Paranormal Adept
I forgot to mention there is a Facebook page dedicated to the documentary...we post progress on the film and updates on anything else that is relevant to the Ariel School event. The page is Ariel School Documentary | Facebook . Thanks again for the support!
Hey. Just wanted to tell you guys that you made my day today. Somehow I had thought the rewards would not be shipped overseas, so I wasn't expecting anything. You can imagine my surprise when I had a package in my mail today, coming all the way from honest-to-god Massachusetts, U.S.A.

...and thanks also goes to @mike for calling the project to my attention in another thread. Wouldn't have had this priceless WTF moment without you, bro.
I hope this will be seen by as many people as possible and make them think. With all the junk, the sensationalist journalism and forgettable shows on TV these days, it's damn good to see that it can be done differently and that there are people who care about what they are doing.
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