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Time to get Rich Dolan back on!

In a perfect world Rich Dolan would be on the Paracast:

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I own his book. I'm referring to his next book, slated to come out sometime within the next year or so.

Actually according to his website it should be out first quarter 09. Within a few months.

Okay, I will wait and see. I do plan to buy the book. Still, however, the Ouija Board essay he wrote, linked several times in this thread, does have wackjob written all over it. It matters not if he was writing the review as a favor to a friend. Anyone who says that aliens, Cassiopeian or otherwise, can be channeled through a Ouija Board is fucking idiotic, period. He seems seriously to consider that the information derived from the activity is reliable. Has he absolutely lost his fucking mind?

Yeah it really troubles me that he seemed to be okay with his name being associated with that crap just to be a good friend.

Im tellin ya, his wife is corrupting him. Go listen to the episode she did with the woman whos husband apparently worked at Dulce base etc etc.

I made a thread about it here I found it so shocking:D
That's a coincidence, that's the one I was referring to too!
I just listened to that show and OMG. It was kind of entertaining in a way. I do understand how people can develop strange and unusual belief systems after being exposed the the phenomena but this really takes it to another realm of delusional or something.
Like most of the favored guests, I find myself wondering how to distinguish between Dolan and an out--of-favor guest.

He operates with he same lack of discipline, the same poor scientific skills.

I almost felt like David was realizing how silly Dolan sounded towards the end of the show (perhaps when he said that we somehow lost TRILLIONS of dollars to black programs, as though that is a possibility in the real world where we sort of KNOW how much people are paying in taxes).

But maybe that was just me.


Certainly there are very discrete sources for some government programs. It seems to me that government budget accounting is out to lunch. I don't recall Dolan saying that ALL of that unaccounted for money when to one program or another, just that with all the confusion that some did.

Dolan also shouldn't be allowed to speculated about technology...in one place he said KC-135s were refuelling a UFO, then asked the question, what the heck do these UFOs use for fuel?

BUT, my question is, "what is the linkage between the big secret government project and extraterrestrials? "
I thought the KC-135 sighting was supposed to be a pretty credible one, and one which is usually used as proof of a black project like Aurora instead of a UFO. That's what I've always understood it to be, and that's what I thought Rich was referring to.
I have no idea about the source, but it seems to me that if a conventional refueler is refueling a triangular shaped aircraft, then that aircraft itself is receiving conventional fuel.
I missed it first time around. My interest (misguided as it may be) in Roswell has strengthened these last few months. I'd like to hear anything Dolan has to say about UFO's in general as well as Roswell.
Yeah it really troubles me that he seemed to be okay with his name being associated with that crap just to be a good friend.

To answer the first question, all I can say is that her channeled information is not the first, and will certainly not be the last. My attitude on most claimed channeled information usually ranges from extreme caution, to skepticism, to outright disbelief. But I cannot say that all such information is bunk or must be dismissed out of hand. My own research into the history of Remote Viewing (RV) has convinced me beyond any reasonable doubt that there is another dimension to our existence other than the straightforward material one. There is something more. Call it non-local, call it spiritual, it does not matter. There is an important aspect to our existence that conventional minds and "official culture" do not recognize.

I wouldn't exactly call this going off the deep end. So, he's giving a little more credence to some kinda far-out stuff because it's coming from a friend. It's fair game to point it out, but it also just shows that he's human. Hell, maybe the lady is channeling something through an ouiji board... I'm skeptical of just about everything but I try to never just assume I know what's actually possible and impossible.

In any event, I'm in the middle of UATNSS:COAC and it's a great read, can't waid to start the next volume.

Dolan's not my favorite guest, but it's nice to have him on every now and then.