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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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The actual article shows some tweets from people and Curt Collins blog is referenced....

Two photographs of a "dead alien" were unveiled at a big money event last night - and immediately dismissed as fake.

A series of 'UFOlogists' appeared at the Be Witness meeting last night to reveal images of an extraterrestrial who supposedly crashed to Earth during the infamous Roswell incident in 1947.

The images were found by former journalist Adam Dew, who reportedly turned down interviews with magazines that wanted to cover the story because "they were not offering any payment."

He claimed to have taken steps to verify the pair of alien snaps and said Kodak experts had dated the film to 1947.

But the rest of the world has not had the chance to test the rigour of his methods, because high resolution images of the alien are not yet available.

They are likely to be sold through his production company Dew Media alongside a documentary about the discovery of the slides.

The photos were supposedly found in Arizona, hidden in a collection of snaps owned by oil geologist Bernard Ray and his wife Hilda Ray, who have both died.

Nick Pope, a researcher who headed up a UFO investigation wing at the UK Ministry of Defence, told Mirror Online he was "underwhelmed".

"It could be a model, or it could simply be a fake image, dressed up to look like a Forties slide," he said.

"The motivations for hoaxing are complex. Some hoaxes are money-making scams, but sometimes it's just a desire to say 'we fooled the world'.

"I can understand why the UFO community is disappointed and conspiracy theorists are probably already claiming the whole thing was a government plot, designed to discredit the subject and
make it look ridiculous."

After the photographs were revealed, UFO spotters immediately took to Twitter to share screenshots of the snaps using the hashtag "#BeDisappointed".

Some compared the images to previous photos of Egyptian mummies from the Smithsonian.

Critics have pointed out a film showing an 'autopsy' of an alien found at Roswell was released exactly 20 years before the Be Witness event yesterday.

This older film (pictured below) was discovered by British music producer Ray Santilly. Although it was dismissed as fake, it reportedly earned him a sizeable amount of money.

There are several other connections between the Santilly film and the release of the Roswell photos, leading some to claim the new slides are a "carefully prepared scam".

For instance, the alien in the Santilly video was nicknamed Hilda - the same name as the woman who supposedly owned the new Roswell Slides.


This image of an alien autopsy didn't fool many people

The big reveal took place in a massive auditorium packed with thousands of eager UFO fans.

Although there was a live stream available, viewers had to fork out $20 if they wanted to watch it.

British skygazers were at a particular disadvantage, because the event started at 11.30pm and went on until dawn, with many speakers talking in Spanish.

Mirror Online spoke to the former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to land on the moon and an outspoken believer in extraterrestrial visitations.

The 84-year-old appeared at Be Witness via a Skype link and insisted the images showed the remains of an alien being.

"These images show a type of alien known as a little grey," he told us.

"However, we have no way of knowing if it was the creature which creatures from the Roswell incident."


Major Jesse Marcel with debris found 75 miles north west of Roswell, NM, in June 1947

Gary Heseltine, a former policeman who is now editor of UFO Truth Magazine, also insisted the images were real.

"I know many of the people who were involved," he told Mirror Online.

"They wouldn't risk their reputation by appearing at this event if the photos weren't genuine.

"From my background as a policeman, I know what evidence is. These were compelling images of a being which was not human."

We asked organisers if the event was a money-making venture rather than a genuine revelation proving the existence of alien life.

Jaime Maussan, the journalist who organised the unveiling, replied: "The forensics experts explained in full yesterday why this is [an alien and].

"We also presented the analysis from photography experts stating that the picture is real and from the late 1940s.

"I lost about $100 thousand in the event, even though we had six thousand people in the auditorium and a few thousand watching on the Internet.

"I never did it for money, I knew I was going to lose cash even before started the organisation of the event, but I didn't care.

"They are wrong all the way."

Do these slides show a dead alien?

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Wow. I didn't realize that Ray Santilli's fake aliens name was "Hilda". And the owner of the house where these slides were found is "Hilda Ray"? Are you f'n kidding me?? And Mexico city's event was exactly 20 years after the release of "alien autopsy"?? Unbelievable.
Wow. I didn't realize that Ray Santilli's fake aliens name was "Hilda". And the owner of the house where these slides were found is "Hilda Ray"? Are you f'n kidding me?? And Mexico city's event was exactly 20 years after the release of "alien autopsy"?? Unbelievable.

Not sure how much milage we can make from that, it was refuted by someone in one of the blogs

Deducing that the name "Hilda Ray" is a secret clue referring to Ray Santilli plus the acronym HILDA invented by George Wingfield and used by nobody else to refer to Santilli's alien dummy,

UFO researcher George Wingfield has even stronger reservations. Back in 1995, he wrote a piece in the British publication Flying Saucer Review accusing three men of hoaxing the yet-unconfessed Santilli alien autopsy video: John Lundberg, Robert Irving, and, and Rod Dickinson, based on their involvement with Ray Santilli, their experience in producing special effects, and their reputation as Crop Circle makers. In that Flying Saucer review article Wingfield wrote that "The alien is, of course, called HILDA, which, in case you hadn't guessed, stands for Hoaxed Irving-Lundberg-Dickinson Alien." In 1995, RAY Santilli's hoaxed alien is satirically named HILDA -

I must admit ive never heard the santilli prop refered to as Hilda before, not could i quickly find any reference to Hilda here


Which is a pretty large collection of links to the case.
One of the theories doing the rounds was this was a custom built dummy built to perpertrate a hoax.
Im not seeing that in the hi res pics, im seeing a museum exhibit, slides of which some have tried to sell as an ET body.

What does surprise me is that seasoned researchers who did have access to the original slides, the dream team, didnt knock this on its head in its infancy.
I have some serious concerns as to their motives and why they went along with this event.

Adam has always given himself a back door, claiming he doesnt know whats in the slides, Its hard for me to reach a verdict on this since ive been into this subject since i was 5 years old, its difficult to see this from the perspective of someone whos never had an interest in aliens.

I think if most of us here had "made a mistake" in suggesting this was ET it wouldnt be an honest one, but others who were involved from early on should have known better.

Adam claims to be ignorant of the subject, perhaps it was an honest mistake, or wishful thinking. But other more seasoned researchers who were shown the slides early on should have run a mile. this event far from helping their book sales, has robbed them of credibility. Most likely permanently.
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From now on , Dolan is in the same league as Greer.
Dolan has to be looked at in two parts. First he was the respected researcher ( National Security State.) Somewhere along the way he decided on making a career from the UFO field.

He associated himself with the Disclosure movement. Then came the Ancient Alien/Hangar 1 crowd. He really tipped off his hand running to Mexico City as a 'witness' to the alien slides.

You can't associate yourself with Maussan etc. and not get muddied up.
This is a test*:

I am sure that some of you are aware of the theory that the pyramids were used by the pharaohs as "vehicles" to enter the stars.
Their body was prepared for the "journey" to heaven by the process of embalming and mummification.
The pyramids were "astronomically" laid out to ensure the correct destination was reached.

In other words, the "being" in the slide, was a sort of time and space traveler.

How long will it be until a "researcher" makes this connection and claims that: for example: The ancient Egyptians were visited by "ET" and they instructed them, on how to become immortal, by following the procedures of mummification, which culminated in the body of the dead taking on the appearance of a "grey" (E.T/Alien) meaning they were able to "survive" in the "heavens" (space).

Or to put it another way: the reason that Mummies look like aliens, is because: they were intended to replicate beings from the stars.

*I am writing this disclaimer because I do not believe this to be the case, but I am interested to see if anyone else comes up with the theory.

The Creationists are evolving at an alarming rate..................
This is a test*:

I am sure that some of you are aware of the theory that the pyramids were used by the pharaohs as "vehicles" to enter the stars.
Their body was prepared for the "journey" to heaven by the process of embalming and mummification.
The pyramids were "astronomically" laid out to ensure the correct destination was reached.

In other words, the "being" in the slide, was a sort of time and space traveler.

How long will it be until a "researcher" makes this connection and claims that: for example: The ancient Egyptians were visited by "ET" and they instructed them, on how to become immortal, by following the procedures of mummification, which culminated in the body of the dead taking on the appearance of a "grey" (E.T/Alien) meaning they were able to "survive" in the "heavens" (space).

Or to put it another way: the reason that Mummies look like aliens, is because: they were intended to replicate beings from the stars.

*I am writing this disclaimer because I do not believe this to be the case, but I am interested to see if anyone else comes up with the theory.

The Creationists are evolving at an alarming rate..................
Best thing I heard all day. Bravo.
Apparently, this is Richard’s latest from yesterday, the 6th.

Dolan’s latest Post on the Roswell Slides | KGRA Digital Broadcasting

As usual, Richard Dolan is a voice of reason in all this. This is, I think, the most important part of what he wrote (but all of it is important and should be read):

""Most striking in all this are the critics. There have been a number of remarks that the body is “certainly” (a) a mummy, (b) a child mummy (c) a deformed mummy, and (d) a model. There have been other claims but these seem to be the main ones.
Such people — all of them English-speakers — obviously did not acquaint themselves with the detailed and technically proficient treatment of these very questions by the three scientists who were featured last night: Jose Benetez, Dr. Luiz Antonio de Alba Galindo, and Richard Doble, The first two of these spoke in Spanish, and I understand there may have been glitches at times with the translation on the livestream. However, Richard Doble’s Skype interview was in English and extremely easy to follow. The Spanish speakers were simply outstanding, and I was able to listen via translation. All of these gentlemen spoke in detail and with deep analysis as to why that body was not a human being. I am not going to repeat their reasons here, but I have been assured that a website is being constructed right now that will feature full translations of their analysis in text form. Incidentally, in addition to these three individuals, there was some excellent video testimony presented from other technical professionals relating to the physical properties of the slides themselves."

It would have been better if their full scientific analyses had been published on the internet in translations at the time of the broadcast program in Mexico City. That might have caught the attention of the newspapers and the mob indicating that there is more involved in the identification of this creature than a quick glance at a slide can reveal. Most current internet 'discussion' of the nature of the being shown in the slides is worthless because it is uninformed. As Dolan says, this is a subject that requires investigation by "qualified professionals" in the relevant biological and evolutionary sciences. What's been learned so far is impressive, and other scientists will be drawn to this investigation of a lifeform apparently not native to, not evolved on, this planet.
As I understand it, those who own the slides have had them for some time now (years?) They have had ample opportunities to have them examined. For whatever reason they have chosen not to. If there is criticism they should understand it was brought about by their inaction.
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Also, are the owners going to allow truly independent analysis of those slides. Are the owners paying to have a conclusion that these are in fact Roswell aliens. Let's say this is an independent group and they find that the slides aren't what they are supposed to be (true aliens) , what then? Will we ever hear their conclusions, I have my doubts.
Interesting that the Mexico City event, so far as I can see, didn't get a whole lot of coverage, which you might expect since it didn't take place in the media centers. And it's not getting a whole lot of support from the UFO community.

CoastToCoast poll shows 45.04% disbelieve, 25.64% "uncertain," and only 29.31% believe, keeping with the trend in the past day. It's not getting the love even from a place where you'd think it would have a good reception. The slide at the CTC site is too obviously from a museum display.
Here is another fact, not supposition. Men like Stanton Friedman and Kevin Randle ran away from this Mexico City show. If Friedman thought this was the real deal, he would have hopped on the first flight to get in on the action. He didn't.

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