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Werner Boch

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I just saw another youtube vid where Werner is blaming the government for planting weeds on his property. Seriously? maybe I misunderstood. It's hard to follow that man.
Sorry about that. I meant to post it but must have gotten distracted. I'll find it again and post it at lunch (a couple hours from now). I just searched for his name in youtube. There is a three part video on youtube that started with hime explaining to the camera guy that the weeds they were looking at weren't supposed to grow in that area.
Sorry about that. I meant to post it but must have gotten distracted. I'll find it again and post it at lunch (a couple hours from now). I just searched for his name in youtube. There is a three part video on youtube that started with hime explaining to the camera guy that the weeds they were looking at weren't supposed to grow in that area.
Here is the link.

You wouldn't believe what I went through to post that link. Lol. This site isn't tablet friendly so I had to log into my home PC through my tablet also using my bluetooth keyboard so that I could paste the link. Wow. I used to like tablets.
the show was a hot mess. i made it through about fifteen minutes, then switched to the Dark Matters interview with David Biedny. ah. that's better.
Bock was after us for a while to have him on. I wasn't happy with his non-answers and confusing attitude. But you never know for sure going into these things whether you're going to witness a train wreck. We've had others, as regular listeners know.
Bock was after us for a while to have him on. I wasn't happy with his non-answers and confusing attitude. But you never know for sure going into these things whether you're going to witness a train wreck. We've had others, as regular listeners know.

I understand that Gene, and I am pretty sure the rest of your fans do too. the more I view Mr. Bock's claims, the more I think he is just overly paranoid. There may be something to it, but I just don't buy his story that this is environmental terrorism. why would someone target him specifically? He kept saying it was the whole province, but then he would compare a field next to his that had no weeds. I am not bothering myself with this guy anymore. I'll pray for him just in case it might help.
Bock was after us for a while to have him on. I wasn't happy with his non-answers and confusing attitude. But you never know for sure going into these things whether you're going to witness a train wreck. We've had others, as regular listeners know.

It was still an interesting show, but perhaps not for the reasons that you expected before you booked him. It was more about Werner Boch and his personality and issues than it was about paranormal phenomena.
Global warming has meant that plants suddenly spring up where they didn't use to be, or vanish from where they used to be, it's a global phenomenon. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if Bock is seeing the results of temperature changes.
That is what the science of ecology tells us: Even minute changes to the environment has a large impact, because everything is connected and interdependant. It's like a chain reaction. The human is part of the chain, 'our' world is also affected.