The Pair of Cats
a.k.a Philip Deane
Phil, I have a ton of respect for you. You have always been a smart and even minded guy. But, I honestly don't understand the logic here. When people start lumping me in with the Tin Foil Hat Crowd or obvious whack jobs and then use it as a basis to discredit all of Ufology I get pissed. I take it personally and I ain't alone. How is it different for Angel or Lance. I have seen 5 posts today where people involved in flaying Lance and Angel for their treatment of Bosley and O'Brien use intentionally insulting and disparaging remarks about a particular person or persons they personally disagreed with or otherwise had low opinions of. Yet they do it and there is a huge backlash. It's not right. We should recognize that.
I stand by my comment Ron. Lance has been guilty of debunker style tactics. Angelo has reacted as if the "list" was posted specifically for him which seems to indicate a little guilt there.
I admit i have been guilty of Ad Hominem attacks myself. I don't think I am alone in that respect. In my case it is usually in response to someone's unwarranted attack on a guest or other forum member. I know that does not make it right but nonetheless it has happened.
Ad Hominem, on this forum at least seems to have a wide range when it comes to its application and reference to its use. It seems that if you disagree with someone and question their methods you can be accused of an Ad Hominem attack. In this sense I agree with lance. His use of the good old Ad Hominem is legendary. If you start an unwarranted Ad Hominem attack on someone (as lance did with Chris O'brien) then you should be prepared for a backlash as I'm sure lance was. As I would be if I had.
Don't get me wrong I am not condoning Ad Hominem tactics but I am not about to let it's unjustified use on someone slide on by either.
I don't think there is a problem with calling bullshit on someone for their remarks or actions if warranted. Although I agree with you, somewhat, that there is should be a limit as to how far you go in that respect.
Initially this whole discourse was started with the introduction of a list which describes what methods or tactics are or have been used by "sceptics" I think that the use of the word "sceptic" in this scenario is wrong and the word used should have been "debunker". But I also believe that if you truly understand the word sceptic then the list will not phase you because its descriptions of tactical use will seem foreign to you.
If Angel and lance are "true sceptics" in every sense of the description then they wouldn't feel so slighted . But some of their posts in this discourse indicate that they are not. Maybe for them it's like looking into a mirror.
Don Ecker has called them both out in a series of posts for their either badly worded posts or their outright debunker like tactics. And in lance's case his outright disrespect and bad manners.
It is also notable and commendable that both have appologised for their actions in this debate.
I realise, Ron, that as a moderator you have an functional interest in the smooth running and harmonious existance of these forums and I respect that! To that end you are doing a fine job!

---------- Post added at 04:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------
I love how some folks think they are being clever by defining what a true skeptic is.
And for them the only acceptable skeptic is someone who believes in the paranormal!
It's like a white guy telling African Americans what they need to do to truly be black!
Then what is your definition of a true sceptic, lance?