Yes that series was retarded, but to give credit, that "hot chick" from what I recall is an expert forensics technician with a couple of undergrad degrees and a masters degree.
The "debunker", or "the skeptic" as the show called him, now he was a nobody, Rob something or other, the guy's claim to fame was he was on Survivor and the Amazing Race, oh, and I believe he said he took a few psychology courses, that was before he dropped out of course.
Bill Doleman is a doctor of anthropology, or archaeology, can't remember which off hand.
and Dolan, well like I said before, he's no scientist, other then the Survivor guy, Dolan is the least qualified of them to be conducting scientific investigations, and my highly tuned woo meter goes off big time whenever I see or hear him. He's gone over to the dark side, if anyone doubts Rich is a whack job, have we forgotten this piece of work....