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If there is anything to the multi dimension theory, who can say?Where ?.
"...something very unusual almost undoubtedly did occur in Roswell in 1947."
There had been many flying discs recovered by civilians. Many were hoaxes, but there were also several instances of genuine objects being found.
Fallen rawin targets were being mistakenly identified as flying saucers or discs.
What is very unusual about the Roswell rawin recovery is why the military issued a press statement on it.
Many years later, Stanton Friedman and Bill Moore used those old newspaper headlines out of context, and a legend was born.
For more examples of what was recovered and being called a disc or saucer in 1947, see:
UFOs: A History, Volume 1: 1947 By Loren E. Gross (PDF)
Yes they are indeed the evidence shows that big bussiness moved around circles and friends back then. The photograph of the Duck hunters is intresting wonder who all the names of the group are?? Also synchronicity of Dr Brandenburg interview and his fictional book which is outstanding viewpoint on the whole UFO affair.From what I've seen in the documentary trailer, the box of slides held over 400 vintage photographs which, to me, are interesting in and of themselves. I really like vintage color photography, and those alone are worth seeing the movie, in my opinion. The life story of the Rays seems kind of amazing too.
Yes, like crashing in the desert and elsewhere seems to be at our level of intelligence.DStalker, Perhaps the intelligence behind them is a lot closer to home- uncomfortably close.
I can just see the conspiracy now with Eisenhower or top brass giving them the photos to hide. It's another perfect 'conspiracy theory' that the elites are hiding from the little people. But the little people have got their revenge now. Look at all those 400 slides with the PTB, and they've been caught red-handed now!Word on the street has it that Dew auctioned the slides off with Maussan being the highest bidder. If this in fact is the case Maussan may basically own the event.
"...something very unusual almost undoubtedly did occur in Roswell in 1947."
There had been many flying discs recovered by civilians. Many were hoaxes, but there were also several instances of genuine objects being found.
Fallen rawin targets were being mistakenly identified as flying saucers or discs.
What is very unusual about the Roswell rawin recovery is why the military issued a press statement on it.
Many years later, Stanton Friedman and Bill Moore used those old newspaper headlines out of context, and a legend was born.
For more examples of what was recovered and being called a disc or saucer in 1947, see:
UFOs: A History, Volume 1: 1947 By Loren E. Gross (PDF)
What is very unusual about the Roswell rawin recovery is why the military issued a press statement on it.
Many years later, Stanton Friedman and Bill Moore used those old newspaper headlines out of context, and a legend was born
KDR and other investigators have eliminated MOGUL.
There were rawin targets found from balloon launches before, during and after the Roswell event. It's nothing special in that regard, and you don't need to rely on MOGUL to account for it. These things were blowing around far and wide.
It's also worth noting that at the time, flying saucers or discs were a new mystery. The idea of them being alien spaceships was barely on the list of possible explanations.
Maybe for the same or similar reasons you won't watch Mirage Men, read Gabe Valdez's book Dulce Base The Truth and Evidence from the Case Files of Gabe Valdez, Greg Bishop's Project Beta, etc.Why not read both?
There were rawin targets found from balloon launches before, during and after the Roswell event. It's nothing special in that regard, and you don't need to rely on MOGUL to account for it. These things were blowing around far and wide.
It's also worth noting that at the time, flying saucers or discs were a new mystery. The idea of them being alien spaceships was barely on the list of possible explanations.
They can hardly account for the wreckage found on the Foster ranch. For many years the skeptics--or best informed of them--have pointed only to MOGUL as an alternative to ET, and even it has been eliminated.
What matters is that the material found was highly exotic, and the base intel officer couldn't identify it as anything he was familiar with i.e. anything earthly. And it is clear that Marcel considered it alien as Friedman was told he had found flying saucer pieces. Long before the late '70s flying saucers were equated with ET.
A while back someone posted a question about the Roswell debris that I found interesting - why would alien beings fly around in a spaceship that is contsructed similar to a MOGUL balloon array?
What if we are dealing with a phenomenon that practices mimicry? Such a thing is not un-heard of in UFO reports. There have been cases where witnesses thought they were looking at planes or helicopters, only to discover the aircraft was something much more unusual.
Some UFO cases involve the appearance of ordinary-looking aircraft in conjunction with UFOs, such as in the Cash-Landrum case. Even the beings themselves have been reported to alter appearance - abduction reports sometimes begin with seeing owls, deer, and other animals.
Everyone should examine the facts for themselves using the best available documentation, and not rely on summaries and biased presentations from promoters with vested interests. Some of the supporting testimony from witnesses was gathered by people writing books promoting the story, so there are questions on how impartial they were in phrasing the questions and deciding which testimony to include or ignore.
Roswell, cover-up or not, was put in the dust bin in 1947. (As an aside, Roswell seems to have generated more hoaxes and fake documents than all other UFO cases combined.) Roswell is like an old Hollywood Squares celebrity, or a Kim Kardashian. Famous for being famous, but no one really remembers why.
There are scores of better UFO cases that were accurately reported as they occurred, supported by original testimony by multiple witnesses. Those better cases, old and new, have not gotten the follow-up attention they deserve