I don't see it myself, and I've heard one rule of thumb on forums is that by the third post Hitler will inevitably be invoked--even though there's not been a hint of him before. I see the law is being upheld. Congratulations upholding the Law of the Hitlerian non Sequitur. But let's, for the sake of argument, assume your definition. The issue at stake here, as far as I understand it, is the credibility of
UFO Magazine and
UFO Hunters. There are those who assume the Bassett Position, that any exposure, good or bad, is actually good. It could also be called the Daley Approach (former Chicago Mayor, the elder) "Call me good or call me bad, but spell my name right." For folks like that, this argument is moot and irrelevant.
We have testimony from people far beyond just this little group that the magazine has gone downhill, that it was taken over by people not really conversant in the field, and that in its current incarnation, it is less than reliable. Just take a look at the article contens and see for yourself:
http://www.ufomagazine.com. Who else says so? Don Ecker, founder of the magazine. If YOU can find tidbits of value in that thing, have at it Brutha! And good luck to you. A recent issue had a whole article on orbs, and, of coursem there are those pesky drones again.
And then we have UFO Hunters. We've all seen it. The collective opinion seems to be that it is an example of credulity gone amok. Water towers taken for secret projects, college students duping the show with balloons. It's entertainment, surely, but it's not particularly hard-headed journalism. I don't think the Birnes are 'frauds' at all. They are not intentionally attempting to dupe someone like Knell does, for example. I just think they are credulous, starry-eyed, and kind of light-weight in their approach. Maybe some of that is forced upon them by the History Channel, but when you have the magazine use the same approach, I kind of doubt it. Perhaps one attracted the other.
Now we come to it. Nancy says David is 'Calvinistic' because, using your terms, he is taking a god-like position judging Birnes & Co., Talbott, plus Knell, Greer, Bassett, etc. She criticizes the Paracast as taking a god-like position because it criticizes others and calls them to task. She considers herself equal. By that same token you have to call the scientific method Calvinistic because it insists on proof of claims. It's like this:
"Jesus walked on water and turned water into wine. They are miracles."
"Prove it."
"You're being Calvinistic."
or this (paraphrased):
Talbott: "I know nothing of photography. I just bought a camera. I'm not technical at all. I just took these pictures of orbs."
Biedny: "Those are dust particles."
Talbott: "No, they are not."
Biedny: "The ONLY thing I claim expertise in is imaging. Those are dust particles."
Talbott: "I don't believe you."
Biedny: "Nancy, those are dust particles. We've seen these hundreds of times!"
Talbott: "You're being Calvinistic."
It's easy to bandy about the term. You're suggesting the Paracast is some sort of orthodox religion and that 'heretical' views are ostracized. I'm suggesting extremists will always call the voices of moderation orthodox. You're here to prove your extremist view. That's all you care about, really. You're already convinced. If you're going to come on here and seriously claim 'God did it,' you can expect to be called to task. If you're going to claim dust particles are orbs, expect to be called to task. At least here, every conspiracy theory thought up by someone is not simply welcomed with open arms. But, of course, you're a superior being certain of your beliefs, looking down on us mere mortals with a bemused and mocking eye, sure of your place in Heaven (err...unless the Calvinists are right and it's not your choice.)
I'm of the opinion that moderate boards will always be criticized because extremists are already so convinced of themselves. Here you have a) The Skeptics, who believe in nothing, period, unless it can be scientifically proven. You have b) The 'Believers' the New Age 2012 and were all gonna die guys who have a nice little Cargo Cult going and don't really like anybody criticizing them. Then there are c) 'God did it' crowd. Angels and demons. That's it, period. End of story. On their own boards, all these groups have free reign. Anyone else doesn't last a second. But they come over here and someone says 'bull shit' and they get all huffy. Puhlease.
As for David 'liking' someone, I would suggest to you that the quality of your posts proves your worth. If you were to spend time and energy writing insightful posts, cite your sources, and accept the thoughts of others, you would be 'liked' much more than taking 20 seconds to dash off two-sentence dings every time you get the chance, simply in the hopes of provoking people rather than provide them with new information.