To my understanding, UFO mag has never paid us for their ads, they've had a display ad for The Paracast in their magazine, in exchange for their ads on the show and site here. Well, that has come to an end. We're through with them and their horseshit.
Meanwhile, look at the cover of their latest issue, absolutely pathetic photo - by Jeff Peckerman, no less - shitty, meaningless, bad Photoshop abortion, the issue is all about "love". What a fucking joke, a total embarrassment. There's one book that you can indeed judge by it's cover. Whatever signal is to be found, is lost in a sea of new-age noise and nonsense they're sticking in those pages. Yeah, everyone's gotta make a living, I get it, wait 'til you see what happens on our own good show soon in the name of making a few bucks - it won't be pretty. Meanwhile, we're not going to tell some confused kid that he's a hybrid, the way that Birnes did on that one episode. Hey, Bill, Pat took you outside and publicly spanked you for that nonsense. So was it all an act? Where did the BS begin and end? Nancy Birnes claims that our behavior on this show is all somehow an act? Bullshit. I'm not some fucking actor or entertainer, what you hear on here is who I am, not some made-up character, but perhaps Nancy is projecting Bill's reality out there for all to see.
Thank goodness that this most recent issue was the one that they removed my name from (I was listed on their masthead as a contributor, I once wrote a single column for them and then decided I didn't want to write for their rag for free, as do the rest of their writers). Their ads are gone from this show, you'll never have to listen to Birnes on this program ever again.