Burnt State
Paranormal Adept
something like this scenario...
but with technology that is a lot less bulky?

but with technology that is a lot less bulky?
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As for nighttime alien starship OP's in earth's atmosphere --- at power --- they cannot be invisibly cloaked, because the propulsion unit depends on some kind plasma photons {generated just outside the starship} so it can feed the propulsion unit with photons. This can prove to be a double edged sword --- not only for offensive/defensive OP's in our atmosphere for the starship itself --- but for earthlings to falsely rationalize that they are only looking at some form of natural phenomena, like ball lightning or streaking meteoroids.
As for nighttime alien starship OP's in earth's atmosphere --- at power --- they cannot be invisibly cloaked, because the propulsion unit depends on some kind plasma photons {generated just outside the starship} so it can feed the propulsion unit with photons. This can prove to be a double edged sword --- not only for offensive/defensive OP's in our atmosphere for the starship itself --- but for earthlings to falsely rationalize that they are only looking at some form of natural phenomena, like ball lightning or streaking meteoroids.
So after about a month's consideration and searching I've settled on much of the above discussion to be an important part of what is taking place. We still return to the stimulus itself. Did you listen to the Duensing episode on Radio Misterioso recently? When you look at the role of the default brain network and pull these many threads together there's this growing feeling like we're that semi-conscious patient on the table and there's this really bright light being flashed in our eyes every now and then, but we can't see where the light comes from. Sometimes it looks like carnival lights or something. There is definitely a collaborative effect between us and the stimulus, that gets processed through a brain, socialized in a certain time and place. Effects on the individual and others may vary.Here is an article which discusses several research studies about the effects of the electromagnetic field on the brain/mind (physiological and phenomenal effects). (The author also notes the correlation of psi phenomena with EMF and the brain/pineal gland.)
Serena Roney-Dougal
In brief, the pineal gland has been found to synthesise melatonin, various beta-carbolines and certain peptides, and to contain enzymes that produce psychoactive compounds from serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and its precursor tryptamine (Strassman, 1990). These have wide-ranging effects throughout our brain and body, affecting sexuality, adrenals, pancreas, thyroids, and other emotional and endocrine activities. The pineal works together with the pituitary through the hypothalamus controlling the endocrine system. Basically it governs our circadian rhythm, is implicated in our emotional state, reproductive function, possibly dream sleep and in certain psychoses.
Of most interest here is the pineal gland as the psychic centre. It has been found to produce neuromodulators called beta-carbolines which are MAO inhibitors that prevent the breakdown of serotonin. This results in an accumulation of physiologically active amines within the neuronal synapses which may lead to hallucinations. Further there is the possiblity that another hallucinogen 5-methoxy dimethyltryptamine is synthesised in the pineal from serotonin (Strassman, 1990). The pineal contains the greatest concentration of serotonin in the brain, this being accentuated in those who suffer from psychoses. Because beta-carbolines are MAO inhibitors they may also act by increasing the levels of these endogenous tryptamines (Strassman, 1990). The pineal also contains enzymes that inhibit synthesis of these hallucinogenic compounds, thus suggesting a regulating mechanism within this gland. There is a suggestion that it is the action of the pineal beta-carbolines on serotonin that triggers dreaming (Callaway, 1988) and it is often reported in parapsychology that most spontaneous psi experiences occur during the sleeping and dreaming state of consciousness. Further, there is now a considerable body of research into the action of serotonin and melatonin in relation to psychiatric disorders such as manic-depression (Halaris, 1987) and schizophrenia (Bigelow, 1974, Tanimukai et al., 1970).
Anthropological data suggest that these beta-carbolines, in particular 6MeOTHBC (6-Methoxytetrahydrobetacarboline), are psi-conducive because their chemical structure is very similar to a naturally occuring group of chemicals called harmala alkaloids which occur in an Amazonian vine, Banisteriopsis caapi, used by Amazonian tribes for specifically psychic purposes (Roney - Dougal, 1986 & 1989). This vine is used extensively over a wide area of South America for healing, out-of-body experiences, clairvoyance and precognition. It is only used when psi experiences are desired. My speculation is that when the pineal gland is stimulated to produce these chemicals we are more likely to enter an altered state of consciousness which is psi-conducive.
So the pineal gland regulates multiple chemicals which are indicated in hallucinogenic and dream states of consciousness. So can the pineal gland be affected by environmental influences such as weak or strong EMFs?
Thus, the pineal gland, and particularly its enzymes NAT and HIOMT which are involved in the production of melatonin and serotonin related hallucinogens, is definitely affected both by magnetic and electric fields, such that decreased EMF results in decreased melatonin production, and a short term intense change in magnetic field strength in either direction inhibits melatonin production. This could possibly underlie Persinger's apparently contradictory results noted above in which he sometimes finds a correlation with days of low EMF and sometimes with sudden increase in EMF. It appears to be the change in EMF that is the important factor affecting HIOMT so that potentially psi-conducive state of consciousness hallucinogens are made in the brain through the pineal enzyme HIOMT.The author concludes that the pineal gland is affected by electric and magnetic fields. I wonder how immediate the physiological and phenomenal effects would be? Would someone enveloped in an anomalous EMF immediately experience altered consciousness/perception? The article continues:
Since melatonin affects a wide range of endocrinal and neuronal functions within the body, anything which affects the pineal gland will have wide ranging effects.
Research into UFO's and ancient stone circles suggests that these also appear to be connected with geomagnetic anomaly (Devereux, 1982). The research mentioned here is very preliminary, but very interesting and definitely warrants further investigation.So there is some research suggesting a correlation between geographic locations with anomalous EMF and unusual phenomena. Unfortunately, the data seems only to consider physical effects such as orbs and ball-lighting, as opposed to the above considerations on what effects these anomalous EMF might have on the brain/mind! Of course, it could be both: there could be real, objective stimuli floating in the environment, which are then perceived and interpreted by humans whose brains are also being effected by the anomalous EMF.
Devereux mentions Persinger and Lafreniere's book "Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events" (1977) which analyses a range of UFO and anomalous happenings. Their data sugest that UFO phenomena tend to cluster in areas though there is the confounding effect of population density. These areas were primarily areas of seismic related stresses. During seismic strain, pressure on the rock crystals produces electromagnetic fields through a piezoelectric effect. The fields created by this process then have physical effects such as ball lightning, will-o-the wisps, and other UFO related light effects, and are also connected with psychological and psychic effects such as poltergeist outbreaks (Persinger & Lafreniere, 1977; Persinger & Cameron, 1986).
Devereux (1982) has shown that there is a strong correlation not only between UFO sightings and areas of geomagnetic anomaly, but also sacred sites, in Britain and France at least. Of the 286 stone circles extant in Britain today, 235 of them are found on Pre-Armorican rock outcrops. Pre-Armorican rocks are those that are more than 250 million years old (Pre-Cambrian through to Carboniferous) and cover 36% of the land mass of Britain. The chi-square test of this occurring by chance yields the figure of = 169.35, p < 1 x 10-6. In other words, stone circles are found on specific rock outcrops. These rocks are extensively faulted. These geological faults are all areas of tectonic stress, leading to piezo-electric effects and geomagnetic anomalies.
Measurements of unusual physical effects associated with megalithic stones have been made using gaussmeters, which have shown anomalous magnetic readings near the stones compared to the locality; using geiger counters, which appear to show ionization effects rather than straightforward excess radioactivity; using audiosonic equipment which measured a high pitched sonic outburst from the stones just at the moment of dawn; and infrared photography which showed the same energy burst from the stone at the moment of dawn. Several well-known and well-respected dowsers, for example Bill Lewis, have also measured unusual effects (Devereux, 1982; Robins, 1985 & 1988). This field research is of a preliminary nature and so the findings are only suggestive. It is to be hoped that it will be followed up by further work soon.
Comprehensive maps in Devereux's book (1982) show the relationship between UFOs and earthquake epicentres, between UFOs and geological faulting, between UFOs and areas with less thunderstorms than the average, between stone circles, ley lines and UFOs and between stone circles, ley lines and geological faulting.
Finally, what I meant above about UFOs warping reality was meant more along the lines of propulsion systems utilizing technology the might warp time, gravity, or magnetic fields. Those, any human encounters with such travelers might likewise effect their perception and/or phenomenal experience. Wherein the stimulus is real and external, but our perception of it is hopelessly warped.
Very good stuff.Sceptiques vs. les Soucoupes Volantes
Start with the second article on Space Reentries as Stimulus Generators
Since skyward is upward too, I wonder if there are any implications about just the simple rotation of the eyeball upward is having some effect on what we see in that upward direction?Isn't the only way to describe our sensory experience of reality as a virtual reality in our head?
Your sentiments in the last paragraph are the pertinent ones for me when it comes to anomalous experiences especially regarding UFO's, ghosts, demons, strange monsters, humanoids etc. What preceded these events/visions or who the witness was is still a burning piece. I'm also interested in the idea of an accelerated experiences such as panic attacks and have not read much in the literature around those experiences that start minimally in the mind and body and then ultimately explode into high drama.Hallucinations and delusions more common than thought
"Hallucinations and delusions in the general population are more common than previously thought.Whether this phenomenon is simply an epiphenomenal byproduct or serves some adaptive function (as we speculated earlier), it seems that people seeing and hearing things that others do not, is more common than the mainstream has previously recognized.
An international study led by The University of Queensland and Harvard Medical School found that hearing voices and seeing things others cannot impacts about five per cent of the general population at some point in their lives.
Queensland Brain Institute researcher Professor John McGrath said the study, involving more than 31,000 people from 19 countries, was the most comprehensive ever completed.
"We used to think that only people with psychosis heard voices or had delusions, but now we know that otherwise healthy, high-functioning people also report these experiences," Professor McGrath said.
"Of those who have these experiences, a third only have them once and another third only have two-to-five episodes across their life. These people seem to function reasonably well.
"So it's incredibly interesting that not only is hearing voices more common than previously thought, but it's not always linked to serious mental illness."
The study was a population-based survey which involved approaching randomly selected members of the community, sitting down with them and conducting a very detailed interview about their mental health.
"These people were representative of the general population, not seeking mental health assistance," Professor McGrath said. ..."
I'd be extremely curious to know how many (if any) of these reported experiences were accompanied/triggered by external stimuli. Inwonder if such a question was asked during the "detailed" interview. It would also be interesting to know what were the life circumstances of the individuals at or around the time of the anomalous experience; how the individual interpreted the experience at the time, and how it may have impacted their thinking, feeling, and/or behavior.
Ill see if I can find the source paper.
Something I've encountered lately is the coupling between valence of thoughts (positive or negative) and the valence of affect (positive or negative).What would the effects have been I wondered, if no one was there to calm her concerns - would this have turned into a more elaborate visual experience if panic and fear entered into the picture?