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UFO bases on the Earth?

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Skilled Investigator
In Tim Good's book Unearthly Disclosure in the final chapter he writes that a source claimed that there are a number of Alien bases on the Earth. If the UFOs are piloted by beings from outer space with an interest in us and our planet it would make sense to me that they would setup permanent bases or colonies in hidden places (deep underground, undersea or in some other dimension) to save them the long voyage to and from their mother world. Perhaps deep undersea and underground bases could use geothermal power as an energy source. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
freemars2259 said:
In Tim Good's book Unearthly Disclosure in the final chapter he writes that a source claimed that there are a number of Alien bases on the Earth. If the UFOs are piloted by beings from outer space with an interest in us and our planet it would make sense to me that they would setup permanent bases or colonies in hidden places (deep underground, undersea or in some other dimension) to save them the long voyage to and from their mother world. Perhaps deep undersea and underground bases could use geothermal power as an energy source. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Whether or not bases are needed depends on a lot of things we don't know.

I believe it was the late Karl Pflock who observed (and I'm not sure it was his idea originally) that the UFO phenomena has sort've mirrored a planetary exploration in a way that humans might do it:

Late 1940's: Mapping from a high altitude
1950's: Detailed mapping from a low altitude
1960's/1970's: Landings, limited sample collections
1980's-->present: Science project (abductions)

Of course, there are lots of exceptions and I don't necessarily buy the theory.

Bases on earth seem like an enormously risky tactic to me, as humans are always exploring.

I would rather put my bets on stealthy listening devices in orbit, or maybe disguised here on on the ground.

My guess is that distance is no longer a factor in their exploration, and they don't need bases here for logistical reasons. If the distance was as big a deal to them as us, I don't think they'd be here at all.
"Bases on earth seem like an enormously risky tactic to me, as humans are always exploring.

I would rather put my bets on stealthy listening devices in orbit, or maybe disguised here on on the ground."

That sounds reasonable enough to me, I suppose it all depends on how advanced the ETs are. My own belief is that there are more than one group of aliens active here on Earth, each with their own level of technology. Dr. Michio Kaku talks about type 1, 2 and 3 civilizations and theorizes that only advanced type 2 and type 3 civilizations could develop FTL travel. So if that is true any mid level type 2 civilizations and below would have to either establish bases on planets in other solar systems to save them the long voyage back and forth from their mother planet or stay at home. For their own survival it would make sense to me that they would go to other planets outside their own solar system.
fitzbew88 said:
Bases on earth seem like an enormously risky tactic to me, as humans are always exploring.

I would rather put my bets on stealthy listening devices in orbit, or maybe disguised here on on the ground.

Perhaps some of these devices, if they exist, have fallen to Earth, this could explain some crashed UFO stories.
The back of the moon, Mars, the asteroid belt, or various moons throughout our solar system would make a much better base, in my opinion, than the Earth. Why? Because it's easier to hide them off of the Earth. There could even be ancient, abandoned ET bases or colonies throughout our solar system. I think SETI should be looking for archaeological evidence throughout our own solar system instead of listening for radio signals.

If there are alien bases here on the Earth, you can bet your ass that probably no one knows where they are, not even the top-military brass. (see Dulce, NM, myth).

If there are alien bases here on the Earth, my guess is that the aliens actually live here, on the Earth, and communicate with their homeworld in a way that is fast and undetectable. We may be subjects of a galactic empire without even knowing it. The advantage of this is that we would have protection from hostile alien invaders, comets, asteroids, etc.

Of course, all of that is complete speculation. I don't pretend that I have any data to back any of it up. But this question is fun to think about.

Imagine what that Star Trek episode would look like. Captain Picard and the Enterprise come upon an uncharted system with one inhabited M class planet, a pre-warp civilization. But, what's this: sub-space communication signals coming from deep below the surface? Are the poor little darlings living on this planet being controlled and constantly decieved by a group of super-advanced aliens living in underwater and underground bases? Oh, my. Mr. Riker, what should we do? Should we abandon the prime directive and liberate these poor saps from those goddamned bastards who have imposed various religions and ideologies on them and who continue to abuse them in bizarre abductions throughout their lives? What kind of madness is this, Mr. Riker?
I seem to recall that in many reports of UFO sightings there has been mention of UFOs hanging around or even disappearing into lakes/oceans. Also some seem to mention them disappearing into mountain ranges or mountainous regions.
I can't recall the specific cases, though.
The Pair of Cats said:
I seem to recall that in many reports of UFO sightings there has been mention of UFOs hanging around or even disappearing into lakes/oceans...I can't recall the specific cases, though.

Chuckleberryfinn said:
The Pair of Cats said:
I seem to recall that in many reports of UFO sightings there has been mention of UFOs hanging around or even disappearing into lakes/oceans...I can't recall the specific cases, though.


Cool!!! Thanks for that Chuckleberry!
I think it is possible, with significant technological advances, to construct a base that would elude our general notice. I think that such a race would have ample incentive to construct such a base. In many ways, water presents us with more technological difficulties exploring it than space. With this logic, deep water seems like a natural place to hide if you are so inclined. Bonus, there seems to an abundance of it here!
According to a post on another thread in the 1970s there were rumours that there was a UFO base in Wales off the Fishguard coast.

Does anybody else know of similar rumours of where UFO bases might be?
I was a local rumor when I was growing up that there was something unusual in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It didn't make much sense to me, seeing all of the air force bases along the coast. But there were Gulf Breeze sightings . . .
With the number of abductee reports of seeing military working with the Greys in underground bases, I think it's a foregone conclusion that there are UFOnaut bases on Earth.

I believe they were built by the US military (the US Space Command, specifically) in conjunction with "outside help".
I'm far from convinced.

Most ufos are seen in the sky. They have sky bases too?

These beings don't need to set up shop here. Their idea of here encomposes what many a human would consider infinite I reason. Oh, they might be local, but in a different sense. So far there is no evidence of bases here. Only anecdotes and speculation. At best, you are dealing with a maybe, and I'm being more generous than usual. However, think what you wish. Not trying to conform anyone, just sharing is all.
In Goods "Need To Know" he mentions the fact there is lots of evidence pointing to a possible base in a deep part of the Amazon.

Fascinating. There is apparently lots of evidence to support this too.
Earth bases seem reasonable to me.

If they live in diminsional offsets, as has been suggested, they could be all over the place and we wouldn't know better, and couldn't, because we have no diminsional piercing technology. Deep underground, and under the ocean, also seems reasonable.

There are certainly many stories of underground bases in "mythological" aspects of the phenomena. Indeed, traditional mythology is repleat with little people living under hills or underground. It makes one wonder if they haven't been here for so long, in that regard, that they are indeed native.