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They Should Tell You Climate change

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I wish someone would coin a term for climate change induced by activities of mankind vs that caused by natural and poorly understood cycles. It might help to clarify the argument a bit. And no, I really don't feel as if I know which phenomenon we are seeing. We are again dependent on those who crunch the data for a living. Should we take a head count among experts on both sides of this issue, and go with the majority? Rate those experts we think are most qualified and honor their assessments ? Assume the worst and go on a kind of ecological "crash diet" ?

They do, anthropomorphic climate change or AGW. It's a mouthful though.

I am a skeptic, don't mind saying so. Here's some science.

Global warming not uniform around the globe: Some areas were recently cooling -- ScienceDaily
I love climate change and especially global warming. I do what I can to promote it. Climate change gave us cute Polar Bears.

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Earthquake Hazards Program
Storm Chasers' Star Reed Timmer On 'Tornado Chasers,' His New Web Series
Do you think that severe weather has become more common over the past several years?
It does seem like the extremes are becoming more extreme. I know 2011 was unprecedented in terms of the number of tornadoes and loss of life or property from tornadoes. It also seems like it's shifting locations. Northern places are getting a lot more tornadoes, like Minnesota in 2010 had over 80 tornadoes, which is what we normally average here in Oklahoma. Who knows if it's related to long-term climate change or if it's just seasonal or an annual climate oscillation. I think time will tell.
'Storm Chasers' Star Reed Timmer On 'Tornado Chasers,' His New Web Series
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I'm in LA on the coast - and we are having 100' F weather - with cool winds coming off the ocean - whazzat! - not warm winds coming off the desert (the norm - the legendary Santa Ana winds). It's also way too warm for this time of year - for the coast. It's going to dip back down by the end of the week - it's pretty much been a yo-yo with the temperature this spring, very a-typical fluctuations.
I think they're serious with this bit of absurdest fear porn:

"Looking at the past, we see a strong relationship between temperature and crime," says study author Matthew Ranson, an economist with the policy consulting firm Abt Associates. "We think that is likely to continue in the future."

Just how much more crime can we expect? Using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's warming projections, Ranson calculated that from 2010 to 2099, climate change will "cause" an additional "22,000 murders, 180,000 cases of rape, 1.2 million aggravated assaults, 2.3 million simple assaults, 260,000 robberies, 1.3 million burglaries, 2.2 million cases of larceny, and 580,000 cases of vehicle theft" in the United States."

Study: Global Warming Will Cause 180,000 More Rapes by 2099 | Mother Jones