their subscriptions? I don't think so. Are the presenters going to be happy to have so few listeners?

Therefore, I return back to my original conclusion: you either give an end to this podcast and keep your dignity or you get ready for a lot of work to produce something appealing to the ufology fanatics who are willing to pay in order to listen to the most outlandish crazy stories compromising your principles of dealing with the subject in a serious manner. Because the 50 thinking and serious listeners willing to pay are not going to be enough. So, if you cannot produce it for free and without the insulting to your listeners ads you'd better terminate it with grace and look for other ways to make money.

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This is a minor point, but to me worth mentioning. I suspect a lot of regular listeners do not ever "enter" the forum. So they would not vote. I received an email about the issue from the Paracast which sparked my interest. But even then, I don't think we can state that only 50 people care about the Paracast. People have a lot on their minds. You obviously want the show to remain absolutely FREE. But Gene needs an increased revenue flow. So how does he do that? You denounce the commercials which may be his only real income from the show. So what do you suggest he do to continue the Paracast and make more money from doing so?
If people don't like the ads, go with The Paracast+. If we had several times more members, and a few more taking five-year and lifetime — guess what? There's enough money there no too worry about any other alternative.
No, I'm sure very few would pay $120 for the Paracast. My point was about cleaning out some of the tedious posters and the political ranters. They are only here because everything is free to them. I'm sure most of them won't be joining the paying public. It will make for a more pleasurable experience I'm sure.
I wouldn't go near the forum neighborhood where politics is discussed. Of course, it will be rancorous and horrible. But if it is segregated to one specific spot on the forum, then it is easy to avoid, right? The real focus of discussion is the show itself, not the forum.
I wouldn't go near the forum neighborhood where politics is discussed. Of course, it will be rancorous and horrible. But if it is segregated to one specific spot on the forum, then it is easy to avoid, right? The real focus of discussion is the show itself, not the forum.
That's true. The focus should be on the show not the forums. But didn't you say you haven't been able to listen through a whole episode lately?

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