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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

Free episodes:

Roswell Slide Case is Solved... Duhhh, it's a two year old boy mummy in a museum!


Working with a colleague from Europe and with the text of the de-blurred placard, I discovered last night that this interpretation of the text was correct. Found in the September 1938 Volume VIII, Number 1 Mesa Verde Notes that was published by the National Park Service was an article that definitively solves the mystery of the “Roswell Slides.” In paragraph four of the section of the publication entitled Around The Mesa was found this:

“A splendid mummy was received by the Park Museum recently when Mr. S.L. Palmer Jr. of San Francisco returned one that his father had taken from the ruins in 1894. The mummy is that of a two year old boy and is in an excellent state of preservation. At the time of burial the body was clad in a slip-over cotton shirt and three small cotton blankets. Fragments of these are still on the mummy.” The full text of the article can be found in this link: Mesa Verde National Park (Notes)

This paragraph corresponds directly to the slides placard: the mummified body of a two year old boy, three small cotton blankets (the word “three” understandably seen by the de-blurring program as “these”) and Mr. Xxxxx of San Francisco, California.

Btw, Screw you Adam Dew, imo.

Also, special thanks to Mikey "The Beak" [aka Mike here] for maintaining his fearsome and loyal support of you Adam Dew with your friendly private email connections and willful aid to lend moral support and obtain "factual" inside information in Dew's time of need. See Mike's angry debates with me in this very same thread which coincidentally was about the time I was criminally hacked too! Go figure! Winky wink. :D

This Roswell scam was played down and dirty until the money was raked in. Thanks for the link Mike to spend good money to help your buddy Adam Dew, a fraud and con artist, rake-in the money:
No Adam sent me the link last night, and ive just reposted it here FYI

There is a countdown timer here

bewitness.org | a change in history

Complete with what sounds like requiem for a dream playing for dramatic effect
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I am trying to look for positives from this incident, personally I now know a lot more about Mummies and the processes of mummification.
We will be collectively judged (those interested in the paranormal) by how we move forward, it is our responsibility to learn and relearn about the age old issues facing those who take an interest in such matters.
All that glisters is not gold.

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Roswell Slide Case is Solved... Duhhh, it's a two year old boy mummy in a museum!


Working with a colleague from Europe and with the text of the de-blurred placard, I discovered last night that this interpretation of the text was correct. Found in the September 1938 Volume VIII, Number 1 Mesa Verde Notes that was published by the National Park Service was an article that definitively solves the mystery of the “Roswell Slides.” In paragraph four of the section of the publication entitled Around The Mesa was found this:

“A splendid mummy was received by the Park Museum recently when Mr. S.L. Palmer Jr. of San Francisco returned one that his father had taken from the ruins in 1894. The mummy is that of a two year old boy and is in an excellent state of preservation. At the time of burial the body was clad in a slip-over cotton shirt and three small cotton blankets. Fragments of these are still on the mummy.” The full text of the article can be found in this link: Mesa Verde National Park (Notes)

This paragraph corresponds directly to the slides placard: the mummified body of a two year old boy, three small cotton blankets (the word “three” understandably seen by the de-blurring program as “these”) and Mr. Xxxxx of San Francisco, California.

Btw, Screw you Adam Dew, imo.

Also, special thanks to Mikey "The Beak" [aka Mike here] for maintaining his fearsome and loyal support of you Adam Dew with your friendly private email connections and willful aid to lend moral support and obtain "factual" inside information in Dew's time of need. See Mike's angry debates with me in this very same thread which coincidentally was about the time I was criminally hacked too! Go figure! Winky wink. :D

This Roswell scam was played down and dirty until the money was raked in. Thanks for the link Mike to spend good money to help your buddy Adam Dew, a fraud and con artist, rake-in the money:

You do realize that regardless of "Mikey's" input on this matter, he still has 1000x more credibility with us here than you ever will ...don't you?
The question now becomes: how to rebuild trust and honesty in the field of Ufology. It is going to be damn hard after the Ray Santilli and Roswell slides episodes. It has to start with the people who are interested in ufos. No long can you just put trust in these people. How do you change the views of those who have to believe. Maybe this whole field will remain a mockery for a good time to come.
Hi guys, no idea wtf is going on in this thread but here's my thoughts on hacking as someone who has worked in the infosec trade. It is particularly difficult to hack someone personal computer via IP. Normally to compromise a persons personal machine it is easier to drop some sort of client/server malware onto the machine disguised as another file, via direct connection (skype chat file exchange, instant messenger, irc file exchance etc) or via email attachment. A persons IP these days is the IP of their router in most cases which means an attacker would have to compromise the routers security (root it) before they could get onto your network to find the router assigned internal IP of the victim machine. THEORETICALLY there are ways this could be done, for example attacking the web server on the router to find a POSSIBLE remote exploit. This however is doubtful, and would in most cases require what is called a 0 day exploit (an exploit previously unknown to vendors or the infosec community) and would require a lot of time to work out. If the attacker managed to do all this he would then have to use the router and a mid way point to attack the PC, which would require port sniffing, looking for a program with a known security hole and then exploiting that. It's just not feasible. Anyway just wanted to put some minds at rest about potential hacking.
The early word on the street is that Jaime M. & his gang already have their hands on the next sure to be controversial slide/photo. From what I've read, they have already reserved an expo center in L.A. for fall of 2015. From what I've seen, their next photo of multiple aliens Is going to be more difficult for the naysayers to debunk. See below...

The question now becomes: how to rebuild trust and honesty in the field of Ufology.

Sorry, but why even bother? Just leave the moniker to the kooks and charlatans and try to ignore it. IMO "Ufology" has been dead as a serious field of research at least since the Billy Meier hoaxes.
Hi guys, no idea wtf is going on in this thread but here's my thoughts on hacking as someone who has worked in the infosec trade. It is particularly difficult to hack someone personal computer via IP. Normally to compromise a persons personal machine it is easier to drop some sort of client/server malware onto the machine disguised as another file, via direct connection (skype chat file exchange, instant messenger, irc file exchance etc) or via email attachment. A persons IP these days is the IP of their router in most cases which means an attacker would have to compromise the routers security (root it) before they could get onto your network to find the router assigned internal IP of the victim machine. THEORETICALLY there are ways this could be done, for example attacking the web server on the router to find a POSSIBLE remote exploit. This however is doubtful, and would in most cases require what is called a 0 day exploit (an exploit previously unknown to vendors or the infosec community) and would require a lot of time to work out. If the attacker managed to do all this he would then have to use the router and a mid way point to attack the PC, which would require port sniffing, looking for a program with a known security hole and then exploiting that. It's just not feasible. Anyway just wanted to put some minds at rest about potential hacking.
For me, not so much concerned about being hacked but that a blogger here is being accused by the FBI of hacking someone else, possibly Nick Redfern, Rich Reynolds and Anthony Bragalia. Enough evidence was acquired for them to seize three computers from this person. And that is what Mike and I discovered months ago. Since this blogger is back here at the forums we're calling him out.
For me, not so much concerned about being hacked but that a blogger here is being accused by the FBI of hacking someone else, possibly Nick Redfern, Rich Reynolds and Anthony Bragalia. Enough evidence was acquired for them to seize three computers from this person. And that is what Mike and I discovered months ago. Since this blogger is back here at the forums we're calling him out.

I was simply pointing out the technical difficulty involved in cracking someone's personal PC. A server however is a different story. Anyway I have no connection to the person being called out and if they did break into someones computer then they deserve what they get, I just didn't anyone to panic about potentially having their personal data exploited.
I am glad you said that though. I'm like Chris B. with computers. I'm still working on how to highlight text in email and use emoticons!

I'm pretty new to paranormal research so can't help out much amongst the pro's on here but I can chip in with some technical stuff now and again, its an excuse to post at least XD
I was simply pointing out the technical difficulty involved in cracking someone's personal PC. A server however is a different story. Anyway I have no connection to the person being called out and if they did break into someones computer then they deserve what they get, I just didn't anyone to panic about potentially having their personal data exploited.

For me, not so much concerned about being hacked but that a blogger here is being accused by the FBI of hacking someone else, possibly Nick Redfern, Rich Reynolds and Anthony Bragalia. Enough evidence was acquired for them to seize three computers from this person. And that is what Mike and I discovered months ago. Since this blogger is back here at the forums we're calling him out.
Heidi, I'm calling you out with your REPETITIVE AND SLANDEROUS LIES.


I've answered you multiple times on this thread about this matter. Frack you, liar.

Oh Heidi, once again, your inability to read and comprehend is incomprehensible. Why? Review the following:

So you can't directly answer whether you hacked the dream teams computers? That three times now I've asked you and you've avoided directly answering me. Tell you what dude, whoever the hell you are, you make blogging here a fuck fest. Simple as that.
I know, it's crazy isn't it, that the people who like my post followed along on all your shenanigans. Absolutely crazy. When you don't answer a question with a simple yes/no that's telling to everyone who reads this thread.
I did answer. Multiple times. Even months ago too! Are you a moron or just a troll crank throwing lies and/or falsehoods above for "the hag" of it?

I answered you ALREADY in your own post #533 in this thread. ALSO, in posts: 836, 838, 840, and 844... so frack-off already!
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Well go ahead then, call me out. Tell me again not only why the FBI could so conclusively decide you were up to something that they would enter your home and seize three computers from you. Then explain how the very same people who were hacked we're blogs you joined and commented on, of course under a different name. Then explain how you ended up at a Privacy Online forum trying to slyly ask how you got caught hacking. When people read this it starts to look like the Placard affair. We just need to use DeBlur and all will be revealed. Even if at this point no decision has been made regarding your innocence /guilt, your behavior alone comes into question. Your rabid comments on various sites lend "some" to conclude somethings not right. As to going to war with me, what weapons will we use?
Well go ahead then, call me out. Tell me again not only why the FBI could so conclusively decide you were up to something that they would enter your home and seize three computers from you. Then explain how the very same people who were hacked we're blogs you joined and commented on, of course under a different name. Then explain how you ended up at a Privacy Online forum trying to slyly ask how you got caught hacking. When people read this it starts to look like the Placard affair. We just need to use DeBlur and all will be revealed. Even if at this point no decision has been made regarding your innocence /guilt, your behavior alone comes into question. Your rabid comments on various sites lend "some" to conclude somethings not right. As to going to war with me, what weapons will we use?
Where is your evidence for all your slanderous BS you're posting here? Troll? Stalker of the Internet... you're such "a genuis" [not] to have figured this all out with your despicable crackpot buddy Mike "The Beak". Just how dumb are you and Mike?

The weapons will easily destroy by your own words. You're making-up slanderous lies, because you don't read and comprehend well. You operate on hatred and illogical non-rational thinking. You're not operating on all cylinders except for high emotions based on anger and malicious allegations that have a heaping spoonful of paranoia too.
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DS, what do you hope to accomplish here regarding your own situation vis a vis the FBI's interest in and examination of your computers? Heidi and Mike and the members of the other forum you also attempted to use (who came on here some months ago) seem to have collectively understood what you're on about. For your own sake it seems that you should follow Mike's advice about keeping a low online profile rather than arguing with people here and making claims you cannot talk about much less support.