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The World Mind

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The NOVA people have good information for the standard out in the open crowd.

Future Technology that Will Change the World - Mind Blowing Documentary

Futurescape did not explore all it could. The show was cancelled partially because of lack of funds to do it in the first place. They re-used the same scene over and over - in one case 16 times. It did not flow and should have had more interaction between the presenters.

Here is part of an interview with James Woods (a former MIT student and science geek). You should already know Scientific American spent many months and indeed over three years debunking airplanes AFTER Kitty Hawk.

"Debbie Myers [general manager] from the Science Channel made this happen … I would bring up ideas that I thought were a little ridiculous — reading people’s minds, traveling to other solar systems, extending life by hundreds of years, etc. And you will see in every episode the possibility of those things happening in the near future — literally around the corner.

In 1885, a geek was born. And that happened to be my grandmother. And in the year 1900, when she was 15 years old, her teacher in her class asked all the students to get up and give a speech about the future of something wondrous for mankind. And my grandmother very sincerely got up and gave a speech that one day, man would fly into the sky in a horseless carriage. And the teacher, a numbskull, said, “You’re being clearly insincere,” and made her stand in a corner with a dunce cap on.

And if I could do one thing in life, it would be to take that moron and show him a photograph of the Wright Brothers flying through the sky in a horseless carriage at Kitty Hawk. And the reason why I did this show is for every person who ever dreamed of those possibilities. This is what that show is dedicated to and to people like you, who care about those dreams and make them possible."

James Woods dares to dream big about science in his TV show 'Futurescape' - National Celebrity Q&A | Examiner.com

I know I can prove Mind Control is already far more in use on a global scale than anything Futurescape showed. I wonder if the show intended to expose that fact - and thus did not get the backing it needed.
I mentioned the research captured from the Japanese at the end of WWII. Here you can see the nature of why weapons in space have a serious future impact on your life. In fact they can target a mailbox and read it, and they could do that many years ago. YOU should know if you do something they really do not like they can eliminate YOU. You might ask why they do not use space weapons in the Middle East or to assassinate certain people. I will be happy to explain why, starting with de-stabilization has been their goal in that region since Israel was created. Decades ago I knew they had accurate lasers in space that could burn a 200 foot deep hole in the Earth. Now it is far worse.

They did use minor psy-ops on a bunker full of Saddam's men. That bunker was huge, had tanks and such. It was built by Germans who knew about space based lasers. After two weeks of microwave or rudimentary machines like used at Ruby Ridge or Waco; the elite fighting force of Iraq surrendered without a shot being fired.

Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society by David G. Guyatt

I mentioned Kucinich and the Russians unsuccessful attempts to stop space based mind control and death rays etc.

"In 1993, Defense News announced that the Russian government was discussing with American counterparts the transfer of technical information and equipment known as "Acoustic Psycho-correction." The Russians claimed that this device involves "the transmission of specific commands via static or white noise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting other intellectual functions." Experts said that demonstrations of this equipment have shown "encouraging" results "after exposure of less than one minute," and has produced "the ability to alter behavior on willing and unwilling subjects." The article goes on to explain that combined "software and hardware associated with the (sic) psycho-correction program could be procured for as little as U.S. $80,000." The Russians went on to observe that "World opinion is not ready for dealing appropriately with the problems coming from the possibility of direct access to the human mind." "

I am tempted to post a thread here titled - Idiots are the Reason Humanity is Doomed. And because people here do not read "Encyclopedias of information" (to quote one person here in reference to my work - and she actually reads more than anyone else as far as I can see), and only put this one little remark from Guyatt's excellent research from a long time ago.

"Experts said that demonstrations of this equipment have shown "encouraging" results "after exposure of less than one minute," and has produced "the ability to alter behavior on willing and unwilling subjects." The article goes on to explain that combined "software and hardware associated with the (sic) psycho-correction program could be procured for as little as U.S. $80,000." The Russians went on to observe that "World opinion is not ready for dealing appropriately with the problems coming from the possibility of direct access to the human mind." "
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I Have not seen "I know What You Are Thinking" you might be right about it.

We really can't discuss what you are talking about if you will not learn what is going on. Did you at least look up the web stuff for Futurescape and listen to the actual researchers including Kaku?
Hey, you insisted I watch the first episode of this series, see link below, right?

"Futurescape with James Woods" I Know What You're Thinking (TV Episode 2013) - IMDb

I think you need to watch it, and then point out the specific aspects you want to discuss. There are so many ridiculous "leaps of faith" [Science Fiction Religion] going from the present basic fundamental research in university labs [note the military involvement] to wacko INSANE mind control and mind memory/thought extraction and input ideas that this type of Brain Washing Programming is nothing more than sophisticated Info Commercials for creating Brain Trusts of belief systems [Science Fiction Religion] AND there is ALWAYS some current products to buy NOW to play with too. [The toy helicopter or butterfly computer game using a "brainwave cap", etc.] The Science Channel long ago left real hard science in most of its programming. Why? Ratings!!! AND, the serious efforts of the PTB use this kind of BS to recruit their minions into their Brain Trusts.

You are already under Mind Control if you don't understand their agenda. This kind of Mind Control television programming is ALREADY frying your brain; just keep watching this and believing and your brain is already toasted. The PTB already won!

I'm glad you wrote this:

But I am close to total agreement with these words of yours:

DS wrote: I consider these kinds of pure fantasy "near future" Vaporware Ideas are part of a Brain Trust that is being created and controlled by the PTB, military, and "future freak" Frankenstein creators. IF they can control and shape your thinking about Future Tech, then they can get a Brain Trust they can use to propagate their ideas and their vision of the future might become yours too. The problem with this agenda is it is not ethically based or has moral principles putting humanity first. These Brain Trusts are only helping to dehumanize humanity, create mind control weapons, obliterate human rights, and are creating a Master Race, imo.
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I have watched it. When it first hit the airwaves. I have also said what flaws there are in it and that I can do a more credible job of making the point which they may have been going to do if time and money (or authorities) allowed. It is the part where the guy is lying down on a bed or morgue tablet with wires attached. They are showing how they can cause the mental power to MANIFEST change. I liken the set up to the Matrix.

I think we should also include The Matrix movies in this discussion. My fellow researcher Dennis Fetcho (The Fetch) said he and I were the source of some code and Merovingian oracular information in those movies. He lived in LA and I would not be surprised, he called it Noadhist and is a specialist in code or gematria. I am heralded by the likes of Jim Marrs and others as having the most in depth insight to the ancient families and their secrets. I have discovered I am related to them.

Now on with the show.

You keep saying the Brain Trusts - let us define who they are and how well entrenched they are and for how long. Here are some names.

Let us start with Lucis Trust - formerly the name Luciferian was in it. Blavatsky, Bailey and more - see Findhorn and look for Damanhur communities in Europe. Those games you think are for children have long ago been developed by them. You want to call it Science Fiction Religion and that is what it is, that is what the Judaeo/Christian/Islamic cult is as well. Scientology, JWs (Russell Merovingian) and Mormons are from the same book - which was available on the net from 1919 or so (but probably is still around in other languages from eras before ours) when I was doing the research about ten years ago. After I spread it around it disappeared. The Kybalion will be discussed and how current rip offs are making big bucks on mind control - The Secret, The Flip and maybe even Tony Robbins et. al.. We can set up a thread on each one of those religions and start moving forward to show how the Alien garbage has infected and inculcated life on Earth for many millennia.

The Rand Corporation and the Delphi Technique as well as the author Francis Fukayama who was US Dept of Policy before writing his The End of History and The Last Man (Is that irony or prophecy - we could start a thread on that) which details his belief and mine that all religions have been "tools of social engineers" for millennia.

The Aspen Institute with Neuro Linguistic specialists as well as Voudou practitioner and Nobel Laureate Murray Gell-Man. In this thread I will demonstrate how alphabets were designed to mind control people right from the start, when they began as Libraries in Stone or ancient stelae. The modern research in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) including Chomsky will be brought to our moral stage. We will have to consider whether people actually need to be managed and herded. Do they really have the inalienable right to bear children or is that some Machiavellian "appeal to base human urges"? Was the end of the extended family the end of real people helping each other in Brotherhood such as the Title Iesa (Jesus) contemplates on the Great Pyramid of Iesa?

Every Ivy League school has fraternities and scientific researches exploring what we are talking about. The students of Stanford knew this shite and forced their university to disgorge SRI a few decades ago.

There is a central clearing house or meeting of the minds between all of the religions of the world. There are various well funded groups inside that nest too. I will show (from personal experience) that a top Rosicrucian woman who worked for me had these connections to top Mormons and Unity Church people.

The Esalen Institute - and members I have been intimate with.

The Federation for Research on the Nature of Man - see above.

The Club of Rome, Athens and Budapest including Ervin Laszlo.

Tavistock and all other secret agency research black ops since the first War to End all Wars which was actually following a needed plan to unite Europe. Should we go back to the roots of all secret agencies and the Templars? Got that covered too.

Inside a continuing German State after the second war's part in the plan to unite Europe which Hitler won in 2011 with the signing of the Treaty Of Lisbon there were continuing efforts and probably still are today. We can discuss the merits (pro and con) of the Protocols and the facts behind the Priory of Sion. France, and Britain don't have a bunch of idiots standing around. The Hibernians like Paine, Carlyle and Blake are important along with Yeats and Swift.

We will end up with you saying the Illuminati are the best hope humanity and other life on Earth has. But that would take a year to even begin to see a light start shining in your eye.

You as an individual have every right to moralize and express disgust and disdain. You also have a duty to inform yourself about what is RIGHT and participate in making an alternative plan.

That is just the stuff on the Allies side of the issue. Russia has always been striving hard to keep up. The Chinese are not stupid, nor are many others. Islamist Imans who I have spoken with and Jordanian Masons Fetch has lived and consulted with give me pause - as to how much do they know?
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Then there are people who think they are researching the brain and consciousness who are limited in their scope for a variety of societally created reasons. Are they evidence of brainwashing? Some even give lip service to psychic phenomena but do not integrate or seek deeper causes. A great source for evaluating the whole matter was funded by the Mellon Money and their Bollingen Foundation which published the likes of Alan Watts. The top dogs included Jung, Eliade and Scholem. Oh yea, we will get all over Kabbalah, Cabals and their origins in the Bardic verbal tradition known as Qabala which pre-dates alphabets.

I will go get a thread on the Eranos Conferences which was their great contribution to humanity.

Eranos and Esalen
And this addresses all bureaucracies and the shadow governments behind all things American - I think you read it in the thread on JFK where you tell me what I did in my book on the American Assassinations but don't answer what I actually did or any questions posed to you. I know - I do have a shitload of stuff to go through and it is easy to think I am selling the same garbage as you have seen before. But I am no conspiracy theorist anyone who studies historical fact will end up saying it is the media and schools who sell a conspiracy theory - Denial of fact. One way it is done is by defining the parameters of discourse and the meaning of words. Chomsky wrote a good book on the matter called Manufacturing Consent. Here is what I think you have already glanced at.

Politics has become something totally absurd. We see Mr. Chomsky makes a good case for something quite the opposite of what people call democracy, being in fact, social engineering by elites.

"A similar move from Stalinist commissar to celebration of America is quite standard in modern history, and it doesn't require much of a shift in values, just a shift in judgment as to where power lies.

Independently of Jefferson and Bakunin, others were coming to the same understanding in the nineteenth century. One of the leading American intellectuals was Charles Francis Adams, who in 1880 described the rise of what is now called the "post-industrial society" by Daniel Bell and Robert Reich and John Kenneth Galbraith and others. This is 1880, remember. A society in which, Adams says, 'the future is in the hands of our universities, our schools, our specialists, our scientific men and our writers and those who do the actual work of management in the ideological and economic institutions.' Nowadays they're called the "technocratic elite" and the "action intellectuals" or the new class or some other similar term. Adams, back in 1880, concluded that 'the first object of thinking citizens, therefore, should be not to keep one or another political party in power, but to insist on order and submission to law.' Meaning that the elites should be permitted to function in what's called "technocratic isolation," by the World Bank -- I'm being a little anachronistic here, that's modern lingo -- or, as the London Economist puts the idea today, 'policy should be insulated from politics.' That's the case in free Poland, they assure their readers, so they don't have to be concerned about the fact that people are calling for something quite different in free elections. They can do what they like in the elections, but since policy is insulated from politics and technocratic insulation proceeds, it really doesn't matter. That's democracy.

A decade earlier, in 1870, Adams had warned -- they were worried then about universal suffrage, people were fighting for the right to vote -- he warned that universal suffrage would 'bring the government of ignorance and vice, with power in the hands of the European and especially Celtic proletariat on the Atlantic coast,' those horrible Irish people, 'an African proletariat on the shores of the Gulf and a Chinese proletariat on the Pacific.' Adams didn't foresee the sophisticated techniques that would be developed in the twentieth century to ensure that policy remains insulated from politics as the franchise was extended through popular struggle and to guarantee that the general public would remain marginalised and disaffected, subdued by the new spirit of the age and coming to see themselves not as free people who have a right to dignity and independence but as atoms of consumption who sell themselves on the labour market, at least when they're lucky.

Adams was in fact expressing an old idea. Eighty years earlier Alexander Hamilton had put it clearly. He said there was the idea that your people are a great beast and that the real disease is democracy. That's Hamilton. These ideas have become ever more entrenched in educated circles, as Jefferson's fears and Bakunin's predictions were increasingly realised. The basic attitudes coming into this century were expressed very clearly by Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, attitudes that led to Wilson's Red Scare, as it was called, which destroyed labour and independent thought for a decade." (2)
I am tempted to post a thread here titled - Idiots are the Reason Humanity is Doomed. And because people here do not read "Encyclopedias of information" (to quote one person here in reference to my work - and she actually reads more than anyone else as far as I can see)
I can tell you that Constance is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN without ANY shadow of a doubt our planet is being visited by ET Aliens and their UFO craft. Why? She claims she has seen their UFO craft personally herself more than once. She says she knows ET is here.


Constance's UFO Sighting Revisited | The Paracast Community Forums
How did you know it was she I was referring to? Do you recognize the diminished thinking or integrational aspect I was referring to? I don't need to read it, I know such people exist, have spent many years being a volunteer and social activist inside mental housing. Loads of shit caused by religion and programming. But one guy who helped me do a lot of research on my history (An Honour's degreed Classical Historian whose favorite Prof told him to quit if he ever wanted to really contribute to human understanding.) was at least open to discussing it is only recently that there is any reason to believe there could be Watchers who needed to fly here. And he always was open enough to consider that it was all a Black OP.
I guess it is a good idea to give Wikipedia a chance to weigh in on Time viewing, chronovisors and what they say is the basis for most prophecy - behaviour feedback loops.

"A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. Although examples of such prophecies can be found in literature as far back as ancient Greece and ancient India, it is 20th-century sociologist Robert K. Merton who is credited with coining the expression "self-fulfilling prophecy" and formalizing its structure and consequences. In his 1948 article Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Merton defines it in the following terms:

The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.[1]

In other words, a positive or negative prophecy, strongly held belief, or delusion—declared as truth when it is actually false—may sufficiently influence people so that their reactions ultimately fulfill the once-false prophecy.

Self-fulfilling prophecy are effects in behavioral confirmation effect, in which behavior, influenced by expectations, causes those expectations to come true.[2] It is complementary to the self-defeating prophecy."


In contrast we have Jung, who is highly regarded by science and psychology.

Jungian psychoanalysis is borne from visions he saw, in many ways. His knowledge and scientific method was of the highest calibre. In this Tarot site we have a person worth reading talking about Jung's knowledge of the Tarot.

"Dierdre Bair recounts in Jung: A Biography (Little, Brown, 2003, p. 549) that in 1950 Jung assigned to each of the four members of his Psychology Club an ‘intuitive, synchronistic method’ to explore. Hanni Binder was to research the Tarot and teach him how to read the cards. They determined that Grimaud’s Ancien Tarot de Marseille “was the only deck that possessed the properties and fulfilled the requirements of metaphor that he gleaned from within the alchemical texts.” Hanni Binder’s work amounted to very little as can be seen from her report preserved at the Jung Institute in New York. The group disbanded around 1954.

What was behind Jung’s attempt to gather all this material? Marie-Louise von Franz recounts in Psyche and Matter (1988) that toward the end of his life:

Jung suggested investigating cases where it could be supposed that the archetypal layer of the unconscious is constellated*—following a serious accident, for instance, or in the midst of a conflict or divorce situation—by having people engage in a divinatory procedure: throwing the I Ching, laying the Tarot cards, consulting the Mexican divination calendar, having a transit horoscope or a geomantic reading done. If Jung’s hypothesis is accurate, the results of all these procedures should converge. . . . [*a Jungian term meaning ‘the coming together of elements in the unconscious so that they form a consciously recognizable pattern of relationships.’ Christine Houde adds, “The constellated material is activated in the psyche of the individual where it attempts to erupt into the field of experience.”]

“[This investigation would consist of] studying an incident (accident) by the convergence . . . of a multitude of methods, with the help of which we could try to find out what the Self “thought” of this particular accident. . . . The generally rather vague formulations of divinatory techniques resemble these “clouds of cognition” that, according to Jung, constitute “absolute knowledge.”

Von Franz further explains that Jung’s “clouds of cognition” represents an awareness on the part of our conscious intelligence of a far vaster field of information, an “absolute knowledge,” within the collective unconscious. These images, on the part of a “more or less conscious ego,” lack precise focus and detail. Thus, the realization of meaning has to be “a living experience that touches the heart just as much as the mind.” She continues:

“Archetypal dream images and the images of the great myths and religions still have about them a little of the “cloudy” nature of absolute knowledge in that they always seem to contain more than we can assimilate consciously, even by means of elaborate interpretations. They always retain an ineffable and mysterious quality that seems to reveal to us more than we can really know.”*

On 9 February 1960, about a year before he died, Jung wrote Mr. A. D. Cornell about the disappointing end to his grand experiment:

“Under certain conditions it is possible to experiment with archetypes, as my ‘astrological experiment’ has shown. As a matter of fact we had begun such experiments at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, using the historically known intuitive, i.e., synchronistic methods (astrology, geomancy, Tarot cards, and the I Ching). But we had too few co-workers and too little means, so we could not go on and had to stop.”

The experiment proposed by Jung is discussed in the Journal of Parapsychology (March 1998): in an article titled: “The Rhine-Jung letters: distinguishing parapsychological from synchronistic events – J.B. Rhine; Carl Jung” by Victor Mansfield, Sally Rhine-Feather, James Hall. The authors conclude:"

I am posting a link to a discussion of my work on Hancock's board. The expert holding forth on souls is OK - and admits to as well as describes semantical differences. I have actual possessions of the level he speaks about in his comment on possessions. I disagree about what constitutes a possession. In the example I gave the person was about to die after years of scientific poking and probing at the world's top clinics (Mayo and McGill); that is a lot worse than what he calls 'bothering'. Another historical point that does involve taking over a body or the level he describes but has never heard of - Perdurabo/Crowley and many others who have used the written texts to do it. THAT includes a Masonic Anderson who was killed by her daughter and the courts let the daughter off with time served after they heard what the mother had done.

His descriptions of soul are good (IMHO). I think he sees souls as being individualized more than I do. I think he wishes it were true due to ego and personality. Thus I prefer the collective and World Mind with layers or levels of refinement like the Harmonic Convergence Pyramid. That is why I worry about the Futurescape type of control of the World Mind. That can lead to more than just hypnotic mind intervention. Science has proven messages can be sent across the planet in actual words - thus they can remotely hypnotized people with machines now. I have witnessed this myself - as a 2nd degree Wiccan did it from Las Vegas to his girlfriend in Michigan over many months. If he did what he did - to her and later to me - then you know the Chassidim do a lot more in the ether to make visions you can see. This is also very useful for healers and has been done since the time ecstatic visions first occurred for Dream Dancers - more than a million years, maybe ten million years or as long as humans have existed.


And it is not only the Hassidim who engage in ethereal manipulation or the occult arts - see the thread on Padre Pio and Pythagoras. Every religion uses hypnosis, every pulpit and blackboard is a trigger mechanism. Today's blackboard is a website with repetitive affirmation (Also a hypnotic tool) like this.


Scientology uses taped messages that deconstruct after first listening. They use all other means at their disposal and that includes billion year soulful contracts which my younger brother's family have all signed - and show tattoos which signify or "TESTIFY" (like your Baptists) and Holy Rollers. Trance possessions (channelling) are in many places if you want to see it work. Just watch tapes of Hitler speaking to crowds.

Scientology has a hard on for Hitler - it lies and carries on as if Hitler was a devil and a surprise abuser of the same things they do. The battle for souls (What L. Ron Hubbard Jr. called soul-grabbing and a level above that termed cracking.) is never-ending. Kaballah (or all other spellings) is something you can read a lot about these days. There is a Scientology book (Knight is the author) about Kaballah. And then there is Madonna who used to be a Sai Baba groupie when he lived at Dan Ackroyd's Blues bar near Hollywood. I lived in and travelled around these places for a decade. I talked to people who 'knew' her (Biblically). Tom Cruise and Madonna are fighting for the souls of Becks and Posh.


My still beautiful or gorgeous niece (over 40) is a counselor in Scientology's den of iniquity where they should sponsor a team called the Clearwater Clears. She used to be a waitress in the celebrity center and has had work done to make it so she cannot bear children. That was done many years ago - and they marry her off to men who need immigration status and are from wealthy families around the world. What do you think is a good word for THIS?

Then you might ask why the Church of Scientology is tax exempt. I assure you the other churches have a long and sordid history of the SAME stuff! Tax exempt is a key - you pay for this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT21u3e098I And this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iuYJ_U8tp0

And the extra special benefit you get - your kids go to these parties or want to. And then you get to pay in other ways - rehab is just a word. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/davide-...b_5386512.html

The facts are more than disturbing. Have you got a means of escape - an ethereal world where pink-eyed rabbits fuzzy white bound around playfully? My second wife did. She had been abused by many men from the age of six - step-grandfather executive of a major corporation, father beating her mother, and police doing far worse. Oh BTW, nuns are not immune. They get far more than none. When you consider the next tidbit you need to know the pressures against reporting rape inside any church. The pressures include cover-ups by lawyers and the police - I know! The statistics don't include mental or spiritual cruelty such as the slave women of Opus Dei either. The numbers officially reported for other churches exceed 70%.

40% of Catholic Nuns Have Been Sexually Abused ...


Aug 24, 2013 - Sexual Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church: 40% of Catholic Nuns have ... girls, women – and even nuns – within the Roman Catholic Church here in .... been sexually abused by a [Ed.: Roman Catholic] priest, then raped ...

I could go on and on. The point is this. What went on inside temples and monasteries for millennia has a direct impact on your psyche even if it is only because you care about all the people you work with or say hi to. It is part of the ether or energy in this realm and beyond. It impacts your soul whether you admit it or not!
"Fuller was a pioneering global thinker. In 1927, at the beginning of his career, he made a now-prophetic sketch of the total earth which depicted his concept for transporting cargo by air "over the pole" to Europe. He entitled the sketch "a one-town world." In 1946, Fuller received a patent for another breakthrough invention: the Dymaxion Map, which depicted the entire planet on a single flat map without visible distortion of the relative shapes and sizes of the continents. The map, which can be reconfigured to put different regions at the center, was intended to help humanity better address the world's problems by prompting people to think comprehensively about the planet. In the early 1950's he coined the now familiar phrase "spaceship earth" to describe the integral nature of Earth's "living system." Beginning In the late 1960s, Fuller was especially involved in creating World Game®, a large-scale simulation and series of workshops he designed that used a large-scale Dymaxion Map to help humanity better understand, benefit from, and more efficiently utilize the world's resources.

Throughout his life, Fuller found numerous outlets for his innovative ideas. During the early 1930s he published Shelter magazine, and from 1938 until 1940 he was science and technology consultant for Fortune magazine. During the 1940s he began to teach and lecture at universities, including Harvard and MIT, and in the late 1950s he became a professor at Southern Illinois University (SIU), where he and his wife lived in a geodesic dome when he was in residence. In 1972 he was named World Fellow in Residence to a consortium of universities in Philadelphia, including the University of Pennsylvania. He retained his connection with both SIU and the University of Pennsylvania until his death. He was the author of nearly 30 books, and he spent much of his life traveling the world lecturing and discussing his ideas with thousands of audiences. Some of Fuller's many honors highlight his eclectic reputation: For example, because he sometimes expressed complex ideas in verse to make them more understandable, in 1961 he received a one-year appointment to the prestigious Charles Eliot Norton Professorship of Poetry at Harvard. After being spurned early in his career by the architecture and construction establishments, Fuller was later recognized with many major architectural, scientific, industrial, and design awards, both in the United States and abroad, and he received 47 honorary doctorate degrees. In 1983, shortly before his death, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, with a citation acknowledging that his "contributions as a geometrician, educator, and architect-designer are benchmarks of accomplishment in their fields."

After Fullers death, when chemists discovered that the atoms of a recently discovered carbon molecule were arrayed in a structure similar to a geodesic dome, they named the molecule "buckminsterfullerene.""
R. Buckminster Fuller, 1895 - 1983 | The Buckminster Fuller Institute

In his book Humans in Universe Bucky tells a little of the story about Einstein's support for his earlier book. I hope the link will open for you - there is so much everyone can learn from how these two great thinkers worked and collaborated. I have heard that Einstein's publisher sent Fuller's book (already referred to him by Einstein, to top physicists including the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. They all determined Bucky did not understand relativity. Einstein had to set his publisher straight and told him Bucky was one of only seven in the whole world who understood it. In this excerpt you will see Bucky more than understood it - he explained to Einstein how Einstein came to the conclusions and the method behind his thinking.

Google Books

``Cosmography (1992)[edit]

Cosmography : A Posthumous Scenario for the Future of Humanity

The dark ages still reign over all humanity, and the depth and persistence of this domination are only now becoming clear.

This Dark Ages prison has no steel bars, chains, or locks. Instead, it is locked by misorientation and built of misinformation. Caught up in a plethora of conditioned reflexes and driven by the human ego, both warden and prisoner attempt meagerly to compete with God. All are intractably skeptical of what they do not understand.
We are powerfully imprisoned in these Dark Ages simply by the terms in which we have been conditioned to think.

Doing the right things for the wrong reasons is typical of humanity. Precession — not conscious planning — provides a productive outcome for misguided political and military campaigns. Nature's long-term design intervenes to circumvent the shortsightedness of human individuals, corporations, and nations competing for a share of the economic pie. Fundamentally, political economists misassume an inadequacy of life support to exist on our planet. Humanity therefore competes militarily to see which political system... is fittest to survive. In slavish observance of this misassumption, humans devote their most costly efforts and resources to "killingry" — a vast arsenal of weapons skillfully designed to kill ever more people at ever-greater distances in ever-shorter periods of time while employing ever-fewer pounds of material, ergs of energy, and seconds of time per killing.
We must progress to the stage of doing all the right things for all the right reasons instead of doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons.

In spite of all humans' innate interest in the interrelatedness of all experience, long ago these world-power-structure builders learned to shunt all the bright intellectuals and the physically creative into specialist careers. The powerful reserved for themselves the far easier, because innate, comprehensive functioning. All one needs to do is to discover how self-perpetuating is this disease of specialization is to witness the inter-departmental battling for educational funds and the concomitant jealous guarding of the various specializations assigned to a department's salaried experts on each subject in any university.

Every child has an enormous drive to demonstrate competence. If humans are not required to earn a living to be provided survival needs, many are going to want very much to be productive, but not at those tasks they did not choose to do but were forced to accept in order to earn money. Instead, humans will spontaneously take upon themselves those tasks that world society really needs to have done.

Dear reader, traditional human power structures and their reign of darkness are about to be rendered obsolete.``


‘The U.S.A. is not run by its would-be 'democratic' government. All the latter can do is try to adjust to the initiatives already taken by [the] great corporations. Nothing can be more pathetic than the role that has been played by the President of the United States, whose power is approximately zero. Nevertheless, the news media and most over-thirty-years-of-age U.S.A. citizens carry on as if the president had supreme power.’ Bucky

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country.

As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.” - President Abraham Lincoln, 1865

"It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am... The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned." The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799. John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor. Mount Vernon, October 24, 1798

Bucky was an early author on the matter of our universe. Up until the moment he had written his book mankind thought our galaxy was all there was. Looking back we can almost laugh at how stupid we were. It almost equals the supposed thinking that the Pope was the center of the universe and other Ussher crap which earlier in the 20th Century was still being taught in most schools. I should clarify what I mean; schools were still teaching that humans in the 16th Century and before believed in a Flat Earth with monsters at it's edge. That was never true! It was true that the church tried to enforce that nonsense and paid the likes of Cosmos Indicopleustas to say it. But I doubt Cosmos actually believed it because he was a mariner.

Today we are breaking ground on the Thirty Meter Telescope in Hawaii. It will be a powerful addition to our search for other sentient life and places we can colonize. Hawking says that by the end of this century mankind could be extinct if we don't colonize space. THAT is the real sustainability we all should be concerned about, and why we need a plan which addresses all inequities in a pragmatic approach to creative and productive progress.


From my friend Colin.

"As it turns out we're right, the entire Universe is aware of itself!

Anyway, here's the link... Exploring the Connected Universe – Delegate Level 1 – Resonance Academy

Nassim bases a lot of his theory on things spinning. I love his rubber ducky analogy. Like you say, he makes a lot of this stuff understandable, like his explanation of the Planck particle function etc. He says he believe the DNA in our cells probably spins like a whirling Dervish... LOL.

Well, he didn't actually say whirling Dervish, but that's what he meant. The spinning is a function of the feedback/feedforward function of the entire universe at the elementary (planck) level. He also said that the strands of DNA in each of our bodies if strung out end to end would reach to Jupiter and back (I think he said) 300 times, or maybe it was 8 times. Either way, it was a bit more than I would have thought, and I generally have a pretty good grasp on the contrast between Big (outspace) and Small (inner space).

You may be right about Nassim's genetics. His bio includes the following... As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already discovering the universal dynamics of matter and energy, which led him on a journey toward pioneering a new approach to quantum gravity and continual developments in unified field theory. He grew up in Eastern Canada with an innate reverence for the design of nature and a determination to discover the basic building-blocks of creation. Nassim dedicated most of his time to his independent investigation into physics, geometry, chemistry, biology, consciousness, archeology, and various world religions. Haramein’s dedication to scientific exploration combined with his keen observation of the behavior of nature led him to a specific geometric pattern which is at the core of his approach and new perspective in unified field theory.

I just hope he's got some good body guards, cause his main focus is on quantum gravity and it's applications to technology, new energy research, applied resonance, life sciences, permaculture, and consciousness studies."
An excellent appreciation of myth in all religions focuses on Joseph Campbell who along with Jung and Eliade are my favorite inspirations as I wander among aliens, dragons and monsters - all the while being scorched and flamed by idiots and fruitcakes.

Category: Science - Upswell Magazine

"If Kneale’s argument sounds reductive and simplistic, it’s because it is. An earlier work drawing from a much broader research base shows that the creativity of the human mind—myth, religion and monsters included—is inspired by much more than just our fears. Joseph Campbell’s seminal The Hero With a Thousand Faces assesses a huge range of myths from across the world—from Buddhist stories and Christianity to the beliefs of Ancient Greeks through to those of native peoples of North America and Australia. From these impressive readings he concludes that all stories and myths take the same essential forms and serve particular psychosocial functions. For instance, “the happy ending of the fairy tale, the myth, and the divine comedy of the soul, is to be read, not as a contradiction, but as a transcendence of the universal tragedy of man.”[7] This tragedy, that everyone dies sooner or later, becomes in myth more than a grim source of fear and uncertainty to be relieved by a literal reading of after-life stories. The tragedy is exposed to us through tales that help resolve our deep anxiety in a social and psychological framework.

What Campbell reveals is that what—or who—we see “out there” and what we encounter on our journeys through strange lands are in fact reflective of ourselves. “The passage of the mythological hero may be overground, incidentally; fundamentally it is inward—into depths where obscure resistances are overcome.”[8] {You will read me saying this is a symptom of paranoia and projection. What is alien to our sense of self is used against us as part of brainwashing us to be something less than Campbell's Hero. In time these projections become archetypes in the ether which casts it's pall across the ages and wells up as stories of Interventions from Gods and Extra-terrestrials. It can be seen in Kangaroo Courts of web sites where goons lurk awaiting new meat. It can be found in threads here where circle-jerking pseudo-intellects procure each other's effluent as validation of something they pretend is research into consciousness.}

The things that scare us tap into the wellspring of the human psyche: they can inspire us to create, and they can set us some useful boundaries. If Kneale is correct, some of the broadest ranging social institutions—complete with moral rules and gruesome monsters—have been generated from a place of anxiety. And whether or not his argument has some elements of truth, and if perhaps it seems a cynical view on humanity, the point is that it’s not all bad. “It has always been the prime function of mythology,” says Campbell, “to provide the symbols that carry the human spirit forward, in counteraction to those other constant human fantasies that tend to tie it back.”[9]

We tell each other stories about those things that frighten us, and in doing so learn not only about ourselves, but gain some insight on how to overcome such fears.

Like one who, on a lonely road,
Doth walk in fear and dread,
And, having once turned around, walks on,
And turns no more his head;
Because he knows a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.

These lines from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner come to Frankenstein immediately after he flees his newly animate creation.[10] He’s running not from the creature itself, which has yet even to speak, but from the hideousness of what he has accomplished. Mary Shelley’s classic shows the interplay between fear and creativity, and makes an excellent example of frightfully demonstrative stories."
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Deepak says these important words about the nature of reality.

"If bliss is basic to life, there should be a physical counterpart for it in the body, and indeed there is. According to Ayurveda, the body's counterpart to pure joy is a subtle substance called 'ojas', which is extracted from food once it has been perfectly digested. Like the doshas, ojas is just on the edge of being physical; one could call it a subtle substance that registers on both mind and body. The final and most valuable result of eating a good diet is to extract every drop of this subtle substance from your food. That enables the cells to "feel happy," to experience the cellular equivalent of bliss. {Do you think attuning and visualizing with the process helps?}

Twenty years ago, the idea of a happy cell would have made little sense in scientific terms. Now we know that the body in fact is capable of generating a complex network of chemicals (neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and related molecules) that the brain uses to communicate emotions throughout the body. It is also known that a single meal can change the brain's biochemistry quite radically. A brain chemical connected with feelings of well-being, such as serotonin, goes up and down in response to the food being digested in the intestinal tract. This has opened up the exciting possibility of a "food pharmacy" to correct depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders, just as fiber helps to control cholesterol.

In Ayurveda {A very ancient herbalistic shamanic process related to Nyaya Yoga said to date back to 6000 BC.} we can bypass the bewildering complexity of brain chemistry. Nature has given us ojas, a single substance for happiness that the body makes all the time." (2)

For me Nature worship of the modern variety is whatever works (!): and the wholistic integration of the mind body operating system that has knowledge. Science has learned such things as the lymph system and chakras act to bring soulful knowledge to our soulful potential.

When does consciousness exist? Will the sentient robots being created with nanotechnology and the dumping of human memory such as was done to a computer chip by Stanford in 1999 have a soul of their own? I do not believe our soul is dumped in this process. But the issue of soul can be debated until the cows come home by observers of natural phenomena. Modern science has no greater insight than the ancient observers. In fact the ancients spent more time attuning with consciousness or soul in all things - elemental and spiritual. Most nature worshippers are able to see an element of soul in rocks and trees and the recent fact that science provides about the white pine eating insects or the changing colour of leaves not being for the first frost add to the possibility as I see it. I love the saying of the Mayans - 'Do not put your self in front of your SELF.'

Our chakras may be conscious collectives of our solar bodies which have atoms and molecules inside us coalescing their consciousness. By acting as a creative agent in this coalescence we create or manifest reality. Part of the matter of Free Will is involved in these considerations that man can choose to avoid or to act upon. It is LIFE and growth, rather than some weird obsession with sins, fears and guilt which has been foisted upon us by theocracies focussed on power. Spiritual avoidance has lead to theologic tribal mud-slinging by 'Chosen Ones' whose prejudices cause war, and other hell fires and damnation against the PURPOSE of Divine Providence.

The female (passive vs. dynamic) or left side of the Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) as developed from rock representations of man and his vital egress and power entry points such as the Third Eye were known so long ago that I dare not type all the zeroes. I know many 'zeroes' of the non-mathematical variety would assail my naiveté or sense of who man is. These people are as 'sinister' as those who made the left-handed witches or heretics prove themselves as worthy in the 'autos da fe' or other vile acts of the heinous Church the Pope apologized for in 1999. 'Sinister' means left-handed and my older brother had teachers rap his knuckles to try to beat it out of him. My father had had this happen to him and he made them stop their evil behaviour. There are so many 'sinister' ways the paradigm programs us into being their sheep.

On a personal level you can close your eyes and focus your thoughts as you move your eyes to the eight points equidistant from each other in a circle. Spend 15 seconds or so at each point and breathe with conscious centering effect. The final point is where your look into the Third Eye inside your skull behind your forehead. Stay there and feel the 'buzz. - you have balanced the energy flowing to all lobes in the brain. This system known as the Mudras or Mutras in India and Greece can help Schizophrenics or other disassociative stress better than the 'pharmacological lobotomies' (term used by Drs. Breggin and Cohen) of our medical model, or social management of 'money trees'. Why is our brain structured the way it is - or how did the ancients know a chakra system that mirrors modern neurophysiological mapping of our nervous system. The same can be noted in the correlation of the psychic points chart, acupuncture chart and lymph system. Is this a case of 'As Above, So Below' or Intelligent Design?

Bucky saw a lot of consciousness in all things, he knew each atom participated in the artist's rendering of beauty when he said Michelangelo released the Statue of David from the bonds of chemical and physical constraints.


Can epigenetic stressors include focused thought or meditational attunement. We are assured this is the case in many genetic and psychological areas of study. We are on the verge of being able to know how to change our physical structure just as Michael Valentine Smith did in the classic Robert Heinlein book 'Stranger in a Strange Land'.

"Even at this early stage in the study of human genes, research findings are beginning to reveal the scope of the issues that lie ahead. Long-held distinctions between the effects of genes (nature) and the environment (nurture) can be viewed in new ways. Both genetics and environmental factors may influence the same biological substrates; accumulating evidence suggests, for example, that the adverse impact of environmental stressors can be reversed by pharmacological manipulations. Researchers have discovered that learning gives rise to long-term memory, leading to changes in the expression of genes and structural alteration of the brain—in short, that the activity of genes themselves can be influenced by environmental factors."

“Who cares what the color means? How do you know what he meant to say? I mean, did he leave another book called "Symbolism in My Books?" If he didn't, then you could just be making all of this up. Does anyone really think this guy sat down and stuck all kinds of hidden meanings into his story? It's just a story.... But I think you are making all of this symbolism stuff up. I don't believe any of it.”
― Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak

And we wonder why there is so much ignorance in this world. If one asks what she means about 'know'ing what would she say? Would it involve something like - "I want to know what I can use to make money or get a correct answer. I don't care if it is what the author meant so long as my fellow man agrees."

And for those who try to understand the why of choosing one meme over another we have a whole lot of reasons they have yet to start to understand.

Manly Hall has given many learned people a lot to think about and yet it would appear most academics involved in linguistics have little or no awareness of his excellent scholarship. We need to crack all codes in symbology before we can honestly say we know what technology and wisdom the ancients had. The language of the birds or BRDs is one of the most ancient systems which I think evolved into the Hermetic Green Languages used by the likes of Goethe (Founder of a Jesuit short term Illuminized group most people ramble on about as if it is all there was.), Thomas Carlyle in Sartor Restartus, Jonathan Swift and many more. In my work on Shakespeare I uncovered Francis Bacon using code to claim the works of his friend William whose work he published. It took about 50 years for some people to decipher it and now there are many who think it means Bacon wrote Shakespeare. Such is the way of ignorant ego among pretenders to knowledge. As Hugo knew, Shakespeare also wrote in hermetic code.

"The arcana of the ancient Mysteries were never revealed to the profane except through the media of symbols. Symbolism fulfilled the dual office of concealing the sacred truths from the uninitiated and revealing them to those qualified to understand the symbols. Forms are the symbols of formless divine principles; symbolism is the language of Nature. With reverence the wise pierce the veil and with clearer vision contemplate the reality; but the ignorant, unable to distinguish between the false and the true, behold a universe of symbols. It may well be said of Nature--the Great Mother--that she is ever tracing strange characters upon the surface of things, but only to her eldest and wisest sons as a reward for their faith and devotion does she reveal the cryptic alphabet which is the key to the import of these tracings.

The temples of the ancient Mysteries evolved their own sacred languages, known only to their initiates and never spoken save in the sanctuary. The illumined priests considered it sacrilege to discuss the sacred truths of the higher worlds or the divine verities of eternal Nature in the same tongue as that used by the vulgar for wrangling and dissension. A sacred science must needs be couched in a sacred language. Secret alphabets also were invented, and whenever the secrets of the wise were committed to writing, characters meaningless to the uninformed were employed. Such forms of writing were called sacred or Hermetic alphabets. Some--such as the famous angelic writing--are still retained in the higher degrees of Masonry.

Secret alphabets were not entirely satisfactory, however, for although they rendered unintelligible the true nature of the writings, their very presence disclosed the fact of concealed information--which the priests also sought to conceal. Through patience or persecution, the keys to these alphabets were eventually acquired and the contents of the documents revealed to the unworthy. This necessitated employment of more subtle methods for concealing the divine truths. The result was the appearance of cryptic systems of writing designed to conceal the presence of both the message and the cryptogram. Having thus devised a method of transmitting their secrets to posterity, the illuminati encouraged the circulation of certain documents specially prepared through incorporating into them ciphers containing the deepest secrets of mysticism and philosophy. Thus medieval philosophers disseminated their theories throughout Europe without evoking suspicion, since volumes containing these cryptograms could be subjected to the closest scrutiny without revealing the presence of the hidden message."

Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Cryptogram as a factor in Symbolic Philosophy
WILLIAM DEMBSKI: - Rather than deal with Intelligent Design thoughts and the math of this highly accredited academic who was given a Research Center at Baylor University, that has been in the news a lot over the last few years; I will place some thoughts that may be confusing but touch upon some of the issues of the Origin of Life as debated in the larger theme of our beginnings and consciousness studies. It is a response with other people in a long thread of posts on the matter of Creationism and Intelligent Design.

I see Evolutionary Theory as a study of the Origin of Life not the genesis of the human species. There are few researchers who will do any human evolutionary tree today. Darwin did not go to the Galapagos to study humans. He tried also to maintain he was not inspired by Lamarck (whose work includes an attunement or qualitative aspect that Russian science still employs rather than the more quantitative approach of most Western scholars) but it was subsequently shown that Darwin was well versed in Lamarckian principles and employed much of his insight though from a different premise or POV. Darwin also had a Theory of Love. You do not read about it and that is sad, because that really integrates what I am about to demonstrate if this discussion goes to the nature of lattice intersectional consciousness.

That is where one encounters another theory - different from Interventionism or the alien seed from microbial RNA lattices. Darwin was greatly hampered by his materialistic science that understood nothing of the cellular level of life biologic. They had no microbiology or electron microscopes. It is upon the cellular substrate that each lifeform has been created and the Human Genome Project assures us we are not so different genetically from the worm. I offer certain 'Faith'-based evidence as proof of that contention.

This theory suggests that the crystalline structure of rocks and minerals had a part to play in focusing energy to the biological soup ingredients at the beginning of life on earth. It is cutting edge stuff and I have only seen one article on it. I like this theory because I am a great fan of String Theory and Solid State Physicists like Robins and Tiller of Stanford (He has a recent book on Creation of life which I quote and have referred to many times in these debates.). String Theory tells us that all matter and energy is derived from 'one dimensional harmonic forces'. Now I can also draw the Logos into this and ask about the muon split in the deep Sudbury research center. How can sub-atomic particles communicate as was shown in this study? If they can communicate do they have some rudimentary consciousness? Indeed consciousness may not be only existent in biologic life.

Going down that path will eventually take us to our most feared Creator or the collective unconscious, and the ONE of many non-theistic disciplines like Buddhism. I did not come to the point I am at (OPEN), by desire to believe in a Creator. I assure you I am raised in the most Atheistical up-bringing and approach. But now I see some merit in something these religions may have intuited somehow.

"In the open state any asymmetry causes an energy imbalance to build up, caused by rectification of random fluctuations occurring in the surrounding region. When some shock causes closure, an energy discharge will occur and the resulting flow can provide the shock needed to cause a change in state of other nearby junctions. So waves of switching action will arise spontaneously: these could be the quantum waves: the core feature of quantum theory. Furthermore, all the ingredients are present from which a working neural network could evolve and could ultimately yield a primary consciousness.

The network or grid, now defining the "nuether" and represented symbolically by a rectangular mesh in Figures 3, 5, and 6, would interconnect everything in the universe. As yet, however, no universe of matter could exist. Spontaneous creation of the nuether had to occur first, followed by evolution of its consciousness, since on this model matter would require deliberate design. {This came from the site of the Center for Philosophical Freedom and an extensive article by Ronald Pearson which includes this description of his work as well Articles by and about Ronald Pearson, the Derbyshire scientist who has discovered a structure of the ether that has potential to evolve intelligence. This has provided the mathematics to back up the experiments of Sir William Crookes and Charles Richet. In these experiments, deceased people returned, proving they had survived death.}" (12)

I see so much in current science that supports life after death theories; and yet it may not be our personality which continues to exist in the ways most religions or concepts like Karma think of it. Beyond 'limbo' or 'purgatory' and these local event horizon states or attached energy bandwidths I think little could be likened to what we would call our own persona. In closing let me say simply - we must learn to think and question in the Socratian manner or else we are headed for a lot more war and other ghastly results.
Just as Gertrude observed in her airplane flights over America, there are designs that open and aware artists or people can tune into. The ancients who worshipped Ra or other sun-gods were more aware of our intricate and intimate involvement with the sun than you might imagine. It is not just the desire for melatonin such as the Star Fire Ceremony of the Rosicrucians like Gardner that allow me to say this. He details the psychic and spiritual effects on us through the Third Eye. It is not just the accuracy of the prophetic Mayan calendar which tracks the transit of Venus in its short count. That transit has a means of understanding the effect of the sun when combined with the Long Count or Polar Wander Path. I have tried to describe these things in other books and I confess it is not a simple discussion; or at least I am not able to make it so. Suffice it to say, there are ways we are impacted by the forces of nature that make us a very habit formed creature far beyond mere psychological conditioning. The billions of years that life has been evolving in concert with or alongside the effects of the stars and cosmic or earth energies are in all of us whether we are attuned to it or not.

When man does not know all the awesome potential he (she) has to develop God does God develop as well as God would like? When man does not fulfill a positive harmonizing function and all manner of other life forms suffer because of it, does that mean it was God who was the problem? I say God (he/she/it) or Divine Providence must grow or harmonize and man making God the culprit for man’s own deceits and destructive acts is mere anthropomorphing ego. We must stop the divisive and racist designs that old religions and other insane constructs cause. There is more – MUCH more wealth and health available for all life on earth – if only we ethically planned to act in creative cooperation with ‘All that IS’. This is the real ‘Charm of Making’.

“When she came out of the anaesthetic, she turned to the always faithful Alice B. Toklas and said, ‘What is the answer?’ The heartbroken Alice was unable to reply and, after a pause, Gertrude went on: ‘In that case, what is the question?’ These, it is said were her last words.”(13) And in my mind no bard or mere poet ever asked a more important question of life each and every day.
Eranos and Esalen - Page 2

Several thousands of years ago (Add a couple more zeroes for the beginnings of this knowledge) we understood and used our conscious attunement in buildings and our day to day life. The Meru Project research was forward-thinking and leading edge when Stan Tenen began his path of re-discovery or bringing back that which was known and used many millennia ago.

His work mirrors what went on at Eranos with the likes of Jung, Eliade and Scholem. He is published in Noetics journals but one wonders if Edgar Mitchell's groupies (Ray Fernandez etc.) have a clue.

"Meru Foundation research has discovered an extraordinary geometric metaphor in the letter-sequence of the Hebrew text of Genesis (B'reshit). This metaphor models embryonic growth and self-organization, applies to all whole systems, and demonstrates that the relationship between consciousness and physics - mind and world - was understood and developed several thousand years ago, and is preserved in our great spiritual traditions."

World Mysteries - Articles by Stan Tenen
If there is no connection between all these things I would be most surprised. Certainly there are many researchers working on the Earth Energy Grid (Pentagon Dodecahedron) and a connection Tesla demonstrated between the Earth and Sky (Cosmic Thought Field). He said all he ever produced was in Revelations in the Bible and that is (IMHO) the Logos or Harmonic as I have broken it down through String Theory. I hope someone like Stan Tenen who can work the Bible code will be able to bring it all together for people on Earth. Robbins and Tesla worked with black ops and they have many things which indicate these ancient sciences were extremely advanced.

And for those who watched The Da Vinci Code and wondered when the Rose Lines were situated through Paris or if they are connected to Karnac in Egypt which was built after Carnac in Brittany - you might want to read this book.


“It’s a true art to travel beyond the veil and bring back coherent information for the rest of us to learn from and that will help us in our personal search for higher states of consciousness” (Rhasya Poe, Lotus Guide, July 2011)

“Chris Hardy is one of the most intrepid explorers of the frontiers of consciousness. The Sacred Network provides its readers with a blueprint for their development both as individuals and as members of the human species.” (Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., professor of psychology, Saybrook University, and coauthor of Personal Myth)

“A scientist mind meets a visionary sage in author Chris Hardy. She foresees our individual souls weaving networks that will connect all over the world. One of the most creative and original books of our times.” (Allan Combs, professor of transformative studies, California Institute of Integral Studies, and coed)

“Few among us are willing to follow our thoughts and intuitions until they bloom with discovery. Chris Hardy has devoted her life to finding out what lies beyond the veil and bringing it back to us so that we might share in her vision. The Sacred Network is nothing less than fascinating.” (Linda Dennard, Ph.D., associate professor of Political Science and Public Administration at Auburn U)

“Chris Hardy has been exploring the complex relationship between mind and matter over her entire career as a researcher and consciousness explorer. Now, with The Sacred Network, she’s provided the definitive work on ley lines and other physical locations of power and their relationship to the psyche.” (Robin Robertson, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, associate professor at the California Institute of In)

About the Author

Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., a former researcher at Psychophysical Research Laboratories in Princeton, has spent many years investigating psi capacities, altered states of consciousness, and the mind at large. She has authored 17 published books, including Networks of Meaning. She lives in France."

Earth Computer Projector
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This book was written before the proof of Gravitational Wave Theory began to come in. It was written before CERN proved a great deal of metaphysics. Tiller is the Professor who taught Bruce Lipton, a noted Epigeneticist.

Mind over Matter: ProvenTHE ACTS OF CREATION:

The following quote is a review I found on Amazon.com for a book I have only read about but seems to confirm many other things. The book is written by a former Chair of Material Sciences at Stanford and I think it fits the work of Dr. Don Robins as well as other Intelligent Design researchers we have discussed.

"Mind Over Matter -- Proven!, June 11, 2002
Reviewer: Dave Stein, Scientific Editor, Frontier Perspectives

In striking contrast with many books focused on next-generation physics, mathematics, biology, psychology, or medicine, Conscious Acts of Creation combines a brilliant theoretical model with several rigorous experiments that explore the influence of human intention on physical reality - in living as well as inanimate systems. It is in these convincing demonstrations that the principle "as above, so below" comes to life. Even more profoundly, the book establishes that repetition of the experiments in given locales can dramatically increase the power of the locales to reproduce the results - with some locales retaining their conditioning or "charge" for more than a year! These findings lend plausibility to that which mystics know as "sacred space."

A postulated theoretical model provides a launch point for interpreting the experimental results. Its major cornerstone is an eight-dimensional biconformal base space with two four-dimensional, Fourier transform related subspaces. One subspace corresponds to our everyday world, whereas the other subspace is a reciprocal or inverse "etheric" space - roughly analogous to k-space but with additional postulated properties including superluminal "velocities" (presumably in inverse units) and interchanged roles of electricity and magnetism. The model incorporates nonlocality, a scientific principle that may someday prove to be the underpinning for phenomena such as parapsychology and distant healing. Furthermore, the authors note similarities between their model and models proposed by other scientists, some highly prominent. Granted, the model becomes more speculative when it associates even higher dimensionalities with emotion, mind, and spirit. Even then, however, it remains consistent with various esoteric teachings, and it may yet provide the empowering mechanism for manifestation of intention (where the two subspaces, in some ways mutually symmetric, appear to play asymmetric roles) and in otherwise connecting science with spirit. Readers who disagree with the postulated model will nonetheless benefit from the authors' brilliant insights.

Mysticism aside, the postulated "mind over matter" mechanisms include a possible role for variation in atomic and molecular ground state energies. The observed space conditioning is discussed in the context of gauge symmetries. Rounding out the model are the insightful discussions of augmented electromagnetism (which the authors associate with Qi), inner self-management techniques such as Qi Gong and Yoga, and even the existence of two phases of liquid water. In Chapters 9 and 10, the authors become futurists as they suggest possible implications of reciprocal space engineering for medicine, pharmacology, communications, and manufacturing.

On the experimental side, the authors set the example in thoroughness and scientific rigor, although the in-depth discussion of the protocols as well as the order of topics may impact the book's readability. A mitigating factor is the brilliant introduction to gauge theory and the elucidation of several other topics including self-sustained oscillations, crystallography, and reciprocal space. In fact, the book is a mini physics course that presents various principles of electromagnetism, thermodynamics, solid-state physics, and quantum mechanics in a readable and understandable way. Also included is a brilliant discussion of enzymes, coenzymes and the electron transport chain as they relate to the experiments.

Scientists, healers, and others who investigate or work with subtle energies will appreciate the authors' insights on repeatability of experimental results. In the mainstream scientific community, replication of results is a test for credibility; yet consistent results in healing, dowsing, remote viewing, and ESP are often elusive. Armed with successful demonstrations of space conditioning, the authors shed new light on this longstanding issue - although they discuss other factors, both geocosmic and human, that can also impact repeatability of results.

Conscious Acts of Creation makes a convincing case that the powerful effects of intention and emotion can no longer be disregarded - in healing, in scientific research, or even in everyday life. The authors' findings may indeed have profound consequences for the concept of scientific "objectivity." More significantly, this book will take the reader beyond the realm of the everyday world and will expand one's view of himself or herself as a co-creator of reality. It is for this reason that Conscious Acts of Creation is essential reading - not only for scientists, engineers, and health care practitioners (both mainstream and complementary) but also for others who seek to maximize their human experiences. Conscious Acts of Creation indeed heralds and points a way ahead for 'the emergence of a new physics.'"

Water Crystals Respond:

Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown some really fantastic interactions not unlike Tiller's experiments in lattice formation and interactions between mind and other energy around us.

"My efforts to photograph ice crystals and conduct research began to move ahead. Then one day the researcher - who was as caught up in the project as I - said something completely out of the blue: 'Let's see what happens when we expose the water to music.'

I knew that it was possible for the vibrations of music to have an effect on the water. I myself enjoy music immensely, and as a child had even had hopes of becoming a professional musician, and so I was all in favour of this off-the-wall experiment.

At first we had no idea what music we would use and under what conditions we would conduct the experiment. But after considerable trial and error, we reached the conclusion that the best method was probably the simplest - put a bottle of water on a table between two speakers and expose it to a volume at which a person might normally listen to music. We would also need to use the same water that we had used in previous experiments.

We first tried distilled water from a drugstore.

The results astounded us. Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony, with its bright and clear tones, resulted in beautiful and well-formed crystals. Mozart's 40th Symphony, a graceful prayer to beauty, created crystals that were delicate and elegant. And the crystals formed by exposure to Chopin's Etude in E, Op. 10, No. 3, surprised us with their lovely detail.

All the classical music that we exposed the water to resulted in well-formed crystals with distinct characteristics. In contrast, the water exposed to violent heavy-metal music resulted in fragmented and malformed crystals at best.

Can words affect water, too?

But our experimenting didn't stop there. We next thought about what would happen if we wrote words or phrases like 'Thank you' and 'Fool' on pieces of paper, and wrapped the paper around the bottles of water with the words facing in. It didn't seem logical for water to 'read' the writing, understand the meaning, and change its form accordingly. But I knew from the experiment with music that strange things could happen. We felt as if we were explorers setting out on a journey through an unmapped jungle.

The results of the experiments didn't disappoint us. Water exposed to 'Thank you' formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, but water exposed to the word 'Fool' produced crystals similar to the water exposed to heavy-metal music, malformed and fragmented." (4)

What laws of science or lattice formation are at work here? How connected is life and what amount of soul or 'chhi' is in all things including our DNA? Would the work of Dr. Robins apply in crystalline semi-conductor chip synchronicity with New Grange? Could the ancients and even more materialistic man of the present use these energies to find water or minerals? Astrolabes like the Antikythera combined both Earth and astronomical inputs.

Is ESP an important point to be proven if we are to see ancient humans in a different light. Many humans had no speech lobes including Neanderthals who developed speech lobes through intermarriage around 150,000 years ago (despite what some journalists say who don't do research and accept whatever a distinguished group says as Gospel).

Not that I regard a word transmission as important as a thought which words often cannot express.

Crystals are going to show a lot more meaning in the fields of science - soon. I expect dysflexion batteries and the dilithium crystal propulsion you see in Star Trek will be all the rage.

Having met Jose Silva (founder of Silva Mind Control) around 1974 and having taken a course on healing from his daughter as well as many other contacts over many decades - I recommend his approach.

There are better examples of near prophetic insight in ancient Indian texts. In fact I am not sure the text mentioning a place where all matter in universe is sucked in is not just another apocryphal kind of fear building tactic. But a physicist named Fritjof Capra in his book The Tao of Physics details many good examples of ancient science. This article is also out of date when it says nothing escapes a Black Hole. In fact I have read early writings of mystics that spoke about a place where universes send energy back and forth. I have written about this before recent discoveries of energy coming out of Black Holes. In other articles from this site you can see trade between Harappa and Mesopotamia mentioning Magan (which is a possible Mayan connection) and Dilmun. I think before Sumer Ilavarta was more advanced and even during this time you will see them speaking about a sage or doctor of great repute from Harappa. The story of Gilgamesh has a role in these articles. Dilmun is where Sumer was colonized from according to Sumerian records - sorry Sitchin - not aliens from outer space just aliens as in Hyksos foreigners.

A pretty recent math whiz said to know the infinite apparently only learned math from two easy books and yet blew away all the scholars of his day. He is mentioned in Good Will Hunting by the Robin Williams character. Where does such insight come from? I read about two British scientists who were having fertility trouble and took a lot of drugs. Their child could demonstrate knowledge of relativity before saying Dada. The parents did put a lot of scientific designs and formulas on the walls or as part of the décor in the nursery. In reading The Wonder Child by Lorie and other psychological researchers they address Krishnamurti who was taught by Blavatsky and Besant but surpassed them by age six. I think this book should be required reading for every potential parent as well as people who think they know more than their kids.
