Robert Baird
Paranormal Maven
Cultural Impacts on Evolving Species
I guess this thread is more than a person could grok in a week with no time out for work or sleep. I know it is most unfair for me to expect normal professor types to grasp that which they strenuously DENY in fear that new students like myself will alter the paradigm that pays them for me-too thinking or supporting the existing paradigm.
Miracle in the Void: The New Energy Revolution
I met Blue Harary at the Psychical Research Foundation over 40 years ago. He was working on the early stages of what we hear so much about today but which is a very ancient investigatory technique including Remote Viewing. How much is objective and how much is subjective or run through the cultural rose-coloured glasses I cannot say. An older woman who was a top Remote Viewer with Ingo Swann impressed me about these things and with her wisdom a little over a decade ago. I know natives who dream what will happen before the hunt or dance to make it happen (Carlton Coons was a top anthropologist saying these things.) probably had much more focussed cultural influence and power than any of us today exhibit. Likely will require browsing for multidimensional man.
And for those who watched The Da Vinci Code and wondered when the Rose Lines were situated through Paris or if they are connected to Karnac in Egypt which was built after Carnac in Brittany - you might want to read this book.
“It’s a true art to travel beyond the veil and bring back coherent information for the rest of us to learn from and that will help us in our personal search for higher states of consciousness” (Rhasya Poe, Lotus Guide, July 2011)
“Chris Hardy is one of the most intrepid explorers of the frontiers of consciousness. The Sacred Network provides its readers with a blueprint for their development both as individuals and as members of the human species.” (Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., professor of psychology, Saybrook University, and coauthor of Personal Myth)
“A scientist mind meets a visionary sage in author Chris Hardy. She foresees our individual souls weaving networks that will connect all over the world. One of the most creative and original books of our times.” (Allan Combs, professor of transformative studies, California Institute of Integral Studies, and coed)
“Few among us are willing to follow our thoughts and intuitions until they bloom with discovery. Chris Hardy has devoted her life to finding out what lies beyond the veil and bringing it back to us so that we might share in her vision. The Sacred Network is nothing less than fascinating.” (Linda Dennard, Ph.D., associate professor of Political Science and Public Administration at Auburn U)
“Chris Hardy has been exploring the complex relationship between mind and matter over her entire career as a researcher and consciousness explorer. Now, with The Sacred Network, she’s provided the definitive work on ley lines and other physical locations of power and their relationship to the psyche.” (Robin Robertson, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, associate professor at the California Institute of In)
About the Author
Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., a former researcher at Psychophysical Research Laboratories in Princeton, has spent many years investigating psi capacities, altered states of consciousness, and the mind at large. She has authored 17 published books, including Networks of Meaning. She lives in France.
The Nightshirt
There are many dimensions and alternatives in a field including varying energy bandwidths. Tesla wrote about non-force info packets and his groupie of more recent times named Thomas Bearden says he got energy from a vacuum. Erwin Lazslo and the ISS group along with Puthoff and many others can confuse the hell out of each other and anyone who doesn't know mathematics it seems. Bruce Cathie's Harmonic of Light and a thousand talking heads from Sanderson to Campbell make me wonder who knows anything. I love talking with advanced mathematicians about concepts for hours, physicists, applied or electrical, philosophers and psychics, yogis and more. They all converge and occasionally it seems something could be agreed upon.
In a research group set up to explore my work about twelve years ago there was a woman who lived on her farm in Texarkana area who had been a top 'viewer' for Ingo. At one point she said about five of us should all live in her farm so we might get something working. I figured if six different learning styles or personalities got together a sort of super consciousness would emanate or coagulate joining the group. Howard Gardner has since added a couple of learning styles to his model. I thought we had those different learning styles but testing that would have helped.
In Nightshirt above we see: " It is an example, in fact, of the arbitrary connection between words and things that forms the basis of structural linguistics—the signifier bears no necessary connection to the signified; linguistic meaning is a function of how signifiers relate to each other, as in a vast grid system, not how they relate to actual things in the real world. We are thus able to use words grammatically correctly even before we know what they refer to; the way they connect in our minds to actual things depends instead on associative linkages, built up and reinforced across early life (and later) experience (I’ll return to this below)."
Then I consider the opposite of each claim or statement including the assertion that structure is needed in communication or that the 'real' world is not really 'real' but instead a conventional paradigm accepted through foolish consistency (Huxley). Here I would have to explain Bohr's Rule of Complimentarity and Bucky's 'creative realization' or Teilhard's Templates. The discourse would wax and wane eloquent and obtuse and finally absurdity would bring agreement. The linear-logical mindset would know the spatial creative opposite better and so on. The "associative linkages" mentioned in Nightshirt would be a fact accepted without ego.
The Grid as mentioned would expand mere Semiotic masturbation into a Cosmic Thought Field (See A Thread here on World Mind, I think) and then become grounded by the mechanical mindset of the hands on doer or plodding personality. Tesla's Earth and Air as conductor and capacitor would have it's information carrier bandwidth activated. The buzz of each person's pineal gland (with the crystal radio receiver therein) would allow a collective Third Eye (See Thread). In Nightshirt they say: "psi was commonly (albeit not universally) assumed to work somehow on the model of telegraphic or radio transmission."
Manifesting Reality might take a month of loving union to this cause and Sartre's statement "Love is absent space.' would be there in every individual's dreams. Maybe a folding of Space would unite like minded energies across and throughout the Earth Energy Grid and then the Template would MANIFEST = reality. The "actual things in the real world" mentioned in Nightshirt would creatively develop a separate or co-ordinating conjunction and one mind with all types and approaches would become more possible.
It would now be possible to send actual words via machinery (I can provide a link to the science doing this today.) into the group or individuals in the group. A manager mixing and multiplexing the energy might allow what Futurescape says they are about to develop - control of the World Mind.
I guess this thread is more than a person could grok in a week with no time out for work or sleep. I know it is most unfair for me to expect normal professor types to grasp that which they strenuously DENY in fear that new students like myself will alter the paradigm that pays them for me-too thinking or supporting the existing paradigm.
Miracle in the Void: The New Energy Revolution
I met Blue Harary at the Psychical Research Foundation over 40 years ago. He was working on the early stages of what we hear so much about today but which is a very ancient investigatory technique including Remote Viewing. How much is objective and how much is subjective or run through the cultural rose-coloured glasses I cannot say. An older woman who was a top Remote Viewer with Ingo Swann impressed me about these things and with her wisdom a little over a decade ago. I know natives who dream what will happen before the hunt or dance to make it happen (Carlton Coons was a top anthropologist saying these things.) probably had much more focussed cultural influence and power than any of us today exhibit. Likely will require browsing for multidimensional man.
And for those who watched The Da Vinci Code and wondered when the Rose Lines were situated through Paris or if they are connected to Karnac in Egypt which was built after Carnac in Brittany - you might want to read this book.
“It’s a true art to travel beyond the veil and bring back coherent information for the rest of us to learn from and that will help us in our personal search for higher states of consciousness” (Rhasya Poe, Lotus Guide, July 2011)
“Chris Hardy is one of the most intrepid explorers of the frontiers of consciousness. The Sacred Network provides its readers with a blueprint for their development both as individuals and as members of the human species.” (Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., professor of psychology, Saybrook University, and coauthor of Personal Myth)
“A scientist mind meets a visionary sage in author Chris Hardy. She foresees our individual souls weaving networks that will connect all over the world. One of the most creative and original books of our times.” (Allan Combs, professor of transformative studies, California Institute of Integral Studies, and coed)
“Few among us are willing to follow our thoughts and intuitions until they bloom with discovery. Chris Hardy has devoted her life to finding out what lies beyond the veil and bringing it back to us so that we might share in her vision. The Sacred Network is nothing less than fascinating.” (Linda Dennard, Ph.D., associate professor of Political Science and Public Administration at Auburn U)
“Chris Hardy has been exploring the complex relationship between mind and matter over her entire career as a researcher and consciousness explorer. Now, with The Sacred Network, she’s provided the definitive work on ley lines and other physical locations of power and their relationship to the psyche.” (Robin Robertson, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, associate professor at the California Institute of In)
About the Author
Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., a former researcher at Psychophysical Research Laboratories in Princeton, has spent many years investigating psi capacities, altered states of consciousness, and the mind at large. She has authored 17 published books, including Networks of Meaning. She lives in France.
The Nightshirt
There are many dimensions and alternatives in a field including varying energy bandwidths. Tesla wrote about non-force info packets and his groupie of more recent times named Thomas Bearden says he got energy from a vacuum. Erwin Lazslo and the ISS group along with Puthoff and many others can confuse the hell out of each other and anyone who doesn't know mathematics it seems. Bruce Cathie's Harmonic of Light and a thousand talking heads from Sanderson to Campbell make me wonder who knows anything. I love talking with advanced mathematicians about concepts for hours, physicists, applied or electrical, philosophers and psychics, yogis and more. They all converge and occasionally it seems something could be agreed upon.
In a research group set up to explore my work about twelve years ago there was a woman who lived on her farm in Texarkana area who had been a top 'viewer' for Ingo. At one point she said about five of us should all live in her farm so we might get something working. I figured if six different learning styles or personalities got together a sort of super consciousness would emanate or coagulate joining the group. Howard Gardner has since added a couple of learning styles to his model. I thought we had those different learning styles but testing that would have helped.
In Nightshirt above we see: " It is an example, in fact, of the arbitrary connection between words and things that forms the basis of structural linguistics—the signifier bears no necessary connection to the signified; linguistic meaning is a function of how signifiers relate to each other, as in a vast grid system, not how they relate to actual things in the real world. We are thus able to use words grammatically correctly even before we know what they refer to; the way they connect in our minds to actual things depends instead on associative linkages, built up and reinforced across early life (and later) experience (I’ll return to this below)."
Then I consider the opposite of each claim or statement including the assertion that structure is needed in communication or that the 'real' world is not really 'real' but instead a conventional paradigm accepted through foolish consistency (Huxley). Here I would have to explain Bohr's Rule of Complimentarity and Bucky's 'creative realization' or Teilhard's Templates. The discourse would wax and wane eloquent and obtuse and finally absurdity would bring agreement. The linear-logical mindset would know the spatial creative opposite better and so on. The "associative linkages" mentioned in Nightshirt would be a fact accepted without ego.
The Grid as mentioned would expand mere Semiotic masturbation into a Cosmic Thought Field (See A Thread here on World Mind, I think) and then become grounded by the mechanical mindset of the hands on doer or plodding personality. Tesla's Earth and Air as conductor and capacitor would have it's information carrier bandwidth activated. The buzz of each person's pineal gland (with the crystal radio receiver therein) would allow a collective Third Eye (See Thread). In Nightshirt they say: "psi was commonly (albeit not universally) assumed to work somehow on the model of telegraphic or radio transmission."
Manifesting Reality might take a month of loving union to this cause and Sartre's statement "Love is absent space.' would be there in every individual's dreams. Maybe a folding of Space would unite like minded energies across and throughout the Earth Energy Grid and then the Template would MANIFEST = reality. The "actual things in the real world" mentioned in Nightshirt would creatively develop a separate or co-ordinating conjunction and one mind with all types and approaches would become more possible.
It would now be possible to send actual words via machinery (I can provide a link to the science doing this today.) into the group or individuals in the group. A manager mixing and multiplexing the energy might allow what Futurescape says they are about to develop - control of the World Mind.