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Welcome to the twilight zone: Ahmadinejad

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Paranormal Adept
"May the undertaker bury you, your table and your body, which has soiled the world," he said using language in Iran reserved for hated enemies.

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's president Sunday called for U.S. leaders to be "buried" in response to what he says are American threats of military attack against Tehran's nuclear program.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is known for brash rhetoric in addressing the West, but in a speech Sunday he went a step further using a deeply offensive insult in response to U.S. statements that the military option against Iran is still on the table.

How many times will I hear this rhetoric about getting buried in my lifetime lol, here is Khruschchev back in the 60's saying we will bury you in Russian. I guess Ahmadinejad doesn't have nukes yet ;)

At the final reception for Poland's visiting Gomulka, stubby Nikita Khrushchev planted himself firmly with the Kremlin's whole hierarchy at his back, and faced the diplomats of the West, and the satellites, with an intemperate speech that betrayed as much as it threatened.

"We are Bolsheviks!" he declared pugnaciously. "We stick firmly to the Lenin precept—don't be stubborn if you see you are wrong, but don't give in if you are right." "When are you right?" interjected First Deputy Premier Mikoyan—and the crowd laughed. Nikita plunged on, turning to the Western diplomats. "About the capitalist states, it doesn't depend on you whether or not we exist. If you don't like us. don't accept our invitations, and don't invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not. history is on our side. We will bury you!"

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,867329,00.html#ixzz11K3wyvtS
Certainly the U.S. played a large part in burying the Soviet Union. In doing that we also crippled ourselves, spending huge amounts on the military while other advanced western countries spent their money on economic development and social welfare, to the point where they are more prosperous than we are. In the end it may turn out that we and the Soviets buried each other.
Certainly the U.S. played a large part in burying the Soviet Union. In doing that we also crippled ourselves, spending huge amounts on the military while other advanced western countries spent their money on economic development and social welfare, to the point where they are more prosperous than we are. In the end it may turn out that we and the Soviets buried each other.

Every cent spent on "Social Wefare" was wasted...The military budget is a fraction of the theft by guilt budget...

Can I suggest that you study the history of the USA's murderous and criminal meddling in the affairs of Iran before you start repeating the paid for propaganda of MSNBC. The USA & Israel ceaselessly ferment conflict with Iran with media lies & government deception. Ever ask yourself why?

One thing is for sure, the US and Israel were in bed with the Shah, most certainly. I see him as a despot, but rich Iranians of the 70s might have seen him a different way. Iran was no angel then or now.
And nowadays the Iranian govt, or indirectly through its religious "foundations" or whatever they're called, are superstars in the "ceaselessly ferment conflict" category...at least where Israel is concerned. Weapons never buy themselves.

Regardless, *always* looking to an external bogyman is the sign of a small mind, and that's Ahmadinejad. Bush used some of this too, but his paranoia and fear-mongering seems chump-change compared to Ahmadinejad's.

Despite everything I've said, I don't blame Iran for defending its nuclear program...though they're defending it with lies instead of being upfront about it. Israel has the bomb, so from Iran's perspective why can't they have it too? But personally, I think the world is safer with an nuclear-armed Israel than an armed Iran...after all, Israel has had the bomb for a long while now and never used it. I'd like to think no one in the world is stupid enough to set off a nuke again in any situation other than testing.
Just so the Canadians know; I have a friend who operates an Air Service to and from Canada to Birmingham AL. Many of the people living in the socialist paradise of Canada, cannot get certiain medical proceedures performed there, due to "death panels" and the usual result of selling one's soul to a Socialist Demon for free dentures and bad medical care....I would guess there are more MRI's and CAT Scanners in Jefferson County Alabama than in the entire Dominion of Canada....

You Marxists can keep your workers paradise....And your "soft tyranny death panels....."

The Mayo Cliinic is in Northern Minnesota so the Canadians can get there before they die from neglect, without a long trip....

I really don't see how you can compare Iranian foreign policy to that of the USA & Israel or accuse them of seeking conflict. On what grounds do you make this comparison?

Exactly who or what have the Iranians attacked in, say, the last 100 years? Yet the USA & Israel never stop threatening attacks & disseminating anti Iranian propaganda as the OP unwittingly demonstrated.

The insane slaughter & venal theft visited on the common people of the Middle East must be apparent to you. How many murdered in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan... millions.

And now the target is painted on Iran. Again. Time to wake up to the vile agenda of death and theft propagated by Washington, Tel Aviv & their friends at MSNBC et al.
The Middle East has suffered from internal and external events throughout history instead of just attacking the USA stance all the time regarding its forgien policy.;) Go and get elected for your local member , USA Congress;) or even better try living in some parts of the Middle East ;)and try compalining about domestic political issues.;)
I am convinced that Ahmahdinejad is mostly full of puffed-up bluster. But I (vaguely though) recall that Saddam Hussein sort of teased like that, to thumb his nose at Mr. Skull And Bonesman, Herbert Walker, and his son 'W'. To his (Saddam's) own death, though. That is a DANGEROUS game, especially when right wing Republicans are in. And I am pessimistic that The American People, those good ol boys and gals, are going to foist them back into the White House come this November (just next month away!!!) For some reason, the American voters would RATHER have enemies to ***hate*** instead of healthcare and jobs.
As far as health care, it depends which Canadians, I guess. There's another blog I follow where Canadians sometimes post, and during our health care debate they were sort of scratching their heads. One guy said he pays $54 a month for health coverage, can see any doctor he wants to, with no lifetime limit, deductibles, or co-pays. He didn't understand why the U.S. couldn't have the same thing (neither can I). Health care in Canada is paid for by the provincial governments, and is provided by private doctors and hospitals, so there may be regional variations in what it costs and how available it is.

Edit: Just Googled life expectancy -- Canada's is better than ours. According to the UN, so is Cuba's (the CIA disagrees).
Just so the Canadians know; I have a friend who operates an Air Service to and from Canada to Birmingham AL. Many of the people living in the socialist paradise of Canada, cannot get certiain medical proceedures performed there, due to "death panels" and the usual result of selling one's soul to a Socialist Demon for free dentures and bad medical care....I would guess there are more MRI's and CAT Scanners in Jefferson County Alabama than in the entire Dominion of Canada....

You Marxists can keep your workers paradise....And your "soft tyranny death panels....."

The Mayo Cliinic is in Northern Minnesota so the Canadians can get there before they die from neglect, without a long trip....

On behalf of myself, Angelo and any other Canadians on this forum I say this to you:

You know nothing.

Your post goes beyond displaying gross ignorance. Beyond provable factual inaccuracies and errors.

I was preparing to debate you, but then I remembered that a civilized debate over differences of opinion requires that both sides engage in intellectual honesty.

You are a liar.
I really don't see how you can compare Iranian foreign policy to that of the USA & Israel or accuse them of seeking conflict. On what grounds do you make this comparison?

I couldn't agree more with you ascended. Iran or the Persians haven't invaded ANYONE in a thousand years. Some politicians in the US (usually funded or controlled by AIPAC or the ADL) call Ahmadinejad the new Hitler. Only one problem with that in that he/country hasn't invaded ANYONE in as I say ... a thousand years. And when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, it wasn't as if he was doing it in a spate of empire building.

In fact, I have my real doubts that Ahmadinejad isn't actually just another actor who has been put in place by the CIA, and is there to play his role. The guys at http://www.veteranstoday.com have the same view it seems, and they really know what they're talking about.

In the end its all really down to a little country in the Middle East funded BIG time by the US who wants to rule over the Middle East without any problems from them damn Ay-rabs whose land it is stealing. And they will do anything to get that land.

Some quotes from Israeli leaders over the years ... from their own mouths:

I really don't see how you can compare Iranian foreign policy to that of the USA & Israel or accuse them of seeking conflict. On what grounds do you make this comparison?

Exactly who or what have the Iranians attacked in, say, the last 100 years? Yet the USA & Israel never stop threatening attacks & disseminating anti Iranian propaganda as the OP unwittingly demonstrated.

The insane slaughter & venal theft visited on the common people of the Middle East must be apparent to you. How many murdered in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan... millions.

And now the target is painted on Iran. Again. Time to wake up to the vile agenda of death and theft propagated by Washington, Tel Aviv & their friends at MSNBC et al.

You forgot the Queen, the Pope, and Col. Sanders.

Does the U.S. meddle in the middle east with honorable claims of human rights crusades and liberating a populace from tyranny while turning a blind eye to atrocities in Africa? Yes. Is it because of oil and other natural resources? Yes. Has this focus been enabled by wealth seekers in the middle east? Yes.

If you want to start pointing fingers in regards to middle eastern issues, then you need to start and end with Saudi Arabia. It is easy to blame the west, the Jews, and Bill Gates. But if you were honest then you would know it is a whole lot more complicated than that.

If you or anyone else there want the U.S. and other countries to stop caring and leave all interests alone in the middle east then plug the oil wells, and announce that not another drop will flow to anyone. How long do you think that would last or any political leader in any country in the middle east under that policy?

This I can promise you. Until the U.S. no longer requires a substantial amount of oil or the collective middle east stops supplying it, it will meddle in middle eastern affairs. So will the U.K., France, Germany, Russia, China, Canada, and all the other major players in the world economy. The second that commodity is devalued, the desert will go back to being just a desert. The wealthy there will blow through their money in a couple of generations and then the world at large will turn a blind eye to the rampant starvation and tribal mass murder that eternally squabbling tribes will certainly engage in.