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Trayvon Is Innocent - And I Have The Facts

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because of a four letter word. ...race. race is sexy in a media sort of way. We can't let go of this concept and it will probably always be with us until we turn into those futuristic greys that pop in to see how we are doing..or were doing.
Well, that, and the timing of the trial (which I guess was set months ago, but anyways) and the media outrage it caused and causes still are quite convenient to not discuss other 'probably' larger topics in the MSM (NSA, Hastings, Snowden..)..
There is an aspect of this whole Snowden thing I find funny and that is the sound bites that are coming out of Moscow and how the US msm... nice acronym btw... are reporting it. What I mean is Putins statement about Snowden be allowed to stay as long as he stops releasing American secrets and Moscow needing reassurance that Snowden will not be subject to capital punishment. The US msm seems to be taking these stories in earnest, at least the ones I've been hearing and reading. I suppose they should look up the word "disingenuous"
I think this case caused such high waves in the media because 'race' causes such high waves in our society. The reason why race is still an issue in the US is explained by our never yet having publicly processed the moral outrages out of which 'our' country was founded and developed -- i.e., the mass genocide committed against the native populations of this land and the enslavement of blacks brought here from Africa to serve the economic interests of our white predecessors on this continent, who became the property owners and the owners of the means of production. The Zimmerman case troubles well more than half the people living in this country now because it is a repetition of a pattern of abuse that sickens us. Zimmerman's unnecessary actions and ultimate taking of the life of a young black man (indeed still a teenager, legally defined as a child at 17) and the judgment of a small jury of almost exclusively white woman that he was justified in what he did testify to the continuing reality of racism in America that demoralizes all of us, but obviously demoralizes its victims far more. There has never been an even playing field for blacks and other people of color in this economically competitive country. And our refusal to recognize that and correct it is an immense moral failure.
Well Constance, I fully agree, but I still find this pretty peculiar. How many 'white' people shoot 'black' people each day, and we never hear or read about it ? I know some nuances of the story, (though I doubt Zimmerman(?) shot him out of spite, but I'm german, so I didn't get the full story in the media here, but since read up on it) , the US media is avoiding 'other' things and pushing things to hide it once again, worked well for them in the past, 'NSA ? Hey, let's push this, so the half-braindead will be outraged and don't give a fuck about the shit we do, let's 'Hastings' Snowden.'

This is just an outsiders view though, so take it with as grain of salt.

Not to take anything away from the tragic and preventable death of Trayvon, though.
dyingsun, I'm not sure it if matters whether Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin out of 'spite'. He killed him out of carelessness, indifference, and imprudence -- a refusal to approach the situation rationally in the way he'd been trained to do and also just advised to do by the 911 operator. Volunteer neighborhood watchmen at the housing complex where this occurred are instructed not to get out of their cars and follow 'suspicious' individuals on foot but to call the police from their cars and report the location and situation. No doubt that policy is taken to prevent just this kind of tragic result for Trayvon Martin and his family, and also for the volunteer watchmen, none of whom can be imagined (we hope and trust) to be pleased to find that they've killed an unarmed and innocent person, especially such a young one. Michael Zimmerman wanted to be a police officer and had been denied acceptance to the police academy. On the night this happened, there was no reason for him to act as if he were a police officer, no obligation whatever to do so. Indeed there was an obligation not to do so, and a clear stipulation that he should not do so. But he did what he wanted to do, what he felt like doing -- to act like a police officer, for his own selfish reasons, even though he completely lacked the training police officers receive.
As said before, I'm german and only got the 'half-story' through the internet, (the 'spite' was probably due to my improvable english skills, I meant 'self defence, fighting for your own life',that kind of thing) I understand and somewhat share the outrage, but do you think, earnestly, this will happen more often ? My guess is 1000 more (someone shooting someone, i honestly don't care about 'race', we are all human in the end) are killed whilst I typed this, the 'Mainstream Media, or msm , are using and abusing this case to not talk about maybe more pressing issues is all I was trying to say.
As said before, I'm german and only got the 'half-story' through the internet, (the 'spite' was probably due to my improvable english skills, I meant 'self defence, fighting for your own life',that kind of thing) I understand and somewhat share the outrage, but do you think, earnestly, this will happen more often ? My guess is 1000 more (someone shooting someone, i honestly don't care about 'race', we are all human in the end) are killed whilst I typed this, the 'Mainstream Media, or msm , are using and abusing this case to not talk about maybe more pressing issues is all I was trying to say.

I do think it will happen more in America, dying sun, because of the extent to which ordinary people in this country are armed and because of laws such as Florida's "Stand Your Ground" laws, which prevented the police in that city from arresting Zimmerman until the State Attorney's office stepped in.
Wow, the smearing of Zimmerman after his acquittal here is really shocking. Some of you won't allow for the fact this "kid" was upset that what he thought was a white guy was sweating him, ambushing him AFTER Zimmerman broke off pursuit, and ultimately getting shot for HIS racism.

Some of you guilty white folks blindly defending Trayvon clearly don't know too many modern urban youths.

Saying a guy like Zimmerman was interested in protecting his previously-crime affected neighborhood for "selfish" reasons is ridiculous. Ask any cop or member of the military if a little personal motivation caused them to sign up. Duh.

Think about that past the brainwashing your leftist college professors hammered home when you were young and dumber.
At the end of the day none of us were there at the time, the best we can do is let the courts try and recreate the event in a virtual context and get to the truth of the matter.
They dont always get it right, but its the best we can do without time machines.

The process cant be perfect, but it can be better than no process at all.

Lady justice wears a blindfold, and that can be a double edged sword which she also carrys
Wow, the smearing of Zimmerman after his acquittal here is really shocking. Some of you won't allow for the fact this "kid" was upset that what he thought was a white guy was sweating him, ambushing him AFTER Zimmerman broke off pursuit, and ultimately getting shot for HIS racism.

Some of you guilty white folks blindly defending Trayvon clearly don't know too many modern urban youths.

Saying a guy like Zimmerman was interested in protecting his previously-crime affected neighborhood for "selfish" reasons is ridiculous. Ask any cop or member of the military if a little personal motivation caused them to sign up. Duh.

Think about that past the brainwashing your leftist college professors hammered home when you were young and dumber.
We all have seen/known guys like Zimmerman. Cop wannabe's yahoo security guards. I personally have no opinion on the court's verdict- but no one can deny a different outcome would Zimmy just had stayed in his vehicle as he was instructed to do.
pickles iz right, obviously trayvon was prowling the neighborhood intent on bashing in the heads of any of white folk he cane across and Mr. Zimmerman probably prevented a potential assault. Tray had everybody fooled.

look, I don't think anyone here really thinks that trayvon was a sweet innocent little angel, but until anyone can prove that the kid was out looking to do someone harm that night george should have not let the situation out of control while carrying a piece. Granted I don't know everything that happened that night but What idiot carrying a gun and following a suspect would let an assailant get close enough to him to bitch slap him to the point he has to discharge his weapon, unless you are suggesting that trayvon decided to committ suicide by wanna be cop.
What I find most annoying, are the folks "taking sides" and using political jargon such as "leftists" (see above post)
In my opinion, your not fully grounded when using such tactics to defend your position or point of view.

Amen. Anyone who allows their opinion to be dictated to them by their party affiliations, instead of looking at the actual facts of the case, isn't worth listening to, and the facts are simple, this guy could've diffused the situation at any time by simply walking away and letting the real police handle it. If this had happened anywhere that didn't have that ridiculous law on the books, Zimmerman would've spent the rest of his life in prison. Period.
We all have seen/known guys like Zimmerman. Cop wannabe's yahoo security guards. I personally have no opinion on the court's verdict- but no one can deny a different outcome would Zimmy just had stayed in his vehicle as he was instructed to do.

The court evidence indicates Zimmerman was accosted AFTER he broke off the engagement and returned to his vehicle. Trayvon got the drop on him pretty well, I would say, and Zimmerman in a panic finally defended himself.

This guy is not only not a racist, he's not white -- any more than Obama is.

I use political terms like this because left-wing race baiters and smear merchants like Al Sharpton et al are making crazy statements. And let's be real here. Only those on the left really would ever bother to specify Zimmerman as a "white hispanic" as opposed to just some guy defending himself. What led up to that is, in many ways, irrelevant.

Its better to be tried by 12
Than carried by six.................

Indeed. Especially when you're acquitted of ALL wrongdoing, despite the various methods used by Florida to get this guy on anything to appease the loons.

What I find most annoying, are the folks "taking sides" and using political jargon such as "leftists" (see above post)
In my opinion, your not fully grounded when using such tactics to defend your position or point of view.

You might be right. Problem is, only those on the left actually think that this issue was racially motivated. And frankly, only they are the ones that have anything to gain through social division. This is what they count on -- Trayvon, the "War on Women," millionaires and billionaires as evil etc. Without social strife that particular political wing really has nothing to talk about. The problem I have is, they create these issues in order to "solve" them. All it does is ruin lives, cause violence on the periphery like that poor girl stabbed 11 times by a black dude (that I'm sure Sharpton is enraged over, social stand-up guy that he is) -- on and on, I could fill volumes.
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"Al Sharpton" "left wing race baiters" "they" Sounds to me like you are the one causing "social strife" I don't follow Fox news, so maybe I'm the one out of the loop.