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Might have, but out of 33 comments over three years, less than 10% have been at all critical. Well over 90% have been either lauded Bill Birnes, defended him, or been otherwise non-critical. I suppose it is a natural thing to cherry pick the most negative comment you can find to highlight, but when you take the sum total of all comments, you can't make the case. The data dos not support it.
I actually enjoy listening to Bill Birnes. I don't always agree with him, but that doesn't make him less-than-entertaining and thought-provoking. However, I'm sad to see where this went, and I don't think we should be held responsible for the concerns voiced by Bill and Nancy. David and I have always treated them with courtesy and respect. Indeed, when David walked off that "infamous" episode, he wasn't showing disrespect to Bill, but just hanging up on the show for that particular occasion. They never voiced any concerns about it ever -- till now!
Might have, but out of 33 comments over three years, less than 10% have been at all critical. Well over 90% have been either lauded Bill Birnes, defended him, or been otherwise non-critical. I suppose it is a natural thing to cherry pick the most negative comment you can find to highlight, but when you take the sum total of all comments, you can't make the case. The data does not support it.

I obviously agree with all the points you have made regarding said comment(s), and as you probably know, I was just trying to find the most critical of the posted ones.
To my understanding, UFO mag has never paid us for their ads, they've had a display ad for The Paracast in their magazine, in exchange for their ads on the show and site here. Well, that has come to an end. We're through with them and their horseshit.

Meanwhile, look at the cover of their latest issue, absolutely pathetic photo - by Jeff Peckerman, no less - shitty, meaningless, bad Photoshop abortion, the issue is all about "love". What a fucking joke, a total embarrassment. There's one book that you can indeed judge by it's cover. Whatever signal is to be found, is lost in a sea of new-age noise and nonsense they're sticking in those pages. Yeah, everyone's gotta make a living, I get it, wait 'til you see what happens on our own good show soon in the name of making a few bucks - it won't be pretty. Meanwhile, we're not going to tell some confused kid that he's a hybrid, the way that Birnes did on that one episode. Hey, Bill, Pat took you outside and publicly spanked you for that nonsense. So was it all an act? Where did the BS begin and end? Nancy Birnes claims that our behavior on this show is all somehow an act? Bullshit. I'm not some fucking actor or entertainer, what you hear on here is who I am, not some made-up character, but perhaps Nancy is projecting Bill's reality out there for all to see.

Thank goodness that this most recent issue was the one that they removed my name from (I was listed on their masthead as a contributor, I once wrote a single column for them and then decided I didn't want to write for their rag for free, as do the rest of their writers). Their ads are gone from this show, you'll never have to listen to Birnes on this program ever again.


Glad I never subscribed to UFO magazine after hearing the commercial on almost every show the past couple years.It is funny to see how Bill is henpecked by some uber bitch though,I always thought he was kind of cool.Guess he has no testicles.
Glad I never subscribed to UFO magazine after hearing the commercial on almost every show the past couple years.It is funny to see how Bill is henpecked by some uber bitch though,I always thought he was kind of cool.Guess he has no testicles.

So this might surprise you, but I think those comments about Bill and Nancy are out of line, and really not needed. But that's just my opinion.

Meanwhile, a question. Is there a reputable UFO magazine being printed in English today? I mean one that does not have New Age advertising for crystals and is published on a regular basis.
... Yeah, everyone's gotta make a living, I get it, wait 'til you see what happens on our own good show soon in the name of making a few bucks - it won't be pretty. ...

wanna elaborate? as ugly as a can of smashed figs? worse? better? burning bag of dog doo? worse? better?

I have so little control over my curiosity, sorry.
wanna elaborate? as ugly as a can of smashed figs? worse? better? burning bag of dog doo? worse? better?

I have so little control over my curiosity, sorry.

Maybe they are going to start running C2C ads, or put banners up for Enterprise Mission? ouch

(David, pretty please, don't ban me for uttering such blasphemy).
I suppose it is a natural thing to cherry pick the most negative comment you can find to highlight, but when you take the sum total of all comments, you can't make the case. The data does not support it.

I don't think it was cherry-picking, it's the most pertinent to the accusation. A person's opinion isn't necessarily nullified or even diluted by everything he/she has said before.

My ex used to say great things about me, but ask him what he thinks of me now!:eek:

David, do you think UFO Mag's FAQ ATTACK is referring to the Paracast amongst other "haters" ?
"Loud stupid bullies. Mostly fat, lazy white men with too much time on their hands, a radio microphone as a phallic enhancement near their lips, and hate hate hate dribbling out in sad, impotent spurts"

Classic...Did Nancy write this? If so , she's ballsy.
David, do you think UFO Mag's FAQ ATTACK is referring to the Paracast amongst other "haters" ?

Well, Nancy has called us "Calvinists and Witch Hunters", and she's said that I personally kill goats with my bare hands to get that precious, precious cheese inside their horns, so for all I know, sure, she's talking about us. We call people on their shit, because our brains still work, so we're the "UFO Taliban" and "Bullies". I've been called worse, but I'll tell ya, I have a big stack of emails from around the world commending us on our integrity and intelligence, so it's all so confusing, ya know? :D

Meanwhile, a question. Is there a reputable UFO magazine being printed in English today? I mean one that does not have New Age advertising for crystals and is published on a regular basis.

Camelot Weekly.

Check it out - you'll be glad you did.
I submit that db is the Simon Cowell of "Paracast Performences"

And to me, that's a good thing!

"Live a little, be a gypsy,
get around......"
I submit that db is the Simon Cowell of "Paracast Performences"

And to me, that's a good thing!

"Live a little, be a gypsy,
get around......"

Can we please never compare The Paracast to American Idol again?
Can we please never compare The Paracast to American Idol again?

How about to 'Britain's Got Talent' then? Cowell rolls his eyes at American Idol as much as anyone, but since they pay him several million dollars to do it, it's a hard gig to throw away.

How about to 'Britain's Got Talent' then? Cowell rolls his eyes at American Idol as much as anyone, but since they pay him several million dollars to do it, it's a hard gig to throw away.

With all due respect (which is quite heavy), Schuyler --

Please, not that either. None of that crap TV. This show is in a totally different league. Those shows are populist, teenage-loving, media whores.

Let's not cheapen the Paracast so.
At least try to separate Simon Cowell from the shows he does, which is a sideline. He is one of the most respected music producers in the world. He sponsored Paul Potts, for example, a spectacular find on BGT, to a worldwide career as a respected tenor. (I was turned on to Potts by someone here on the Paracast, btw, who posted on Susan Boyle.) He also is quite loquacious with an insult, and I think a comparison to David is justified. When David hits his groove, he is equally spectacular. Lest you suspect me of indulging in pablum, for the record, I have never seen an episode of American Idol clear through, other than a couple of three or four minute spots on YouTube. I don't really care about music or TV that much. Neither are part of my life because they are too noisy. I like quiet. I'd much rather read a book. Oh, and then there are those internets. I admit to addiction there!
If I remember correctly, Simon Cowell OWNS American Idol, and Britain's got Talent...

he pays himself. :shy:

Half right. American Idol is owned by Simon FULLER.




Britain's Got Talent is Cowell's:


Of course, secret inter-locking corporate directorates and board members point to a very possible New World Order, Illuminati comspiracy undermining it all.