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Thanks Vesvehighfolk. I need to laugh this early in the morning.Creepy the specal will air right after the specals about the Apollo 20 mission and the moon hoax. And will be followed by a specal proving that president bush ordered 9/11..
Wow. I didn't realize that Ray Santilli's fake aliens name was "Hilda". And the owner of the house where these slides were found is "Hilda Ray"? Are you f'n kidding me?? And Mexico city's event was exactly 20 years after the release of "alien autopsy"?? Unbelievable.
Deducing that the name "Hilda Ray" is a secret clue referring to Ray Santilli plus the acronym HILDA invented by George Wingfield and used by nobody else to refer to Santilli's alien dummy,
From now on , Dolan is in the same league as Greer.Why did richard Dolan declare them hard to debunk? I have 100% no skill and I can tell its a mummy!
Dolan has to be looked at in two parts. First he was the respected researcher ( National Security State.) Somewhere along the way he decided on making a career from the UFO field.From now on , Dolan is in the same league as Greer.
I looked at Dolan's website today. Had this been the story of the century, you might have thought Dolan would have written extensively about it. Thus far, not a peep from Mr. Dolan.
Best thing I heard all day. Bravo.This is a test*:
I am sure that some of you are aware of the theory that the pyramids were used by the pharaohs as "vehicles" to enter the stars.
Their body was prepared for the "journey" to heaven by the process of embalming and mummification.
The pyramids were "astronomically" laid out to ensure the correct destination was reached.
In other words, the "being" in the slide, was a sort of time and space traveler.
How long will it be until a "researcher" makes this connection and claims that: for example: The ancient Egyptians were visited by "ET" and they instructed them, on how to become immortal, by following the procedures of mummification, which culminated in the body of the dead taking on the appearance of a "grey" (E.T/Alien) meaning they were able to "survive" in the "heavens" (space).
Or to put it another way: the reason that Mummies look like aliens, is because: they were intended to replicate beings from the stars.
*I am writing this disclaimer because I do not believe this to be the case, but I am interested to see if anyone else comes up with the theory.
The Creationists are evolving at an alarming rate..................
With none other then Jim Moseley's name attached. Perfect! He must be getting a kick out of this.Ok so I was looking at another thread immediately after posting the above and I came across this book cover!
Mummy and a flying saucer!!!!
Apparently, this is Richard’s latest from yesterday, the 6th.
Dolan’s latest Post on the Roswell Slides | KGRA Digital Broadcasting