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UFO Docu:on John Mack,Abductions,and Contact in Ruwa,Zimbabwe...

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it should be part of every elementary school curriculum. A course where the teacher raises the idea of ET/ID life and what it means. Then teaches some core cases such as this and others. NO conclusions should be drawn, but everyone should be made aware of these rock-solid super compelling cases.

We are admittedly only seeing a fraction of the children's testimony on what they saw, but I am at once struck by small but numerous inconsistencies. One saw it over here, another over there- one saw a lone "ship" another saw multiple "ships"- some saw it only on the main day, while others claim to have seen it the day before as well. Like the headmaster, like Hind, I believe these children are stating what they believe to be fact. I think that some of what we saw in that twenty one minutes and fifty two seconds was the way this phenomena shapes, bends and in some cases breaks the witness' perception of reality.

I had never heard about the "missing time" before.

By all accounts Hind was a great woman, and I might not be able to do a better job, but she sure polluted the witness pool. Her qustions were terribly leading.

But again, I believe they believe what they said.
I had never heard about the "missing time" before.

By all accounts Hind was a great woman, and I might not be able to do a better job, but she sure polluted the witness pool. Her qustions were terribly leading.

But again, I believe they believe what they said.

This was the first time I heard about the 'missing time' element,as well.Although,I have to admit,I always suspected that there was more to the story than what the children consciously remembered.

Hind's role in this case seems to be something of a double-edged sword,in that she did a good job getting to the witnesses so early,but,as you said,seems to have polluted the case somewhat by not isolating the witnesses and interviewing them one by one - and by asking leading questions.

I still say it's one of the best cases out there,though...
The following post appeared on the History Channel website discussion boards (Sept. 4). Randall Nickerson is the man filming the follow-up documentary on the event(s) at and around Ruwa.

Hi lyndall,

It is going to be a year anyway before this film is released. This
will be and is the most comprehensive study of just what happened in
1994 ever done. I have been in Zimbabwe and South Africa for 6
months and researching for a year and a half, fully investigating
this event and many things have come up that are beyond the children
at the ariel school. I unfortunately do not have time to blog or much
else as am so busy with interviews at this point. I was charmed to
see the history channel blog. I am glad what i am trying to do here
is getting some coverage. It has been difficult as you may know, this
is not the safest place in the world and definitely not the safest
place to have camera equipment.
Thanks for the interest. This project has seriously blown my mind
many times over.

All the best

Randall Nickerson
String Theory Films
This is a thought I've written to you in our communications before CE, but I'm sitting here in the early hours, having my morning coffee and it's weighing on me again. I wonder how many times throughout history this has happened before? How many times has this happened in unrecorded history and/or to maginalized peoples where it has simply been lost in the ether of time? In the end, this may not be as unusual as one might suspect.

In other news:
I'm having some success with Facebook in trying to track down some of the people involved. I sent off another note to the woman in S. Africa who had an aunt at the school. I'll keep you posted.
I wonder how many times throughout history this has happened before? How many times has this happened in unrecorded history and/or to maginalized peoples where it has simply been lost in the ether of time? In the end, this may not be as unusual as one might suspect.

Maybe it's time to re-read 'Passport to Magonia'? ;)
We are admittedly only seeing a fraction of the children's testimony on what they saw, but I am at once struck by small but numerous inconsistencies. One saw it over here, another over there- one saw a lone "ship" another saw multiple "ships"- some saw it only on the main day, while others claim to have seen it the day before as well. Like the headmaster, like Hind, I believe these children are stating what they believe to be fact. I think that some of what we saw in that twenty one minutes and fifty two seconds was the way this phenomena shapes, bends and in some cases breaks the witness' perception of reality.

I had never heard about the "missing time" before.

By all accounts Hind was a great woman, and I might not be able to do a better job, but she sure polluted the witness pool. Her qustions were terribly leading.

But again, I believe they believe what they said.

The film on the Ariel School sighting is in progress but we need your help! Visit www.arielphenomenon.com for an update on the film and see an exclusive film trailer! Follow our progress on Facebook at “Ariel School Documentary” and Twitter @arielschoolfilm. We need your help to finish this important documentary. Please donate via the film’s website and check out the cool gifts we’re offering as our thanks!
The film on the Ariel School sighting is in progress but we need your help! Visit www.arielphenomenon.com for an update on the film and see an exclusive film trailer! Follow our progress on Facebook at “Ariel School Documentary” and Twitter @arielschoolfilm. We need your help to finish this important documentary. Please donate via the film’s website and check out the cool gifts we’re offering as our thanks!
annekrz, this is much anticipated and I followed your progress here and there over the years. Do you have a projected completion date? What's been some of the big hurdles in getting it done? The promo looks excellent!
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annekrz, this is much anticipated and I followed your progress here and there over the years. Do you have a projected completion date? What's been some of the big hurdles in getting it done? The promo looks excellent!

Thank you so much! The biggest hurdle is funding, to be honest. The filmmaker has worked alone on the film for all these years, using his own funds, and the film has reached the point that help is needed. He has devoted his life for the past eight years to telling this story but he can't do it alone anymore. A story editor, color editor, producer, and others are needed to finish this film and have it be the best product possible. So at this point what we need more than anything is financial help. That's why we're focusing now on getting the word out and encouraging people to visit the website, watch the trailer, and consider contributing to help us finish. The intention is to have the film released by the end of this year. I hope this helps!
[If you read this post before, then you might want to read it again. I corrected some errors. Mainly, that Cynthia Hind was a UFO researcher and not a teacher at the school. This is FAR WORSE than what I thought was happening.]

The film on the Ariel School sighting is in progress but we need your help!
There really needs to be a documentary about how not to abuse children this way as follows:
Hind's role in this case seems to be something of a double-edged sword, in that she did a good job getting to the witnesses so early, but, as you said, seems to have polluted the case somewhat by not isolating the witnesses and interviewing them one by one - and by asking leading questions.
How will your documentary answer to this as follows: ???...

IMO... These manipulated "put on display" children were damaged psychologically by the shark tank of "group think" and "group guidance" by Hind, a UFO researcher, and by extreme media manipulation allowed onto school grounds within days of what happened.

Cynthia Hind was an ET-UFO believer and researcher long before that incident at Ariel, and she got involved in another sighting years before in the UK. In her own words in 1979 she got involved in a school sighting in Wales. She said she went down THREE times to speak with the children. WTFrack? Also, she mentioned the name Hilary Evans that she was somehow connected with [the audio seems clipped or cut to understand that connection, it's bizarre]. Oh yeah, guess what! LOOK: Hilary Agard Evans (6 March 1929 – 27 July 2011) was a British pictorial archivist, author, and researcher into UFOs and other paranormal phenomena.

Hind thought they might become famous from the worldwide news that was breaking at the time at Ariel. She allowed video cameras to video tape HER guidance and her questioning to the children in a "group setting" as an authority figure and like a teacher too, questioning the children, yet Hind was just a UFO researcher!!! It's abusive, IMO. She led all the children far away from "the truth" and used peer pressure and group think to do it too!

It's a PERFECT example of what NOT to do to Innocent Children!

The HOAX [and delusional beliefs] probability is extremely high, imo, and the children were the innocent victims of these nutcases! [I don't believe for a second that the children created the hoax either.]

BtSt, you wrote this recently relating to witnesses too [about a different event], but I think your concerns are for witnesses in general too...

BtSt wrote: "At the centre of ufology there has always been a witness, and witnesses have been treated in a lot of different ways over the years. Some are celebrated constructions like Romanek, where the witness is raised up on the stage of public fame even though everyone can see there is a charlatan at the centre of it all. Streiber and Walton are also in that camp of the celebrated witnesses, but most witnesses receive scorn, laughter and derision. Many are treated like dirt, lose their jobs, their families and all the former life they had before they talked what they saw. Dale Spaur's kaleidescopic story comes to mind when you think about how the witness can have their lives entirely rearranged.

Perhaps one of the great weaknesses in ufology research is how witnesses are treated, how much of their story and identity should be released. But without a name and a face, witness testimony doesn't mean a lot. In fact it seems to me that without the witness in the crosshairs we would not have this other sociological feature of ufology, where those who have seen something can create the contactee- cult - guru stage show that ultimately has one of the biggest impacts on ufology's audience. It creates the audience and creates direction for discussion. That individual witness has too often become the primary focus of discussion, their impact and their feelings, as opposed to the actual event itself. Witnesses like Emma Woods, or the other woman with many names at the centre of Budd Hopkins' Brooklyn Bridge oeuvre, demonstrate how the witness can displace the event. This seems to happen the most when hypnosis and alien abduction/contact are at the heart of the story. Draw conclusions there as you will."[End Quote]

Every child witness except one that was found years later as young adults [and three older adults from the school] would ONLY VAGUELY essentially say: we saw something or something happened. Creepy! Freaky! The one exception was a female student that said: "that 'picture' that [audio appears to be cut] it will never go out of my mind was the face and just the craft."
In the case of the woman that I cited, the woman is now grown. Forgive me my lack of clarity. She was a child at the time and is now still terrified to go out alone. The woman who informed me of this left no doubt as to her anxiety being directly related to the incident.

Dr John Mack was visiting Zimbabwe about 2 months after the time of the event, and he spent two days at Ariel School with the children. He also spoke to the Headmaster, Colin Mackie, the teachers and some of the parents.
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The filmmaker has worked alone on the film for all these years...
Can you tell us how ALL the archival video will be made available? Exactly what all is that? All uncut and unedited?

From your website it says:
"...as well as ten plus hours of archival footage with those present both in 1994 and today."

How many hours of archival footage were just from when Mack was alive? 4 or ?

Will the FULL CONTENT of these be made available too? Below:

Can he provide all the uncut and unedited video footage of what Cynthia Hind took too? That's critical to understand this story, imo.

Has he collected all the other news interviews of the children before 1996? Can you tell us how many interviews and video time there is of these other interviews?

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There are a lot of questions here and I can't answer all of them. Regarding the archival footage from Dr Mack and others, we do not own that footage. We have rights to use it at the Director's discretion in the documentary but as for releasing all of it in its entirety that is not something we will be at liberty to do. The footage the Director has shot himself interviewing the witnesses now as well as others who were involved in the event we do own. We are not yet at a place where we are thinking about whether or how to release that beyond the film. Right now the main focus is on raising the funds necessary to complete the film this year. The Director and Editor have been working ongoing on editing the footage we do have and building the story. Right now the production team is only three people and we are all working incredibly hard as you can imagine, juggling many priorities.

I hope this helps answer some of the questions. I'm glad the film trailer has had an impact on people...right now we are running an Indiegogo campaign and the pitch video for that includes a little more never before seen footage. Feel free to check it out!