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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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Just listened to C2C and it appears that Linda Moulton Howe is jumping aboard. She reported on it and kept using phrases to suggest that it was an extraterrestrial and not just an alleged extraterrestrial. She even speculated that the reason why the being looked human like is because it was hybrid!

Oh, and Jaime will be having 3D holograms of the being at the May 5 event. It's truly going to be circus.

The shark has been jumped
I would only mention that LMH has been invited several times to appear on The Paracast. She'd rather make unproven claims rather than submit to real questions.
Paul Kimball has completely torn apart Anthony Bragalia over at his blog.

I don't think so. Though it's clear that's what Kimball hoped to do. I can't stand that guy. He's a bullish, overbearing meddler.

Apparently, Bragalia is a bit of a hypocrite who thinks it's perfectly fine for him to reveal the identity of witnesses but anybody who would dare reveal the identity of the witnesses interviewed for the Roswell Slides has to be immediately harassed and threatened.

There's no comparison between the situations and vulnerability of O'Donnell and Benavides.
What's interesting in those comments is how they mirror the skepticism you see here beyond the clarifications of the original claims and how it all started.
Still, the back and forth in the comments is particularly interesting.
Paranoia, accusations, aggression, argumentation, doublespeak, disbelief, debunking, hiding in the shadows and stringing together "curious" moments into a narrative for sale. With that kind of banter they should be renamed U.S.O.'s: Unbelievable Subjective Objects. It's an illogical ufological circus that Spock would not touch with a Vulcan pole.
I see little depth in most of Randle's commentators in the repetitive 'discussion' of the slides,/the waiting/the presentation that has not yet taken place/the MONEY!$!$!, etc. The commentator that has impressed me most over this last month or so is Steve Sawyer. Does anyone know him or his publications or website?
I would only mention that LMH has been invited several times to appear on The Paracast. She'd rather make unproven claims rather than submit to real questions.
I'm glad you mentioned that. In every "interview" with her I've heard, it sounds like she's doing nothing more than reading from a pad of paper. She'd be a frustrating guest for you and Chris because she reads and doesn't truly interact. Just my 4 cents.
To be honest I'm not 100% over the moon on this I think Roswell amazing as it is has been over investigated and now each time I hear something new has come out about it I don't look into it anymore as its burnt it's self out for me
But good luck to them
Kevin Randle has posted an open email from Tony Bragalia providing some additional descriptive details concerning the figure in the Roswell slides. Several additional items of interest are mentioned in the subsequent comments.

A Different Perspective

Thanks for posting i read this yesterday, a very interesting read.

As ive said before i find the prospect of actually seeing an EBE rather exciting
I'm willing to be a case of local beer that it's from a South American, maybe even Spanish, science fiction movie from between 1965 and 1979..

I brew my own Bock style beer with lots of dark malt and some ginger for character (ive got 42 cases of long necks in the garage), so i'd need better stakes lol.

At the end of the day we are all guessing at this stage, but im a glass half full kinda guy so im hoping its a real alien, those who have seen the slides close up seem to think thats what it is.
So its either real or its not, if its not ive lost nothing, if its real its a chance to see something that is really really exciting to me at least
I'm a sucker for a Bock beer. You throw ginger in and I want to introduce you to my parents! But I kid..

Doesn't everyone lose in the end when it's proven to be a hoax? It's another in a thousand nails of the coffin. Gene and Chris were talking on a recent show about bringing a younger crowd into UFO research and, as a fellow in his early 30s with three kids I can tell you: failure might not be the way. Broader culture aside, no one will take it seriously if slides from a forgotten movie shown in Mexico City is seen as the truth and the light.

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