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UFO bases on the Earth?

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What about the Santa Catalina Channel? There have been reports for years of UFO & USO sightings in the vicinity of Catalina and it would put them in close proximity to one of the most culturally diverse areas on Earth.
Because it was my instant sight recognition {1977 photo} of the possible helmeted alien {{in the 1972 photo}, when I gazed upon the geoglyph dirt carving on the Pleistocene/Miocene monolith; at the same location of the 1972 photo.

I also believe the alien has performed hydro wave experiments at the same Calvert Cliffs location; though I can't confirm who constructed them; but they were very sophisticated in form.

Did you see the alien at the time of the picture taking - or later once the film was developed?
What about the Santa Catalina Channel? There have been reports for years of UFO & USO sightings in the vicinity of Catalina and it would put them in close proximity to one of the most culturally diverse areas on Earth.

Same with Maibu. I haven't heard of the Catalina Island stuff before. Do you have a source? A link?
Did you see the alien at the time of the picture taking - or later once the film was developed?
No, I did not see the purported alien, when I took one of two pictures from the same location in 1972. I waded out into the waters of the Chesapeake Bay too take pictures of the Pleistocene dirt/Miocene fossil laden megaliths.

I took two pictures of the same location, about two minutes apart. The first picture has what seems to be a laser holograph projection, that hides the purported alien, by projecting another Miocene boulder in front of the boulder that the alien is sitting behind. At this moment in time...I'm not ready to post that photo; because it also shows a possible laser holograph projection of a full body dinosauroid humanoid with a three fingered hand; in the same spot where it should show the possible helmeted alien.

The second photo shows the possible helmeted alien sitting on a Miocene boulder, behind a bigger Miocene boulder, along with his left leg and foot being exposed to my camera shot --- from a Kodak Brownie Box Bullet camera --- using 127 film.
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I have a question, have you told David Ike yet, reckon he could get a whole show out of you erno.
No...I haven't talked to David Ike yet, but if he's up to the current Aliens and UFO's, Science & Technology forums, over at Above Top Secret; I'm certain he has read some of my {Erno86} posts.

I did send both of my alien photos from my 1972 expedition at Calvert Cliffs --- along with a written letter of explanation --- to J. Allen Hynek --- while he was head of CUFOS --- who wrote me back in a letter saying in so much words --- that he did not think much of my alien pictures --- though after Hynek passed away, his successor at CUFOS wrote me a letter saying he read my letter of explanation about the Calvert Cliffs alien photos; and would I "please send him my two alien photos to him."

What Hynek did to my alien photos that I sent to him is still a mystery. Did he throw them in the trash, or did they get just misplaced? Whatever Hynek knew...he probably took to his grave.

I did not respond to Hynek's successor...though I did mail my two Calvert Cliffs alien photos to Robert Bigelow about 3 years ago. I've not had a response from Robert Bigelow yet.
It would be hard not to think all those groups had been infiltrated and any real so called good stuff ?would have been tracked down and sorted if was a threat to national security of those states. If so called ? do exist such as Ghosts, Shadow People , ET or ? Some seem to be able move from physical to none so maybe the bases would be the same .
Sorry erno, i wasnt taking you seriously, but that last post has changed things alittle, ya gotta remember you are talking full body dinosauroid humanoid, well you know.
Sorry erno, i wasnt taking you seriously, but that last post has changed things alittle, ya gotta remember you are talking full body dinosauroid humanoid, well you know.
All the more reason to post them methinks. We're a fun loving crowd of image enthusiasts and such awesome & revelatory images would be sure to provoke much discussion of varying natures.

It's all tantalizing in description. But is there more to show?
Same with Maibu. I haven't heard of the Catalina Island stuff before. Do you have a source? A link?
The 1979 film UFO's are Real begins if I recall correctly with the famous UFO video taken from a Coast Guard helicopter that shows a purported UFO flying over Catalina Island. There was an episode of UFO Files dedicated to USO's that highlighted some anecdotal accounts in the region. In my opinion the majority of today's UFO films pale in comparison to many of the documentaries of that era. BTW if you know of any modern UFO documentaries that you'd recommend please send them my way. Most of what is shown on the topic these days is a rehashing of O'Hare, JAL-1628 over Alaska, Roswell, Malmstrom, and wait for it....... Rendlesham!