Again hes missed the point, people are taking iodine not because they live near a US reactor
(which Senator Blakeslee, has claimed are more vulnerable to quakes than their operators claim.)
People are rushing out and sourcing iodine because of the fallout from fukushima thats falling on the US.
To say "dont take iodine because US reactors are safe", is to completely miss the point of why they are taking it, THIS is why people are taking iodine
Once again, hes completely missed the point
(which Senator Blakeslee, has claimed are more vulnerable to quakes than their operators claim.)
People are rushing out and sourcing iodine because of the fallout from fukushima thats falling on the US.
To say "dont take iodine because US reactors are safe", is to completely miss the point of why they are taking it, THIS is why people are taking iodine
Radiation Detected In Drinking Water In 13 More US Cities, Cesium-137 In Vermont Milk - ForbesRadiation from Japan has been detected in drinking water in 13 more American cities, and cesium-137 has been found in American milk—in Montpelier, Vermont—for the first time since the Japan nuclear disaster began, according to data released by the Environmental Protection Agency late Friday.
Milk samples from Phoenix and Los Angeles contained iodine-131 at levels roughly equal to the maximum contaminant level permitted by EPA in drinking water, the data shows
Once again, hes completely missed the point